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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Maybe you are right, but in this way you will get better. I want to see how far you can go, our mistress must had saw something on you. But... if you fail, you will be with us for a whole hour in that orgy in the wall, dont worry you will love it. The Gargoyle said as she prepare herself for the next round.

Once this started Celine rush toward her foe taking her off guard, Lina lost her balance and cant even try to counter her, however Celine was unnable to hit her again as the cray skined girl get away really quick, but then the elf press her body to go faster and manage to hit her again. This cause than the monstergirl were unable to defend herself.

[2 vs 0]
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine gulped when Lina told her what would happen if she failed, but didn't dislike the idea honestly. Her attack managed to knock the gargoyle girl off balance and she got in a couple of good hits. Celine tried to press her attack on Lina and keep her on the defensive, slashing her wooden sword at Lina as she stayed right on top of her.

"I don't plan on losing a second time, come here," Celine said a she pursued her opponent.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The gargoyle girl just smile and prepare herself to fight Celine, her moves look to had taken her off guard and this looks to make her feel happy instead to be loosing against a possible slave. Lina do her best and connect many hits, but the time was against her and the blonde elf looks to try to end this quickly, both girls hit their opponent and finally after a quick match Celine won by one hit.

Well done, but the next round will be the decisive. The silver haired skinned girl said as she prepare herself and dodge any possible attack, trying to don't fall with the same move than the elf used to earn advantage the last time.

[Celestia go first]
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine saw Lina just smiling at her as she prepared to fight the elf, she looked to have been taken off guard and this seems to make her feel happy instead to be losing against Celine. Lina did her best against Celine, but in the end Celine managed to win the second round.

Lina told Celine well done, but the next round would be the decisive one. She then got ready to face Celine once more, looking ready if Celine used the same technique again.

Celine decided to take a different approach and tried to slip behind Lina to hit her from behind, hoping to end the fight early if she could.

"Even if I win I may still spend the hour with you," Celine said to the gargoyle girl, smirking as she said this to try and distract Lina some as she moved around behind her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The little elf trick looks to work for an instant, maybe Lina was amazed by the high lust in the elf mind, unfortunately Celina just reach to hit her a time before the Gargoyle tail hit her softly and make the elf lost a precious time to recover hrself. The nude blonde elf tried to win with speed and hit again before evade the next hit, but then her next attack was not effective and she receive other push from the monstergirl to place the score 2 vs 2. Both fighters looks each other as the Mistress is pleasured and pamper by her servants, however she never stop to see the fight, maybe worried than something could happen to Celine. Meanwhile the little girl yawn and cuddle in her seat, maybe the only thing than make her stay here is the curiosity of how the elf will act if she won or lost.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's trick worked for a moment against Lina, amazing her with how lusty her mind seemed to be. Unfortunately for Celine though, she only managed to hit her once before gargoyle girl's tail hit her back. Celine's tactic seemed to have brought them to a stale mate so far, and Lina stared straight back at Celine as Celine tried to stare her down.

Celine glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw their mistress being pleasured and pampered by her servants, seeming to not be watching the fight, maybe worried that something could happen to Celine. She also noticed the little demon girl just yawning and cuddling up in her seat.

"I guess this next bout will decide it then huh," Celine said to Lina. She waited for the gargoyle girl to answer her before continuing, "If you win Lina, what do you plan on doing hmm?"

Celine was using her talking to get into a better position with which to fight Lina from, hoping to use anything in the room to her advantage to turn the battle in her favor. Whether she could or couldn't find something, Celine would quickly jump in and roll under Lina's next attack and try to get in a couple of good hits of her own on her. Though Celine knew that if she lost she would be spending the next hour with Lina and her companions, being the center of an orgy most likely, though this thought didn't seem to bother her all that much really.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

My respect, a perfect critical hit.

What i want?... im sure to had said it a time ago The young gargoyle girl is taken by sorprise by the elf sudden question. Celine take this time to look around and find a flower vessel and without think twice she throw it to the monstergirl head and then rush toward her. Thanks to this move Celine continue hitting and dodging, her foe hit her with her tail but she send a last attack as Lina tried to clean her face.

