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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sakura looks to understand easily what is a weapon and she just make a little whine and look down. Sakura dont want to hurt anyone, she is fine if someone use her, but... i want to stay at your side Mistress. The poor pink haired girl looks sad but nod when her mistress say her to stay here. Even Vanessa looks to be sad and more once she heard than she must help to find a weapon for the pure inocent bunnygirl. I will find the most kind trainer... teacher for her... Her words looks to be filled with pity for the poor slave than looks so cute and inocent, it was incredible to think than that girl is a complete slut when a dick is close her legs.


The mistress looks to be very busy having all ready for the birth, as the nude Triny looks to not be still in pain and even then her pussy is filled with fluids and start to get wide. Hi Celine... Im starting to feel weird and funny... i never expect than this is how give birth could feel The future mother continue peacefully caressing her huge belly and Ceine was amazed than someone could be so calmed when their babies were close to born, maybe all this is thanks to Vanessa and her magic.

Giving orders to Cassie as she check the birth place and Triny's cunt state, Vanessa just answer as she continue looking and touching. It looks than this will be a special birth, there arent too much possibilitties than Triny or her baby get hurt, but im worried about her huge belly, please go with Sakura and make her stay focused as this is very important, even when we still have time.

Sakura wait at the door for her Mistress, she looks to be in a hurry in an attempt to acomplish the task than the great mistress order them. With Celine ready (dunno if she will get dressed and armed, but its very sure than she will do it) both girls run through the corridors, Sakura is really fast and she had to stop a pair of times to wait for her mistress, after a time they reach the breeder chamber, it was filled with many sounds and there werent any creature outside the place. Once Celine opened the door she saw at the instant a lot of lesser creatures helping to a huge pregnant group of slaves, half of them were arching their bodies and rolling their eyes as their toungles were resting at a side. Their breasts were engorded with huge quantities of milk and it leak in loads when the cute little babies left their bodies, many of them continued having a long belly, much bigger than what Celine had seen in her live, but this group looks to dont have any pain at all, they even giggle and moan in complete happiness and the free ones use their hands to caress her breasts or stroke the monsters male members. Other group was scared, some were crying and shaking their heads as the evil creatures get close them to try to help them, luckily these girls were completely chained so their struggle dont hurt their babies.

Sakura take a moment to touch her belly and smile as she have an illuminated happy face as she see all the births at the same time. All of them are so lucky, Mistress. Their babies will be with them lovely protected by our mistress and her servants. Mummy was here until she was taken to the nursery and then to her own room, Mummy sometimes wish to still be here, but she must take care of my others sisters and our Daddy take care of her needs. Sakura then take Celine hand and make her get inside to start looking for a servant than could help them, but all were busy and maybe they will be even more soon when more of this baby army grow. Maybe the nursery was also busy and Celine maybe should thing in return without anyone or serch in other place, but where she will find a helping hand?
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well I don't want you to have to fight or hurt anyone either Sakura, but I don't want you to be raped and used like that by just anyone either," Celine told Sakura when she gave her a sad look and after Vanessa gave a sad look as well and said her piece about training her. Their looks made Celine feel bad and she couldn't stand to see them so sad, so she relented and told Sakura. "Okay how can I say no to such a sad and pitiful face, I'll let you come with me as long as you give me a bright smile okay Sakura, but only if you promise me one thing first. That if I order you to leave me and run, to come back here to get the mistress, then you will. If you'll do that for me then you can come with me and whoever else was going with me okay cutie," Celine would kiss Sakura on the cheek to cheer her up after speaking, and would hug Sakura back if and probably when she hugged Celine for saying she could go with her.

With that, Celine would take Sakura with her when she went to see Myrtle and talk to her about moving nearer to where they now were. Thinking that Sakura could quickly traverse the distance if she needed her to do so, and she could quickly bring help in that case if need be. Besides she was sure that she and Lina could handle anything that came at them since the gargoyle girl was probably going to go with her. She wasn't sure if Cassie wanted to go or not just yet though, but she'd ask her when they woke back up.


"Hey sweetie. Are you hurting much?" Celine replied to Triny when she spoke to her, caressing Triny's large belly along with her as she kissed her on the lips.

