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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The mistress and Triny accept to try Celine's plan and both hide, once all ready the elf throw a little rock from a close statue to a far side, in the instant the giggles stop and a llittle whimper follow the sound. The candle light vanished and all was close to have a deep darkness, but this dont change anything in the swordswoman plan and soon she could heard some ddelicated steps getting close them, without give any chance Celine try to hit the back head of the unknown person, but she was very small and what looks like a fine tail stop her attack.

Who are you? do you came to play with me? Said the young humanoid with a childrish tone, Celine was not sure if the gender of this person, but she must have around 8 or even 7 years, something a little direfent of the size of the shadow than she saw in the room.

Im busy playing with my new toy, why dont all of you wait until we end our game? The creature giggle as she try to return to the room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After Celine tossed the rock, they waited until a small girl stepped out into the room they were in. Celine's attempt to thump the girl on the head failed as she stopped her sword with what looked like a tail. The girl didn't look to be but maybe 7 or 8 years of age and she asked who they were and if they had come to play with her. She told them that she was busy playing with her new toy and that they would have to wait until she got done with their game.

"Mistress, do you know who this girl is?" Celine asked quietly to the woman behind her.

Celine waited only a moment for her answer before speaking to the young girl.

"Excuse me little one, but I think that's my friend in there. What are you doing to her?" Celine said to the girl, keeping her sword in her hand in case she needed to use it. She stepped into the room a couple of steps, ready to stop the girl from doing anything further to the girl she had inside.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny looks to be a little curiose too for who is this girl, even when they are in a complete darkness she get a little closer to see her better.

Meanwhile the Mistress take a moment to answer, Well...Is the demon than ussually likes to play with the intruders... this is one of her rooms... For some reason the woman decide to dont said more an then let Celine continue before decide if is needed to say something more.

Of course than the evil child dont stay quiet and it shake its head. NO you are wrong, its my toy and this is also my room! Its not fair than you come here with your playthings when im trying to live alone. Saying the last part looking to the Mistress

Well, you could have leave the place and search for a new one instead to try to seize these rooms, take my servants and turn them into your personal toys. The Mistress said a little unconfortable to had to said this in front of Celine and Triny.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

[I'm assuming the girl in the room is Cassie, so this is in that case.]

Celine listened the mistresses words about this girl being the demon that usually likes to play with intruders and that this was one of her rooms. The girl then turned to speak to the mistress, while Celine glanced over to look at the black haired girl on the bed to get a closer look and see if it was Cassie.

When the girl spoke to the mistress and the mistress responded to her, Celine grew a little worried that the mistress would abandon them here after promising to help them save Cassie if she did what she asked.

"Mistress... you promised to help us find Cassie if I did what you asked and here she is. Now if she's trying to hurt her then we must stop her," Celine whispered to the mistress, her eyes tearing up a little as she thought the mistress may betray them.

Celine didn't like the idea of fighting the girl even though she was a demon, but she would if she had to and gripped the hilt of her sword tighter as she got ready to fight to save her friend Cassie.

"What are you doing to my friend there? If you're hurting her then I must ask you to stop," Celine told the young looking demon girl, ready to knock her on the head with her sword if she didn't release Cassie.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With the place out of any light, Celine was not able to completely be sure than the girl on the bed was or not Cassie and the girl looks to try her best using her little body to dont let them get more closer.

Of course than i promise that but..."sigh"... there must be a way to solve this without hurt each other. Said the mistress a little against the idea to face this little child.

Once Celine get in position to attack the girl looks to make a little pout and sit on the floor. That thing is very noisy, is really weird than you had not train her properly. Said before point to the door like if she had decide to let Celine pass. Both can get inside and we will talk about a way to solve all this, i never will be able to hurt a new toy...

The mistress giggle and touch her forehead. Do you really think than i will believe than you had grow up, stop this nonsense and go back to your room instead live in this storage room.
Its not a storage, is my house Said the evil creature before stick her tongue out at the mistress

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine couldn't be totally sure that the girl on the bed was Cassie and the girl tries to use her little body to prevent them from coming any closer. The mistress said of course she promised, but that there must be a way to solve this without hurting each other.

"I don't like the idea of hurting someone either, but I have to protect my friends also," Celine replied to the mistresses words.

When Celine got into position to fight, the girl pouted and sat on the floor before pointing at Celine and telling the mistress that this thing was very noisy and that it was weird that she didn't train her properly. She did allow them to come on in though, saying that they would talk about a way to solve all of this, that she could never hurt a new toy.

