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Millford Castle


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Millford Castle, home of the rich and powerful. At around a 30 minute coach ride from the nearby city of Greybrook, it was both close enough to remain connected to local affairs and distant enough to avoid too much hassle. And today, it was the first day for many, as the newly hired maids and serving girls made their way up the drive through the well tended gardens and into the bluestone walls of the ancient castle. Well groomed trees lined the cobblestone path on either side, clearly carefully tended into pleasing shapes by a skilled gardener.

The castle itself seemed equally well kept from the outside, a small keep of stone at the end of the driveway with a pair of wings leading off in opposite directions; as far as castles went it wasn't the largest around but it certainly made for an impressively imposing living space, a sign of wealth, status and culture not commonly found in this increasingly modern and industrious world.

As they arrived, the girls were greeted at the door by a member of the household staff, a tall girl with long wavy hair of a light orange colour wearing a pink and frilly white uniform identifying her as a maid. Welcomed into the house, the girls were shown into the foyer, a breathtaking sign of luxury and wealth; a great open space of tiled marble floor, round staircases with polished brass handrails running up either side of the room and above it all, candlelit crystal glass chandelier. Up the left staircase and through a door on the second floor, the girls were directed into a sitting room filled with finery, a number of expensive chairs sitting around a glass table, where a still hot teapot sat surrounded by dark red teacups made in the shape of roses.

Here the newly arrived maids would gather and wait and introduce themselves to one another before they officially began their duties as the newly hired household staff of Millford Castle.
Re: Millford Castle

While these halls were somewhat familiar to Franca, they could still prove intimidating from time to time. Franca never got to see the lions share of the castle growing up, as she was mainly relegated to running errands and spending time in the kitchen and other out of the way areas. In her eyes, it made sense. She blended in well despite her beauty. She wasn't the tallest, standing at about 5 foot 7 inches tall and her white hair (Currently tied in a bun) was the only stand out feature about her. But she couldn't focus on the negatives. Her troubles were in the past and now she had a better future ahead of her. Taking a seat, Franca would wait for her companions to speak before saying anything. She was terrible at breaking the ice and she knew any effort would only end in disaster.
Re: Millford Castle

The trip to the mansion was not so amazing for Tomoe, yet she was anxious to meet someone inside the huge castle, she had passed a long time dressing and thinking why she cant stop of go there, something more powerful than a prime instinct urge has been making her go there, as a moth going to a fire. Meet that named maid made all more easy, as the silver haired girl was losed in the huge garden view, thinking how she could make all looks better.

Her soft tanned skin has been in part why she has choiced this beauty monocromatic dress, than maybe hide her lusty human body shapes and make her looks as a very young woman nearly looking as if she had only 14 or maybe less as her cute face and inocent eyes stay looking everything, as a young student in a school trip.

She easy going walked with the group, moving to where she want and touching what she could, yet she is more focus on dont waste too much time and see that human to understand her strange urges. Once in the room to where they must stay as the owners come, she soon get bored and really curiouse from the female humans say nearly without thinking. It is a really cute garden, isnt? i think than something shinny like silver would be amazing for protect it from the rain and snow Say childrish and daydreaming.

Thinking why nobody has spoken before her made her try to act more normaly, maybe she needed to act more human like to make all dont get mad at her. Ehm, My name is Tomoe and is... a pleasure meet all of you. Say with a curtsy before lost herself again smelling the sweet scent of the place and looking the rose like tea tea cups.
Re: Millford Castle

Akaiko gritted her teeth, scowling, the whole ride, her arms crossed beneath her breasts, the long-sleeved, surprisingly modest uniform she'd been given not yet mangled. Her nails, painted a deep red to match her hair, dig into her arms, threatening to draw beads of crimson from her pale flesh.

As the coach stops, she stands, sky-blue eyes scanning the mansion as she mutters, annoyed with the bumpiness of the ride, "Finally...maybe something...interesting will happen here," she licks her lips with the final word, releasing her grip on her arms, idly running one along the edge of the edged whip she wears on the ribbon in the back of her uniform. She hops out, stretching luxuriously as she approaches the castle. She mostly ignores her surroundings as she stands, well aware of the potential of anger from the masters if she were to presume to sit. Her eyes trail slowly across her fellow maids, eventually speaking, her voice quiet, though not weak, "So, I'll be working with you, huh?"
Re: Millford Castle

Panne was quite literally bouncing along the path up to the castle, her rather long and floppy (and sadly unhideable even with a large hat) ears bouncing along with her. The silver haired bunny girl was having significant issues hiding her excitement. She was certain not to much would go wrong today too!