When Vanessa told her to go ahead and go with Sakura and make sure she stayed focused, she answered with a 'Yes mistress,". Celine then jumped up and grabbed her sword as she went by it, but didn't bother grabbing her clothes, feeling it would take too long to put them on and she needed to hurry, plus she didn't want them to get dirty or damaged if for some reason she ended up having to fight or something, not that she thought she would have to of course but still.

Celine followed Sakura as they rushed through the palace towards the breeding room, having to catch up a couple of times along the way. When they made it there and went in, Celine saw what all was going on and couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the ones that were scared, but she was in a hurry now and didn't have the time to help them, though she wanted to go over and reassure them that everything would be alright.

"Okay Sakura, we need to hurry and find someone that can help us. Where should we look? You know this place better than I do. We need to hurry though, cause I don't know if Cassie and the mistress can handle it alone," Celine told Sakura and took her hand as they went in search of someone to help them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once her mistress said he than she will take her with her, Sakura smiled and giggle as she softly hug her. Sakura will do her best to serve you Mistess. The girl said as all return to sleep.


Triny shake her head. Not so much, but i'm starting to be tired of being unable to move... Doubt than i could eat until they born Triny looks to be hungry as her baby has grow so fast thanks to the mistress magic, the explorer girl looks to be relaxed even when she must remain in that birth position.


Once her mistress talk, Sakura awake of her day dream and nod, all were busy and Sakura looks to be unable to don't turn and see all the nude persons around them, this could be a great orgy but her mistress needs are first than anything else. Unable to find help in the breeder chamber, Sakura get in front of the nursery and knock the door, soon a fully awaken spidergirl opened the door. Oh... you are that delicious girl than was with our mistress yesterday. Can i ask your visit motive? we will be really busy today so maybe you should come later. The bunnygirl get closer and bow to the woman. The great mistress need help with one of her personal servants who is close to give birth.

The woman get serious and nod before look behind her. We will bring someone soon, please return and help our beloved mistress as i prepare all.

Now with someone ready to help, Celine could return to her friends side or search for someone more who could go with them
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When they got to the nursery door, Sakura knocked on it and the spider girl from the day before when Celine followed Vanessa down to Sophia's room emerged from within. “You're the one from yesterday right? My name is Celine. We really need your help, cause Triny is having her baby in the mistresses room, so please hurry as quickly as you can,” Celine told the spider woman, bowing her head slightly to her and giving her a pleading look to hurry.

When she said for them to hurry back to help Vanessa and that she'd send someone soon, Celine nodded her head, but again told her to please hurry, that she was worried because the child was hers. With that Celine would tell Sakura to come on, and then they would rush on back to the bedroom to be with Triny.

After they get back to the bedroom, unless they were accosted along the way, then Celine would rush over to the bed and tell Vanessa what the spider girl told them, while she grabbed one of Triny's hands and held it to comfort her during the birthing process.

She said she'd send someone here as soon as she could, and for us to come back and help until they arrived,” Celine told Vanessa, then she turned to Triny and whispered in her ear, “Don't worry sweetie, I'm not going to leave your side before our baby is born. I have to see it with my own eyes.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The spidergirl looks to understand why Celine was in a hurry an quickly leave to prepare what she need to help them. Without nothing more to do, Celine tried to return as fast as she could, many creatures turn to see these two slaves running around toward the mistress chambers, what make them follow them thinking than they were close to do something, Close to be stoped, Celine manage to get inside and exhausted stay at Triny side who now was whining softly as the mistress caress her lower lips trying to see how dilated they are.

its coming... i feel it... Im scared, Celine Triny said as she press her lover hand, all the place is ready and Cassie rest exhausted on a chair, the time passed and the birth continue, Celine and Triny heard the mistress instructions and they tried their best. Suddenly Triny started to let free some weak noises breath like i teach you and dont push until i say it The mistress looks to know about births and with the time the baby head appear, even then Triny looks to only have a endurable pain as her lower lips opened extraordinary and a cute brunette futa baby born, she cried and the mistress with Sakura help clean it, she was bigger than a normal baby, no doubt than the mistress magic had make her grow slighty faster, but then Triny groaned and pressed her still pregnant belly, just then the spidergirl come in middle of the chaos. After an half hour filled with a soft panic aura a new baby born, smaller than the other and with blonde hair Take her to the nursery, she need special care. We must talk later Celine, go with her if you want Said the mistress a little worried from the second baby who looks to dont had spend the enough time inside her mother. Triny was completely exausted even when the spidergirl place a substance on her to give her more energy, she still could stay with the first baby, but she still ask worried for the second one to Celine.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine rushed out of the room after the spider girl saw she was in such a hurry, not caring that she was nearly stopped by some of the creatures. She wasn't about to be stopped by them and ran faster, rounding the corner and bursting back into the bedroom and rushing over to the bed again, panting for breath as she sat beside Triny. She told Vanessa what the spider girl told her quickly and turned to Triny when she told her she was scared and squeezed her hand gently.