"I'm not a thing, I'm a person, people aren't things, and we have feelings you know, feelings that can be hurt by saying mean things like that," Celine said at the girl calling her a thing and not a person.
"She's a person too, not a toy. People aren't toys either." Celine then said to the girl, pointing at the black haired girl on the bed.

Celine came on into the room and went to the bed to see if it was Cassie while the mistress and the demon girl exchanged words with each other. Once they had finished speaking, she would turn to speak with this over with both of them. She saw the demon girl stick her tongue out at the mistress and couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

"Okay then little one we'll talk. First off, what were you doing to her?" Celine asked the demon girl, pointing at the black haired girl on the bed. She looked between the mistress and the demon girl and continued.
"Now how will we solve this? I'm all ears."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The girl dont answer or even turn to Celine once this tried to talk about the wrong to call someone "toy" or "thing", maybe the little humanoid was busy talking with the Mistress or in her mind continue this talk with a common mortal is just a waste of time.

Unfortunatelly Triny follow her friend to check if that woman was or not Cassie, the two get closer and even then they have problems to know if she was really Cassie, her face and body are a little diferent and she have the eyes closed, the skin of the woman feel a little different and her breasts were at least three sizes more bigger than what Celine remember, without any imperfection on her body and filled with that bright transparent slime.

Just then she turn and tried to talk to the little creature, but for some reason the whole room get bigger and the door get far away until in some seconds the two girls were in a dark massive giant room with only the bed and what could be Cassie close them.

How we will solve this? i think than a little game where nobody get hurt will be the best choice. What do you think, any objection? Said a distant voice and then the mistress tone answer. What do you have in mind?

Well, im a little pissed than the blonde said me little one, i hate that and im sure to had lived more time than her or her named "friends". its all your fault than i cant grow up so fast like the others... i hate you, "stick tongue sound"

Yeah... im the bad... just answer me what will try to do

Hmm... oh yes i know. If that one want to fight then she must face somethig, but dont worry i will dont hurt yours... what do you call them? oh yes "slaves".

They are more than slaves, but fine i will allow it, just dont try to cheat, put them something than they can beat.

From nowhere three futa dolls appear they looks exactly like them what make this even more bizarre, as they have lewd bodies and even four tentacles at their backs.

Thats not fair, is a 2 vs 3 battle.

Thats not true they have weapons and maybe my new toy can help them

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine and Triny got closer to the girl on the bed, they couldn't tell if it was Cassie or not, as she looked much different than before if it was her. The mistress and the little demon girl talked back and forth and in the end it seemed they decided on a little game of some sort.

"You may have lived a lot longer than me, but you're still acting like a child if you can't ignore what people said to you," Celine said back to the demon girl when she said that she was mad at her.
"And I don't want to fight unless I have to, I only want my friend set free and returned to normal like she was before what you've done to her."

Celine ignored her next words and moved to the bed beside the girl and tried to talk to her to see if she was Cassie or not.

"C-Cassie... is that you? Speak to me please," Celine said to the girl on the bed, tears forming in her eyes and running down her cheeks at what had been done to the girl.

Celine waited for the girl to answer if she could. Then if she did answer her, Celine would tell her to get up and help them fight. If she did not reply however, then Celine would look to the mistress and say, "Can you not make her undo what she's done mistress. If you help us, then I'll do you another favor."

Regardless of what else was done, Celine would get ready to fight.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The young evilgirl started to whine a little and Celine heard some unknown words. But the elf has not time to heard her and she just go to see if the woman was Cassie, with a sudden move the woman open her eyes and stay looking her for a time, she dont blink in all that moment, but she nod and then split a lot of the strange substance on her. Ce...line?... Triny? Her voice sound slighty altered, more childrish than before, her hands looks to move in a more stunned way, maybe this substance have a paralizing magic effect. But this dont stop the black haired girl to try to clean her friend face, what dont work too much as her hand was filled with the substance.

Its so cruel, poor Cassie. We must let her rest, as she cant face these things in her actual state Triny said before Celine ask that favor to the Mistress.

Fine, but i cant fully heal her at this distance, at least she will be able to move like she normally do it before this curse.

So if they win, i will cure her and let her free, but what will happen if they lose? Doubt than you will be happy if i turn them into my new toys

They will won, but if you want i can give you something better for them.

Fine, but its not enough, if they lost they must be with me for a whole day and follow all my orders.

Only if you also return to your room and let me teach you again, if they win.

The girl accept and then the battle start, as suddenly Celine notice than Cassie could move and get out the bed with a single move, but she still looks altered by the slime

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine checked to see if the girl was their friend and saw that it was Cassie, who opened her eyes a little to look up at her. When she finally spoke to them, it was with a strange and slightly altered voice, it sounded more childish. Celine saw that their friend was very weak and wouldn't be able to help them fight, with Triny saying the same. Celine's words to the mistress seemed to work and she tried to heal Cassie some from a distance, so that she could at least help them fight some.