In the instant the mistress stop the fight to declare Celine as the winner, glad than this fight has ended without any accident.

Hahaha, that last move was soo fun...cough... Well i must leave to see my minions. The littlegirl said after laught a while once Celesta take the gargoyle off guard. Good move, i still need to train a lot Said Lina trying to shake the elf hand, as the mistress hug the blonde elf Well done, now what will you order to her? do you really want the orgy? Said the mistress waiting her servant to answer.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's tactic this time worked wonders, as she took Lina completely off guard with her words, which gave her the time to search the room quickly to find a flower vessel. Without thinking twice, Celine threw it at Lina's head and rushed towards her, managing to hit her a couple of times, though not without getting hit herself. Celine managed to win though in the end, as she offered her hand to Lina to help her back to her feet.

Lina congratulated Celine's move, saying that she herself still needed to train a lot apparently.

"I'd love to train with you again Lina, you're a very good sparring partner. And you aren't that bad of a fighter yourself honestly, I mean you did beat me in the first round after all," Celine said to Lina as she shook her hand, trying to be a good sport about it all.

The mistress came up and hugged Celine while she shook Lina's hand and told her well done, then asked what will she order Lina to do now, did she really want the orgy.

"Well... sex is always nice" Celine said, thinking of what all she could ask Lina to do. After a few moments of thinking about her options, Celine decided on something Lina could do, something simple, as she couldn't really think of anything else for her to do.
"Okay then Lina, I want you to give me a kiss, a deep kiss. And while you're kissing me I want you to hold me, like a lover."
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Like a lover...? Are you sure Celine? The gargoyle girl said with her eyes completely open and her face a little dark below her eyes like if she were ashamed

Oh please Celine, if you want that i could kiss you all the day, but fine is your choice a little dissapointed to heard the elf choice, the mistress just prepare herself to see them kiss each other.

Of course than Lina know about passionate kisses, but she dont know how Celine exactly want it, so she slowly get close her and slide slowly her hands toward her shoulders and back, her mouth take her time to get close and both girls looks to each other and suddenly Lina just forged her indesision and press the elf lips, bitting softly her lips, as her arms press her at her body and huge her passionately. Celine could hang of her using her legs as she see the stone but flexible wings hugging them and then the gargoyle feel the elf manlike member growl as the kiss get even better, they can only sense the other and then the deep kiss start and last for some minutes.

Once ended the mistress looks to be a little jeulose, maybe close to have sex with Celine in the middle of this room, but she have more things to do. I...i must leave soon, should i escort you to the garden? Once passed an hour i will cast a spell on Triny to make her a better breeder
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine saw Lina looking like she was blushing a bit from her request and her mistress said to her if she wanted she could kiss her all day, but it was her choice after all. Her mistress looked a little disappointed with Celine's choice, but she prepared herself to watch them kiss anyway.

When Lina moved in and pressed her lips to Celine's, the young lusty elf felt Lina gently bite her lips as her arms pulled their bodies together as she passionately hugged Celine. Celine noticed Lina's wings were wrapped around them some, seemingly hugging her as well, and Celine lifted one leg and softly rubbed it against Lina's hip. For a couple of minutes they kissed, with Celine's member growing harder the longer they went until they finally ended the kiss.

When they got through with their kiss, Celine noticed the mistress looked a little jealous, and about to act on that in some way, but she said she had things to do and after an hour she would cast a spell on Triny.

"Y-Yes mistress, please escort me to the garden if you would," Celine replied to her mistresses question, though she wouldn't speak along the way to there unless the mistress spoke to her.

Once they got to the gardens, Celine would turn to her mistress and look at her, looking shyly away as if she were ashamed.
"I'm sorry if I made you mad mistress. Will you please forgive me?" Celine whispered to her mistress. Then if her mistress didn't stop her, Celine would lean in and hug her lovingly and kiss her on the lips, lifting her off her feet and holding her in her strong arms as they kissed.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once the mistress let her time to say goodbye to the gargoyles, she guide the elf to the garden, letting her walk and make her walk cuddled on her as she place her hand over the elf rear.

