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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi listened in on Nadias story, her smile more than a bit sympathetic

(Huh, looks like we got ourselves a regular orphans club going...)

But soon after she finished the Lady Hinako dismissed them for the night.

Kiyomi piped in "Eh? But... What about the table? The dishes? ... I'm at least gonna clear the table..."

Kiyomi nods a bit as she rises and begins collecting plates, and piling the food remnants upon one plate stacks them before moving them into the kitchen wash basin...

Then turning around to face everyone once as she goes to excuse herself for the night as she was told, Kiyomi smiles and calls out "Goodnight Normie, Miss Kiraiya, And good night to you Lady Hinako!" and with a final nod turns and leaves through the door...

After making it back to her room, Kiyomi took a few steps in and leaped onto her bed landing on her back with a "Tra la LAA!" But not accounting for the quality of the bed, bounced as she landed and fell off with a thud and a giggle...

Looking up at the surprised Holo she laughed out, "Good pick Holo! Bed is BOUNCY!" Then seeing as how she was changed, and dressed in a nightgown

"Oh, I guess I should change myself... Huh... Don't want this getting all wrinkled or anything..."

Picking up her bags once more she moves them to the dressers, then looked back at the beds and decided on picking the mirroring Dresser to her bed... And begins unpacking... Kiyomi's taste in clothing seems particularly odd though, as there are as many outfits as would be fit for the poor house as there were Ball Room Gowns... But as to the reasonings behind this are a mystery...

Kiyomi changes to a thin sleeveless and rather plain looking silk, that may have been finery at one time, but antiquity has dulled the color and softened the fabric further into a perfect sleeping gown... Then folding up her Super cool Mettalic Maid Uniform placing it in the hamper sheclimbs into bed...

Suddenly, she claps her hands over her head like she was swatting something "HAY! I almost forgot! Who ever cooked that meal today I need to give a hug! Cause that was one of the yummyest things I've had in a while!"

Kiyomi sits back up to discuss the meal further, "It, it was seared just right, and the seaonings were spot on and the salad was good too! Even though I've never had fruit in my salad before..."

Kiyomi fell alseep thinking about all the fun and interesting stuff she could get herself into tomorrow and sprawled across the bed rather messily in her dream state...

Kiyomi woke at the sound of some annoying fowl... "Mmmnn S-stupid bird... I'm gonna eat you..." Then as she opened up her eyes she sprung up suddenly, taking her a few seconds to realise just where she was.

Kiyomi lets out the breath that caught and turns to get out of the... Still alluring... Comforatble... Still warm... Bed... "Ooh! Cold floor! Ah!" she let out in a hushed hiss as she slowly got used to it walking downstairs to the Service washroom... She always got major bed head and her hair always needed a fresh resetting each morning or... Chaos insues...

Kiyomi steps into the room and taking a quick glance around calls out, "What? No mirror in a washroom? What the heck?" Her answer a quick and watery sloshing around in the tub... Seems she wasn't the only one up yet...

"Is the water nice?" she sighed out...
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis was washing herself happily, taking more time that the usual as she was having a great time resting in the warm water when suddenly a voice call her atention, she make a little Eek and get deeper in the water as she look for the girl who just tried to talk with her and soon she saw the new maid who just joined yesterday named Kiyomi.

She get up enough to have free of water her mouth and talk as she cover her ample breasts a little shy to be not alone in her naked state Hi, i-its warm, i will go out soon, so maybe you...could the Angel was trying to ask her to give her time to go away to cover herself, but she was not so bad to order something to the girl and cause a bad understanding. Her shyness stunned her for a moment as she get blushed looking to her towel, that soon noted close the door in a basket where she put her uniform when she get inside to avoid that the water weat them Could you pass me the towel...please? She said as she plead that the girl dont get naked before she get out of the place.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Oh, Hi Aegis! Um.. The towel? Kiyomi picked it up out of the fresh clothing

"This one right? Here you go..."

Kiyomi hands Aegis the towel and thinks about taking a bath herself...