The garden was certainly nice, and just made her mood improve even more. By the time the group had moved inside the house she was surprised she hadn't split into two from all the energy she had. It was such a nice place! So much bigger then her home.

When they were left in the room she actually calmed down a bit, if only because she was near so much glass. With her past in mind she decided it might be better to follow one of the other maids lead and stay standing rather then risk trying to sit down and causing some sort of disaster. Though her voice (and her now vertical ears so she could hear better) still carried much of her excitement.

"Pleasure to meet you Tomoe! I'm Panne." She said to the one of the sitting maids.
Re: Millford Castle



Corina let out a sharp sigh. Many people became frightened when faced with new and unfamiliar situations. Others become nervous. A rare few embrace it easily.

Corina just got annoyed.

Her shiny black boots clacked against the marble floor, her crisp blue uniform accentuating her thin figure well. While Corina was not what many would call a beauty, she was certainly striking. Tall and athletic-looking, the young woman kept her black hair cropped short, stormy gray eyes glinting with general contempt for the world.

"A-hmm." She cleared her throat, approaching the table. "I suppose you would be the other maids, then?" She asked, her words sharp and clear.
Re: Millford Castle

Given that the rest of her co-workers had all spoken in some capacity, Franca must have seemed odd to the others. And quite a varied mixture of staff from the looks of it. A girl with rabbit ears, a rather annoyed looking woman, a woman carrying a whip and what looked to be little more then a young girl. Well, at least she would be so out of place with her freckled face and white hair. "Well, seeing as I have not spoken yet, I might as well introduce myself. My name is Franca Hanover. I've actually worked in this castle in my youth, so if you ever need help finding something, do not hesitate to ask." She gripped a heavy leather bound book in her hands, the item seeming very precious to her, seeing as she brought it in with her.
Re: Millford Castle

She smirked, her teeth glinting for a moment as her eyes darted across the newcomers, quickly dismissing them as non-threats, especially to herself. A yawn escaped, the girl stretching again, bones popping under the smooth ripples of her uniform. "Hehe~, does it matter? I bet most of you won't last long...alone, anyway. Spotting the cheerful, bunny-eared girl, her smirk widens to a predatory grin, a sharp, leafy scent hanging in a faint cloud about her as she leans in close, one hand on her hip, the other cradling panne's chin. "Especially not you~ I bet you need someone to take care of you, hm~ So weak and cu~te."
Re: Millford Castle

Panne was not only a person who was plagued with bad luck, but she was also a person who was plagued with an absolutely terrible knowledge of the real world and who were people to avoid. Having learned to fear things like cups of hot water and other benign things instead of proper predators.

As a result, instead of reacting to the predatory grin and odd actions of her fellow maid like a frightened rabbit, she instead said "Ya I'm not that strong, but thanks for calling me cute! I hope we can be friends!"
Re: Millford Castle

Corina blinked slowly at Akaiko. Oh, joy, a flirt. The bunny-girl's reaction did little to lighten her mood

"Corina." She stated plainly, before looking down at the tea. "That for us, then?"
Re: Millford Castle

After a moment, a pair of figures entered the room at last. Stepping through the doorway with the maid from downstairs in tow was a lady with bright red hair and pale skin. Clad in a long flowing black dress decorated with flowers made of silk, her intense green eyes did a slow sweep of the room. The girl who had met them at the entrance simply stood behind and off to the side of this woman, making it fairly obvious that this was someone of importance. But then, most of the girls assembled in the room had met Lady Ruby previously.

"Well then, welcome all to Millford Castle," she began, addressing the room. "Some of you I've met before, some may even be familiar with the estate, some of you are entirely new to me. I'm sure we'll get to know one another soon enough. Feel free to help yourself to tea. Now then, almost everyone who works at or lives in this estate is in this very room. As some of you know, I am Lady Ruby and generally I handle matters of staffing at this estate. To my right here is Tyr, my personal servant. She often organises things for me, so please treat her voice as my own. As for the other members of the household..." she pauses, pursing her lips slightly.

"My brother is likely still in bed at this time. He tends to spend most of the morning in bed. Zaraf, his personal servant..." she pauses once more. "...is likely doing her best to rouse him. And the last member of our little household is the gardener, Allan. You might see him occasionally, but he's usually busy with the grounds."

"Now, as far as the estate layout, it's fairly simple. The central area, such as we are now, has all of the main facilities. The dinning room and kitchen downstairs, as well as the laundry, while up here we have the sitting room, the library just through there, you get the idea. Tyr will see that you're all assigned quarters shortly, we have a number of small bedrooms around the central area that would suit. My rooms are out in the West Wing of the house, so if you ever need me for whatever reason and you cannot locate Tyr, that likely where I'll be. I request you knock before entering any of the rooms in that wing. My brother has his rooms in the East Wing. We do have a couple of buildings outside of the main house; there's a gardeners hut some of you may have seen on the way in, a short distance off beside the house; generally Allan lives in there rather than the room he has in the house. Behind the house we also have a small chapel; this place is off limits unless you're specifically asked to go there, that is very important to remember.