"It's okay Triny, I'm right here besode you. Just squeeze my hand if it hurts. I promise you it's going to be okay. We're all here for you sweetie, just do what we're telling you and you'll be just fine," Celine told Triny, trying her best to keep her calm.

Celine told Vanessa that she'd help keep Triny from jerking around and everything while she helped her birth their child. A few minutes later Triny gave birth to a beautiful brunette haired baby that was just like her papa Celine, she was a futanari. Celine watched as Vanessa and Sakura took the baby and cleaned her up, and noticed she was larger than a normal baby and thought it nothing more than Vanessa's magic that was making her grow faster or something. Celine watched the two clean hers and Triny's baby with a happy look and tears of happiness in her eyes, as well as a look of longing to hold her baby with Triny.

While Celine waited for them to bring the baby over to her and Triny, she saw her lover grab her belly again and groan. "T-Triny sweetie are you okay? What is it? Is it another?" Celine asked in a worried voice, still holding Triny's hand which she hadn't let go through the whole thing so far. A minute later the spider girl came into the room to help them.

After a while Triny gave birth to another baby, this one was smaller than the first and had blonde hair instead of the brunette of the first baby, though she was also a futanari like her big sister and papa Celine. When she saw the worried look on Vanessa's face, she couldn't help but get worried as well, then when Vanessa spoke about it, Celine almost burst into tears.

"M-Mistress... what's wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?" Celine asked in a worried tone about the second baby, as she rushed over to see about her and hesitating for only a moment before telling the spider girl to give her just a minute and she'd follow her.

"Triny sweetie, I'm going to go with them. You stay here and take care of her, you take care of this little one and stay here okay," Celine quickly said to Triny, giving the first born a quick little kiss on the forehead. She gave Vanessa a worried look and her mistress would see tears glistening in her eyes, indicating that she was very worried. "Please mistress, please take care of her for me, I have to make sure the second baby is going to be okay before I can calm down."

Celine would follow the spider girl while they quickly made their way to the nursery, worrying the whole way for her child and keeping close to them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thanks Celine... please protect our baby... Said with tears a very exausted Triny as she place the brunnete baby in one of her swolen breasts to feed her and mantain her warm. The mistress just said a "please go quickly " to Celine who soon leave the room running behind the spidergirl, the two tried to reach as fast as they can the nursery, but the spidergirl tried her best to dont hurt the poor baby.

Once inside Celine notice how the place is a really huge room with many little rooms around, she can see cowgirls, bunnygirls, few spidergirls and some others servants taking care of many childs of different ages, the middle room is filled with babies and soon the spidergirl place the newborn in a soft baby bed This one need too much help! The spidergirl shout making the blonde girl be more worried, soon others three girls get closer and place their attention in the small baby. Its other baby with a male member!? Why this is so small?

"maybe someone impregnated a slave twice, its a shame than a so cute creature have this poor look"

The women continued giving their opinion as they stabilize her, Celine had a really long hour, her eyes were red by all her teardrops but then the first spidergirl get close her leaving her to see a tentacle pod close her baby.

Her organs are not ready yet, we must place her in that pod who will help her to grow and maintain her with live, she could be a nympho once she reach maturity, casring magic in a weak baby is very dangerous but we could try... What do you choice for your daughter? The woman looks to be really serious and only Celine can choice which threatment wil be used in her little baby who could die soon.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine followed the spider girl as quickly as she could after kissing Triny and the first baby, telling Triny not to worry that she would protect her with her life if need be. When they arrived in the nursery, Celine followed the spider girl over to where she set her onto the little baby bed. Around them Celine saw all of the other babies being taken care of by the different servants and then she heard the spider girl shout out and grew very worried, clenching her hands into fists so hard they nearly bled. Three other servants quickly came over to aid the spider girl in taking care of the baby, while Celine stood there unable to do anything for her child except possibly watch her die.

