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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia would come back up the stairs to see Holo running off to get the fruit that Aegis had dropped in her fearful dash out of the thunderstorm, before coming up to the top floor where Kiyomi and Kiraiya were discussing the laundry she had also left for the time being. If she chose to look into the mistress' bedroom she would spot Norman leaning against the lady's grand bed, and timid mop of purple hair over a pretty young face, with hair hanging over one eye and the other half of the face. Kiraiya turned to Kiyomi and Nadia and gave them a neutral expression, before placing a finger up to her lower lip and closing her eyes for a few moments in deep thought before replying, "Fair point...... Until the weather improves, you two simply get back down stairs and wring it out the best you can, then hang them up on an empty to rack to drip dry until they can be placed on the line outside, understood? Me or Norman one will get you all once the meal is ready and the lady is ready to meet you in proper. Now, get along." She saids making shooing motions towards Kiyomi and Nadia.

Mean while as Aegis would return down the stairs and into the kitchen rather uneventfully, she would spot an umbrella missing from the vase and note Holo out in the rain gathering her fruit, she would also see that the chicken was in fact most excellent, a little charred but saved none the less, and near perfect. The vegetables and lettuce were all prepared to be tossed and mixed, she could either head back out into the rain and gather the fruit with Holo, wait for her to return to mix the lettuce, veggies and sliced meat for the salad together once she returned or get to preparing the salad on her own.

Back in her bedroom, Hinako would slowly crawl the rest of the way out from under the bed, clinging to the tall sturdy butler, who had been trusty and faithful since birth, "T-thank you, Norman...... *sniff* I know you are all very busy getting everything ready for us..... *sniff* But I just...... just really hate storms...... It's been hard since mother and father died for me....... *sniff* " She whimpered out sadly, holding tight to her faithful friend.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi relaxed a bit as Kiraiyas gaze turned from annoyed to... Well... Less annoyed... And she told BOTH of them to go wring out the wet clothes


Kiyomi turned her head to see Nadia not farr off where she was standing. And gave her a quick smile

(Guess she got tired of waiting around... Or maybe she wanted to save me the walk, just in case we were changing areas...)

Kiyomi began bobbing up and down as she returned to Kiraiya while she finished her instructions...

(Hoh well... Back down to the dark celler I guess...)

"Okay, Miss Kiraiya! We'll wring them out good!"

Turning to leave Kiyomi calls out with a grin

"Come on Nadia!"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The shy girl was completely ready to continue to make the dinner, but her throughs just start to dissipate her courage, for a moment she get frozen, as she decide to risk herself in the scary storm or try to cook alone with the chance of mess all. No, i-i must do this for our mistress, i can do it like always... it will be not hard she through to herself as started to prepare the easy steps of the salad, in that way she will be the only guilty if something get wrong and Holo will return soon to help her. Anyway, she must only cut the veggies and put her personal touch in it, nothing bad could happen if she make the basic to do the dishes, she guess.

[Do the more easy and tedious steps of the recipes to have all ready for the other maid (easy Skill roll)]
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman smiles brightly as she clings to him, ensuring she was alright. "I know you detest storms, Mistress. That is why I will always be here to take care of you." he says, his tone softer than normal. "I made a promise to your parents and to my father that I would serve you until the day I died. And I intend to uphold that promise." he states, his right hand reaching up to adjust his glasses
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia follows the energetic girl. Downstairs she begins the thankless task of wringing out the clothes, a task her smaller body was not well suited. Still she tried her best. Curious as to what the mistress was like she asked as they worked

"Did you see the mistress? Was she nice? or was she like the head maid?"

A sly smile plays across her lips as she speaks ill of the maid in charge
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi looked around till she found the drying pole and clips it onto the overhanging hooks... Then grabbing one of the articles of clothing Kiyomi brings the wet dress over to the pole threading it through the arm and head sleeves, and then begins twisting from the bottom... Causing a steady trickle of water to fall from the garment...

As Nadia asks Kiyomi if she ended up seeing the mistress Kiyomi half grunted out an answer while working

"I- I think so... I mean... I only saw her head... She was kinda... Hiding I think... I think she was scared of the storm, Normie was talking to her..."

