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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine dont needed to look around too much for a horse, it looks like Vanessa has already given her one for the battle and so she soon could follow the Great Mistress's carriage.

The army around them is made of many races and groups, mostly lower demon races were the front line and the leaders of these small bands were focused on their people, the wolf girls werent with them maybe all already in theirs positions and the gargoyle girls were flying above to see the whole battlefield and be ready to aid when it were needed. There were some succuubi and fox girls too, Celine could notice the lack of bunnygirls and some others monster girls races not suited for a fight. Demons of high power remain behind, yet the general have some at his aid.

The army moved for some minutes at the grasslands, not a single monster come out, a such huge army would take down any in an instant, then after a moment later far away close the forest Celine noticed some of the dark creatures waiting for them, the small human army should be hidden in the forest, but even this few group of creatures could take down many of Vanessa's men, the general in charge know from his experiences fighting them and so the army stop far away of the forest and giving enough space for the talk than could decide it all.

Vanessa was still on her carriage, the army was getting under position and Celine turned to notice than a lot of the army remain hidden of the mountain group, making possible than the named goddess accept to come out. As planned only a small group of the whole army get closer, it was Vanessa's guard in case than a fight start, a succubi wearing just a luxury dress get out Vanessa's carriage and waited as the formation get ready and as they get closer the dark creatures do it too, followed by some human women in armors made from monsters remains, then a few more dark creatures come out followed by the Goddess.

The Great Mistress then allow her guard to get closer and then she get out herself to the meeting, it was still unknown if the human girl who turn into Celine's friend was there, the bands get closer and Celine could get closer to have some words.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Seeing that a horse had been prepared for her, Celine smiled as she took the reins of the magnificent beast before peeking inside the carriage and smiling at Vanessa. "You got me a horse ready? Oh thank you so much, I haven't ridden one since I left home so many months ago," Celine asked Vanessa with a happy smile on her face, letting Vanessa know that Celine was extremely happy about this and would likely show her how happy later in bed.

Looking around after mounting up, Celine saw that mostly the basic foot soldiers were on the front lines as she'd expected, with a few slightly more powerful demons right behind them to command the front lines, while the larger and much more powerful demons led the entire army, with the one big strong looking demon guy from the meeting leading the entire army itself from the center where he could see all that was going on. Looking up she noticed the majority of the gargoyle girls like Lina flying around above them, being their air cover, and she could have sworn she saw a few succubi up there too but she wasn't sure, though she knew she'd seen some succubi here and there throughout the army itself on the ground. She didn't see any of the wolf girls though in the ranks, which was curious since they were so devoted to Vanessa and all, it was strange that none of them were visible, though that could be explained as they were already in position and in hiding just in case, or they were possibly scouting ahead for the rest of the army.

Riding right alongside Vanessa's carriage, in full view of her beloved, Celine idly thought to herself that all she needed now was a cape or a cloak and she'd feel like she was back home almost, for it wasn't uncommon for elves to dress as skimpy as she was now with her bikini armor in the summer and all. While they went, she and the rest of the people about saw no monsters attack them, though with so many people about any monsters out there were likely too afraid to jump out and attack most likely. After a little while though they came upon a group of the dark creatures in the distance, and Celine came closer to the carriage and peeked inside to get Vanessa's attention, where she pointed ahead at the beings at the edge of the forest, where many humans were likely in hiding and waiting to fight just in case... though Celine doubted that it would come to a fight between their two forces here, or at least she hoped it wouldn't come to a fight with them anyway.

"Great mistress... that is the goddess I told you about, and worry not I shall stand by your side no matter what. But... perhaps I should make introductions for you both to break the ice a bit. If it pleases you that is for me to do so," Celine said to Vanessa, waiting for her okay before riding ahead a little bit to put herself in between both of the royal guards as it were off both Vanessa and the goddess they were to speak with.

"Lady goddess, this is my... mistress I guess you could say, the leader of these people, and she is here as requested to meet with you to speak of a hopefully peaceful coexistence between our two peoples," Celine called to the goddess from her horse as the two approached one another with her in between, then she turned to Vanessa. "Great mistress, this is the lady goddess I told you about earlier, and she as far as she told me seeks peace with us as well," she then said to Vanessa, waiting for the two to get close enough to meet and talk with one another before she spoke any more, so she didn't interrupt any exchange between the two, but she would position herself so that she could intercept any sort of attack that might come at either of the great ladies, and she'd do so openly to show both sides that she was willing to make a sacrifice for the sake of peace if necessary.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once over her horse, Celine moves toward the carriage where Vanessa is inside. She make her move and Vanessa notice her and let her last orders for a second to turn her attention completely to the elven. Im glad than you like it, i was thinking than we could ride it back to the castle once all this end. Vanessa answer back and maybe her idea was not so pure as it sound. Anyway Celine could see a few more persons with her three girls and each of them looks to be making notes and talking in wishers, no doubt than Vanessa was giving instructions now.

The march continue and the army get in place, when the Goddess come out Celine talked with Vanessa to afirm than she was the religious leader of the people below the mountain. Yes, please. I bet than she will be at the defensive at the start, she bring me sweet memories of someone else.

Vanessa and the goddess were each moment more closer and each soldier of the two army were looking at that place ready to fight if needed. Celine placed at the middle trying her best to be the mediator of this meeting, yet both ladies were looking to each other.

So, this is the mistress of these vile demons? i was expecting something different. The goddess said as Vanessa smirk softly. Is your search of peace real?

Indeed, i come to this meeting to express my search for peace with you and the people under your care, as also recover the ones than you has taken. Vanessa said as she looks to be taking a kind talk with the goddess.

I already give to your servant the terms to free them, but if i do it you must accept than all your servants must remain out of ours lands. The goddess said suddenly something unexpected than could put an end to a possible alliance, she looks to be focused on made it and dont give up on it.

If the captives are in good conditions then i dont see why dont accept, also i want to give some help to the people under your care, can they come to talk with us too? Vanessa looks to had casted a small spell on her just now as her normal voice was heard by the people hidden and the few armed humans, it looks to be dangerous but then she made a move of her arm and two girls come out the carriage, a fox girl and maybe a succubi girl without horns, her delightful body show the perfection of her race even if were hidden.

The girls placed a mantle and some places to sit and some delicious food stored in picnic basket.

What does this mean? The goddess soon ask, she looks to be clueless of what Vanessa was trying.

Just a small present for all of you, should i name you still goddess? Vanessa sudenly said yet she was not waiting truly an answer for her and soon at least five humans in armor come with two more dark cratures, in total were now four of these strong beasts and the first line of defense is just these two girls who arent armed and Celine.