Once the rules and everything were set, Celine looked at the demon girl.

"I have a stipulation also. If we win, then I get to do one little thing that should have been done a long time ago, but unless I win you won't know what it was, Celine said to the demon girl. Celine didn't say what she was wanting to do, but she already had what it was in mind... she was going to give this little brat the spanking she deserved.

Once they were all ready to fight and everything, Celine would get in front of Cassie and Triny, telling her two friends to pick the weakest one out and take it down, while she drew the attention of the other two. When they went at the one they chose to attack, Celine would move in to fight the other two, slashing at the first one's throat and stabbing at the second.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The little girl was so convinced than she will win than without think twice she accept than Celine have her little wish. The three lewd dolls were now more close to them, their lifeless eyes were placed in each one of the naked warriors and Triny shiver by how suddenly they must face something like this.

Lets... fight the Triny one,... im sure than her body is not made for a close fight Said with her still altered voice

Hey! well maybe is true... but all of them are the same... Triny decide to accept it, as it looks than even when each one looks like a mindbroken slut, her copy is the most weak looking. Once selected their targets, Celine tried to stop the others two as her friends take care of the brunette slut doll, her attack toward the doll neck was easily avoided by a superhuman flexibility, Celine could see the joins of the neck be exposed when the doll turn her body away and then the other wrap the swordswoman with her tentacles, it looks like these things were filled with the same substance over Cassie, but for the moment Celine dont feel any change and even countered the other in her actual state.

It was a shame than nobody think in bring the spear with them, the poor Cassie looks to has to fight this battle without a weapon. Triny tried to stay away of the battle to shoot better, but before she could aim, her doll run toward her at a great speed and without stop wrap her in her tentacles and pull her until the bed, making her never touch the floor and bounce her nude body with the fall on the bed. The Triny doll in a quick succession start to wrap and cover the girl with her tentacles as Cassie get pushed away by her hands and legs who moves like a spider. For Triny it was so odd, to looke at a similar face filled with lust and corrupted to looks like a doll, her doll giggle and lick her without looks to be able to take away that lusty sight. As the substance cover the explorer she could feel it feel funny and reduce her force, her breasts could feel the ample orbs of the doll let fall a warm substance on her chest who slowly slide at her belly and even the bed, Triny scream and struggle more, not waiting for help and instead prepare herself to push her away of her.

Celine 4/5 -1 attack grappled
Cassie 5/5
Triny 3/4 -1 attack grappled -1 all rolls substance

Celine D. 4/5
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I figured it was an assumed thing that they brought Cassie's spear with them.

The little demon girl accepted to let Celine have her wish if she won, then the three lewd dolls moved in to fight. Cassie and Triny chose the one they would fight while Celine went to hold the other two off. It looked to Celine like the dolls were covered in the same substance that Cassie was, but Celine didn't feel any change come over her as the substance got on her when she was grabbed.

Triny tried to stay back away from the battle, but before she could aim her gun, her doll ran towards her at great speed and wrapped her in her tentacles. Celine saw the battle going quite badly for them so far, but she tried to turn the tide for them by kicking the doll that had her off and swinging her sword at her the doll's neck to behead it, aiming as carefully as she could so that she didn't miss her.

Cassie, get Triny free and kill that thing! Break its neck! Do whatever you have to to win!” Celine shouted to her friends. She couldn't let that little brat cheat them like this.
We can't afford to lose... FIGHT!
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

From this point Celine dont have too much free time to see her friends, her sword cause a serious injure in the lust doll head, but even when this groan painfully she continue with her need to sattle her lust. The swordswoman get grappled again and hit once again the other doll, but eact time her body is getting stunned more by the substance, even her body start to feel some needs to kiss and let herself be used by these dolls.

Meanwhile Triny continue being filled by this substance, her arousamen has grow until she start to kiss the doll mouth and drink the strange substance, it feel soo good~ her body was close to lost the battle and give herself completely to her doll when she heard Celine shout. B-but...i...i wan... Nooo! The explorer scream with her last will and push the doll as also Cassie manage to get over her and try to break her neck. As the doll get focused on the black haired girl, Triny reach her gun and shoot to the creature who cry and moan by the pain, like if she some time ago had a counciest. Both girls continue shooting and hitting until the creature stop to move, leaving a nearly inmovile Triny and a nearly unwounded Cassie ready to aid the elf warrior.