That thought alone made Celine start crying, then when she heard the other servants talking about the poor condition the baby seemed to be in, she began sobbing and fell to her knees, the strength in her legs failing. After a while the spider girl came over to Celine, who had been crying as silently as she could the whole time, so as not to distract them from treating her child as best they could.

"W-Will she be normal other than that? If so then please... please do that... please save my baby miss. I want her to live, to grow up, and to have a family of her own someday, because it isn't fair that I should live and not her. And I know it's my fault she's in the state she's in now... I'll never forgive myself. I had sex with Triny while she was pregnant yesterday and I know that's why this happened. That and because of my own rotten luck and because I think the gods hate me. I'll do anything for her to live... please save her," Celine said to the spider girl when she asked her what she wanted to do, crying harder and harder until she was to the point she couldn't speak any longer as she watched them get to work.

All Celine could really do was hope they could save her baby, as she had no knowledge of healing or anything needed to help. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if her baby died because of her damnable libido. She prayed to any of the gods that would hear her plea to have mercy on her baby, praying for her to survive and be healthy and to live a good long life.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The spidergirl looks to have a kind heart and soon tried to calm her caressing her head Its not time to cry, this is not also your fault, i don't know you, but you looks to be a nice motherly breeder, maybe she will have some problems in the future, but she will have a long happy live if you guide her The woman leave, as she don't have too much time to waste, she quickly place the weak baby i the tentacle pod, in her weak state she don't even cry when some small tendrils get inside her nose and mouth, then a white liquid soon start to pass toward her mouth to maybe feed her as the pod get filled with a transparent slime, the womans around looks to be calmed and after check her for some minutes leave the place to check the others little childrens, leaving only the spidergirl to check the place.

Celine could see how the slime has filled the small chamber, but at least she can see how the baby still try to live giving weak suck to the tendril on her mouth, maybe her nose take some oxygen from the other small tentacle.

You can stay with her for a moment, all looks to be fine now so please don't cry more, i must say you something really important so please relax and calm yourself until i return.

The spidergirl leave to help others mothers to give birth, all were really busy and that little baby was the only in a pod in a room full of healthy babies, many of them have a manlike member resting bellow them and they were of many different species, sometime later some cow girls come and start to feed them, they weren't so fast as the quantity of babies continue growing until be more of fifty newborns who cry for food or only rest.

After an half hour the spidergirl return with the Mistress, soon invite Celine to sit on the floor as she explain a really important topic. I really sorry, Celine. I never expected than you would use Triny in the orgy with my others servants, maybe we should had talken of what sometimes happen to the women who have their bodies altered, its only my fault.

Vanessa looks to the floor and then she see the baby before continue. Normally we feed the breeders with a potent nutrient to avoid this, but all what happened make me dont think in this possibility, i will accept if you hate me for this.

The spidergirl touch her mistress shoulder and shake her head Nobody is guilty of this, this baby would never had existed without that little incident and our mistress have too much persons to protect and things to do, is our work to take care of these sudden problems so just calm down and heard this as is crucial.

The spidergirl wait than they talk and calm each other before start. Is the first time than we use this on a natural futa baby, normally who use this have a huge growing rate until reach the sex maturity in a year, but also make her a nympho with a high libido, at least she will have a very long sexual life, her mind will not be affected but she will have problems to adapt herself in human towns, at least this will not affect her mind and with a good family she could be more than a breeder. The spidergirl said waiting to heard what Celine want to said after heard this news
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine just nods her head when the spider girl tells her it isn't her fault. "Thank you, thank you so much, and I will help her no matter what problems she has in the future, I shall give her all the guidance she'll need. How can I ever repay you?" Celine said to the spider girl after her kind words, wiping her tears away as she watched her put the baby into the pod, then as soon as she set her down she watched a few smaller tentacles in the pod slide into the baby's nose and mouth.

Celine got a little scared when she saw this, but when she saw how calm the spider girl looked as she put her in, she calmed down a bit herself, trusting that the nursery servants knew what they were doing. Celine watched as the little pod filled with slime around the baby, and though she got a little frightened, she saw that her baby was still weakly trying to suckle on the tentacle in her mouth as if it were her mothers teat.

"There you go little one, fight... fight and live. I know you can do it sweetie," Celine said aloud to her baby to encourage her to live after the spider girl told her she could stay for a moment, relax, and not cry anymore. Celine looks to the spider girl after that and thanks her again and bows her head to her before she went off.