Celine, please come closer and let these kind ladies know what we offer to them. It soon looks to be time for Celine to do her labor in front of these armed ladies, dark beasts and the goddess
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Really... together? I'd love that, I'd love it a lot actually," Celine replied with a near ecstatic look on her face from how happy she was to hear Vanessa's plans after the meeting.

After arriving in the glade of the meeting, and after telling Vanessa who the goddess was and all, Celine listened to her reply and nodded in response to that. "Aye that's her love, and yes I believe she will be very defensive, as she protects her people with a great passion, best to be cautious and calm towards her I think," Celine told Vanessa before moving on ahead to get between the two and do the introductions.

"Yes lady goddess, this is her. I swear it upon my very existence that she seeks peace," Celine replied to the goddess with a bow of her head.

With that, Celine had her horse take 2 steps back so that the two could see each other fully and speak without her getting in the way, but she would move no further back than that. Watching the whole exchange between the two, Celine tensed when they both seemed to be near conflict, but she relaxed when Vanessa made her show of peace and the kitsune and succubus exited the carriage with baskets of food and drink in hand, as well as blankets for a picnic. Seeing that it was her time to shine, Celine dismounted and took her horse over to tie the reins to the carriage so she didn't lose her wonderful steed that Vanessa had gotten for her. As she tied the beast to the carriage, she also checked its gender, having not really looked before then if it was a male or female horse, not that it really mattered to her or anything, she was merely curious.

"Of course love, allow me," Celine said to Vanessa as she dismounted and took her horse over to the carriage.

Celine then walked over in front of both sides, where she bowed politely to the goddess and her side. "It is a peace offering of sorts my friends, it is not tainted food or drink. Think of it as a gesture of what we hope to be an everlasting friendship between our two peoples. There are no strings attached to this gesture here, I swear it upon my very life," Celine told them all, gently gesturing the leading lady that stood with the goddess and the goddess herself to step forth as she looked behind and gestured both the kitsune and succubus, as well as Vanessa forward too. "It is food and drink, some of the best we have to offer. And... a show of what more may come, as the offer of fair trade between our peoples is also sought by the great mistress. She wishes that your people can come and trade freely with us, and that some, not many mind you, but some of our people could possibly come and trade with your people and trade their wares. The main thing we have to offer is food, for we have plenty of it. And with your aid, these lands outside on the sides of the mountain can be cultivated to grow more crops to be shared amongst both our peoples, and your guards as well as our guards would work together to protect all of those farmlands. That of course is a long term goal that I suggested to my mistress here and she thought it was a good idea as well, but it would of course depend on you all and your decision. We would not want to make you uncomfortable, and obviously we would not try to force this upon you, we simply wish peace, and though some may not look it, they do not seek war and wish to try and bring all the peoples of this continent together in peace. Lady goddess, I guess it is up to you and the leader of the ladies and their guardians to decide. But you need not make your decision hastily, please join us for lunch here and we can get to know one another a little better before you make your decisions on the matter. You may ask us whatever you like and I or my mistress shall try and answer it to the best of our knowledge. And lastly, I would like to personally thank you myself for the kindness that your people showed me, despite the circumstances under which we met, and I deeply apologize for any deception on my part lady Goddess. I hope that you can overlook that and not look down upon me and my mistress for it," Celine went on to say to the goddess, the human women, and the dark creatures as she bowed deeply in a show of respect and gratitude that they agreed to a meeting.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With her chance to prove her value in this talk, Celine move quickly to tie her horse at the carriage so she could get a better chance to invite all to join them as also to show some of what the great mistress could give to these persons if an alliance get made. As she was doing this she have the sudden need to see which gender was her horse and at the start she suppose than it was a full blooded horse with that prominent pole between his legs but then she notice too some small perks than a female should only have... it was her first time than she look these two things on a horse yet she saw them in the futa centaurs of her lands, there was not time to focus on this so she proceed to do her work.

Celine's words dont made too much effect on almost all the humans, they looks to be worried than this could be a trap, being far of the forest could make them an easy prey for the army even if they manage to return to the tree's protection. However one of the armored humans decide to come to the little picnic and after a small doubt some others come until finally five more girls follow the first.

We have a lot of questions, so i sugest than you take seat Celine. The first human than decided to come said as she take out her helmet and sit, waiting for the others to do the same.

First, it sound useful that alliance if it will give us food and protection, but we dont know both of you so well, can you say us some of your relationship with this woman than you call mistress? how many babies both have and think to have? Blanche said trying to break the ice with some personal questions.

As the humans looks to be trusting some at Celine, mostly thanks to Blanche and the food than "Vanessa's personal guard" is serving, the goddess looks to still have her doubts about all this as she havent gotten closer. And can i ask what this woman want in exchange of trade her food with us? There is not too much in ours hands to offer in exchange.

These farmlands than you are thinking to make could be protected easily for your army, unless there are more bands than could be against you, if we make an alliance we couldnt have the enough to fight them. A human said then, looking to be also worried fort their safety if they accept this help

So what we should do us in order to make this alliance? just let you trade with us or is needed something more? Another add as her plate was served where she sit, the remain girls remain dressed fully in theirs armors but Celine could suppose than all could have around the same age as Blanche or be slighty olders, the remain girls were quiet and looking to the fox girl and succubi

Personally, im interested in share knowledge and the safe return of my servants than you has kidnaped. We are trying to earn peace between all the races and realms without the need of fight, just finding a way to accept the terms of each other and reach a deal. In case than we needed to fight to defend ourselves we will solve any menace without affect your people, but we will be always ready to fight at your side when you ask our help Goddess. Vanessa said answering some of the questions and leaving to Celine add more or answer any than havent been taken by her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Huh... didn't expect that, though probably should have since Vanessa can do all sorts of magic like she can and all," Celine mumbled to herself as she checked her horse, which seemed to be like her... a futanari of sorts. This made her smirk as she shook her head a little bit, but she went on to make her presentation of Vanessa's offer to both the human ladies there and the goddess.

After speaking up to the humans and the rest, Celine who had been bowed deeply as a show of respect towards them looked up as she noticed the one armored human girl step forward, seeming to be willing to take that first step towards peace. Seeing them bravely stepping forth as representatives of their people, Celine smiled warmly towards them and raised back up, gesturing at the picnic blanket as she went over and sat down, waiting for the girls to follow, at which point she gestured the goddess and Vanessa over too with Vanessa's own handmaids that had been with her in the carriage.

"Of course miss, we expected questions and we are like I said more than willing to answer as best we can anything you need to ask us," Celine replied to the girl when she spoke up as they all began coming over.