Celine 2/5 5/10 AP -3 Substance

Cassie 5/5

Triny 1/4 8/10 AP -5 heavily drenched

TD 0
Cassie D 2/5
Celine D 3/5

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine didn't have time to see if Cassie and Triny were doing okay with their fight, as she was much too busy with her own. Her sword swing caused a severe injury to the doll's head when she swung at it. Even though Celine had caused her a great injury though, she continued to try and pleasure Celine, who managed to break free only to get grabbed by the other doll, whom she also managed to hit and free herself from.

Triny meanwhile continued being filled by the strange substance, her arousal growing until she actually kissed the doll on the mouth to drink the substance. Celine's shout though brought her back to reality as she pushed the doll off of her, with Cassie trying to do as Celine suggested and breaking its neck. Triny reached her gun and shot the doll of herself and together her and Cassie managed to defeat it.

Now they stood ready to aid Celine once again and while Triny looked quite weakened from everything so far, she was still in the fight. Cassie however seemed completely unhurt so far and Celine hoped to keep it that way as she gave them a plan real quick.

"Okay, Triny you stay back and shoot the Cassie doll there, Cassie keep it off of her as best you can. Kill it no matter what okay girls, it looks pretty banged up from what I've done already so far. I'll handle the doll of me and keep it off of you girls to give you time to take out the other," Celine laid out her plan to them and get ready to fight again.

This time though, Celine was going to fight defensively to hold the doll of her off until Cassie and Triny dealt with the Cassie doll. Once the Cassie doll was down, they would all three pounce on the Celine doll. If Celine had to do it to distract the doll, she would even use her body to entice it into having sex to keep it busy.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine defend herself

Cassie crit fail and get very grappled

Tania fail

Cassie Doll fail

2nd turn

Celine dodge

Cassie fail

Triny is very aroused to get focused

Cassie D fail

3th round

Celine counter the doll

Cassie hit her doll

Tania is very aroused and stunned to help them

Cassie is hit and drenched

With her weapon in hand and breathing hard close to fall uncouncious, Celine stay in her place without move herself, the doll attacks are only focused in grapple her and Celine learn them soon to wound her doll and make her whine desesperated in her lust to try to make this blonde girl know how she should feel forever.

Meanwhile Cassie doll just giggle and wrap the black haired girl with her back tentacles when Cassie tried to hit hr in vain, soon her body start to be filled and drenched more with the vile substance, she think than at least Triny will have a safe shoot, but the explorer cant resist more and drop her weapon before touch herself, her body has taken all her will to win this battle and she start to caress her breasts and cunt in need to cum, but that looks to dont come, many times she turn to her weapon in an attempt to end this fight, but she just dont want to do it. I need it~, feed me more, fill my naughty body~... Ahhh please someone fuck me!

The doll giggle and get close Triny getting ready to fulfill her needs when suddenly Cassie get free and start to hit the Doll head, it only be a little to beat this thing but then she is filled with more substance, her body is getting stunned again like when her friends find her, she was sure than if this continue both girls will be defeated.

Celine 2/5 5/10 AP -3 Substance

Cassie 3/5 -2 a lot of slime

Triny 1/4 8/10 AP -5 heavily drenched

TD 0
Cassie D 1/5
Celine D 2/5

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's fight with her doll copy seemed to be going quite well so far as she managed to dodge most of its attacks, and she even countered one of them and hurt it back.

When she did this it bought her a moment to glance over at her friends, she heard Triny cry out and saw Cassie still fighting, hitting the doll in the head when it got close to Triny after hearing her words.

"Triny get up and fight dammit! I promise you when we get done I'll do whatever you want me to do, JUST FIGHT!" Celine shouted to her friend, trying to urge and inspire her to get up and finish the fight before they lost.

Celine would charge the Cassie doll and stab it in the back while the real Cassie was keeping its eyes on her. If she managed to finish the doll, hopefully Cassie and Triny would finish the Celine doll before it came up behind her and hit her.

Come on good rolls please dammit. I really want to bust that demon girl's ass.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine fail

Celine D. hit

Cassie Crit fail

Triny hit

Cassie doll close to hit but die

Celine rush to hit Cassie doll, but her own Doll wrap her with her tentacle and press her thigh to have her on control, the elf can see how Cassie fall by the slime in the back of Cassie doll and impale herself in the tentacles, she moan lewdly and receive the loads of cum from the appendages.

The fight looks lost with Celine close to fall unconscious and Cassie starting to lost the heal than the Mistress place on her, then a shoot was heard and a sex crazy Triny giggle and laugh when she see the.