While she waited for the spider girl to return, Celine thanks all of the gods for hearing her plea. After thanking the gods as well, Celine looked around the room to see all of the other babies in the process of being born, and after a quick look around, she noticed that many of them were futanari like herself and wondered if they belonged to all the girls Vanessa had her to impregnate before they went and found Cassie. Celine saw a few cow girls come in and start feeding the babies, but there were simply too many for them to feed them all at once. Celine wanted to help them, but there wasn't much she could really do as she produced no milk to give, so she simply waited with her baby.

A few minutes later Vanessa came in with the spider girl from before, Vanessa told Celine to come over and sit while she explained some things to her. After Vanessa and the spider girl both got through speaking Celine felt horrible, because Vanessa thought that she would hate her. She reached out and cupped her hand on Vanessa's cheek and kissed her.

"Mistress, I could never hate you, never ever. I love you, and this is all more my fault than anything, because you told me not to have sex with Triny and I did anyway. So if anyone is to blame, it's not you, but me," Celine said to Vanessa to let her know she wasn't mad at her, then she kissed her on the cheek to show her love.

Celine then looked over to the spider girl, saying, "Well if the only thing it really does is make her libido higher than normal, then she'll be pretty much the same as me really. And we'll teach her how to control herself, so don't worry about that."

Celine went back over to look at her baby for a moment before looking back to Vanessa and the spider girl. "How long will she have to remain inside this thing? I hope it won't be too long," Celine asked the two, before they answered her she turned back around to the baby and continued, "I... I think you should be named Hope."

Once they had answered her and after making certain Hope as she had chosen to name her was going to be alright and everything, Celine would kiss her hand and then touch it to the pod as it was the closest she could get to kissing her child. After that she would ask the spider girl to take extra special care of her and that she'd be back in a little while with Triny so she could see her as well. Then she would ask Vanessa to take her back to Triny so she could tell her that Hope was alright.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The spidergirl just said than look the childs turn into healthy mothers was enough reward for her, even in this corrupted place she looks to do her best to protect and cure each of the babies as if she were her mother.

We must check her progress at least for 3 days or a week, but she will stay in that pod for only two days. You can come to see her in any moment and stay at her side, im sure than this will make her progress faster. The spider girl bow to them before leave, all was starting to get into a chaos by the births and babies needing more milk than their mothers could give.

Vanessa was more calmed after the kiss than Celine give to her cheek, she even was with Celine than Hope is the perfect name for this futa baby who has increased her suction rate until fall sleep, peacefully resting even whit the tendrils on her nose and mouth.

Thanks Celine, but dont charge with all the fault, lets just focus on Triny and your two daughters, stay with them as much as you can before leave to see Myrtle.

I dunno you, but im very hungry.
Said the mistress caressing her pregnant belly, she decide to clean her eyes and smile, she know than something bad could happen if she dont calm herself.

The two girls walk together toward the mistress room but she let Celine there and went to the dinning room to order some food for all.

Once Celine open the door, she saw a tired nude Triny feeding her brunette babie, she looks to had cried a lot and her red eyes look for answers. Its our daughter... fine? please say me than she is fine

Cassie was cleaning all as the bunnygirl remain at Triny side caressing her and giving her support in this hard moment.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine simply nodded her head when the spider girl told her that the children being healthy was all the reward she needed. "Thank you miss, for everything you've done for me, and for my child. I'll bring Triny down here as soon as she's able to so she can see her too," Celine tells the spider girl after she bowed to leave.

"Thank you Vanessa, I'm really happy right now. And I am going to spend as much time with them as I can before leaving. Also I'm with you, I'm starving too," Celine whispered to Vanessa before hugging her lover again and following her back to the bedroom where they left Triny, Cassie, and Sakura.

They parted ways on the way to the bedroom and when she returned to the bedroom a few minutes later, Celine saw Triny feeding the older looking baby with Sakura sitting beside her and trying to comfort her while they waited for news.

"It's okay Triny, she's going to be fine. They had to put her into this... pod of some sort because she hadn't fully developed yet, but not to worry any longer because we got her into it in time. They said that when she matures that she'll have a bit of trouble with her libido, that she'll likely be a nympho. So I guess that means she'll take more after me than you Triny," Celine explained to Triny some of what had happened, trying to crack a joke that would calm her down a little more and cheer her up. Once Triny had calmed down some more, Celine would explain the rest of what had happened.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

A pod? Ask Tanya worried of how that sound. Oh poor baby! pods not always are needed, but they are really usefull and helpfull to heal critical problems.