When the girl took off her helmet, Celine saw it was Blanche and her face broke into a wide smiled as she bowed again to her before giving her a hug, kissing her on both cheeks in greeting, then she sat back down and listened to her's and the others questions that they had to ask. Looking over to Vanessa when they were finished asking their questions for now, and Vanessa seemed too happy to speak back and did so proudly. Celine listened carefully, making sure to to see what needed to be added in with the rest that her beloved was saying. "I'm happy to see you again Blanche, I hope you've been well since we parted ways," Celine said softly to Blanche when she hugged her.

"Well I was actually thinking that some of you and your guardians would join with our own forces to protect the lands, as they would be both yours and ours. But that would of course be up to both my mistress and your lady goddess obviously. The trade could be... well anything really. I'm sure that you all have things in the mountain that we don't or that we don't have a whole lot of. Probably minerals and metals mostly. Do you all have a mine of some sort to collect iron or anything such as that? And obviously any of your futanari ladies that are similar to myself would be welcome to partake of some of our own ladies if both parties are willing and wish to pursue a relationship or even just a fun night with each other, or your regular women could join with some of our own people at their discretion too, it need not be just the others. And as my mistress said, knowledge is also something we could exchange," Celine told them, adding in some other things to sweeten the deal in both peoples favors. "But no miss, nothing more is needed. The only things we would really require would be the freedom of our peoples that were taken, but we would greatly like the cooperation of you and your people lady goddess, and together I believe... I truly strongly believe that we could overcome any hardship, and we may even together be able to force the mindless monsters out of your mountain tunnels altogether so that they could be walked freely and without worry," she went on to say after a few moments.

"And... I have a personal request that I would like to add in. I have a lover who is a human, her name's Triny, and we have two children together, and may have more in the future. If it's okay with you I would greatly appreciate it if from time to time they could come and visit your people and town, or possibly even live there sometimes when they want to see other humans and such, make friends, and so my little ones can meet people their own age, because I saw several children during my short time in your beautiful town. Triny is also an archeologist, she learns about the histories of peoples and, perhaps she could aid both our peoples in bridging the gap between our cultures as well, for she is quite smart," Celine said after a few moments, taking a drink of any wine they had in the meantime if any, but water if that's all they had. "And, I also believe that our people could learn a lot from your people. I personally would welcome the chance to show some of our people your fair town, to show its beauty to them and maybe... just maybe it would do more good than you might think," she then said after that, hoping her words carried the weight she had hoped that they would and that the goddess, and the others there would see both the wisdom in them and the benefits of an alliance between them all.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The group of women warrirs let the monster girls serve them, filling theirs cups with maybe wine and placing delicious amount of many food at theirs plates, but this was not the main distraction for them. Meanwhile Blianche let Celine get close yet she looks like this kind of affection should be stored for later as she softly pushed Celine away after some kisses.

Indeed, we are rich in minerals and metals, mostly because we dont use them, they arent so reliave than the materials taken by the monsters to create ours armors and weapons. Can we have you closer, Celine? Blanche then tap at her side so the elf could stay there and seat at their side.

The monsters at the mountain are a part of ours defenses, i could take care of them but... safety of this people will be reduced to just the guardians, i cant allow it. The goddess add still far away of the group.

Some of the humans looks to be in disconfort, wishpering softly to them and then one accepted to take the word. We had choiced the same as our Goddess, but our town was attacked by them some days ago, some of ours sisters were raped and kidnaped by some hours, we cant allow that to happen again.

How dare you? We can control them and kill as much as needed, we were just busy that moment. Another add trying to stop the idea.

...but my mother is still broken after be rescued, you cant... they must pay, all the monsters must be killed! Two of the women soon come at her side to confort the poor warrior girl who looks to be aflicted by many issues, not only that incident with her mother.

Maybe we should accept your offer, but them we will not be so powerful to stop an attack without some of us be killed, ours defensive tactics is use these monsters to earn info and time, so clean the roads will be really dangerous for us Celine. The events passed slowly with the time, each cup calming the side effects than the last struggle had at the humans, some even were close the fox girl and the succubi who looks to do her best with her magic to hide her demonic heritage.

All the humans are welcome to my lands, if your wife want to stay she could do it and enjoy a warm beautiful live with us, noting is more blessed than have more young human's childrens in freedom playing around. The goddess add showing than she love the idea of have Triny at the town, living and working normaly.

Its true than your people have humans slaved and used as demon's breeders? We require that to stop and maybe then i could accept an alliance, at ours terms at least.

Some of the women were very out of the talk, two humans were now rubbing the fox girl tails and juicy body from time to time, one of these two even hug her for some minutes and sweet wishpered something to her. The succubi was even less discrete, a woman was now over her and the poor girl wanted some confort for her afflicted mother, if Celine find the right words maybe more will join them or this could end looking to be more a personal meeting than a talk between the two forces.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Ah I see, well I didn't know that you all used them for your own defenses like that. But I can't in good conscience risk bringing my family through the caverns with my children if there's the chance that those monsters could somehow break through and take them from me. I hope you understand, because I can't allow that to happen to the ones I love just as you can't. Perhaps though we might not clear out all of the roads, just one of them then to allow safe passage with both our peoples for trade purposes, a road that would be always guarded by both our soldiers as a show of trust between our two peoples," Celine replied to the goddess and the few ladies who were against clearing the tunnels out, expressing her own fears of leaving said paths all littered with the various monsters and whatnot. "I mean neither of us can afford to send half a company of people with one trading group or just a single person every time someone wishes to venture in and out of your town. So surely a compromise could be made for at least one path or road in and out of there," she added softly.

Turning to the girl that mentioned Vanessa and the others having human slaves as breeders, Celine looked at her neutrally. "I have been speaking with my mistress on that matter already in fact miss," Celine said back to the girl before turning to look at Vanessa. "Well my mistress, will you agree to that request by them? I know that our people need women to breed with, but perhaps a compromise can be reached so that the human ladies can be... not forced breeders and all. It would certainly make our new allies feel more comfortable to know that their kind aren't enslaved anywhere since we are trying to end such things. And it would be a great first step towards that goal I believe mistress," Celine went on to say to Vanessa, thinking to herself that this could be the break they needed to make this alliance.

"I um... I also have an idea about your mother miss. My mistress's succubi have some psychic or mental type of powers. Perhaps they could be of some help to those that have lost their minds. I've known some that could bring people back from madness caused from most anything, so surely they should be able to help your people that have been raped senseless by the monsters," Celine said, specifically to the girl who mentioned her mother having been taken by the various monsters before. "And the only reason I mentioned ridding the entirety of the caves of the monsters is so they could be mined for both your people and ours, since the metals could be gathered and used to make stronger and more powerful weapons, then the fewer numbers that your people have wouldn't be as bad in a fight, for you'd be better equipped and whatnot. And since we could use metals mined out too we'd obviously help to defend your homeland at all of the entrances and exits from the place," she added to the goddess lady, again motioning her over to join them.

