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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once Celine wake up she see herself still over her own sex juices, her mind could remember part of what happenned to her, how her begs looks to had make her avoid being muffed, however that cause her to moan without stop filling a huge part of the palace with her animal like sounds.

Soon her eyes notice a sleeping Lina resting close her, she have soft marks from bites and claws on her body, nothing permanent but show the brutality of how was used in front of her. Celine body even when it is still sored by the long sex session there was not any mark and the rope lines only hurt her a little. Celine could wait and say to her mistress what Lina start to create or solve this between only the two warriors. Slowly Lina start to wake up when she sense the elf soft moves close her, so Celine can start to say what she think about what Lina made in an attempt to sattle her lust.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed she was still covered in her own sex juices, she remembered only a part of what happened to her earlier. Her begs kept them from gagging her thankfully, however this in turn caused her to moan out loud, filling a large part of the palace with her primal screams of pleasure.

After glancing to her left she noticed Lina sleeping close to her, Celine noticed Lina had soft bite and claw marks on her body, though they didn't look permanent thankfully, but it showed the brutality of how she'd been used. Celine's body was still quite sore from the hour long sex session, though there was no marks on her save the ones caused from the ropes, and those only hurt just a little.

She thought of what she could do and she could wait for her mistress and tell her what had happened, or she could try and resolve this matter herself. She noticed Lina waking up when she sensed Celine's soft movements close to her. She decided to speak her mind a little and ask Lina why she was done the way she was, after being promised that it wouldn't happen when she did all that was asked.

"Lina... why? Why did you do and let that happen to me? I... I trusted you, and asked you not to change me... even temporarily... but you... did anyway," Celine asked Lina when she was awake enough, crying softly at the betrayal of trust she'd given as she laid her head in Lina's lap and gave soft little sobs while clinging tightly to Lina.

Celine continued a moment later, speaking through her sobs, saying, "I didn't expect you to be so rough and mean to me, you scared me a little... All of it save that, the changing of my body... and that one gargoyle woman was kind of enjoyable. She really scared me Lina, I thought she was going to really hurt me and change me. Please don't let her come near me if we do this again." Celine trembled with fear as she finished to let Lina know that she truly was terrified of what all might have, and what all very nearly did happen.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Lina wake up to realize than Celine was waiting for her to start to talk about what just happened. She prepare herself to be insulted or even to receive a slap from the elf, she know than she deserve that and more for being unable to expect than her sisters will be out of her control.

I...Lina stop her attempt to talk when she notice Celine face, it was filled with tears and then the elf started to ask her why she has made all that. This moment was worse than Lina expected, she soon started to drop teardrops and feel really bad with herself. Speechless she tried to stay looking to Celine even when her sight tried to turn away to escape of this pain. I...im sorry, i really sorry... Lina tried in vain to talk for a moment and then pushing her words tried to say why she acted like that. its unforgivable what i made to you,... I tried to make you cum as much as i could... but the true is than i dont have any experience in consensual sex and you are so good than even our Mistress give you her...

How can i pay you? Even if the venom dont change more than your color skin, i just break my word... I cant think in anything to pay this huge mistake. Lina was unable to talk more, she is completely ashamed, ready to accept anything and she just nod when when Celine ask her to never let than that unknown Gargoyle get close her again. The elf know than her mistress could come in any moment with the two girls who serve them the breakfast, she can still choice how her Mistress will find her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine cried for a few moments in Lina's arms, shuddering as she sobbed. After a minute or so she looked back up at Lina, her eyes still brimming with tears.

"I... (sniffle)... I didn't mind the sex and how good you made me feel, that was okay, even if it was a little rough I didn't mind it. I just... expected too much I guess, I should've remembered to include your sisters in the deal too, so it isn't all your fault Lina, I forgive you. So next time be a little more gentle, and make sure they are too please. I can show you how consensual sex is later if you like," Celine said to Lina, still sniffling and crying some, offering to teach her later. Celine wiped her eyes again and continued, asking in a worried tone, "W-Will my skin stay this color forever? Please tell me it won't. I liked my old skin color. A-And I don't want the mistress to get angry with you Lina."