Once there the mistress was close take her slave to a good seat when she notice than Celine was ashamed, she was close to ask her what make her feel like that when suddenly the elf talk her Oh no... im not mad with you... i just... The mistress was unable to talk more once the young elf take her in a passionate way, unable to resist the moment she return the kiss and let her lift her before she place her arms around the elf back. ... Celine... i cant be mad with you... she reach to say between kisses and she would remain close like this with the elf girl as much as she could. she has never been taken like this by any woman, her body now belongs to Celine for the moment.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine felt her mistress grab her butt as they walked, but Celine didn't try to move it. Once in the garden, she held her mistress like that for a couple of minutes as they kissed, her strength never giving out as she held her. When her mistress returned her kiss, saying she couldn't be mad at her in between the shower of kisses Celine rained down upon her. Celine felt herself getting a bit stiff, but she managed to maintain control of her desires for now.

"I uh... I'm sorry for doing that mistress," Celine said, gently setting her mistress down. Celine pecked her on the lips once last time and smiled happily, saying "We'll save having fun for tonight mistress."

Celine felt her heart flutter for a moment for some reason as she held her mistress, like it had when she was with Myrtle. She blushes and looks away from her mistress, too shy and unable to speak for a moment. She couldn't believe she was feeling like that with the mistress, like she had with Myrtle before... it was... strange.

Celine pulled away from her mistress, too embarrassed to look at her, moving away and sitting down, facing away from her mistress.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Even when she has given herself to the pleasure, the mistress can notice how the Celine's meat rod is getting hard bellow her, she slowly move her hips to caress her folders covered by her underwear, but before something more could happen, Celine slowly place her away of her and said than they must save this for the night. ...sigh...is a shame, but you are right, i must solve some things before the lunch. . The mistress said and was close to just hug her blonde elf guest when this turn away and sit in a chair.

Celine... are you fine? The mistress said as she try to get close the elf girl. Can i do something to make you feel better? The woman said worried by how suddenly Celine looks to be ashame for something.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine didn't try and move away from her mistress when she got closer, and didn't pull away if her mistress wanted to hug her or anything.

"Y-Yes mistress I'm fine... I just," Celine said, still blushing profusely.
"I just... felt funny when I held you, like I did when I was with Myrtle a few days ago."

Celine wasn't sure what the feeling meant, but she tried to describe it to her mistress anyway, wanting to know if she knew and could tell her what was wrong with her, or if she knew someone who could do so.

"It felt like my heart fluttered for a moment while we kissed, and I felt like that with Myrtle when she held me while I... birthed the seedlings she impregnated me with. It made me feel... strange. I've never really felt that feeling before, it's like I... feel really warm when I'm with you... and when I'm with Myrtle also. I... I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Do you know what's wrong with me mistress." Celine said to her mistress, blushing so red she looked about to burst into flames.

Celine looks up at her mistress, wanting to know what she would do to make her feel better like she said.
"M-Mistress... what would you be willing to do to make me feel better?" Celine asked in little more than a whisper.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Even when she still dont know what kind of help Celine could need, the mistress get close her and tried to confort her without disturb her too much, maybe cuddling and even giving her a warm hug before the elf explain her problem.

She accept to heard and help her once she explain the strange feeling than she have now.

Dont worry, Celine. What you feel is normal and you dont need to be worried. In some way, i also feel the same when im at your side, maybe... im starting to love you too much... its the first time than i feel this in a long time. The woman dont know if this could help the elf to feel better but she gat close her even more letting the elf rest her nude body on her.

At this moment you must be a little confused to feel this for two different persons, but is fine and you must be glad to have two persons than love you too much and i dont know what Myrtle could think but i can accept than you have another person than you love so much like me
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine sat there while her mistress hugged her and listened to her kind and comforting words. If she hadn't already hugged her, then Celine would do so after her mistress finished speaking.

"I-Is that what's wrong with me? I-I'm in love?" Celine asked, her eyes tearing up some, she wondered who made her mistress feel this way before.
"I... hadn't considered that. Thank you mistress for understanding my feelings, because I guess I do love Myrtle, and you also. I'd really like it if you could meet her, I think you would like her. W-Who was the one that made you feel this way the last time mistress? If I may ask."