"It's only a true alliance though if we can both come to an agreement on even terms. Neither side can get better terms than the other or it's not right for the other side. But things can start out slow to give both our peoples time to learn more about each other and to trust each other," Celine said after a few moments, pouring a cup of wine and offering it to the goddess lady.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course, we can scare them away thanks to the guardians and these cave monsters had been adapted to take down others beasts and humanoids, they had been our first defense, but before have the bless of our Goddess we were in constant danger by them. Blanche answer back still trying to make Celine get close her.

We could prepare a path for make the trades, we already have some out of monsters, all hiden for only our use... even then we must use the Guardians to use them with some safety. The girls looks to be ready to give a free path out of monsters for their alliance, yet maybe they could ask some more just to avoid any danger to their people.

The talk soon turned to point at Vanessa and her need for use women to breed her monsters and then trade these creatures to the others realms, it was a hard choice for her and all as if she dont produce the enough she could lose some help from some demons. I could only accept if this place let these humans live with them, so only the women than want to have some fun with us can stay and be protected after give birth. It has been our plan to stop the slavery, but we always lack of a safe place for them, so if the alliance is made then this change could happen faster for us.

I will try anything so she could be healed, but a succubi... that sound dangerous, we ussually let the time cure them, i could accept yet only if they dont try anything against us. The poor warrior lady said as the fox girl pamper her with the others, it was turning this into a very naughty pamper really, as the fox girl body was in constant grople by these humans.

Ours weapons at the moment are stronger than any one made of metal, many monsters can melt the best quality weapon made by metal with theirs fluids or even blood, also a good weapon made by the remains of these creatures have some of theirs qualities against normal equipment... Now come here Celine, let me hug you. Blanche said now slighty frustrated if Celine havent get closer after all her constants insinuations.

I had already said what i need for an alliance and even if an alliance sound good for your side, the humans under my protection should take this slowly until the time let them decide if an alliance would help them to develop themselves or could be just another trap. The Goddess said, still showing to be in guard but at least showing than if her people want an alliance she could accept but still have her eyes staring to all in case of any betrayal

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine sat down next to Blanche the second time she motioned for her to do so, when she began talking again after Celine was through making the offer to the one girl about having the succubi see what they could do to help her mother and all. "Hmm, perhaps one of those hidden paths of yours could be cleaned out a bit more then and made safer. Maybe a mix of both our soldiers and your guardians and fighter ladies could do it together to help build up some trust between them. But whatever we do about that to free up a path for free trade between us both, we should do it together, that way the risk is taken by both our peoples and not just one," Celine replied to the ladies and their goddess about opening one of the paths they had for trade and whatnot.

"The succubi are much more gentle than you might think. In my homeland, they live alongside my kin in peace and prosperity. They are magnificent lovers and all of the ones I've met here seem to be even more powerful with aspects of the mind than the ones from my homeland. I promise you that they wouldn't try anything evil to you or your mother, though I can't guarantee that whichever one or ones help her won't give a few gropes to someone at least. Despite their gentleness they are quite the teases and enjoy teasing people, sometimes a bit much I'll admit, and your mother might end up a bit horny afterwards, but that's kinda the effect succubi give everyone really. But they would help her in all seriousness." Celine told the girl who's mother was afflicted with the mind numbing pleasure that the mindless monsters caused people they had a hold of, something she knew all too well as she was nearly in the same state herself.

Looking back over to Blanche from where she was sitting next to her at, Celine nodded at what she said about the metal weapons. "Aye, I know all too well that those monsters can destroy or damage weapons like that. My sword that I had, which had a holy enchantment on it was damaged by them somehow. It was a family heirloom sword that my parents gave me when I left home. But the metals can be used for more than weapons, they can be crafted into tools as well, which would greatly help us both I think," Celine told Blanche, again motioning for the lady goddess to join them and sit down too before she motioned for Vanessa to sit next to her or in her lap, whichever she preferred.

"I am willing to do whatever I can as a show of trust on our part lady goddess. Though I must say that I can't necessarily let you sap my energy if you by chance need more, for I am needed elsewhere far too much. But if there is anything I can do to prove we mean to make good on this alliance and our bid for peace and prosperity between all peoples, then I would be willing to at least try it to prove it. Ladies that goes for any and all of you too, if there's anything I can do to help prove to you we want peace and everything then I would be willing to try it," Celine then told the goddess lady and the rest of the human women there. "Oh and also, I noticed some of your ladies were like me, futanari, but humans obviously and not elves. The succubi would I'm sure be more than happy to have some fun with them, and could show them all one helluva time if they're up for it. There's some in my homeland that have harems of succubi to make them feel incredibly good every night. But your futanari girls wouldn't need to go quite that far... well unless they wanted to of course, that'd be up to them," Celine added as a bit of an afterthought to the human ladies, a kind of added little offer since she knew that those futanari girls had to be nearly as horny as she often was, at least most likely anyway.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

We really dont need their help to clean them more, but if they want to get on risk then we cant stop them if you think it would be the best. One of the warriors girls said, showing maybe some arrogance or maybe just saying the truth of what could happen to Vanessa's soldiers if they help them to face these monsters adapted to fight monster girls.

Blanche soon show her needs for some elven's flesh, getting more close Celine and then hugging her from her back, giving to the elf some kind rubs and kisses at her neck. Im sorry for what happened with your sword and if you want the minerals we can trade them for the food, we really dont need them to much... now jewels are different, we love to add them to ours armors as decorations, your collar is so cute Celine, but so simple maybe you should add some rings to it. Blanche said maybe intoxicated by something different as the wine, her needs for rubs the elven just increased as the minutes passed et she looks to still be focused on the talk.

Then i guess than their help will be welcome, but dont blame us to be on guard at the start if these succubi get at our town. The needed warrior said, looking to be ready to do anything to save her mother, even accept some help for Vanessa's servants.

The humans looks to want some more than food for the girls serving them, they just remain in awe by the words of an harem for them and just nod but remain in their position and fighted the urge to ask for more, just then the goddess get closer and awake them of their naughty state.

I dont need any show of trust from you, now from your Mistress is something different. I may now request a last thing for her, get close to one of ours guardians and let it have a mental link with them, if your goal is just peace then you dont have anything to fear. The goddess softly smile and pointed to Vanessa to get closer, it maybe could be dangerous for Vanessa if the goddess have some trick stored for her.