After that Celine would try to compose herself some so when Vanessa came and got her, throwing her arms around her mistress as soon as she saw her in a big hug, though not as strong as the last time where she lifted her off the ground, because she was still a bit weak from before.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

T-thank you Celine, even when i don't deserve forgiveness... Lina said trying to stop crying, but Celine kind and innocent heart has weakened her will, the elf even accept to show her how someone can have sex with someone don't broken or truly slaved against its will.

Lina tried to hug her and dissipate her fears but she just shake her head and smile to make her feel better. The venom is getting away of your body, you can talk and move again, even you aren't moaning without stop like a time ago.... I, sure than you will recover your natural color with the time... but i don't know when. Said ashamed and then just take a deep breath, soon their mistress will come and then after look the elf skin she could hurt and punish the poor Lina without mercy. She tried to hide her fear but Celine can see how the gargoyle body is more pale than before, she have maybe just some minutes, maybe less than an half hour to decide her next step and receive her Mistress with all her love.


Both girls remain alone, Lina was a little more ready to accept her punishment and then after some minutes they heard some steps coming close the door, slowly someone opened the door, it was the succubus from before, she looks to be a little filled with flour and still have her apron, then the mistress get inside and n the instant Celine run to hug her, the two others girls stop themselves in time to don't hurt the slave and just look the lovely scene.

Ohhhh~ I also miss you Celine, what has been doing my lovely girl all this time? Celine have only this chance before the Mistress see her completely, maybe she think than is the light of the place what make the elf skin looks different, but in a minute this could change.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine just hugged Lina, telling her that of course she deserved her forgiveness, and nodding her head at Lina's telling her that she should be back to normal after a little while. Celine glanced over to see Lina looked quite pale, more so than before and she knew that Lina was scared of what Vanessa would do to her. They waited for the mistress to arrive and after half an hour or so she did.

They saw Vanessa come in and Lina looked a little more ready to accept any punishment that the mistress would give her. The door slowly opened and they saw the succubus girl from earlier, she had an apron on covered in flour, Vanessa was right behind her. As soon as Celine saw her, she ran over to throw her arms around her in a hug, holding her close.

"I missed you so much mistress," Celine cried out when she got to Vanessa's warm embrace. She decided to quickly explain what happened, to keep Lina out of as much trouble as she could, "Mistress... I... (sigh)... After you left earlier, me and Lina had another match and I lost. This isn't all her fault what happened to me, it's kind of my fault too for losing. But there was this one gargoyle girl that felt... I don't know, evil. Like she wanted to hurt me. Lina told me afterward that she'd never had sex with a person that was being consensual before, so I told her that I'd show her what it meant for it to be consensual between two or more people," Celine tried to not go into very much detail after that, telling Vanessa all that needed to be said to keep her new friend out of as much trouble as she could.

Celine gave Vanessa a pleading look as she explained all of what happened, telling her to pleas not hurt Lina because it wasn't totally her fault. Once the matter was settled, Celine would ask Vanessa, "When will my skin change back mistress? Do you know?"

Once the whole matter was settled and everything, Celine would follow Vanessa to eat lunch, wondering if Lina would join them and if she'd see Cassie and Triny there as well so she could check up on them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once the elf jump over her, Vanessa slowly notice the little change on her, nobody know what she could be thinking in that moment as she look around for an instant before Celine start to talk. Vanessa decide to heard all what her lover want to say before talk again, still making her stay at her arms without even notice the sex juices on her. She looks to be thinking in make Lina in part responsible, but Celine pleads make her desist and instead get focused in the poor elf.

A Evil gargoyle? Did she hurt you? how is she? Said Vanessa before heard the little questions about when Celine skin will be normal again. Softly she place her hands on the blonde elf chin and make her look to her eyes for a moment, slowly caressing her cheek and shoulder. Maybe today before sleep, your skin is still soft and warm so you don't need to bother of this.

The Succubus start to smile and get close Celine, My Mistress the dinner is ready, this poor girl need to eat something before we have some fun with her.

