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Millford Castle

Re: Millford Castle

But I can finally get my own room! Panne said, quite obviously missing whatever was hinted at, then feeling a bit bad about the selfish reason she said with a hint of apology But we'll be neighbours so that's good right?
Re: Millford Castle

"Oh... I suppose... but don't you need someone strong to protect you?" she tenses slightly, to demonstrate her strength, hoping to impress upon her both the danger of being alone... and the 'safety' of instead sharing with her, then lets go, stepping back a bit and shrugging dramatically, "But I suppose, if you'd rather be all alone... there isn't much I could do to stop you..." she refrains from adding, apart from forcing myself on you, deciding that threats aren't quite called for... yet.
Rolling athletics to impress, hopefully swinging the other roll to my favor
Re: Millford Castle

Corina steps in, looking down her nose at Akaiko in the way that most people would look at an insect. To say she looms would be an understatement.

"The young lady has stated that she would prefer her own room." She says flatly. "You will be seeing plenty of each other during the day, I am sure. If you would like the room beside hers, I doubt anyone would have any objections." The dark-haired girl looks from one woman to the other. "If nobody objects, I will take the other free room in the central area."

Rolling athletics to intimidate Akaiko
Re: Millford Castle

"I've finally got a chance to have my own room and I want to see what its like..." Panne said completely missing much of the undertones (and overtones, and pretty much every other kind of tone).

Use will to defend
Re: Millford Castle

Her prime real estate taken (Much to her personal chagrin), Franca had to make a decision to go somewhere else. "I guess I'll take the one of the rooms in the center area if possible. If not, I'll take one on the east side. This is beginning to get frustrating, if I may be so bold to say." Her attention however was drawn to the discussion between Panne and Akaiko. "Ma'am, would you deny the poor girl the chance to enjoy some level of freedom? That would be ever so cruel of you."

Franca attempted to try and support the poor rabbit girl, afraid that leaving her with Akaiko might lead to some poor results.

(Use cunning in support of Panne)
Re: Millford Castle

Once inside her new room, Tomoe places her luggage in place and then roll happily at it in a cheerful way, as she can manage to Heard the long talk at the corridor. After a pair of jumps, she prepare herself to go out and explore once all get calmed, but meanwhile she will try to Heard the long talk
Re: Millford Castle

As the scene around Panne turns to a confrontation, with displays of physical prowess, courage and willpower. Tyr also gives Akaiko a sharp look. "I believe the young lady has stated her preference for a room by herself. I'd certainly hate to have to report to Mistress Ruby that someone was already causing trouble," she says in a flat neutral tone, delivering her threat. With this combined rebuttal, the girl is forced to back off, at least for now.

Akaiko takes a whopping 7 stress, despite being able to use her Athletics for the attack.

((The room that the girls are fighting near is on the other side of the main hall and downstairs from the one Tomoe has blockaded herself into, hearing it will be literally impossible.))
Re: Millford Castle

Unable to Heard anything, Tomoe will get out of her room and then stealthy walk toward where she suppose is hthat strange person tan made her get dressed as a maid and also get here. Her small body and cute figure walk at the corridor, trying to act normaly as she try to find it and also see around the mansión, unsure of what she could find, yet her resolution to meet face to face that person is really big to take any risk.

[explore with luck]
Re: Millford Castle

((Since no one else has replied, and Tomoe is a little behind anyways...))

Heading down the corridor of the West Wing, Tomoe tries a few doors at random, finding many of them empty or locked. Eventually, she comes to a door partially open, peeking inside she can see the Lady Ruby with a pair of bifocals resting on her nose; seated behind a desk in a room full of bookcases. She appears to be studying some papers on her desk and making notes, a look of stern concentration on her face.
Re: Millford Castle

"tsch... fine, we'll see how long you last without my help." she stalks off, knocking a half-clenched fist against the door of he first unclaimed room she passes with a sharp "Mine", angrily continuing until she, by happenstance, either found someone less aggravating, or managed to wind her way back. If no one worth her time.appeared, she resolved to seek out Lady Ruby, to inquire regarding her medications.
Re: Millford Castle

Franca breathed a heavy sigh of relief, thankful that the situation finally died down. Was this going to be the average conversation of every meeting of the maids? This was hardly going to be a productive team if they couldn't even get along on basic matters. Turning her attention to Panne. "Miss Rabbit, I'm sorry to say this but you have to be more careful. That woman seems a little dangerous. At the very least keep a little more aware. Anyway...want me to show you around? I could help you get the lay of the place. I've worked here for years as an assistant to the staff, since the family was kind enough to adopt me when I was a child. How bout it?"
Re: Millford Castle

"Whaat? She seemed perfectly friendly!" Panne said, even though she had to admit that Akaiko had been a bit pushy, still though nothing to be worried about right?

When Franca offered to show her around Panne smiled and said "That sounds great just let me just put my stuff away and I'll be right behind you!"