Cassie get close the bunnygirl Can you come to help me for a moment, please? said Cassie in an attempt to stop Sakura to make Trini get more worried, the poor bunnygirl is really so inocent than she dont notice when Triny put her free hand on her mouth.

After a moment only Celine and Triny were in the room with the brunnete baby. At least... she is safe, but i want to see her now... Triny belly roar softly as she look down and breath faster to recover her energy, as the baby is resting and still sucking her mother swollen breasts.

Triny looks to be depresed as her weak state make her be unable to stay at her child side, she start to caress her sleeping child and just think for a moment. I want to see her and stay at her side as much as i can, please take me with her once i can move again. Celine was sure than the breakfast was close to come and she should give a little more time to Triny to recover, even noe her belly was recovering from the double birth and this was Triny first time.

After a long time the mistress dont return to the room, Celine was starting to get worried and Triny is getting sleepy.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine pet Sakura's head before she went off with Cassie and kissed her on the cheek. Then she turned to Triny to comfort her, telling her that Sakura didn't mean any harm by saying what she had.

"It's going to be okay though Triny, the mistress assured me that they knew what they were doing and that Hope would be okay. I... kind of named her Hope because... well because she gave me hope that everything would be okay. And I'll take you to see her as soon as we get something to eat and as soon as you're able to okay," Celine said to Triny, trying to comfort her as best she could in this trying time.

Celine thought for a moment and looked down at their baby that Triny was holding. "What should we name her Triny? I want you to help with her name since I named Hope," Celine said to Triny, caressing her cheek and kissing the baby on the head.

After a while Celine got a little worried that Vanessa hadn't returned just yet, as they were supposed to have breakfast together and then go back to see Hope for a few minutes. "Triny sweetie, stay here for a few minutes okay, I'm going to go find out where the mistress went okay, then we can eat and go see Hope," Celine told Triny and kissed her and the baby both before getting to her feet.

"Hey Sakura, will you come help me find the mistress? She was supposed to come back here and I'm getting a little worried. Cassie can you stay here with Triny for me and keep an eye on her?" Celine asked the bunny girl and Cassie.

Unless Sakura told her that Vanessa would be in there in a few minutes or so to get them, or unless Vanessa of course came in, then Celine and Sakura would go to find her starting in the dining hall.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hope is a very cute name Said Triny as smile still a little weak. Im not very good giving names...uhm... Kaylen? which one do you have in mind. Said not really sure if the name was cute enought. Triny and the baby were glad to receive all the affection from Celine and Triny nod a little more happy than in the start, she even blushed and looks more vivid than before. Please take care said Triny as Celine prepare to leave, the bunnygirl nod ready to aid her mistress in anything, Dont worry Celine, i will take care of her until all return with the food.

Once ready both leave and went to the dinningroom first, they take a while to reach and they find the door opened, once inside they find a mess in the whole place, even some blood and ashes in humanoid form. In the floor close the kitchen she find the wolf girl still breathing and very wounded, both dont know if she will survive, but at least she wake up and move her furry ears as she turn to them. Mis...tress, garden..."cough" The girl start to lost the counciess and Celine must take a choice soon.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well sweetie, would you like her to be named Kaylen? If so then that's a beautiful name. But If you want me to help you pick a perfect name for her then how about Faith, because she gave me faith that her little sister Hope would be okay in the end," Celine replied to Triny, caressing her cheek gently and kissing her as she got up to leave.

After hugging Triny and then Cassie and telling them she'd be back as soon as she could, she and Sakura moved on out and towards the dining room to see if Vanessa was there. When they arrived in there they saw the the place in shambles and many other disturbing things besides. Celine and Sakura saw the wolf girl from the day before laying on the floor near the kitchen and saw she was quite wounded. She didn't look to be in good shape, Celine thought.

"Sakura, come on help me stop her bleeding, here put this on her wound. Hey no don't pass out on us cutie, stay with us, keep fighting and I'll give you another fun time later on okay. I need to know what happened here? Who did this?" Celine said first to Sakura, then to the wolf girl to try and get some answers as to what had happened.

