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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The slime girl laughed again and held Mino' limbs just hard enough to stop her flailing before she managed to drown herself. Do you always jump into people you meet? Or am I just special" she asked with a wink, still giggling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino panted and calmed herself down as the slime girl kept a hold of her, the question was obviously rhetorical and Mino simply shook her head, realising this slime girl must be the ENTIRE lake, making her gulp in fear slightly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The slime for her part just thought everything was too funny to stop. "SO! How can I help you today then? You seem to want to either cross or just enjoy a swim, and I want... Several things. My name is Lake! She said smiling widely as she pulled Mino out into the center of the lake, or the slime, or the... lakeslime. Maybe it was just best to call this one a living lake and be done with it before everyone got really confused.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"U-Um....i need to get across, i-i need a-alraune petals f-for a friend...." Mino said shakily "D-Do i need to pay anything to get across?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Ahhh Ryan after his medicine again" Lake said, continuing their conversation. "As for payment... The Alraune has a really tasty fruit that I just love, buuut she's not talking to me... Bring me one and we're all good, otherwise... Well, I'm always hungry~" She said leaning in with a smile, before kissing Mino's cheek and scooting her along.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino blinked as the slime asked her to also get something, she nodded and made sure to remember as the slime let her pass, then she got up out of the lake and continued southward, shivering as she got out the lake.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The slime waved to her as she left, looking forward to tasty fruit as the journey southward continued. Just past the trees, Mino knew she had found the right area, because every single plant here was incredibly well cared for, and in it's own chaotic way, even Mino knew it was a garden. Roses and wide flowers curled up vines onto the trees to bloom and spread an amazingly beautiful scent, and even the grass looked healthier then anything Mino had ever seen, the long, bright green blades like slivers of emerald along the ground. As the breeze blew through the garden, Mino noticed there were several carefully planted saplings, and what looked like a slender brown woman tending to them.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually Mino found herself in what looked like a beautifully tended garden, she almost gasped as she examined the flowers all over the place, she eventually saw a tanned woman tending to all the flowers, walking over she said "U-Um excuse me? A-Are you the...a-alraune?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The tan woman turned around suddenly, looking at Mino in mild shock and more then a little fear before running away suddenly, yelling frantically as she fled from the terrible and mighty Mino.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino blinked, then watched the woman run off, she was...very confused "W-Wait...! I-Im not gonna hurt you!" she was very startled to find someone even more socially crippled than she was.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As Mino chased, the girl ran, and then... She ran into a tree.. Not a collision, she actually melded into the tree. To her left, out of another tree, walked another woman, although this one was less tan, and more... soft bark, her hair being green and interwoven with vines and leaves, and her arms adorned with flowers. "Hello? Can I help you?" She asked as soon as she figured out that Mino was probably about as threatening as a kitten, the other girl seen clinging to her arm and glancing out at Mino.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino eventually noticed the girl had faded into the tree, not ran smack into it like she expected, blinking again she realised this place was full of surprises, she was greeted by another girl, this one thankfully seemed not to be as shy as she was "H-Hi....i-i need some of y-your petals apparently...a f-friend wanted me to get them..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Sweety, no, I'm not the Alraune, you must be a friend of Ryan's. We're Dryads... well. Mostly, Little Tiana here is half human, and very shy... Go on, go tend to the trees. My name is Heather. And if you'd like I can take you to the Alraune, although... She might be cranky, and hungry."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino had a bit of a misunderstanding, she blushed slightly and nodded "Y-Yeah take me to the alraune please..." she said, trying to not sound demanding.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Alright, follow me then" Heather said smiling, shooing Tiana back to her chores as she led Mino through the garden and into a stone archway. The archway was all that was left of what looked like beautiful stonework, the low wall that used to surround it in ruins. Patting Mino on the shoulder, Heather turned and walked through a nearby tree. Do. I. Even. Want. To. Know." A cold voice said from what Mino had mistaken as a bush, a huge bush. As the entire thing turned, Mino came face to face with beautiful woman, nude, her lower body hidden as she appeared to be standing in the center of a huge blue flower, the center filled with something thick and purple, like a fluid but stickier. The woman seemed angry...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually Mino was led to what she assumed was the ACTUAL alraune, however she seemed to be mad as the woman looked at her, Mino was intimidated "U-Um...Hi...i-i need...s-s-some p-petals...f-for a friend...." she weakly said, trying to not anger the alraune further.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The woman glared at Mino curiously for a moment before speaking again, 3 long tendrils sliding up out of the purple goo in the center of the flower waving around lazily, all with large bulbs at their tips and a bright yellow, like the pollen stalks of smaller flowers. "Petals, from me. Ryan must need his medicine. That fool.... Anyway, What do you have to pay with, they're not easy to grow back" She said crossing her arms, watching Mino intently.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was worried now, she had nothing to pay the alraune with, nothing she knew of anyway "U-Um...i....dont know....w-what can i p-pay you with?" she was hoping the alraune wasnt going to say something like "your life"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The Alraune sighed and rubbed her forehead in a very annoyed fashion. "I swear, one of these days I'm going to go down there myself and hand that man to Harvish, he's nothing but a pain in my side anymore, but Lake wont let me. I've changed my mind, I'm not even going to help any more, let the fool rot." She said before turning away and closing the petals of her enormous flower, hiding.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Blinking, Mino said "W-Wait...!" hoping she`d stop the alraune from retreating into the bud, she had no other choice at this point, her lewder side taking the reins for a bit "I-I can...b-be y-your slave f-for the day if i g-get some of your petals..."