As you order, we will bring the lunch to your chamber, how many orders we must bring. Continued the wolf girl

Vanessa was very focused caressing and looking to Celine to see her servants but without look around answer I dunno 7 will be fine, when all the guests had eaten until settled their needs, i want than both take a bath and come to eat with us. Do you want to invite someone? Said Vanessa when Celina looks to Lina, she will let her join if Celine ask for it and then the Succubus and wolf girl went to bring the food. In the room were both humans, Celine could see how Triny have a little bulge in her stomach, she was caressing her pregnant belly until she notice them get inside. Looks like your friend loves her little change, try to don't cum inside her again dear, she is so fertile than she could get pregnant again, said like a joke and then she sit as she wait for her servants to prepare the table to eat there, Meanwhile Cassie is close a bookcase, maybe she has been looking around to learn more of this place
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa seemed to have noticed Celine's little change, though the elf couldn't tell what she may have been thinking about what happened. Celine told her what all had happened and Vanessa let her finish before speaking again, holding Celine in her arms and not even worrying about the sex juices still all over the elf. Celine's pleading seemed to have kept Vanessa from taking it all out on poor Lina though so Celine was relieved when.

Yes an evil gargoyle, and she hurt my pride more than anything really, but she did humiliate me some too. Lina told me about the venom of their bites and said she only bit me once, but I don't know if that evil one did again mistress. She really scared me mistress, and I didn't see her before when I fought Lina earlier this morning... so I don't know if she just wasn't there earlier or what,” Celine said to Vanessa.

The succubus servant told Vanessa and the others that the food was ready and everything and that Celine needed to have something to eat before they had fun with her, while the wolf girl asked how many would be dining with them. Vanessa didn't look at her servants while she told them that maybe seven would be dining with them, asking Celine if she would like to invite anyone.

Yeah I'd like it if Lina could join us this time if that's okay,” Celine replied.

Once they got to the room the succubus and wolf girl servants went to get the food, Celine glanced over and noticed Triny and Cassie already inside the room. She could see Triny's belly slightly bulging and the human girl was caressing it gently until she noticed them. Celine smiled and giggled softly when Vanessa commented on Triny loving her change, she told Celine to try and not to cum inside of her again because she was so fertile she could get pregnant again. Celine just blushed at her words and smiled a little bit. She noticed Cassie looking at a bookcase and wondered what she was doing.

"What are you looking for Cassie?" Celine asked, sitting down at the table next to Vanessa and patting the seat on her other side and looking at Lina, gesturing for her to sit beside her. Celine expected the two servants to bring the food quickly and hoped they did, because she was starving. Once it was brought out she would attack whatever it was ferociously and clean her plate, asking for seconds after that.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine talk about that gargoyle girl, Vanessa tried to dont show her wrath, she just nod and talk in a serious tone. I will talk with their leader, even when nothing dangerous happened, i cant let that evil servant without punishment. The Mistress caress Celine's hair to confort her and maybe calm herself before invite Lina to come with them. The silver haired girl get up and bow to Vanessa Thanks to give me the honor to eat at your side Lina said trying to dont let her teardrops start to fall again, happy and ashamed at the same time, she still continue thinking than she dont desearve this thread after what happened.


Once in the room, Triny blush and cross her arms, in her live she havent heard about a human giving birth in two days something than is not a monster, she slowly get close the table and wait for the dinner. Meanwhile Cassie just get close the others Its just than i was bored, after Triny body was altered some hours ago, nothing interesting has passed.

Both could had pleasured each other or cuddle on the bed to rest, is very healthy for two pregnant girls to rest as much as possible. The Mistress interrupt Cassie before sit in her place, all was quiet and Lina sit close Celine, as the blonde slave have the Mistress at her other side, touching her thigh and back as they wait for the dinner. Vanessa looks to be still waiting for someone and said something to the two servants once they return with the food, out of that all enjoy a delicious peaceful lunch until the little girl was placed inside the room by the two kitchen girls. Why you call me? I was happily eating with our guests. the little evilgirl said in an angry tone, but the mistress just invite her to eat at her side I was just worried for you, some of our guests could try to hurt or capture you. Is better if you stay with me all the time until we find a cure
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Cassie told Celine that she'd been bored was why she was looking for books to read, that nothing of any real interest happened. While they waited for lunch, Celine decided to go over to Triny who looked to her like she was a little embarrassed about being pregnant. When she got over to Triny, Celine gently caressed her belly, lightly brushing he fingertips across it to tickle her slightly.