"If your done soon... I suppose I ought to hop in after..."

Theres a short pause before Kiyomi remembers something

"Ohgeeze! I should go get a fresh uniform! Can't be just walking around in a towel!" Kiyomi giggles at the embarrasing thought as she leaves for the bedroom temproarily, mercifully leaving Aegis alone in the process...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Yes that one, thankyou very much Miss... Kiyomi, right? said Aegis a little shy, but happy to know than that maid was so good that even respect her way to be. She then get a little more out of the water revealing her beautifull slave collar fused with that luxury yinyan symbol and then take the towel without reveal her ample breasts. She wonder herself if she must get out when Kiyomi said that she will return to take her clothes, Aegis wave her hand as the other maid leave her alone, making her feel bad, maybe she must allow that girl to wash with her but... it was to much for her, the only through make her get ashamed. Soon Aegis go to dry and dress herself with her uniform before another maid decide to come back, maybe she will meet with that maid again as she get up to the first floor. Now she leave all ready to start her working shedule and help with the breakfast as all the days.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Uh, yup!" Kiyomi giggled "I'm Kiyomi! And I'll be right back! Just gotta get some clothes!"

Heading back upstairs Kiyomi creeps through the room, and slowly goes through the wardrobe selecting a fresh Silverey Maid Uniform... And turns to leave...

As she's about to exit the door, she looks down at the clothes hamper... And whispers to herself, "Well? It IS on the way afterall..." And picks it up carrying it in tow back down to the Service wash, but first making a pitstop, depositing the Laundry hamper in the nessissary room...

Kiyomi knocks this time before entering "Aegis? I'm back! ... Aegis? Huh... Guess she already got out... Well... I guess that makes it my turn then..."

Kiyomi places her uniform where she had seen Aegis' and withdraws a towel for herself... Removing the night dress and stepping into the still warm bath...

"Ahh... I think I'm gonna like it here...."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kara wandered around the outskirts of the estate, the thunderstorm had left everything looking fresh and clean and Kara was deeply enjoying the scent of the garden she was in. She found a bench and sat down, wondering about her new job, They said that this place was large but I didn't expect this, this as got to be the biggest house I've ever seen, and the land it's on is beautiful Kara had been very excited when she was contacted and given the opportunity to work at this estate, but now that she was worried, she just hadn't expected such a large place, what if she wasn't up to the task?
Re: Minatsumi Estate

*Violet turned to the maid that sook shelter in the shade and might as well try and introduce herself to her. So she walks over to the girl and holds out her arm as if expecting a hand-shake*

"Hi, my name is Violet."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Akita notices the purple haired maid walk over to her. "So your Violet" Akita states. She takes Violets hands and smiles at her. She then tells "Were going to have fun together" as she bares her fangs.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

*Violet grinned in response*

"We sure are~<3. And what's your name~?"
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Akita tells Violet "My name is Akita." She then walks into the mansion. She looks back and tells her "meet me later" and waves to Violet.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