How rude you are goddess, i supposed than you believe at us, but fine if this is needed for you to accept our peace and help then i will do it. Vanessa said getting up of her seat, maybe dissapointed to do all this when she could enjoy more of how Celine and the humans react, this was close to happen yet Celine could try something now.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Our succubi have some powers also over the creatures, at least some of them have the power to control them. And thank you Blanche, my mistress gave it to me to show her people that I was her lover, so that no one else could mess with me without my say so. It also has some magical properties too, but I dunno what exactly though," Celine said, first to the arrogant sounding girl and then to Blanche as she was complimented on her collar. "I've been thinking of adding a gemstone of some sort to it, but I don't know what to add to it. Maybe an emerald to match my eyes," she added, making a suggestion of what to add onto the thing.

"And it's to be expected I think that your people would be on guard for that. If you like, I can either bring a couple of our more powerful succubi to you, or you could bring your mother to us to attempt helping her. Now I don't know how your mother is afflicted and all myself, so I don't know if our succubi would be able to definitely cure her or not, but if any of our people can it would probably be them if I had to guess," Celine told the girl who's mother was afflicted by the monsters.

Celine also noticed that several of the other women around were quite taken with the kitsune and succubus handmaids that came with Vanessa. She smiled at the attention they were getting, which was likely making the two of them feel nice and all. Celine got up with Vanessa and moved over with her, kissing Blanche on the cheek and telling her she'd be back in a minute as soon as this was all done, as she had to make sure nothing happened between the two leaders or anything. Stepping up next to Vanessa and the goddess, Celine took Vanessa's right hand in her left, and the goddess's left hand her right hand, to hold both of them and make sure they didn't try anything to hurt one another, but she also showed that she trusted them both.

"Lady goddess, once this is done, please join us for some refreshments. You say that you need no show of trust from me, yet you still obviously mistrust my mistress, my lover. I have shown that I trust you lady goddess, so please don't betray that trust and do anything to my mistress... one my beloveds," Celine said to the goddess with a kind and gentle look in her eyes, but an obviously protective one. "And wouldn't it only be fair if while she did this that you do something in return to show that she can trust you as well?" Celine then asked curiously as Vanessa prepared to do what was being asked of her, making the suggestion that the goddess could or should do something to prove her trust in return.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I dont think than theirs tricks could help them against the most stronger monsters at the cave, we had seen the monsters be able to beat succubi before and it was not so different from the rest. The warrior girl add, maybe sure than only the guardians could have such control at the cave.

Blanche continue her soft touch on Celine, she just couldnt have enough of the whole elven, dont caring than the rest could see her. It sound as the collars than we wear to show our love and devotion for ours guardians, when i meet you for the first time i was thinking than you have one too... its cute and maybe dont match your armor now but a necklance could work, some warriors loves to also use shackles and chains too, but it could be a little indiscreet. If i were you i would just add some earrings, a necklace and some rings or anything small as you are a warrior, so too much and it will affect your battle skills.

I guess... than take my mother out the cave would be really dangerous for her, it may be better let the succubi come... The worried warrior girl said about the topic of what to do with her mother illiness, she was fighting against the idea and it looks like she was betraying her town, fortunately most of all the human girls were in her own bussiness, some being really direct with Vanessa servants what really make these two women be pleased, these personal contacts were really passing the limit of any meeting, at least a common one trying to make an alliance. Yet still a few of them turn and look to the aflicted soldier a dissapointed sight.

Blanche sigh in need as Celine get away to protect Vanessa and talk with the goddess, the ruler of these humans just turn to them proud of herself. There are many reasons to judge this woman, but i dont have enough proofs, that is why i must demand this if the alliance will be done. Said as Celine take her hand what could had been too much for some goddess.

Uhm... but i dont need to ask for something to trust her, my love. Vanessa said with a soft smile as she wait for the guardians to do what they need to try to read her mind.After all she is a goddess and make me remember someone in special who is lost and beloved. There was a sudden silence as the two ladies look each other before the goddess just turn away and pointed to a dark creature to do the work. The creature come and then it looks to be trying something



Vanessa just waited as this happens, there were not signs of anything hurting her and the creature remain frozen as it look her with its many eyes. Then it retire and made some soft grows than make the goddess be slighty amazed but tried to hide this.

Mmh, that was not so bad. But we must hurry to enjoy this moment, as i will love to continue talking as much as we can, then maybe sattle our alliance as friends.

Very well, i will accept your invitation. Looks like i can place some trust in your words.

The meeting looks to be close to success, but Vanessa looks to be waiting something and the goddess even when she accept to sit with the others looks to be inmerse in her throughts. This could end soon with the right words and events.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well they might not, but they should be able to manage it with two or three against one. And also there's a succubus that I came in to your town with, which... for some reason you all didn't or couldn't see. She should have been in the cell you put myself and the others in when you all first found us. I'd like her returned with the rest when you release our people please," Celine replied to the warrior girl when she responded to her earlier words, then she looked over to Blanche who was being all cuddly.

"Hmhm, thanks Blanche, and... in a way mine here is a sort of a show of love between myself and my mistress, and I've been thinking of getting some earrings and stuff extra to wear, but I don't have any and left all of my nice ones back home across the ocean," Celine said before giggling at Blanche. "I um... actually know my mistress's name, but I promised her that I wouldn't speak it aloud until she felt safe enough for me to, so please don't tell anyone I do okay Blanche. And do you like me that much Blanche? You keep caressing me so much. Not that I mind it or anything, I'm just wondering," she added in a whisper to Blanche, giggling as her new friend caressed her soft elven skin.

"Hey sweetie, it's alright to ask for help when you need it, and you shouldn't feel ashamed at all about doing so. I'm sure that some of the succubi can help you out though, I'll personally speak to one of the strongest ones I know and see if she can help you out, and I'll even escort her out here myself to see your mother. Just direct us to one of your paths to use so we don't have to fight any on the way in and exhaust ourselves before she has a chance to check your mother out okay," Celine told the poor girl who's mother was ill thanks to probably repeated rapings by the monsters in the mountain.

After getting up from Blanche and speaking to Vanessa and the goddess to try and make sure everything remained even and all, she looked to the goddess first and then Vanessa, the latter of whom seemed to not mind too much about doing this without anything in return. Sighing a little, Celine nodded to her before looking to the goddess. "Very well lady goddess, but remember my words, do not betray my trust and hurt my beloved please... I don't wish a fight, but to protect her I would do anything," Celine told the goddess with a serious look as she took a step back and released their hands. "I only mentioned doing something to show your trust in return to keep things even between you both, so that neither of you had something over the other. At first things should be kept as even as possible to keep one side from holding power over the other, else it isn't a true alliance," Celine told them both, showing her knowledge in diplomacy from being a noble and whatnot.


