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Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
So. Our glorious overlord Nunu has convinced me to run a minecraft server, running the Feed the Beast: Unleashed mod.

Running this mod is very simple, all it takes is going to and scrolling down, then clicking the client download for the .exe and booting it up, then clicking "Modpacks" and selecting the latest version of the "Unleashed" modpack.

It SHOULD run regardless of what version of minecraft you're running.

Now, for the IP address, you'll want to connect to

So come on down, have some fun, or just be derpy.
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Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

Goddamn you, it has Forestry and Tinkers Construct. And here I was thinking no more Minecraft for me.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

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Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

So before I log in (got some stuff to do first) what's the spawn area like?
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

It's a crater, basically, with trees scattered around. Once I get my texture pack working, I intend to have a gander and find a new place to set the worldspawn that doesn't suck.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

That's not as bad as it could be then. Once I log in I'll wander off and find somewhere to set up a nice wizards tower. Gonna delve into Thaumcraft as well this time.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

Herpderp, I screwed up the server IP, edited it, should work now.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

Unable to connect, mods seem to have conflicting versions. Have you changed the server version?
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

I'm running a 1.5.2 server, as it recommends, and running the 1.1.3 Unleashed version, which is the latest.

I honestly don't know what is wrong.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

I had myself set to 1.1.7 because you said to select the latest Unleashed version. Gonna switch to 1.1.3 and see if that works.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

Derp. Here I thought 1.1.3 WAS the latest version. Yeah, try running 1.1.3 and see how it works.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

Server's going to be down for a few hours while I work out a few kinks on my machine. Anyone who needs me can reach me on steam at the link below.

Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

I take it the server is no longer running?
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

It's no longer running because my folks had the bright idea to buy a router with the worst possible UI in existence, so I haven't been able to re-portforward it, thus the server can't run properly.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

Ah, fair enough. Seeing as that's the case then I'll probably start one up over the weekend if people are interested.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

I like stuff.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

Well, the server is up now, the IP (at the moment) is and the server is running in Unleashed 1.3. It won't be on 24/7, but if you see me on steam then more often than not it'll be on then.
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

So the server was suffering a bit of lag yesterday, mostly when I was testing out my rail system (which lagged quite a bit when I was actually on it causing the redstone powered entities not to trigger properly) but after looking around and finding some kind of code to put into the server start file the lag seems to be mostly gone, and my rail system even works as it should now.

Also, it looks like my IP has changed so here's the new one;
Re: Minecraft Server 2.0: The Reckoning

You may have seen in the Games Discussion thread, but hopefully I'll be able to set up a relatively stable server up over the weekend on my laptop using the Chaosville modpack found on the . It's basically Tekkit or Feed the Beast but with a few additional mods, and much like my previous FtB server I was thinking that we could set up a village of sorts if people are interested.

Keep in mind that when you do install the modpack you'll have to manually place several of the mods yourself, though the installer will direct you to the download pages as well as giving you the option to open the folder it's being installed to to make it easier to drop the mod file into it. Also, I'd recommend selecting everything from the optional mods, and for the minmaps I'd suggest Rei's Minimap and JourneyMaps the VoxelMap seems to lag my game something fierce and I'm guessing it'll do the same to most people.