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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

The angel girl put cover her mouth using her hand as she feel simpathy for her poor mistres and the butler who looks very upset remembering that terrible event. At least her parents could still be alive, but of course Aegis desist of looking for them after all the things that disolved her family and end in her slavery and nearly dead before being saved by Aziel. The shy angel decide to try to be the friend of her misstres, as both had passed by many sad moments. She then continued looking the new maids, trying to loss the fear to them.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman immediately returns to his usual self. "Now that that is out of the way, let us head to the second floor, shall we?" he says, heading for one of the doors on the north wall, and leading to some stairs that lead to the second floor, leading to the foyer, and then leading the group into the halls out of the foyer. They came to a T intersection, directing them Westward, and ensuring they went that way, giving a nod to Kiraiya to keep the newcomers away from Hinako. He would then lead them north, to the Living Room. "And here we have the Living Room. This is where I spend most of my spare time, which I have very little of." he states, then turns to face the group. "Just down the hall we have your sleeping quarters, and bathrooms. That about concludes the tour." he states with a flat tone.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi wondered about the other parts of the house that Norman didn't show her during the tour... Maybe she's supposed to just figure out the rest herself?

"Uh, okay... I guess we go move our stuff in now?"

Kiyomi waits for comfirmation from the two to her front before taking her bags and searching out there lodgings...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia nods as he finishes the tour, noting there were parts of the house they had not seen yet. she would need to investigate later. She smiles and imagines Norman sitting and resting in the living room, imagining how quaint it must be, She then speaks "I only have one bag, is there assigned beds for us?" Agreeing with Kiyomi and wondering what else they had in store for her.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiraiya merely yawns before looking to the new maids with a rather bored expression on her face, "No... You can choose whichever bed you like.... They're all the same. Just remember to stay in your own bed. And you will be expected to upkeep your uniform, and personal belongings and keep the room clean, it is a part of the mansion after all. Your uniforms will be waiting you in the wardrobe. Once you have them on and are ready, meet me and Norman down in the grand hall to be given your first duties. That is all." And with that Kiraiya walks down to the hall to await Norman and the new maids. They would find their beds made up neatly waiting waiting for them. And their uniforms would be awaiting for them in the wardrobe as Kiraiya mentioned with tags labeling them with their respective maid's name on them.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo barely kept up with the others on the tour, missing most of the conversation as she idly daydreamed. Finally they got to the end of the tour at the bedroom she shared with Aegis, and would soon share with the other two. Kiraiya left, and she felt a little more at ease, speaking up and saying "I've been using the bed next to the far wall, I'd like it if I could keep doing so. Aegis has been using the one on the opposite wall." She looked to Kiyomi for a moment before reaching out to put a hand on her arm and say "you can take the bed next to me" wanting someone who was more lively near her.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman had long since disappeared, vanished into thin air, some might think. In fact, he had merely slipped out and removed himself to wait downstairs in the grand hall, his sunglasses in his left hand as he rubs his eyes with his right index finger and thumb, trying to shut out the memories of that dreadful event so many years ago.

He can still feel the flames licking at his face, and the hear the timbers creaking as he runs through the burning mansion, trying to find his master and mistress, praying that they were still alive. Lost in memories that shouldn't be remembered.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Yes ma'am," Kiyomi nods to Kiraiya "Now plea-"

Kiyomi was still in the process of excusing herself when Holo tugged on her shoulder,

Kiyomi smiled when she heard the simple request "Heh, sure! Easier than picking one of the bed out for myself!"

Kiyomi skipped down the hall, well as much of a skip as she could while toting around her heavy bags... And enters the room, dropping them down in front of her freshly assigned bed with a releived sigh

Running her hand across the bedding in a quick examination of the craftwork and make she claps her hands together with a "OH! I nearly forgot!"

Kiyomi moves over to the wardrobe and peeks in before swinging the door wide open, examining the rows of multicolored Maid Outfits...

"Wow... So many varieties... Which ones are mine I wonder?"

A short search reveals a section of metallic outfits, with her name attached to a tag on the hangers...

"Heeheh, This is gonna be fun! I think I'll change now! Maybe... I'll make a good impression!"

Kiyomi pulls down one of the uniforms and begins changing into it...

* * *​

After nearly finishing her change Kiyomi looks at herself in the mirror, something seemed missing... But she couldn't but her finger on it yet... Standing there looking in a mirror, she stratches her head, puzzled at what seems to be missing... Before the realization that she was sitting on her headdress struck her...