After the water stops trickling Kiyomi gives it an extra hard firm twist and lets it go, straightening the wrinkled fabric out and re-threading it onto the pole better so it will dry faster...

"She looked like she had purple hair, draped over her eye like this..."

Kiyomi moves a lock of her own pale green hair over her eye in an quick attempt to emulate the Mistresses Hair, "And a kind face... By what I saw..."

Kiyomi flips her hair back to where it normally rests and goes back to grab the last of the clothes that require drying...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo would have no trouble grabbing the fruit, from the fround, fortunately they had not been bruised or damaged from Aegis fleeing into the kitchen when the strom stopped. She found apples, berries, peaches, grapes, and bannanas around the basket that Aegis had dropped. When she came in she would find Aegis working on the meat, and they would soon set to work on preparing the salad, chicken and deserts for the staff and the Mistress.

Holo/Aegis combined Skill roll= 4*5=20 vs 8 Exceptional success

Holo and Aegis have no trouble with this meal being maids for some time, choosing the perfect seasonings, spices, vegetables, and dressing for the chicken salad, and baking delightful and heavenly smelling Apple pies for everyone. It was a wonderful meal, certainly the mistress would be pleased! They would then call for the others that the dinner was ready as they would work to carry it all to the dining room and set the plates and utensils for everybody.

As Nadia and Kiymoi would discuss the mistress, they would hear Aegis and Holo call for them that the meal was ready and they would set out for the dining room to enjoy their dinner and meet their new employer.

Hinako sniffles a little, her tears slowly stopping and drying up, her eyes slightly puffy, "Th-thank you, Norman..... *sniff* You're always there when I need you. I'm happy to have such a good friend. But..... Kiraiya is right, I..... I need to be strong. I have to watch over the gate and keep it out of the wrong hands in order to keep our world safe. I can't...... I can't always hide under the bed." She saids before heading down the stairs and over to the the service dining room. As she and Norman would arrive, they would find the maids already there and be joined by Kiraiya soon after.

Hinako would take her seat the head of the table with Norman and Kiraiya on opposite sides of her. Kiraiya would slowly sit down and sniff the air, "Hmmm.... Smells like everything should be satisafactory. Well done as usual, Aegis, Holo." She saids before fastening a hankie around her neck.

Hinako would speak next, the maids would see that she was a lithe young lady, with long royal purple hair, pale purple eyes, which one as Kiyomi noticed earlier, completely covered by her hair, if they looked closely enough they would see she had somewhat, raw skin on part of her face, like burns. Though they likely wouldn't comment on it. She had a fine white dress shirt with a black bow, and a mid length dress. she had fine black leather dress shoes on underneath, and seemed dainty and refined.

"Greetings all. My name is Hinako. Hinako Minatsumi. I am the lady of the estate. I hope we can all get along and...... maybe....... become friends....... I am quite lonely in this big house. And while I need to keep it in order and take care of things, I also want this to be......... like a family. You already met Kiraiya, my head maid. She is...... quite blunt, but deep down a decent person. And of course my most faithful friend Norman, the butler. You'll take orders from the two of them, when I am not able to hand them out personally. And are also to be obeyed without question. I know this home is quite large, So you'll all need to work together to keep it in shape. If Kiraiya and Norman have nothing else to add we'll get to dinner." She said softly as placed her hands in her lap and looked expectadly to her staff.

"Nothing that can''t wait my lady. I am starving right now, so unless Norm here has anything to add, I say we start." With that Kiraiya would take her knife and fork and cut a piece of chicken for her before placing it in her mouth and chew slowly and deliberately to test it and enjoy the flavor. "MMM..... It's wonderful! Who was in charge of the meal, Kiraiya?" "Aegis and Holo were responsible for dinner, m'lady." Kiraiya answered simply; "Oh! Well, it's very good you two! Though you've been here long enough I expect nothing else. Well done." "Also the newcomers were placed in charge of laundry, I trust they got it took care of." "Oh? Already? Well that's most pleasing to here. They learned and got in the swing quickly. I have a good feeling about them. Any other news?" "Yes, I received a letter from the other family branches, they felt it necessary to hire more staff, they should be here in a few days." "Really? Well..... As I said it is a large place, more help would be good to have."

