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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi nods as Nadia suggests heading in...

Then after a knock on the door a rather tall man opened it, and asking if they were the new maids she snapped out of her stare at least long enough to give a crisp "Yup! Thats us!"

Then as he gives his name and explains his role of explaining what we'll be learning in the near future Kiyomi giggles "Well that's just awesome of you Normie!

I've been told I can be a bit of a scatterbrain sometimes..."

She finishes this with a sticking out of her tongue

Following Norman inside Kiyomi over hears him calling to two other people...

Kiyomi cranes her neck around to see if she can catch a glimpse of anyone else..
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo tilted her head as she watched the new maids arrive, and as she listened to one of them, whose name she hadn't caught. Wow... she seems... different. At least she isn't quiet. She saw that the girl seemed to be looking around to see if there were other maids, so she stepped forward a bit, grabbing for Aegis to drag her forward with her, but not finding her there. That girl... she's totally hopeless. Holo gave a little bow to the newcomers when she was in sight and said "hello, it's good to have help. I'm afraid I didn't catch your names, but the mistress calls me Holo." She would be happy to chat with the new maids and Norman, not wanting to go after the head maid. Besides, Aegis had that covered.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia steps through after Kiyomi, letting her take the lead. "Yes we are." she answers the butler when he asks her who they are, he is what she expected, her research giving her a slight edge. She leads on that she has no idea who he is.

She lets her eyes wander across the other maid, making notes as to what they look like and judging them for weaknesses immediately. As the one girl asks her name she snaps out of her stupor, "I am Nadia." She gives a bow to her co-worker.

As norman leads her through she smiles, her first trial had be passed
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi saw one more young lady in a maidly attire, something she expects to be wearing very soon herself...

As she refers to herself as Holo Kiyomi smiles and bobs

"Uh... Hi! I'm Kiyomi! Hopefully we can be friends!"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis would make her way through the marbled grand entrance of the estate, to the long horizontal elegant hallway to the the hall and the elaborately decorated grand hall, she would make her way to one of the sets of stairs that lead to the second floor of the estate where the mistress and Kiraiya resided. She would trun left and head down past the service room and head left again before reaching Kiraiya's sleeping chambers. The entrance was two large double doors made of rich dark brown-red mahogany with gold furnishings and had two large golden knockers on them, along with a sign in gothic lettering DO NOT DISTURB. It would seem she would have to knock on the door and wake the sleeping vampire inside.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The poor girl walked all the long way alone through the spine-chilling and luxury Mansion, she could sense like if many eyes look at her as she pass through the grand hall who is close the creepy well in the garden and this make her go more faster, even she run all the way until reach the stairs. A little tired Aegis reach the second room and walked more until reach the door of Kirayas´s room. Maybe...this house need... another stairs said the angel girl as she recover her breath and then bite her lips to calm down to earn the courage to knock the door

Miss Kiraiya... sorry to disturb you i your rest time... but the new maids had come said Aegis with a little scared tone as she knock the door of the scary maid room
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman begins to lead them through the mansion, first showing them the main hallway, making no comment as he heads down the hallway, opening a door to a hallway that leads north-south, and leading them to the Library. "Here is the library. I would advise against spending time here until your daily chores are complete." he states, allowing the two new maids time to admire the rows of books before motioning for them to follow him along to the next destination. "It is very good to have new maids in the household. No offense, Holo-chan, but even with you and Aegis, work tends to become quite tiresome without additional help." he speaks, his moustache moving as he speaks, masking his lip movements, as he grasps two ornate handles to two fine wooden doors. "And here we have the Grand Dining Hall." he states, opening the doors to reveal a large open room, complete with numerous dining tables, the dining cloth and silverware not yet set out for dinner. "We would normally host grand parties here, until a few years ago." he states, then begins to remember back several years ago, to the day of Hinako's accident, seeming to lose his focus for several seconds, though to the maids he would merely bow his head a few centimeters.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi kept a bemused grin as they took there trip through the halls, taking in all the sights that she could... Once they entered the Library however

Kiyomi's nose crinkled back just a bit, the smell of the musky books reminded her of the Sect... But looking over there selection as they briefly walked past left her with a more appreciative outlook to the room, and her smile once again returns... Maybe she might just take up the offer of reading in her spare time... Something she was rarely given the opprotunity to do...

Then upon Normans comments at the Dining hall Kiyomi couldn't contain herself.

"Woooow its... Beautiful! But... Why doesn't anyone use it anymore, Normie?"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo followed the butler and the new maids on the tour, interested in the reaction of the new maids to the estate, and to Norman. She was quite amused by the one who had called herself Kiyomi; she seemed like a fun person, and just the sort the mansion needed. The other she wasn't so sure about. "No offense taken, Saddler-san" she replied, and she began to get lost in a daydream as they walked on to the dining hall, imagining playing cards with Kiyomi after their work was done, conversing about random things.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As Aegis knocked on the door, inside the room was dimly lit, bordering on dark. The door she knocked on would lead to what appeared to be a cage, there were stone pillars spread throughout the room, in the center of the floor rested a strange pentagram made of cobblestone, and above were a fancy canopy bed and what appeared to be a throne. At the knock a petite dark skinned girl with pink hair would groggily and irritatedly rise up from the bed before discarding her sheets and walking hautily to the large mahogany doors before throwing one of them wide open revealing her lithe nude form for any who might be near to see, "WHO IS IT!? I WAS SLEEPING!" she cried out in frustration before turning to see the orange haired little angel, "Oh... Its the sweet timid little angel girl..... So the fresh meat.... Erm, I mean new help is here are they? Very I'll get dressed and be down to help the stuffy old butler greet and guide the newcomers in a while.... Now..... Leave me alone." she said haughtily before slamming her doors back shut and stalking off to get dressed before heading down the stairs to help Norman with the new arrivals.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia watched the rooms with intensity, trying quickly to put as much of it to memory before she noticed one of the other girls giving her a weird look a made an effort to loosen up, she would have time to have a more through look later.