Celine watched tensely as the dark creature made its way over to Vanessa and did the mind link they can do. When it was done, Celine let out the breath she'd been holding the entire time, looking relieved and a bit surprised that the goddess was amazed about something that the dark creature told her. Seeing that the goddess had warmed up to Vanessa and her a bit more now that she had her answers and whatnot, Celine gestured for her to sit and join them once more, and this time she accepted and Celine sat back down next to Vanessa and the goddess, gesturing to Blanche to come over and join them too as she patted her lap for Blanche to sit there.

"Lady goddess... what is it? Is something bothering you? If so please speak up and I'll do what I can to fix it, as will my beloved," Celine asked the goddess once she sat down with them, who looked deep in thought about something.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Girls please, lets just focus on the meeting and not in imaginary matches between monsters and these named succubi. Blanche interrupt before the soldier and Celine could continue talking about what could be just assumptions. However maybe talk about an invisible succubi unnoticied by their army and close that town filled with futas and helpless woman was not a good idea. Fortunately from these humans just Blanche and two girls heard this and to see the danger these last two looks to be really worried by this revelation.

Even then Blanche was still very absorbed on Celine to see her partners. Celine, the persons on the cell were taken by the beasts when they attacked, ours forces said than they were leaded by a huge feline monster than we havent seen before, sorry it happened before i manage to return to the city. Blanche said after wait for Angie to end talking about jewels and then she aimed to why she was so friendly with her, what made her blush. Luckily her words could calm a little the tension, as the others humans started to wonder if the succubi has been also taken by these beasts.

Dont worry if they had been captured we could look for them, but i should need some descriptions and ways to see that succubi, dont worry i know how feels to mantain a secret... uhm well you are a futa and at our culture we must try to make them feel good... of course than its only between our people but you has show a long list of qualities than make you trustworty and a friend, so yes if both like this then it must be fine. Blanche first said abour the succubi then Vanessa name and finally about why she was so cuddling with Celine, maybe it was more than just what she has said.

The talk continue and when Celine said more after the succubi, she maybe was building some questions about them, but the warrior in needs looks to be really accepting the help. Of course, if the alliance is formed i would help you to find a safe travel.


The time to the confrontation between both leaders come and, Vanessa was really so used to these meetings than she dont asked for anything just softly pressing the elven's hand when this sigh and smile to her returning the nod from her elven lover. The guardians tried to stay close the goddess, but she looks to had accepted the offer and order them to give them some distance, Blanche was close to get close Celine to sit at her lap but then the elven asked to the goddess what was thinking. She soon turn to her, slighty upset for being interrupted. Im trying to decide if this alliance is the best for us, there are many things than i must clarify.

Goddess, it looks like a succubi could be close our town, she have the power to be invisible and pass unnoticied by us and the guardians. One of the warriors said and soon the goddess turn to vanessa and Celine. Its true that? She said soon looking to be angry and maybe dissapointed.

But Goddess, all the persons in that prison were taken by the beasts, even if she were invisible the creatures would had notice her... Blanche said trying to defend them.

Do you really think that? If the guardians were unable to sense then the beast at the cave would not have better chances. The goddess said to blance and then turn back to Celine and Vanessa. The mind of your leader has been cheked and there was not any clue of this succubi or her power, so now what your side will do to solve this?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well Blanche... ladies, the succubus in question had been taken by the monsters like myself, the two nekos, and the other woman had been. She was unconscious the entire time I saw her and she was incredibly weakened last I saw her. I seriously doubt she'd be a threat to anyone save herself honestly. She wasn't one of our succubi I don't think, at least I haven't seen her before if she is. I carried her into that cell myself though when you all found us. I don't know how you couldn't see her though really, because succubi don't have the power of invisibility as far as I know, and I've known dozens of them personally throughout my life. Unless... I was so addled that I was imagining her," Celine told Blanche and the other two that heard her speaking of the poor succubus she remembered carrying into their town with them and the nekos and lady Vanquish. "The other lady that was with me though, the one I called Vanquish. She was taken too with the nekos by this beast? I hope they're alright. They were all really weak after those monsters took us in the caves, and we were nearly raped as senseless as that poor girl's mother was. And I honestly don't know how to make it so you can see her Blanche, but if I could see her then there has to be a way to allow you all to as well. We'll find out and I'll give you her description as far as I remember it," Celine went on to say, nodding over at the girl who's mother was addled thanks to the monsters, which was one reason she mentioned eradicating them in the first place, so that no one else had to go through that pain and suffering for themselves or their loved ones. She then gave Blanche her's and lady Vanquish's descriptions.

Celine looked worried about both lady Vanquish and the poor succubus she spoke of, but she tried to not let it bother her and continued with the meeting in the meantime, hoping that the two were alright if the neko's own people came and took them out of there themselves. "I didn't know that it was an actual part of your culture to make futanari feel nice. That's just one of the things we didn't know about you all that is probably good to know, because we actually have a few futanari aside from myself from what my mistress has said. A few dark elves, a few humans, and a few demons of various kinds," Celine said about their culture. Then she looked over at the other girl she'd told to find them a safe enough path so she could bring the succubus into there to help her mother and nodded. "Alright, thank you miss. It'll give her the best chance of helping your mother," Celine told the girl.


"Ah, I apologize lady goddess if I disturbed your thoughts. I was merely worried that something was bothering you is all," Celine told the goddess before the one warrior girl spoke up about the succubus Celine had mentioned before that the other girls couldn't see for some reason, and she felt at that point that maybe she ought not to have mentioned it at all, but oh well she figured, she had and now she had to explain everything about the poor girl to the goddess.

"The succubus in question lady goddess was unconscious when I carried her in there myself. I wouldn't leave my worst enemy to those monsters in your mountain, let alone a poor girl who was obviously in need of my help when I could give it. She was very weak and didn't wake up before I left your town. I already told Blanche and the other two over there that she's a threat to herself more than anyone else in my opinion. I will help to look for her, but I ask that she be treated with care when she's found and not outcast lady goddess. For she was raped by the monsters you yourself don't want to get rid of... as was I in fact, so I know what it feels like to want to be rid of them so nobody else has to go through that. If you've never been raped by any of those monsters lady goddess then you don't know how weak it makes someone. But I don't know if that succubus was one of ours or not to be honest, she could have just been a traveler trying to find some shelter in those storms the other day or just anything. We would have to find her and ask her first, if she's in good enough condition to talk and all when we find her that is," Celine told the goddess with a serious look on her face, though she wasn't talking in a disrespecting way of course. "As for why she can't be seen by your people lady goddess... I don't know. No succubus I know of can turn invisible without some powerful magics and not even too many people with that much power can do that sort of thing, especially not to specific people while others are still able to see them. So maybe it was from what raped her or something, though if you could show me the cell that I and my companions were taken to we could clear this whole matter up sooner rather than later and we can bring her back to our place to heal and take care of her. Though if she's not in there with lady Vanquish then that presents a problem and we'll need to look for them both," Celine went on to say in a diplomatic tone.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

For my part, i dont see any sign than a fifth girl was found with you Celine, i have still my doubts than she really exist. Blanche add trying to just make all try to change of topic.