After an hour or two, the meal would be finished, "It was a fine meal, Aegis and Holo! You never seem to disappoint." She complimented the fox girl and angel, "You may head up to your quarters and get ready to retire for the night. The new two, I'd like to get to know you a bit. And afterwards, I want to see if you can handle the dishes and clean up. Then you may join Aegis and Holo. I will return to my own chambers. So........ Please, tell me about yourselves, why are you here? Other then being hired, why did you choose to be maids? What do you like? Do you have anything you wish or need to ask me?" She said awaiting their names, and for them to answer her questions.

Aegis and Holo Gain 6 favor Each
Norman Gains 1 favor (fail roll is fail :( )
Re: Minatsumi Estate

After start to prepare the meal, the shy angel noted that she was really good in this after nearly a month serving the Minatsumi family, after a time Holo return to the kitchen being received by a smile by Aegis and then both speed their work, they had been like a team from some time and each know the skill of each other to be able to make a spectacular work nearly all the time, just a little time later the dinner was ready giving Holo the last touches to the dishes and then both call the others to eat, but of course that Holo voice was louder.

They continued their incredible work preparing all in the dinning room as always and then with a curtsy Aegis receive the headmaid and then the mistress with Norman to then sit with the others, she hear brushed the gentile words toward their fine work and Norman words before they started to eat, but then her mistress express her thoughts to her work and all her fear vanished leaving a conpletely smiling Aegis who forgot that she was close two new girls just stoping when was needed giving the thanks for the sweet words to them. Then when the dinner ended she said with a bow and her cute little pure voice Thanks mistress, we will be always here to serve you then let Holo to continue and returned to the maid room and then there she noted what she had said and blushed hug her pillow until Holo get inside and then she take a moment before ask m-Miss Holo, thanks for all. I would be usseles without your help. Do you think that the new maids are good girls? said looking ashamed to the floor in the last part.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi just finishes placing the last article of clothing on the drying pole when she overhears one more holler resound through the mansion,

"Oh, now what could it be... Wait... Maybe its the food? Ooo! We can't be late! Lets go~!"

Kiyomi turns and makes for the stairs once more... This time half remembering where she was going, the other half following her nose... And finally makes it to the Service dining room with a bit of time to spare

"Ahh, food time..." She whispered to herself with a dreamey smile

And as the Mistress enters the room Kiyomi can actually get a good look at the woman, who, now at a close look, was only a few years younger than herself... This relevation brought a giggle forth

The food was served, and Kiyomi waited for the Mistress to finish talking and begin eating before digging in, fidgeting impatiently the whole while

It didnt take long for Kiyomi to finish. Kiyomi had always been a foodie, And the chicken and salad was really good

(I gotta remember to thank Holo and Aegis... That was great!)

Kiyomi waited impatiently for everyone else to finish there meals, and then just as she was about to stand to help clear the table the Mistress told Her and Nadia to stay and chat with her for a second...

Kiyomi smiled and sat back down, all too eager to learn anything more about the Mistress she'll be serving from this exchange...

"Uh... Umm What would you Like to know? ... Let's see... My name is Kiyomi Arisunaka... But you can call me Kiyomi, or even Kiki if you really want... It was my nickname a long time ago...

Hmm.... My Birthday is December 24th, and I'm a total foodie, and... I've been told alot of people find my personality annoying... I hope you'll tell me if I do something dumb... Cause I'm kinda a blockhead... I DO hope we can be friends though...

Why I'm here? Heheh! I'm WORKING of course! But no, really... I guess... I would say your parents gave my previous employers a good reference... So I'm kinda already semi familiar with the area outside the mansion...

Well... More familiar with the town than inside here for now... But I'll get better quick! I'm a fast learner!"

Kiyomi knew it wasn't the whole truth... She knew the Sect had significant pull with even the governing Lords, placing her within the care of an old mediary or consult for a while was but a simple task for them... But Kiyomi wasn't about to let on to her real profession just yet... She honestly didn't think they would understand the whole... Righteous Vengeance from beyond the grave... Thing... Especially when SHE didn't even fully understand it all...

"But uh, as for why I chose to be a maid? Well... I was hoping for some better working conditions for one... Maybe nicer co-workers, better hours... Stuff Like that... And I figured when I heard about this gigantic mansion last time I was in the area I was already thinking about how the heck someone keeps a house that big clean..."