"Triny sweetie, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, and I'll be right here for you okay, we all will," Celine said to her friend with a smile, trying to give her some reassurance about it all.

Celine listened to Vanessa's words about Cassie and Triny while she sat back down beside her mistress, Vanessa was touching Celine's thigh and back while they waited for the food, with Celine cooing softly at Vanessa's gentle touches. Celine could tell that Vanessa seemed to still be waiting for someone, and then she said something to the two servant girls once they brought the food out.

While they enjoyed the food, Celine looked over to Lina and decided to try and cheer her back up some.

"Lina, would you like for me to teach you what I meant a few minutes ago about consensual sex? If so then would you like to watch me and those two after while?" Celine asked Lina, pointing at the succubus and wolfgirl servants she was supposed to have sex with later.

After Lina answered her, the little demon girl would come in, looking a bit angry about being brought there with them. Celine decided not to speak so as not to incur her anger any herself, simply continuing to eat happily. Once done eating, Celine would ask Vanessa if she could go and get cleaned up again, and if Lina and or any of the others would like to join her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny just started to giggle a little by the sudden tickles, saying a thanks as she start to eat. The explorer girl looks to be hidding something as also Cassie, both could have a different opinion about all this place.

Lina tried to looks serious and use her manners to serve her mistress, however she is really blushed after heard than Celine will teach her what is concensual sex, maybe the fact of said it in front of Vanessa made it sound weird and also Celine has just have a hour of pleasure, but still she looks to want more, no doubt Celine is a Nympho.

As Lina accept to take a bath with Celine, the little looks to dont understand why they must be worried about their guests, she just start to end her dish quickly as she resist the sex smell on Lina and Celine.

Unfortunately the succubus and wolfgirl looks to dont need a bath, they just continued serving then as they heard all these topics. With only Lina with her, Celine went to clean herself a little before have sex again, slowly washing herself everytime was starting to be annoying to Celine, she then see her mistress get inside the bathroom and place two small cloth pieces on a seat [color"red"] These are some clothes for tomorrow, all your clothes were used or eaten for my minions, maybe these clothes arent the best to cover your body, but any kind of cloth will be destroyed as you fight outside this place.[/color]

The clothes have Celine's eye color and are made of a soft silk, maybe they are skimpy but at least they cover her better than her old clothes.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine liked it when Triny giggled at her touches, it made her smile when she heard her friend do so. Celine saw that Triny and Cassie both seemed to be hiding something, though what she didn't know yet. She decided she'd ask them after her bath what was wrong.

Lina was the only one who said she'd bathe with the busty futanari elf, so it was merely the two of them inside the bath. Celine washed herself in relative silence, only chatting with Lina if Lina wanted to with her. While they were in the bath, Vanessa came inside and set some clothes down on a seat, telling Celine that there was some clothes for tomorrow. When Celine saw the thoughtfulness of Vanessa in bringing her clothing like that, Celine's eyes lit up with happiness, which would tell Vanessa that Celine greatly appreciated the gesture.

"T-Thank you mistress, They're beautiful. Though not as beautiful as you of course, and I'll protect them so they don't get ruined," Celine said to Vanessa, getting out and coming over to hug Vanessa and plant a kiss on her lips, already long since done with her bath.

When their kiss was over, Celine would get dried off and slip into the clothing, asking Vanessa if it was okay to do so now. She also would ask if Cassie and Triny may have some clothing to at least retain some modesty, that they were more shy about it than she was.

Once back in the room where Triny and Cassie were, Celine would go over to the two intending on finding out what was wrong before she taught Lina about consensual sex with the succubus and wolf girls.

"Triny... Cassie, what's the matter? You both look like you're hiding something, or that you both want to say something to me. If there's something wrong I'd like to help if I can," Celine would tell her two friends, giving them both a look that said she wanted to help however she could, but concerned because she didn't know what to do.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Lina take the bath in silence, using her tail to wash herself where she cant reach, she maybe dont know what to do in this moments, but then she turn to Celine and said what come at her mind. Normally i wash myself alone or my sisters, its not a relaxing moment as im the more young, i cant even bring a goblin without they take him for themselves. Do you have a family Celine? Said trying to talk with her more than to know.