Whether or not Celine got her answers she would look to Sakura and tell her to hurry and go find help for the wolf girl and bring as many guards as she could to the garden to help them find out what was going on, and if possible to bring the demon girl there as well, as she may use her favor owed to her to deal with whatever was there if she needed to.

With that Celine would get up and rush to the garden to maybe rescue her beloved Vanessa, she wasn't about to let anything hurt Vanessa and their unborn child. She would destroy anything in her path if she had to to protect the ones she loved.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hope and Faith!? Its the perfect name, Celine. Their names fith them so well. Fine, you will be named Faith, Triny said caressing her baby as she continue feeding her. Celine can see the explorer face cleaned of any anguish, the blonde girl give a last kiss to Celine before this decide to leave and let her family in Cassie hands.

Quickly both tried their best to give the first aid to the poor wounded wolf girl she has lost a lot of blood but once the bleeding stop she could have many chances to get out of this.

The wolf girl soon fall sleep, not before said her last word. Yes, my mistress, i will call for help, please take care. Said before start to run and let both alone, Celine dont have time to lost, if these demons were who the mistress has named than were maybe plaining something against her, then she dont have time to waste.

As fast as she can Celine run toward the garden, she could feel a supernatural cold surrounding the corridor close the garden, she even could feel how her bod try to go to other place, maybe this was a spell to dont let anyone think in go to the garden, some bodies and broken statues were on the floor and a nearly invisible mist was bloking Celine sight until quickly she opened the door. The beautifull garden has been turned into a battlefield there were 6 evil full armored soldiers and a unknown person with a dark mantle. Vanessa was resting close what was left of a huge tree who is now just a huge wood lump. The succubus girl shoot a fire ball of around 6 feets who only cause some little wounds on the mantle guy, the man made a sudden move with his hand and in the instant the poor girl was sended flying toward the wall, where she stay heavily injured. The mistress take the chance and caste a potent dark impact than take 3 of the soldiers and turn the grass floor into a dark path filled with corrupted flora. Celine can see than she could move stealthy and use that road to make a direct hit on the mage, but she was not sure if she could really help in this battle. Her eyes then saw Vanessa fall on her kness heavily breathing as she press her pregnant belly. Not now!

A tetrical voice come from the man as he get close her. The plants dry at every step than he give and the three dark knights move behind him. No more games. Where you hiden it? Its your last chance or my master will annihilate any living being of this zone and crush every stone until find that creature.

...How dare you to talk me... like that in my own house... where are your manners... servant?

Celine can see than the mistress was trying to earn time to take a second breath or until some help could come, the chances to help were close to end.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With her two daughters now named with the most perfect names she could think of, Celine and Sakura headed on out after one last quick kiss to Triny and the baby, then on the way out she pecked Cassie on the lips as well.


As soon as the wolf girl managed to get out the word 'demons', Celine got up and told Sakura to run and get as much help as she could get and hurry to the garden, saying to run and not get side tracked or she and the great mistress could die. She rushed off towards the gardens, hoping that the wolf girl wouldn't die and that she wasn't too late, and also that Sakura hurried and got Lina and the guards there to aid her, because she wasn't certain of her battle prowess against a demon, but she would fight to the death for Vanessa if need be.

When she arrived at the entrance to the gardens, Celine saw what was going on. After watching the succubus girl from before get thrown across the garden, but not before she cast some magic and dealt a bit of damage to the dark mantled man. Celine also saw Vanessa blast some sort of dark magic at three of the other armored soldiers, taking them out with relative ease it seemed. In the area that Vanessa cast her spell at, Celine could see it fill with the flora and decided to creep through it towards the mantled man, moving so quietly and carefully that even Vanessa wouldn't see her even though she was looking directly towards where she was coming from.

Celine saw Vanessa fall to her knees and clutch at her belly as she crept closer and got very worried, but she knew if she let herself be known now then she would likely die and Vanessa and their child would be hurt or killed as well... and she was not... about... to... let... that... happen.

She saw what was happening to the ground with every step and knew he had some sort of dark magic in him, but that didn't matter, as she only needed to distract him long enough for help to arrive. When he said what he did, Celine almost threw her sword at the back of his head, but didn't want to risk losing her blade if she missed or even if she hit, because she doubted she could handle the remaining soldiers without a weapon. She also immediately though that the man was talking about the angel with what he said, remembering what Vanessa had told her of the previous master of this place and other demons that maybe tried to corrupt her. She also thought the same thing as Vanessa said when she replied to the man.