(That and I didn't really have much choice... I don't think she needs a Necromancy Tutor... I... Think...)

"Now please! Tell us a bit about yourself! If were gonna be working around here we can't be left in the dark about everything... And I'd rather hear it from you than someome else!"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

This cooking stuff is easy Holo thought, easily finishing up the preparations for the meal with Aegis' help and then called everyone for dinner. "Thank you, Kiraiya-sama" she replied at being complimented by the head maid. Hopefully this will make up for how mad she was at me earlier... The food really was good, though, and she was proud of her cooking, especially when the mistress complimented her on it. She always liked it when she could please Hinako, the poor girl seemed to need it badly. Even more help? Things are going to be easy around here soon she thought as she ate, soon losing herself in a daydream about the new help, wondering what they would be like. When dinner was over and the mistress was giving her her orders, Holo replied "thank you mistress" and giving a slight bow before turning to head to the room she shared with the other maids, with Aegis slightly in front of her. "It's no problem, you're not nearly useless" she replied to Aegis, reaching out to give the girl a pat on her shoulder. "I'm pretty sure Kiyomi is a good girl. I'm not too sure about the other one, though, I didn't get much of an impression of her." If Aegis had nothing else in mind to do or talk about, Holo would go to her bed to change into some nightclothes, carefully folding her maid uniform, and crawl into bed to sleep.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia smiled after Kiyomi finished knowing exactly what to say, her story practiced and planned in advance.

"I was orphaned as a young girl and my uncle took me in, unfortunately something has befallen him too while on business and I have had to get a job to support myself. As it is I am grateful for this opportunity to work for you and I hope I can stay here for a very long time, it feels like a job I really can do well."

She looked softly at the mistress, wondering what she thought, in truth she had a much greater purpose, but nothing the mistress had to know about. Still the girl seemed nice, Shirley she could not have done the atrocities upon her family... She pushed the thoughts back, this woman was just as skilled as you, her every movement a lie and illusion, She couldn't trust anything about her.

She nodded with the other question "What about you?" she chimed in, wondering what was her story.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis brushed happily smiled with Holo words and the little pad on her back, as she said a little thanks in return. She really want to continue the talk, but she preffer to change herself before the others return to the room, after all she maybe will need to answer the questions of the others maids. As every night she take her old summer dress who she was using when the headmaid found her, it at least was completely clean and even when it was very used, it still look really cute on her, of course that she still was really shy to dress close Holo, so she use the sheets of her bed to cover her full body until dress herself again. Then she prepared her uniform for the next day and then go to wash her teeth and make the classic things before rest.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman had sat through dinner in relative silence, enjoying the chicken, though he himself made much better meals. Once finished, he would stand from his seat and push the chair back under the table, before moving to take his place behind Hinako, listening to the maids explain why they were here and smiling, though inside he was wary of them both, fearing for his Mistress' safety, as he did at all times. "Miss Nadia, that is horrible. Is there anything you can do to help your Uncle, aside from working here?" he asks, as Nadia speaks about her uncle being sick.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia looked at Norman, thinking on her feet, "No, not really, I am actually unaware of what happened to him. His letters stopped coming and he was past due to return. I haven't the resources or means to go try to find him. I've contacted the authorities but there seems little they can do." Sometimes the truth was the best lie, she had contacted authorities when her uncle went missing and he had gone missing on business. "I was beside myself but I needed to do something to survive." She tried to smile but it was weak, she was actually worried about him, "I have hope he will return in time. as to what i do then I don't know but I think I will keep working here. i think I will like it."