Of course than the mistress was pleased to see how her lover accept her little gift, returning the hug to the wet girl even when she was dressed. Of course than you can use them now, just remember than i dont have too much clothes, but i think than i still have something for your friends. Said the mistress as she stay to look her slave put on her the clothes.

Once dry and dressed she return to the bedroom where only her friends were there maybe talking between them, the two servants looks to had taken the leftovers and dishes to the kitchen and the little girl went to a unknown place.

Both girls turn to see the mistress before Cassie decide to say something Celine, take care. We must return with Myrtle soon to see your childs
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Before they got done and Vanessa brought her clothes to her, Celine heard Lina speak and she listened to her in silence, letting her finish before speaking herself. "Yeah I do have family, but they're really far away right now. I mean I've got Myrtle and our babies, but they're somewhere on the other side of the swamp right now. I... kind of need to get back there soon so I can see them sprout." Celine said, with Lina probably asking what she meant by Celine's and Myrtle's babies sprouting, whether she did so or not, Celine would explain, "Myrtle's a plant woman of some sort, she's one of the last of her kind around here, and she asked me to bear her seedlings... so I did. Cause I couldn't stand the thought of a whole race going extinct because I didn't want to bear her seedlings."


Celine set about putting her new clothes on, pecking Vanessa on the cheek several times in thanks and smiling at her. Telling her thanks many times for looking for something for Cassie and Triny also.


When she asked Cassie and Triny what was wrong with them and everything, Cassie told her to take care that Celine needed to return soon to see Myrtle and their children.

"I know Cassie, I remember. So don't think I forgot or anything okay. I've talked to the mistress about Myrtle and she told me that she didn't mind that I loved them both," Celine replied, blushing slightly at her own words, but meaning them completely nonetheless. "I even talked to her about maybe helping to move Myrtle over nearer to here so I could be close to them both. Because this place is rather... well I don't want to say safe exactly, but she hasn't let anything bad actually happen to us yet, so I believe we can trust her." Celine looked down shyly as she said this.

After that, Celine waited fo the two servants to get back, and then for Lina to get done with her bath. Once the three were there, they would go to the bedroom if they were supposed to do it in there, or to wherever they were supposed to do this at, and Celine would get to work, teaching Lina about consensual sex as she'd promised.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Lina was not so amazed to heard the word seeding, maybe as a monster girl she has heard of plantwomen and other more rare creatures than lay seeds in their partners. However she was really interesting to heard about Celine's family. So you come from a far land and then decide to be the couple of a plant woman who race is close to disappear... I suppose than it sound good. Lina stop in that moment and continue washing herself a time, not really sure to ask the next question, but with the time she earn confidence and turn once again to Celine. You said than you love our Mistress and now than you have a family for feel sorry to a plant girl, do you love her too?

It don't matter if you are dressed or not, you are really beautiful Celine. Said her mistress as the girl dress herself, like Lina was not sure why the elf want to hide her lovely body behind these undignified clothes.

But of course than her mistress love how happy Celine was for just a pair of normal clothes and the elf looks to be also glad to help her friends with their shame. Vanessa just smile and return the cheek kisses as she follow her slave to the next room.


You love both? Said Cassie, not really sure than this was possible as she lack of her memory, but Triny cant stop to feel herself worried for what could happen to the three in the future. I suppose than is great to have two important persons who you love with all your heart, lets just hope than Myrtle don't get mad when she heard this and accept to get close this place.

I suppose that you are right, Celine. But look your skin, maybe it looks more normal now than when you get inside a moment ago, but what if something worse happen, we should leave soon. Triny said it in a whisper tone, but Vanessa was very close and maybe she heard it before she open the door when the servants knock the door. I must leave now, please enjoy your time here, if you need something just said it to Lina or these two. The two girls were starting to understand what was the mistress relationship with this blonde elf and the succubus get inside with a soft grind before rest on the bed. We will do what you wish, your friends will join us too? Lina left the bathroom as she heard the girl talking and she wonder if this will turn into an orgy when Triny get close and sit close the succubus, at difference of Cassie she was curious of how have sex with these kind of creatures could feel
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Of course I love Myrtle too Lina, I did have her children after all," Celine told Lina before she left the bath.