When the moment was right, Celine would use her elven agility and rush in towards the mantled man, knocking his armored soldiers out of the way as she did if they got in her way, then she would run her blade through his back, aiming at his spine so that when she hit it would paralyze him to the point he wouldn't even be able to lift a finger, whispering in his ear, "How dare you even attempt to hurt my mistress you son of a bitch."

Once she had incapacitated him, she would step over in front of Vanessa in a protective manner, then she'd turn to face the remaining soldiers, giving such a deathly evil glare in her eyes that it would likely even scare Vanessa.

"I will not let you touch her you fucking bastards. Attacking a pregnant woman seven on one, some men you are. You are going to die today, I hope you're ready," Celine would said to the remaining soldiers after taking care of what seemed to be the leader.

Celine would then glance over her shoulder at Vanessa and give her a kind smile, saying, "Don't worry mistress, your Celine is here to protect you. I'll handle these fuckers, so don't you worry about a thing. Sakura's bringing Lina and the rest of the guards also, so these guys won't be getting away without paying for this slight with their lives."

Celine was more determined than she had ever been in her whole life, as she had something to fight for this time... her family. She was not about to allow anything to happen to her family... not now that she had found people to make a family with that she loved, and who loved her in return.

I hope Celine kills this bastard for talking to Vanessa in the way he did. She's also furious that someone would try to hurt one of her beloveds and will stand her ground to protect Vanessa, she'll get back up no matter how many times they knock her down to buy time for help to arrive.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With all the demons focused in the mistress and with the corridor filled with spells, Celine have a easy time going stealthy behind the corrupted huge plant path, her nude feet walk without cause noises and then only thinking in protect her family she slice the mage's back, she could see his evil face smiling to her as she transpass it and reach her mistress side. Fool slave, common weapons cant harm... The mage roar in pain touching his side as a strange light remain on the creature wound, each time opening the wound even more What kind of curse is this? The mantle monster said before fall and the three knights see the scary scenne, even Vanessa looks amazed how Celine has beaten that mage with a single blow, however the servant remain alive in agony and the warriors decide to still fight, until they notice than the spells were getting away, maybe for the mage state. They quickly take the mage and start to leave, before Vanessa recover her powers or more servants reach the place. Celine know not much how she was able to cause to much damage, but she maybe could hunt them even with low chances to win or she could stay to protect Vanessa for a moment until someone more come.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was actually a little surprised that her attack hit as easily as it did, and even more surprised when it did as much damage as it did to the man. She watched as he cried out in pain and when he asked what kind of curse it was, she wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, she didn't know any curses. His three remaining knights looked frightened of Celine after her attack because the magic the mage she'd injured so severely was fading away. She watched as they grabbed him and began retreating.

Celine kept her eye on them as they retreated to see which way they went, and knelt beside Vanessa to check on her. "Mistress, are you alright? Hang on, Sakura will be here as soon as she can with help. I sent her to get Lina and as many guards as she could round up, those fucking bastards won't get away from this place unless its for us to bury them," Celine said to Vanessa, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. Celine would glance back over to see the soldiers still retreating and whispered to Vanessa to hang on for a minute.

Celine quickly rushed over to the succubus girl to see if she was still conscious after the blow she had sustained. If she was then Celine would help her up and help her back over to Vanessa, saying, "Can you help the mistress and keep her safe while I go after them? Help will be here soon, so don't worry. I'll let you have an hour with me later for protecting the mistress too." Celine would wink at the succubus girl after saying that, then she'd look back to Vanessa.

"Mistress, I'm going to go after them unless you don't think I should or you don't want me to, but they tried to hurt you... my family, and my child," Celine said, looking down and rubbing Vanessa's belly gently, she looked back up a moment later and continued speaking, but in a very low voice so nobody else would hear her save Vanessa "I won't forgive them for trying to hurt you mistress. We have to make them pay for even trying to do so. And what did he mean by what kind of curse I put on him? What exactly did I do to him? And also, who was he meaning back there? Was he talking about Sophia?"

Celine would wait for a quick answer before deciding to simply rush off after her foes, knowing that one of them was seriously wounded she knew that she could easily catch up to them before they got away. She was also confident that she could at the very least hold off or distract the soldiers long enough for Lina and the rest of the guards to arrive to help finish them off.