Of course than she will be weakened if she was raped by the cave's monsters, after orgasm by them any non human woman would be helpless and begging to get impregnated One of the humans said, they were starting to calm.

All the prisioners of that cell were taken, i must fear than the worst happened to them Celine, we could try to look for them but it has passed a long time, maybe they are deep inside and surrounded by monsters. Celine and Blanche then needed some minutes so the elf could describe both girls, of course than Blanche remember how Vanquish look, but the succubi was other story.

Hmn, yes we love blessed humans, they are the key for our people to survive and we respect them so much, but it may be hard for us to get used to others races, even then maybe futa demons would be treated equaly but after a while, maybe even years. The time was passing, it maybe helped than the elf talked of the many possibilities than made the succubi unable to harm them, but the fear was still there, she has make them fear the worst and the idea of a invisible lust creature inside theirs lands with theirs families and childrens can be taken lightly


The goddess was not so praised with the idea of a succubi, as the humans under her protection she mostly cant think so possitively. She remain upset, but Celine do good at dont try to turn this into a discussion. If that succubi was or not someone of your people dont have any to matter by how dangerous that is, if she is not constant used by the cave creatures then she must be already able to move and i suppose than you know of what mostly a succubi feed. Its your responsability to solve this, as you bring her with you to the human's town. Looks like all the problem fall over Celine's shoulders, maybe the goddess was thinking what to do with her or make her to do when suddenly Vanessa spoke.

It was a kind heart act and Celine just tried to protect that girl, im sure than she never supposed than these events could happened. Im sure than solve this problem together will help us to know each other and talking about it, i must request now a pair of things to help us to meet each other.

The goddess turn to Vanessa and maybe the anger and worries made her be now easy to handle by the great Mistress after had given the order to read her mind. Say them, we may accept them if we can solve these problems as fast as possible.

Great! Thanks for give me this chance to ask for something Goddess. Girls, we will let Celine and her family under your care when they move to live at your town, as also any human under my care than want to go there, but please dont look bad to them and protect them, as i have an inmense love to them.

We will protect them as part of our family, after all Celine has show only virtues to us, she is a great person and warrior. Blanche answer and the others humans looks to dont have any problem with her stay.

Good, because she will stay there until this problem get solved, its so painful for me but is the best. Vanessa said looking to be sad for dont have her lover with her for maybe a pair of days if the elf accept. Ah, the second small favor is, this is a charming meeting and i dont see the reason to have weapons close when we are having a nice talk, please just place them a little away for a moment as we eat and drink a little more as we talk. The humans and even the goddess were not ready for that little petition, but after discuss it between them they were with doubts accepting. Oh i was forgeting, armors and clothes too, please. You are free to know each inch of us as also us, i saw from the start how my fine ladies were pampered by all, just be gentile.

Celine found this usual for Vanessa, the great mistress love to do these kind of things with her and see her dressed just as much as she born, even when have skimpy dresses on could be more pleased for anyone else, it maybe was a little far this time, but soon Blanche started to strip of her armor and place it far away with her weapons before sit nude at the elven's lap. Celine could feel the wetness on the human's neithers touching her skin, her arm placed to hold her shoulder from the back with her arm resting aroun her neck. Im fine to do it for a while, i bet than you too Celine. The blonde human as most all her people were well endowed, soon Celine notice the others humans get the courage enough to accept this and soon five futa girls were moving to know more about the fox girl and the succubi.

The goddess frown and she maybe was against this, but soon the rest of the humans beg for her to join this. All looks to had worked for this moment and soon she sigh and accepted. The black haired goddess let fall her dress and Celine noticed her hidden pregnant belly, mostly looking as one of seven months.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I'm telling you though I remember picking her up and carrying her. And I only know of succubi wanting to enjoy sex with everyone they can really, especially mortals like myself or you Blanche. In my homeland they even turned on the other demons because they liked us better. They said we were more... how was it explained to me once... ah yes, the one I asked about it, she said we were more gentle and kind, while being more passionate during sex," Celine told Blanche about the succubus girl, and then about succubi in general to help alleviate some more of their fears about the lusty demon women.

"Again though, the poor succubus that I was talking about that was with us when you found us. I know she wouldn't hurt anyone, not willingly at least. Succubi would fight to the death to protect mortals now days as far as I know. So please don't fear her girls, okay, I'm begging you. I mean succubi are beings of lust sure, but the ones I know here are all kind just like the ones back in my homeland. So surely she wouldn't try anything even if she's able to," Celine said after a few moments, after noting the fear that was still present in the human girls about the invisible succubus in their lands.


Listening to the unreasonable demands of the goddess, Celine was about to say something back to her but Vanessa beat her to the punch it seemed. Celine decided to listen to them all talk and make some decisions before she spoke and put her two cents worth in, figuring it best to let them all finish before doing so. When they were finally done talking, Celine looked around as the 5 futanari human ladies stepped forward, seeming to all want a piece or two of the succubus and kitsune handmaids of Vanessa's, which made her giggle. Celine joined them before Blanche sat down in her lap completely nude, taking her own armor off and letting her member bounce free from the confines of her armor, her length already hard as a rock... hell it was almost perpetually hard now days it seemed to Celine, likely a side effect of all the succubi in the near vicinity of her all the time if she had to guess... well that as well as something Vanessa likely did to her or something.