She gives a moment for that to settle in. "Now then, I have a few more things to attend to. Tyr, if you could show them to their rooms, and then see about lunch?" The orange haired girl simply curtsied silently to Ruby and gestured for the group to follow her. She showed the girls to a series of small bedrooms, each much the same. The rooms were not preassigned, so they fell to whoever was first to claim them; there were three vacant bedrooms downstairs in the central area, one on the west side of area, next to the bedroom that was assigned to Allan, and two on the east side, both vacant. There was also the bedroom next to where Tyr slept, in the mouth of Ruby's wing, and likewise there was one in the entrance of the East wing, next to the room of the girl Zaraf, personal servant to Scarlet. It would be up to their girls to decide where each of them would sleep.
Re: Millford Castle

Rising as soon as the red-haired woman enters the room, Corina seemed to hang on the lady's every word, listening with rapt attention.

Once the time to choose rooms has come, Corina turns to the other maids.

"Do any of you have any reasons why you would need a specific room? I do not have any particular preference."
Re: Millford Castle

Panne had been listening as well, her ears perked up as she took in everything that was said, and she even managed to keep her excitement well contained. Once they had left to go look at the rooms though she was right back to her previous self, a.k.a. a barely contained fluffball of excitement.

When it came down to picking rooms she had a very clear idea of which one she wanted.

"I"ll take one of the paired ones!" Panne said, referring to the the only two that were near eachother. Better to get to know someone then hiding off in the corners of the mansion.
Re: Millford Castle

Franca stood at attention at the sight of one of the mansions owners, one Lady Ruby and her personal servant. Having been a worker for the home for several years, she occasionally caught glimpses at the masters of the house. However, she never got the opportunity to meet them and she was kept busy by the other servants, giving her every manner of menial tasks. Much like a few of her co-workers, she hung on the words of Lady Ruby, eager to get to work on real tasks. "I'd like to find a place on the west side of the house, if no one has any objections. I feel more comfortable with the layout of the castle, so I hope no one minds."
Re: Millford Castle

Corina nods, producing a pen and paper from her pocket. She sketches a rough floorplan on the house. "Alright. So Miss Panne would prefer one of the rooms on the east side of the central area..." She draws a "P" in one of the rooms. "And Miss Franca, do you mean one in the west wing, near Lady Ruby, or the other one in the central area, next to Mister Allen's room?" She looks to the other maids who have yet to choose a room expectantly.
Re: Millford Castle

It was weird for her tan everyone decide to skip the tea and just stay hearing the human words, so she decide to just bow to her and serve herself some tea, to try to taste it, as she Heard the whole talk

Looking all the talk around the many maids after the Mistress chat, Tomoe frown and start to get close all and interrupt them. Choice like that is not fun, i will choice randomly my own room. Say cheerfully as she take her luggage, sure than she can smell that strange human than has been making her feel strange from the first time than she has saw it.

[use luck to find out any close place from that special person, then get closed inside the empty room and dont let any other maid take it]
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Re: Millford Castle

"I would prefer near Lady Ruby. I feel like I'd be more comfortable being near other members of the castle. As I said, I've been here for a while. I trust those arrangements won't be too problematic." She knew she was being far too demanding, at least in her own head. With so many strange characters as her co-workers, she didn't know how they would react to her 'demands'.
Re: Millford Castle

She hooks an arm over Panne's neck, pulling her close, in a show of faux comradery, "I think it's best if I share with you, ne? I can... protect you~" her grin widens, tongue wetting her lips as she resists digging her nails into her prey's shoulder. "In fact, I insist. You'll be sharing with me."
Re: Millford Castle

As the group passed by the room next to Tyr's, in the west wing, Tomoe suddenly darts into it, shutting the door behind it just as Franca begins to tell everyone how she'd prefer to have that room.

The orange haired maid sighs at Akaiko as the girl attaches herself to Panne. "Honestly, we have enough rooms for everyone, and the rooms themselves are quite small. I really don't think anyone should be doubling up..."
Re: Millford Castle

"Oh no, it's no trouble! I want to share with her, and I'm sure she feels the same... right~?" she smiles kindly, with a slight tinge of seduction, her lips barely parted as the corners of her mouth lift gently. Her arm pulls panne even closer, emphasising her point.
rolling cunning, trying to get panne to agree.