It was early morning, the mistress and the others were starting to wake up and maybe they will take still a long time to be ready to work. So, Aegis decided to start to work in the breakfast and maybe someone will come to aid her later, maybe she was praying for that as she was not so good as Holo, but the young girl love to sleep and maybe will be unable to aid her, sudenly Aegis remembered that the headmaid usualy bother her friend for that, the angel decide to give her a chance to avoid this and run toward the maid bedrooms and started to try to wake her up taking out the sheet of the foxgirl and moving her many times as she said nearly whispering her to the ear M-miss Holo... miss Holo wake up, please. its early morning and you must wake up or the headmistress will get mad with you again...Please Miss Holo wake up. Aegis continued trying for a brief time and wharever the girl wake up or not she leave her alone and walked to the kitchen, there she check the ingredients needed to make it and if something was missed she would take them from the orchand, her moves were a little noisy as she was a little nervious to dont be able to make the breakfast, as she was not soo good in the kitchen, but at least she remember how to make it after the time working with Holo
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo was surprised at the new maid's... enthusiastic... behavior; she was used to Aegis' shy way of doing things, so Kiyomi's bouncing on the bed and her loud speech was jarring, though not exactly unwelcome. "I'll take a hug" Holo replied, holding out her arms to Kiyomi when she offered a hug to the one who cooked dinner. She wasn't used to getting much physical contact in this mansion, which was one of the more annoying things about being there. That done she hopped into bed and quickly drifted off into a deep, dream-filled sleep. In the morning she half-awoke with the others, but quickly went back to sleep, tugging the covers over her head. She groaned and grumbled when Aegis pulled the covers off her and shook her gently, mumbling "go away... just a few more minutes..." before she heard the head maid mentioned, and then she jumped up. "Wait, crap, how long have I slept? No time, no time, can't bathe or Kiraiya-sama will kill me!" she said, quickly stripping off her nightgown and pulling on her orange maid uniform, then quickly following Aegis to the kitchen to make breakfast for the others. "Thank you for waking me up, I would have gotten myself in deep trouble if you hadn't."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia thanked her patrons for their support but secretly hoped they would not succeed, them meeting her uncle would likely work out poorly for her, also if he was hidden he likely never wanted to be found. Retiring for the night she quietly stripped and climbed into bed, sleeping in a simple nightgown of white she had brought for herself.

Waking up she slowly made her way to the wash room, seeing the other girls chatting she waits her turn, trying to finish quickly and get ready. No need to be late for the mistress.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kim tried to avoid everyone, sitting down with her sketch pad, lonely, but afraid of the ridicule that would stem from the loss of her sight.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As the household would be bustling with activity as the maids began to get ready for the day and the newest help would arrive, Kiraiya would walk into the service bedrooms and clear her throat to get the maids attention, "I have some unfortunate news. I'm afraid Norman has fallen ill due to stress or something of the likes, and needs to be recalled to the main family branch estate out of country for an unspecified amount of time. Until he returns, the mistress has informed me that I shall be in charge of keeping things in shape and making sure you get things done. Be sure to keep out friend in your prayers. I will head down to bring in the new recruits, and guide them towards the dining room. Once you are all ready, come down to the table as soon as possible." She said walking down to front door to let the new maids in.

As the maids would talk amongst themselves about the recently transpired events and begin to prepare fix breakfast and get ready Kiraiya would walk down to the door and open it slowly before addressing the newcomers, "Welcome newcomers. My name is Kiraiya and I am the head maid of the mansion I'll guide you through the house till the others have our meal prepared. If you have any questions feel free to ask them at the table." she saids before leading the maids through the mansions foyer, hallways, the kitchen, the dining room, theatre, grand hall, and the top floor rooms.

((First group: The breakfast is bacon, eggs, sausage, biscuits with gravy and crepes for desert. Combined skill roll, if you wish you can divide it up between two setting the table and two cooking.
Second group: Use the maps iggy has made for descriptions. And both groups may talk amongst themselves during this time. Terribly lazy I know but I just don't really have the energy to write it all out now. DX ))
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

*Violet quietly followed, trying to memorize the twists and turns they've taken through the mansion. She then took a seat at the long wooden table in the service dining hall after the tour was over and awaited the breakfast she was to be made*
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Akita follows the head maid through the halls, memorizing the route and fine details of the house. After the tour of the mansion Kiraiya led us back into the kitchen. Here Akita sits next to Violet and greets her.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kim followed, using the echos and the noise of footsteps to guide her, stumbling a couple of times. Blushing, she kept her head down and hoped no one would notice her clumsiness.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

After entering the foyer and touring some portion of the enormous building Kara takes a seat at the long wooden table and introduces herself to her fellow maids.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis continued to help her friend Holo in the kitchen, her fear has starting to afect her, now that she know that others 4 maids will join them, also she was a little sad by what had happened to Norman, could have been her fault? something was in the food of yesterday or he was allergic to something? She tried to clear her mind as she followed the orders of Holo give her.