"OH! How stupid of me! The hat thingie... Uh... I might have to glue that on... I'll probably forget it again otherwise... Scatterhead... Heh"

After finalizing her change of apparel Kiyomi looks at herself with a gyrating swish of her new dress... She thought she looked akin to some space maid with the frilly metallic dress... And the thought brought a giggle to her even as she turned to leave for the Grand Hall...
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

The orange haired angel look around for Norman with her cute beige eyes, she was really worried for him after saw how he changed a moment ago. But he had just banished and the maid decide to let him alone and make him something to eat to maybe calm him and make him smile, even when he was a little creepy, she noted a good person on him, or maybe more that the headmaid at least.

Just then she noted that all had go out of the place and she decide to check her bed even when she dont had the need to defend her place, as the poor girl had sleeped in the streets many times with the terrible mortal cold temperatures, she make a peek and saw Holo talking with the new good girl and she feel happy for her friend, she take a long time to earn the courage to talk the new maid and with slow steps she walked to her.

The angel girl with her hands in her chest, touched her necklance slave collar and stay behind the now dressed girl and tried to talk lowd but her words nearly reach the tone of whispers as her face was blushed, she hug herself and make a bow saying H--hi, m...mm..my name is... Aegis, lets be...f-friends she tried to give her hand or get closed but soon her skin tone get more white and her body start to tremble a little, she tried to talk more but her mouth only let free little cutes whimpers and whines and she just start to get away slowly toward the door and wave her hand until start to running to the stairs completely ashamed of dont be able to talk more with the new friend of Holo, now she take a time before get down to the Grand Hall with the others.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi almost walked into the quiet Oranged haired girl that crept into the room and was standing nearly directly behind her "Whoa, Hi! Hello!"

As the girl explained that her name was Aegis and wished to be friends Kiyomi smiled openly and with a tilt of her head, "Hiya Aegis, I'm Kiyomi! And I'm sure were gonna be like one big family from here on, huh?"

Kiyomi looks down at Aegis' out reached hand, a Handshake maybe?

Kiyomi grinned and reached out her own to receive it but before contact could be made Aegis began making a slow break for the door...


Had she said something wrong? She would have hated to have such a misunderstanding this early... But watching the girl leave in her hurried pace it was hard not to think she had offended the girl in some way...

"Ouuu... I'm such an idiot..."

Kiyomi sighs as she begins her backtracking to the Grand Hall
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Already having her uniform, Holo stayed in the bedroom to wait for the others to return with their things. She watched carefully as Aegis tried to talk to Kiyomi, and failed miserably, running off in shame after just having told the girl her name. She sighed heavily as she walked over to Kiyomi, looking up at her and whispering "she's really shy, don't worry too much about it. Just try to be friendly with her, maybe together we'll break her out of it." With that said she headed with the girl to the grand hall, wondering what her task would be for the morning.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia moved to the servants room, watching and listening as Kiyomi choose the third bed, placing her bags on the second bed, and studying the room. What kind of uniform did they have for her? she wondered. Going to the wardrobe she is beaten there by Kiyomi "Sorry." she says stepping back and allowing the energetic girl to open it and search through, taking the time to find her own after the girl had finished.

Her golden uniform was strange and beautiful turning to the other girl, already half undressed she walked past smiling "We seem to match in a way," the metallic look of both of them giving them a theme. She too dressed quickly following behind kiyomi as she heads into the grand, resplendent in her uniform and headdress
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi missed Nadia's quiet appology as she begun her search through the wardrobe, far too focused and transfixed upon the findings within to be distracted...

But finally acknoledging Nadia's presence when she turns on her heels to move back tot he bed to change into the new uniform, and almost walked straight into her...

"Oh, Hi! You planning on changing too?" Kiyomi moves off to the bed and begins changing as she talks "I think it might be a good impression if we were already dressed for the job on the first tasks... You know?"

Then as Nadia picks out her uniform and comments of the similar scheme Kiyomi looks up from pulling her dress over her head, "Oh what? Wow! Thats so cool! You think they did that on purpose?"

Then after her brief exchange with Aegis, Holo tries to explain her friends bizzare actions...

"Oh... Really? I was afraid I said something awful and didn't know it... I was going to go appologise when I saw her again, but if you say thats just how she is... Then I guess we'll just have to be a bit extra friendly to her then!"