"Yeah Cassie, I love them both. I can't explain it, but... I just hope Myrtle doesn't hate me for it," Celine replied to Cassie, hanging her head a little sadly and looking ashamed at herself. As she finished speaking, Celine couldn't stop the tears from forming in her eyes as she thought of Myrtle telling her that she hated her and never wanted to see her again for what she'd done. Celine wasn't sure she could take that kind of heartbreak... she resolved herself to convince Myrtle that she loved her with all her heart if the plant woman told her anything like that.

When Triny spoke, Celine couldn't help but feel a little hurt, because she didn't want to lose her friends, not in this place where she didn't know anybody save two or three people.

"I... I know I have to leave soon, so I can see Myrtle and our babies. But... (sighs and whines) I don't know what to do, I've never been in love before, I've never had these feelings," Celine said when Triny was done speaking, giving both of her friends a desperate look, as if asking them for help and to not abandon her and leave her alone in such an unfamiliar place.

Even still though, she continued getting ready for her next sex session, which would also be a learning experience for Lina, an Cassie and Triny if they wanted to watch.

"W-Would you two like to watch or join us? I'm not going to make you, but you can if you want," Celine asked her two friends, kind of hoping they would at least watch, but hoping more so that they would join in, though she would be very careful so as not to harm the new life growing inside them.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Lina don't said more and just nod with a small shy smile, still with some doubts as give birth is more common in this palace than in the human towns.

Time later, when Celine show her feelings and fears about lost Mytle love, Cassie was the first to get close Celine, it was not her intention to make her suffer and what she most want is just Celine's happiness, but she don't know what she could do to help to solve her friend problems. I'm sure than she will understand... Cassie look down trying to calm herself and wait for Celine to continue talking.

Only when the elf ask for help, Triny decide to talk and hug her more for make her friend stop crying than like an answer. Celine, please don't cry, we just want to protect you, if you are in love with her too then you must take a moment to think what you want to do, we will accept your decision, but remember than the two of us were close to turn into permanent prisoners of this place, i cant just forget what was close to be my fate or Cassie one. I'm scared than something could happen to any of us or to our baby inside my body.

Cassie then just kiss her blonde friend cheek and cleaned her tears, trying to don't said more than "we will help you" and others comfort words, maybe trying to don't screw more this problem with wrong words.

Once Celine calm herself she turn to the servants, they looks to don't try to heard them about their fears, but with their enhanced senses they could had heard all without intention. Celesta ask to her two friends if they want to join her show or stay with Lina looking them. No thanks, i have enough the last night, maybe i will look around for something more to do. Cassie said still not happy to see her friend fuck as girl she meet. However Triny still don't know about Celine promise with Myrtle and she accept to join, maybe taking a soft role to don't hurt her baby. Once all ready the two monsters girls were more than ready to heard how Celine want to have sex with them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine calmed down when Cassie told her she was sure Myrtle would understand, thanking her friend for her kind words about the matter. Then Triny spoke and Celine listened to her worries and fears.

"Thanks, and I understand that Triny, and I'll understand if you don't want to stay here any longer, or come back after you leave. But... you two are my only true friends I've made since I left home, I... don't want to lose the two of you. I'd fight for you to keep you from becoming actual slaves here if I had to. I'd become a slave in your places to keep that from happening, and I'd kill anyone that tried to hurt our baby," Celine replied to Triny's words, hugging her close and not caring if Vanessa overheard her words before she left.

She thanked Cassie for her kind words and kissed her back when she kissed her, pulling her into her's and Triny's hug to make it a group hug. "I'd do the same for you as well Cassie, save the second part about our baby, because we don't have one or aren't going to be having one... not yet at least," Celine told Cassie, blushing slightly when she said the part about not having a baby with her yet.

"I... I suppose I love the two of you also, I've never really known love before except what my parents gave me, so I don't know... well I don't know what it's supposed to feel like to love another in any way. But... if loving someone is caring for them and wanting them to always be safe, and knowing that you'll hurt if you lost them, or if they left you, and knowing that you always want to be close to them and by their side. Then yes I love you both with all my heart, and I never want us to be apart, cause I really enjoy being around you two. Not that it has to be any kind of sexual love... u-unless you wanted it to be of course, but I love you both all the same even though we met only a few days ago," Celine said after a few moments, blushing profusely as she finished, and unsure of what the reaction would be to her revelation of love to her friends.