HAHAHA... really? i... i love you so much Celine... i...i cant nearly think straight but... but i will resist it. Triny said with a lost sight, her body was on the verge of make her fall and just fondle herself if she dont release her needs soon.

With a bad luck Cassie fall over her doll and more of the warm substance fill her, her moves are once again slower and soon she notice than other spell more has been placed on her.

Celine 1/5 5/10 AP -2 attack grappled -3 all rolls Substance

Cassie 2/5 2/6 AP -5 heavily drenched

Triny 1/4 8/10 AP -5 heavily drenched

TD 0
Cassie D 0/5
Celine D 2/5

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine tried to go finish off the Cassie doll, but was grabbed by her own copy, who wrapped her tentacles around her to keep her from moving. Cassie seemed to be in trouble as well, but then a loud shot rung through the area and Celine glanced over to see Triny giggling like crazy.

"Come on girls... don't stop yet... fight!" Celine cried weakly to her friends with tears in her eyes to urge them to hurry to her aid. Celine felt her own body starting to betray her, but as she was about to give in she shook her head and told herself no, she couldn't give up yet... she had to win this fight, she couldn't afford to lose. She glanced back over to Cassie and Triny and roared at them to get back up and finish the fight.

Celine then tried to break free of the doll with everything she had left, biting, scratching, kicking, anything to get free. Once she had gotten free, she would try to take of its arms with a pair of mighty swings from her sword.

Come on dice don't fail me now.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine get free but fail to damage her Twin Doll

Celine D. hit and make Celine sleep

Cassie try but fail

Triny shoot like the sexcrazy girl than she is for the moment

Round 2 all fail

Round 3 fight end

But...i dont want to have ...sex Cassie said as she get up, it looks like even when she has been used by the devilgirl and filled completely by this potent substance, she just continue fighting only for her friends. What make her get up once she see how Celine get free only to be whiped by one of the tentacles on her head, her body cant resist it and fly some feets before start to see only shadows and fall sleep, her last moments before that is heard Triny scream and cry by the effect of her words, as Cassie push and fight with the doll in order to get close her friend.

Why is she still fighting?, any human must show their trueself now and just beg to be raped like always, by all that substance in their system. Dont lie me, you place something on her... is not fair Reach to heard Celine before get fully uncounciest.

Celine can feel her body feel hot and wet, she could feel something pressing her dick and bouncing over her with passion, her skin can sense a warm substance over it and a warm body licking her breasts and gropping them, her mouth let free her moans without stop like a wild animal, slowly she open her eyes in her tired state and see Triny using her to sattle her needs, the elf was now very aroused too and only turn to see Cassie being healed by the Mistress, two of her minions are cleaning the black haired girl and now Cassie also have a gold collar, maybe the woman place it to be able to call the creatures or she was getting all ready to have fun with her pseudo sex slaves. The devil girl looks to dont be there, bt she was crying maybe in a close room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's words seemed to have the desired effect on Triny and Cassie as they got up to come to her aid, but before they reached her the Celine doll bonked her on the head with one of her tentacles, knocking her out. Before she lost consciousness though, Celine heard Triny scream and cry because of her words, the demon girl also said something to the mistress about why were they still fighting, but before she could comment on it or anything she fainted, leaving Cassie and Triny to fight alone.


Celine woke a time later, her body was hot and wet, and she could feel something pressing on her member and bouncing over it passionately. Celine could feel the warm substance and someone licking and groping her breasts, making her let out a lewd moan as she came back to the waking world even though she was very tired. She slowly opened her eyes to see Triny using her to find relief for herself, which left Celine very aroused along with her friend. She barely took the time to glance over to see the mistress healing Cassie while two of her minions cleaned her up, Celine also saw she had a gold collar now as well. Celine didn't see the little demon girl in there, but she heard her crying.

Celine felt the burning need in her loins and simply couldn't stand it any longer and grabbed Triny's hips, bucking her hips up into Triny to try and find her own release. Once she had found some relief, Celine would gently roll Triny off of her and rouse her weary body up to walk over and see about Cassie where she was sitting with the mistress.

"Are you okay Cassie?" Celine would asked her, looking at the mistress and nodding her head at Cassie. When Cassie and or the mistress had answered her, Celine would then try to follow the sounds of crying coming from the demon girl to wherever they were coming from.

"Why are you crying?" Celine asked the demon girl should she find her, feeling kind of bad now because even though the girl was all but clearly evil, she couldn't stand to see a child cry, and it wasn't in her nature to be cruel to a kid, even if said kid was evil. But Celine still had to teach her a lesson somehow, so for now she decided to try talking to her, she'd get to the spanking later if she needed to.