She suddenly felt much more naked than before, so much of her real self put out on display. Was he really concerned for her, or just probing?
Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Well, Nadia, if you need any help finding him, I will be happy to help. And should you require assistance in your day to day duties, I will be happy to help as well." Norman states, smiling from beneath his thick moustache. "Though I do feel sympathetic towards you. Losing your uncle at an age so young as yours must have hurt very badly." he says, turning away from her and frowning slightly, showing signs that he did indeed truly care about her.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Upon hearing Nadias story, Hinako's facial expression turned quite distressed and sympathetic towards the girl, "Oh, how horrible! I'm so very sorry for your loss, Nadia! You see.... I....." she started as her eyes started to tear up, "I too..... Kn-know what it's like.... T-to lose s-someone who is like a parent... Or actual parents.... So I truly DO feel your pain. I promise, while you work here I shall use all the resources I have to try to find your uncle! Shan't we, Norman." she asks looking towards her faithful butler. After hearing his response, she would take a napkin and dab at her eyes, trying to dry her tears and regain her composure before returning her attention to kiyomi and Nadia, "If you have nothing else to add, discuss or ask; then you may both feel free to head on up to the maids' sleeping chambers and rest for the night. Norman and I shall retire to our rooms. I do hope we can help you find your lost loved one miss Nadia, and that you and Kiyomi feel happy and at home while you work in my estate. Have a pleasant rest." as soon as the maids were out of te room, Hinako and Norman would head towards their own rooms. On the way the young Lady would discuss things with her butler. "The maids.... They seem like a nice bunch don't you think.... And I cant help but feel sorry and empathetic for miss Nadia. She seems much like myself Norman.... We shall be sure to get in contact with the family branches and divisions to see if they know anything about her uncle, right? Also, it looks like the rain and thunder has stopped now, so I should be okay by myself in my room. good night Norman." she finished as she headed into her own separate room, before changing into her night dress and crawling into bed before falling into restless sleep for the night.


Day 2
New Arrivals! The Household Grows!~

As the sun rose that morning, the household would hear a cock crow in the farm, waking them up for the morning activites. As they would prepare things for breakfast, another carriage would slowly make it's way up to the mansion. Inside would be four new girls. One with purple hair and silver eyes wearing a navy maid uniform, who appeared to be a cat like girl; one with pale skin, green hair and brown eyes with a balck uniform that seemed to have a spike on it, one with white hair in a dumpling sort of style, wearing a red china dress fashioned uniform, with deep blue eyes; and the last one who had purple eyes like Hinako as well, orange hair, and a silver maids uniform- she also had bandages covering a good deal of her body.

As the carraige would slowly come up to the house Hinako would slowly look out the window on her way to the breakfast table, "Norman, would you and Kiraiya please go and greet the new help and lead them to the breakfast table for breakfast with the rest of us, and then you may give them a tour as well and decide upon the tasks for them and the others?" she said as she would slowly make her way to the dining table with the other maids for breakfast. Seating her self at the head as usual while she awaited Norman, Kiraiya and the new maids. "Yes, of course, M'Lady." Kiraiya stated simply before heading to the front door to greet the new maids.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

*Violet looked up at the large mansion and sighed thinking back to how she ended up in this situation. She was falsely arrested for looking similar to a wanted criminal. Fortunately for her, mistress Kiyaira kindly pointed out some small differences between Violet and the picture of the wanted criminal and bailed her out. Feeling in debt to the mistress, Violet volunteered to work as a maid in her mansion to return the favor. She then looked around at the other girls in the carriage, wondering what their story was...*
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kim sat in the corner, apart from the others as she worked on a free hand sketch, using her sense of touch to feel out the drawing. She hoped not to embarrass herself, thinking about the love that would never come back, and hoping for a better life.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis, now ready to sleep prepare her large hair and used an sleep hat to have more time in the morning, she then say a shy good night to Holo and soon start to sleep, maybe trying to avoid get more shy in front of the new girls, anyway they will have more time tomorrow to meet each other.

In the morning Aegis get up before the cock crow, as always. She prepare all and after end her bed, she taked wer uniform and went to take her morning bath, trying to do it before the others wake up, it was great that she was the closed to be at the door and so, with her tower and uniform went to the basement, her heart was at her max there, it was dangerous and scary, but she have do this many times, she put her clothes in a safe place inside the service bathroom and undress herself as she jump to the warm bath after use some bucklets with soap to clean herself a little before get inside where she nearly get sleep. Then the cock crow in the farm close the estate and she decide to move fast as she must help to make the breakfast, her soap soft skin was pure as the snow and her shy body feel better as the time passed, a little more and she will get out, maybe in 5 minutes more of enjoy the moment
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Akita looked at the mansion in glee. She has wanted to do this for many years, now she finally has a chance to be a maid. She takes a quick look at her fellow maids and looks away. Akita now notices the intensity of the sun, and moves to the shade of the mansion. As she rushes to the shade, she tells herself "I'll do my best."