Afterward, when she'd calmed down and after Cassie and Triny gave their responses to her about what she said, Celine would go with either a very heavy and sad heart or a very happy and proud heart to the bedroom, where Cassie had said she didn't want to go to watch or participate, saying she would go find something else to do. Celine told her that she understood, but to be careful and not wander around without them unless she had the mistress with her.

Triny meanwhile seemed intrigued and wanted to watch, and even wanted to participate, though only in a light role so as not to hurt the baby or anything. Celine told her of course, and that she would be very gentle with her if she wanted to have some fun with her. So she led them to the bedroom and once inside, Celine would go over to the bed with the two seemingly eager servant girls in tow, where she would undress and neatly fold her new clothes and set them to the side to keep them from getting dirty or damaged. Then she would wait and see what the two servant girls were going to do. If they did nothing Celine would ask them how best they liked or enjoyed sex, their favorite positions and whatnot. She would then ask Lina and even Triny what theirs were as well once the two servants answered her, since they were both going to have a little fun also.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Both girls accept Celine's feelings happily the three stay in a hug group until Cassie said what she think. Im so happy to heard than you love me, but even when i love you a lot too, i for some reason know than Myrtle love is different. She just give you all and let you do as you want, looking to her face you could easily see how it bright every moment when you were close her. Cassie know than in her amnesia state she cant understand truly what love mean but she can understand the plant girl feelings. But her words make the other human answer too, but still hug the elf Sorry for make you cry, its just than all is happening so fast and i still cant believe than i will be a mother soon... im so scared and confused, but still i feel so happy to have your child, maybe i love you more than a friend... Triny get blushed and then slowly get away from Celine, she looks to be more happy and used to be naked than what she should be in this moment, maybe she really enjoy her actual state or what the mistress do to her womb could be helping her to feel this.


Once she heard than her friends love her too, Celine ask to the servants and friends about what they want. The Succubus just giggle looking to her partner before said than their mistress order them to serve Celine and the succubus will love any position, the wolf girl remain looking to the elf dick once Celine undress herself, "dog position" said blushing maybe ashamed to said something than all could know by her race. Lina smiled and just said than she have a fetish than she cant do in this small place but happily she will enjoy anything. Meanwhile Triny said to love a soft missionary with Celine... but then the succubus yawn looking at her and Triny said than maybe her rear hole, to dont hurt her child.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine didn't respond verbally to their responses that they loved her in return at first, but she did hug them tightly in response to their words. After a moment or two Celine looked up at the two, saying, "I know what you both are saying, but please believe me when I say that I really do love you both as much as I do Myrtle and the mistress. I can't really explain it, but I just do."

Celine would gently and tenderly caress Triny's belly, then she would turn and do the same to Cassie's. "Please try and not worry so much both of you, I want you to be happy too. So I talked to the mistress about getting you both some clothing and I'm going to talk to her about some other things that you want or need too, just tell me anything that you two might want or need and I'll talk to her and see if she can get them for you while we're here," Celine told her friends as she caressed their bellies.


"Alright then Triny, I'll do whatever you want me to, no matter If you want me to put it here, or here. I'll put it wherever you want, but I won't go deep enough to hurt the baby so don't worry about that okay sweetie," Celine said as she gently rubbed her hand across Triny's honeypot, then she moved her hand on to rub a finger across Triny's soft pucker. She then lightly rubbed her fingers across Triny's belly again to tickle her, while glancing over at the wolf girl and smiling at her saying she liked it doggystyle, "Well of course you like it like that cutie," Celine told her, caressing her cheek as they decided how they were going to go at it.

The succubus said she didn't mind so Celine told her that she'd try something she'd always wanted to try with her, if she didn't mind of course. She told the succubus that she wanted her to first wrap her breasts around her member and make her cum that way a time or two, then she could get her own release however she wanted as long as she didn't hurt her, that she could ride her or she'd do the work if she didn't want to take the top herself.

To Lina she said that she would take the lead this time with her and take her like a maiden on her first time, all gentle and tender like so that it lasted as long as possible.