"Aye, I can stay with them at least until we find that poor succubus, and lady Vanquish as well. I hope they're both alright. However, I would like to make a request of my own if I may. I'd like to pick a few of our girls to come with me to help out, in various ways of course and not just for fighting or just for sex, but they can also help to bring our peoples closer together I think. I'd like to pick half a dozen if you all will allow me to. In exchange for that though, I'm willing to let some of your other futanari girls over there have some fun with me too while Blanche here does, and you may cum as much as you like inside or all over me if you prefer," Celine said, willing to stay in the town for a day or two, or at least until they found the missing succubus to alleviate any fears about the poor thing that they still had. She looked a bit worried though over at Vanessa. "Is Hope well enough to move you mistress? I know she was in the incubator because she was born so prematurely. I don't want Triny to leave with Faith and not Hope too. Oh and the ones I'd like to bring with me, aside from Triny and the children if they can both go that is, I'd like to bring Aisha definitely, and Qamra too of course because she can track them down. One of our better healers if you'll allow too, regardless of race, a couple of succubi, and Slimy if at all possible. We still have to find Cassie too of course," Celine asked Vanessa after speaking to the human futa ladies and the goddess about her own request, picking out a few to bring with her to help both ease and solidify their alliance and to help find the girls.

As she asked Vanessa about Hope though, Celine noticed the goddess's reluctance in joining them and taking off her clothing, and after she finally relented and did so, Celine gasped softly as she beheld her pregnant form. "Lady goddess... you're pregnant? Was this why you've been so... hesitant to accept our offers?" Celine asked the goddess as she held Blanche in her lap, reaching around and softly grasping the human girl's length and stroking it a little bit in the meantime to give her hands something to do.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Very, well... i guess than succubi sound friendly, but it will not be so easy to make all accept that Celine, you know... succubi are just look as any other type of monster girl. The elf cant blame them, this people has been alone fighting to defend themselves of monsters and monster girls, losing theirs males to them and being slaved until the goddess save them or that she suppose by the pictures at the ruins, maybe it dont happened like that.


With almost all the humans busy, Celine could enjoy the view around her and the clean and tauting blonde human resting completely nude at her lap, her long dick rubbing a side of her lower cheeks and well proportioned hips. Once free Blanche could not stop to stare from time to time the elven's dick, but she remain to focus on the upper part of the swordswoman, feeling her athletic body and ample blossom, Blanche soft lips having a taste of the elven's neck and slowly going up but never trying to steal a kiss until Celine could focus on her, just being interrupted when her needs to moan were growing after Celine focused on touch and rubs her human body.

Vanessa in part was very focusing loving the view of what she has done and how it mostly seems more an orgy starting to build up than a boring meeting, her eyes loving each inch of it, how the prim human futas were now placing their lust on her servants. The succubi dont even have the time to undress alone, soon surrounded by huge needed dicks and hungly lust eyes, the fox girl also soon found herself being pampered as a sweet part of a couple, the humans having the soft touch of her tail and ears as they spread her legs and take her from both sides.

Just then Celine called for her mistress and Vanessa turn to her after some seconds when she was still looking now to the goddess, to see her also nude, but before that she needed to answer the questions to her loyal lover.

I was trying to give her a pair of days more at the incubator, but we could give a check up after return and if she is out of danger you could take Hope with you, just remember than she need more than just milk to remain stable. Vanessa needed a small moment as she remember the names and where they could be before nod.

Uhm, very well my love. Im sure than Aisha will love to go with you and you could choice by yourself the succubi than you want to bring with you, as the healer we must first see if all are fine and out of danger. However, asking Qamra to come with you could be a problem, after that little incident at the chambers she asked for change her place at the castle with someone else of her clan, i could say you where she is if you are interested and finally Slimy should be still at the cave, i was waiting to see her at this meeting but we must suppose than she was handling something more.

With Vanessa answer they could finally turn wen the goddess ended to undress herself after some words from her people, her blessed body in all her glory show than her powers allow this vessel to have her breasts engorded and adapted to a close birth as also how easy she could use her clothes to hide that slighty huge pregnant belly.

I have my reasons for have caution in this important event and you should remember than a pregnancy is not a burden for a powerful being as me. Now everyone was nude on the meeting, but Vanessa and the goddess have still some feet away of each other, the vessel of the entity couldnt hide her blush as the great mistress remain looking at her. Meanwhile Blanche looking than all was more quiet started softly increase her rubs as her hips invite Celine to take her in any way than she like, her wet lips drooling at her lap at need for her meat hammer, as the sound of completelust by the others humans started to fill the place.

Looking than all were busy, Vanessa started to serve her most important guest, first giving her something different of wine, a refreshing quantity of choices to drink as also apetizers, but this looks more to be mere distractions to get each time closer to this named goddess, the two nude rulers could have the chance of have something private if all goes right.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Aye Blanche, I know and I understand that. I only hope that everyone can grow to love each other," Celine told Blanche about the succubi, understanding their reservations about succubi and any other monster girl in general.


"Hmm... okay then. I just... I just want her to be okay is all, and if she needs to remain in the incubator for another couple of days to ensure that, then of course I don't mind her staying there," Celine replied to Vanessa about little Hope. "And thank you mistress, I think Aisha would enjoy it too, but she can also control the monsters in the mountain to a degree. That's the main reason I want her to accompany me, so that she can maybe take control of one and have it tell us where any of the missing people from the mountain might be, as well as our own people that are missing," Celine went on to say about Aisha going with them.

"I wonder why Qamra requested a transfer though. Maybe I'll ask her when I see her again. And I'd say a couple of our stronger succubus healers would be best to bring with me. And if Slimy is still in there then I'm sure we'll see her soon enough," Celine said about the others she'd decided on asking to come with her.

"I suppose I can understand being cautious around strangers what with all that's happened in the past. But I swear to you lady goddess that you can trust us to not hurt your people," Celine told the goddess.

With that, Celine cooed softly at Blanche when she began rubbing and grinding her hips against her now throbbing and achingly hard member. Celine leaned around and kissed Blanche on the neck a couple of times before running her tongue up around where she kissed her at. She then glanced over to see Vanessa and the goddess sitting next to one another while the naughty things went on right in front of them, but neither seemed too bothered by this, which eased any fears Celine had that the goddess would demand they all stop right that instant, so she then turned and focused on Blanche again.

Soon enough though, Celine would get down to the main event and lifted Blanche up and took aim with her rod, then impaled the girl down upon her shaft. "Oh gods yes, you're so tight Blanche," Celine whispered in Blanche's ear as she began bouncing the girl up and down upon her shaft.

Celine would reach around Blanche and begin stroking her clit with her index finger on her left hand while with her right she held onto the girl's hips and bounced her, working Blanche's clit and rubbing it like crazy in the same way she herself loved to get her's diddled. When she was sure that Blanche was nearing her climax, Celine would slow herself down to prevent her release but keep bouncing her, giggling in her ear when the girl inevitably whined and begged for release. Finally after a couple of more close orgasms that she'd deny Blanche, Celine allowed her to explode in climax and pinched her clit and pulled as she let her own release run its course as she filled Blanche's womb full of her seed.
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