Kiyomi grins at this last bit and with a "Heh", joins Holo on there way...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As the maids and Norman arrives at the Grand Hall, Kiraiya would slowly walk to th front of the group and hold up a piece of paper, "The mistress has given me a set routine for your usual duties, but me, Norman, Holo and Aegis already have the main building taken care of okay for now, so all that needs to be done right away is cleaning the laundry and preparing mistress Hinakos dinner. So Holo and Aegis you take care of the food and Kiyomi and Nadia, you two handle the laundry. You'll find it in the basement which can be accessed via the northeast hallway next to the theatre. Aegis and Holo should know where the kitchen is. The mistress has requested grilled chicken, baked potatoes and an orchard salad with tea. So you two will need to go out to the orchard and get some fruit. Norman, I will need you to supervise the newcomers and make sure they don't go where there not needed or get lost or anything. I'll attend to the mistress's bath. That is all." She says as she promptly makes her way back up the stairs and towards the mistress quarters.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The shy angel reach her place still agited by the attemp to talk to the new maid, her hand was feeling her heart as she form and make deep breaths, with the time the others reach the place and she blushed turning her face to the floor, as the others get in line to heard the tasks of the day. Fortunately she dont had to go to the creepy basement again, she nearly faint there the other time when she feel something there, it was a luck that she was not alone.

With her hands in front of her she went where was her friend Holo and wait with a smile her orders, as she play nerviously with her fingers without said any word and trying to dont see the others two maids for the moment. Holo was a very skilled maid and with hard work she earned the thrust of the shy angel. Aegis had a big sister a long time ago but the time take her out of her life and now she see the maid as her new big sister, as Aegis dont know at the start nothing of the social world. The orange haired girl will make her best in this job, as she always do in any other job.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo entered the grand hall and immediately became tense and anxious, though she tried not to show it. She listened to Kiraiya give her her task, and was glad for what she'd been chosen to do; cooking was something she had gotten good at, and she sort of enjoyed it. When the head maid was done Holo bowed and said "right away, Kiraiya-sama" before turning and walking towards the kitchen with Aegis. As they were walking she turned and said "Aegis, can you go and get the fruit from the orchard? I'll start preparing the other things." She herself continued on to the kitchen, quickly heading to where she kept the utensils and food, getting out what she needed. She then went to put the chicken on the grill, waiting until the time was right to begin baking the potatoes.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo walked after bow to the pink haired girl, this make Aegis open completely her eyes and turn to the headmaid giving three quick bowls before run to reach the other maid, with a sigh of relief she heard the instructions of Holo and nodded before said with her classic weak cute tone Yes, i will return soon to aid you... Miss Holo . The maid run toward the orchard and after reach the garden and close the door, she free her bicolor wings and fly toward the trees to pick the fruit who was in her point and store it in her pokets, her moves tried to be fast to end to collect all the fruits, vegetables and herbs needed for the food. Aegis was happy even looking the little nests of the birds in the trees, even she take adittional fruits to make a special dish to Norman and the others.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The group assembled and Nadia made a note of their respective attitudes, the head made seemed so in control as she dished out orders. Laundry would be simple enough, though with two of them it should go especially fast. Kiyomi was a whirlwind of energy, which could be interesting.

Nadia listened quietly to the head maids orders then turned to Kiyomi, "Are you ready for this?" Smiling, she moved to allowed the other, more energetic girl take the lead towards the basement.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi was eager to find out what assignment she'd be getting for her first one...

(Oh, dark dank basement time... Hay! I havent been shown down there! I'll get lost! ...Eeps!)

And then she heard that Norman was to be overwatching them and she let out a small sigh

Then when Nadia asked if she was ready she replied "Yeah! Of course! Let do this! That laundry won't know what hit it!"

Then spinning around abruptly

"... Uh.... Normie? ... Can you lead please? I kinda don't know the way..."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Luck check 12 2+8=10 fail
As Aegis would fly about the trees picking apples,peaches,oranges and other fruit from the orchard she would fail to notice a large hole in one of them and would continue to go about her chore happily and oblivious to anything else. Meanwhile Holo would go about preparing and slicing the lettuce and cleaning and preparing the chicken for the mistresses salad.
Skill check 9 3+12=15 exceptional success
She would have zero trouble with this meal, cutting the vegetables and lettuce perfectly, finding and choosing the perfect selections of herbs, seasonings and etc to make the chicken fit for a king. She would heat it in the oven with utmost care. Surely the mistress would love this meal!