She followed and gave an occasional "ah..." or "ohh..." as they passed through the admirable impressive rooms. So much had this family gained, so much they had been granted off the backs and works of others.

Nadia smiled as they entered the dining, room, but not for the reasons others would expect.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As you wish...miss Kiruya with her weak voice Aegis make a bow after heard the instructions of the headmistress and walk quickly toward the mansion to find them. She was very nervious of had awaken the creepy woman, her feets were still trembling so she fly toward the stairs expecting to get better when she reach the stairs. If not were because she was not alone, she maybe had not the courage to get inside this mansion in first place. With her delicate fly she reach the main floor and after hide her wings she look for the group. It was not a hard search as the voice of the butler gide her to the grand hall. Trying to gain the calm she walked toward them and make a bow to the old man Sorry for take so long to return. Miss Kiraya will come soon After said that Aegis walked behind Holon trying to dont being in the sight of the new maids.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiraiya would promptly return to her grabbing her green maids uniform before slipping it back on her and heading out the large mahogany doors into the hallway before moving up and eastward to the the second set of stairs and heading downstairs and through to the dining room where Norman, Holo, Aegis and the new maids were waiting, "Hello little girls, my name is Kiraiya. I'm mistress Hinakos head maid. So along with "Too-Tall McShades" here, I'll be in charge of your chores and training here at the mansion. Don't give me any flack or trouble and I'm sure well get along fine. Now, I'll join you all and let Norman here continue your little tour." she said rather coolly and indifferent before falling in front of the group next to Norman solidifying her role as second in command.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman seemed indifferent to the fact that he was merely the butler in a house full of women, and seemed to twitch slightly at the insult directed at him, though he quickly resumed the tour, heading through the double doors to the west, which lead to the grand hall. "Here is where we normally entertain guests at parties, the Grand Hall. As you can see, it hasn't been used in some time." he states flatly, giving Kiraiya a subtle clue to not go into detail about the incident with Hinako and the fire. "Through the door in the back, we have the kitchen, where you will prepare meals and the like, and attached to it, is the Storage room. Now, shall I show you upstairs, or do you have questions about the first floor?"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi's question takes a back burner as two more people show up, both in simlar maid costumes... But seem to be in colors each there own... Maybe they get to pick them!

Leaning over and waving to the first arrival, who seemed to be a tad shy.. As she hid behind Holo as soon as she could...

Kiyomi didn't catch HER name... But she made sure to remember the next arivals name... The head maid Kiraiya made her appearance next...

Similar to some of those in the sect... In the manner of speaking, not of appearance of course... But the familiarity was welcoming...

Kiyomi responded to her new superior with the usuall enthusiastic "Yes, Sir! Ma'am, Sir!

But then Norman once more begun to move oon with the tour... With Kiraiya now at his side... And upon entering the Grand Hall, Kiyomi found it just as immpressive as the dining room... An almost mischeivous grin spread across her face as she stares on in bewilderment...

But once more... Norman states the room remains unused... And that once more out a two pound wieght on her sense of adventure... So when he asked if there were any question about the first floor she once again brought her previous question up...

A slight bob and a hand shoots up before she says "I got one for you Normie! Before we go upstairs and see what else we can find, can you tell me why nobody uses these rooms? There... Beautiful! It seems like kinda waste not to enjoy them... At least... I think so! How bout you?"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia met the head maid and bowed, watching the woman she studied her closely and the casual ways she spoke of and too the butler. She held a powerful grace and easy manner that betrayed experience. Nadia envied her and was jealous at the same time.

"Greetings, lady..." Realizing she didn't remember her name she left it hanging. Smiling she saw through the dining hall around the room, it was beautiful but clearly unused for some time. She wondered why they would not use this room.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis's pure beige eyes sometimes apear at the side of Holo, as a little girl hidding behind her mother. She tried to dont call the attention and play with her apron or slave collar trying to calm herself from time to time. The angel watch them trying to decide if they were nice girls and even she make a little smile when Kiyomi talk, the other girl was diferent and certainly Aegis will need more time to dont fear her. When the question come she start to feel bad for the butler, as this had been sufering for that event to the point that Aegis decide to dont talk more of the topic.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman reaches his right hand up to grasp his shades, adjusting them slightly as they had fallen down on his nose somewhat. "I can't really explain that. Several years ago, there was an incident that left Mistress Hinako in the care of myself and Kiraiya, as the only heir to the estate. That is all I can divulge on the matter without being rude." he says, his right hand clasping his left behind his back as he looks up at the grand chandelier. "Suffice it to say, Mistress Hinako is not to be disturbed unless absolutely necessary." he says, his head leveling as he turns around, his tone suddenly very dark as he looks at the two new maids over his shoulder.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

(Oh... So... The Mistress is an orphan too... How sad...)

Kiyomi thought to herself as Norman geve his limited explaination

Then managing to recover a slight smile adds "Okay, I'll try not to disturb the mistress if I can then..."

Even though she really wants to find out more about these events... She'll refrain from dredging up the past just yet... Regardless of her own curiosity...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia nodded as he gave a brief explanation, she had never known what had happened to the parents and he didn't exactly say, all the same she had a little more knowledge now. She awed at the chandelier, dazzled by the colors. Remaining quiet she followed and listened, soaking in the conversations