After dumping her (rather small) collection of stuff in the room she had claimed she returned and said to the white haired maid "Thanks for showing me around! I've never been in a place this big!"
Re: Millford Castle

Needing to find her goal in this mansión, Tomoe continue walking inside the mansion, opening doors and trying to just pass the time until find that human. However in one of them she notice tan there were something, but unfortunately it was not the one than she was looking for.

The door was half opened and she just make a peek before decide what to do now, she tried to sense any danger and if there were not any, she will try to see more, getting close the door without get noticed, maybe she could get some lucky to find something fun.

Finally if her eyes could not find out what the Mistress was doing, she will just leave her alone and continue looking around.

[use maid power to sense evil posible things]
Re: Millford Castle

Corina relaxes as Akaiko stalks off, and as Panne speaks her face starts twitchi-- oh! Oh that's a smile! The severe young woman actually manages a smile at Panne's words, chuckling. "It can be rather nice, having some privacy. I suppose I'll take the room across the way, then?" She looks up to Tyr for approval.
Re: Millford Castle

Tyr tilts her head slightly at Corina's question. "I don't see any problem with that... or wait, I believe Franca mentioned a preference for that room," she replies with a slight smile. "Whatever shall we do..." At this point, Franca and Panne still remained within earshot, as much as the pair had began off to explore the castle.


Tomoe crouched down by the door to Lady Ruby's stufy, trying to determine what the mistress was up to with little success. The woman behind the desk was clearly working with some sort of papers, beyond that it would be impossible to tell, but she had a feeling that interrupting wouldn't go down particularly well. Suddenly, she knew someone was coming, gut instincts telling her that getting to safety would be ideal.

((Assuming you take the opportunity to hide, if you want to do something else, let me know and I'll adjust))


In a foul mood already, Akaiko stormed down the west wing in search of Lady Ruby, eventually finding a door slightly ajar in which the Lady sat behind a desk, working on some papers with an expression of concentration across her face.
Re: Millford Castle

She grits her teeth almost audibly, every muscle tense, as she contemplates how best to gain her Lady's attention, if at all. She forces a semblance of calm upon herself, constraining her fury, locking the beastly rage away. She steps in, bowing, muscles still stiff;
"Lady Ruby... if it isn't too much interruption, I was hoping that perhaps I could ask about the medication...?" nervousness puts the final nail in the coffin of her fury, burying it under hesitation.​
Re: Millford Castle

"Whaat? She seemed perfectly friendly!" Panne said, even though she had to admit that Akaiko had been a bit pushy, still though nothing to be worried about right?

When Franca offered to show her around Panne smiled and said "That sounds great just let me just put my stuff away and I'll be right behind you!"

After dumping her (rather small) collection of stuff in the room she had claimed she returned and said to the white haired maid "Thanks for showing me around! I've never been in a place this big!"

"Miss, I may need to teach you the difference between sincerity and malicious intent. Miss Akaiko might seem friendly, but it could be a farce. Just saying." With that point out of the way, she would wait for Panne to drop her things off in her room. "Do you have a preference on where to go? I could show you the eastern wing if you wish. See what the young master is up to. I'm sure he'd like to learn the names of the staff waiting on him." But at the corner of her ear, she heard miss Tyr speak up in regards to the room. Feeling it would need to be addressed, she approached the woman, hoping to clear up the potential haze. "I would have no issue deciding this through a fair means. A game of chance or maybe something along those lines? Either way, it must be quick. Lady Panne wishes to see the grounds and since I'm familiar with them, I would like to show her around."
Re: Millford Castle

Corina shakes her head at Franca's suggestion. "No, forgive me, I forgot. By all means, take that room." She hmms. "So I suppose that leaves me with the room near the east wing?" She shrugs. "In that case, I suppose I ought to meet the young master as well."
Re: Millford Castle

That's great! Panne said as the room situation fixed itself, "All three of us can go together!" at which point she bounced down a hallway, before realizing she was going the wrong way and passed the two girls in the opposite direction.

Come on lets go!
Re: Millford Castle

Lady Ruby looks up from her desk to regard the maid in the entrance of her study. "Ah, you must be... Akaiko, yes? she replies, putting aside her papers and standing. Walking over to one of the shelves, she opens a cupboard door to reveal a small safe, which she produces the key for from around her neck and opens. Inside appears to be a small container atop some more papers, which she retrieves leaving the documents alone.

Placing the small box on the desk, she opens it to reveal three small vials of dark cloudy liquids. "Each of these doses should be enough for a day. I'll have more made periodically, however... they are missing one final ingredient," she begins, pulling the cork stopper from the end of each and handing over a small ruby-hilted knife to the girl. "A drop of your blood in each, or the serum will not work," the mistress explains in a cold, detached voice.


With the rooms sorted out, the group of three make their way up to the eastern wing, giving Corina a chance to place what things she has into her room before they set off down the corridor. Due to Franca's knowledge of the house, she's able to guide them directly to Scarlet's bedroom, where Ruby had mentioned earlier he most likely still was. Through the door, the trio could hear muffled noises, but not enough to make out much of anything, although they could detect a distinctly female voice. Ruby had mentioned that his personal servant, Zaraf, was likely trying to rouse him.

Still, would they enter, or would they leave him in peace?