After her mistress answered her question, Celine asked two more that were bugging her, probably the two questions her mistress wouldn't answer easily. But Celine decided to ask anyway, with a look of longing in her eyes as she did.
"Mistress... what's your name? I want to call you something other than mistress, unless you just want me to that is. And are you a demon? I'll still love you even if you are."
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine soon receive a more soft and warm hug from the mistress, her smile and a little nod afirm that the elf is in love with Myrtle and her. The Celine's next words make her feel loved and suddenly the beautiful moment get broken when the elf ask of her last love.

That... happened a long time ago, he was a really good looking guy, kind, powerfull... but its hard to talk of this... he die to protect me The mistress said nearly in a whisper, it looks to be hard for her to continue talking of that man, but then Celine continue the talk with what could be two questions than the mistress try to avoid.

I love to heard when you name me Mistress, but the true is than there is another reason for dont give you my name. As more information i give you, you will be in more danger. But if you want a name... Call me Vanesa and... im not exactly a demon She whisper before continue caressing her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine accepts her mistresses soft warm hug, hugging her back. She looked a little heartbroken when Celine asked of her previous love and Celine gave her a sad look.

"I'm sorry for asking mistress, please forgive me," Celine said when her mistress finished speaking of her previous love.

"Why will I be in danger, Vanessa?" Celine asked her mistress, shyly whispering her name back to her as her eyes brightened up happily upon finally hearing her mistresses name.

If she told Celine, then Celine would hug and kiss her, telling her that she was willing to risk the danger for her. After that, Celine looked around the garden for a moment and decided she wanted to go with Vanessa to wherever it was she was going, "May I go with you? I promise I won't be a bother," Celine asked Vanessa.

If she didn't want Celine to go with her, then Celine would head back to the training room if it was okay and she'd ask Lina if she wanted to have another round with her.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Trying to dont looks sad the Mistress caress the elf shoulder and press her a little against her, instinctively trying to earn comfort before smile and kiss her Dont worry, im fine.

However Celine tried to know why she could be in danger what cause to Vanessa be quiet and turn around the garden. If you know too much about me, you will turn into my weak point. This place will be full of dangers if you learn more about me, i dont want to see you hurt, Celine The mistress said trying to maintain her distance with the last than she think will stop Celine to learn more of her, her mouth was close to free more information of the needed.

The Elf stay with her a time and when Vanessa was close to leave the elf ask her another favor. You want to follow me? I will love to take you with me, but i dont want to make you act more as a slave or pet. I must go to a meeting with many powerful demons and creatures, the only way to dont cause problems is if they see you as a completely trained slave or a mindless pet. Maybe you should return to my room or train more.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched Vanessa trying to not look sad or anything as she caressed the young elf's shoulder and pressed their bodies together. Her mistress smiled and kissed her, telling Celine the reason she didn't want her to know too much about her was because she was afraid she'd turn into her weak point and that this place would be more full of dangers the more Celine knew about her, and she also told her that she didn't want to see her hurt.

Celine smiled at how considerate Vanessa was being and kissed her again on the lips, not really caring if anyone saw.

"I understand mistress, but know that you can always trust me with any secret, or simply anything you want to tell me. I... I did say I loved you. Didn't I? I'm willing to brave any danger for you mistress, so long as you love me I will always be there for you," Celine told Vanessa quietly, pulling her into a final hug before she left.

"In the case of the last part, I don't mind having to act like that, but I don't want to cause you any problems if I mess up or something. So I'll go back to where Lina and the others were at and train or something with them some more, and you can come get me afterward or send someone to take me back to where I'm supposed to have fun with those two servant girls from earlier. It would be okay to go back to where Lina and her kind are wouldn't it? They wouldn't try anything too over the top with me would they?." Celine whispered this in Vanessa's ear as they held one another lovingly.

Whenever Vanessa answered her last questions and they parted ways, with Celine giving Vanessa one last deep kiss before she left. Then Celine would head back to the training room to get in another round or two with Lina or one of the other gargoyle girls that were inside. After the fight she'd wait for Vanessa to come and get her to take her back to where the two servants were waiting to have fun with her later.

As she got back to where she'd trained with Lina at earlier she looked around to try and find Lina or one of the others of her kind to ask if they'd like to have a sparring round with her.