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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ayla regards the beings words with utmost attention, striving to commit them accurately to memory. Fortunately her personal talents and experience helped her with this. The message was somewhat cryptic, but the implication of responsibility somewhat staggering. To the beings ending question she answers, "May I first ask the reason that you bring me this message?"
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The Salish responded slowly, as if choosing it's words carefully.

"There are elements in your future which will help to mend bridges, to gain an understanding of the damage your ancestors caused. To potentially repair it, if you can discover how, and what exactly you did. I show you these visions to help guide you to the proper path, whereas the others would sooner see you fail than allow your kind any knowledge such as the type you can gain. And as you know, the Ancients, as you call them, do not care one way or another. In fact, they have their hands quite full right now, I believe you know why."

Elsewhere ....

Draven nodded.

"Full reverse now, and we're still moving forward. Readings are fluctuating, it's as if ...."

He trailed off as an alarm suddenly went off, and an alert flashed on Alberik's screen, warning of a sudden massive shift in gravitational forces. The hull began making sounds, even as Draven figured it out.

"Ah shit, that's not magnetic. That's a gravity well. That damn anomaly has a black hole near it somewhere, maybe right inside of it. How comfortable are you with a slingshot maneuver?"

((I screwed up on that and didn't take that distance into account haha. Now I have to fix that ... Darn you for pointing it out! :p))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ayla regarded the unexpected spirits words as carefully and attentively as before, giving due thought to her response, "Then... I sincerely thank you, and thank you on behalf of my people. I shall do everything within my reach to see that the trust you have dared to place in us is repaid in our actions. We... will not betray this gesture." She says, pausing as she continues to think over the meaning and implications of this. There was certainly a significant element of unknown danger in the initial scenes of the vision, but if what the spirit had said was true, about mending bridges and repairing the actions of her ancestors. Then this was a truly special chance that had been presented to her.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The Salish seemed to smile for a moment, and then suddenly Ayla found herself back on the Al-Sora, as if she'd never left it at all. Perhaps she hadn't? Either way, she had some big decisions to make, such as who, if anyone, to tell about this. Could she chance telling any of the Alverans, and risk them not wanting to even tinker with that potential future? For that matter, was the 9th Chevron the key to all of this, and if so, how could she convince them to explore it without either tipping her hand, or risking them scratching it if she told them everything?

Big decisions indeed.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As the vision ended, and Ayla found her conciousness return to her surroundings and the background presence of the Al-Sora, she would recieve an additional slight ping in her mind. It was simply the Al-Sora noting the unusual miniscule stutter in her mental activity and expressing a tiny note of concern. It hadn't seen the vision naturally, but noticed something had just occurred, however instant it might have been.

Sighing in thought, Ayla ponders how to proceed. The potential scope of this brief event she'd been graced with, was difficult to grasp. She opens communication with the command room, "... Olrenn. You have command of the ship. Please take us back the way we came. I need to consult the council." she would speak plainly. Olrenn and Ellisia expressing some small surprise at this unexpected message, it not being normal for Ayla to defer command for such a simple task, nor wish to contact the Etherian council directly so suddenly. Had they mis-interpretted something the Ori had said, or not picked up upon some subtle note of special importance? Whatever it was, they had their instruction. Ayla would likely explain when it suited.

Ayla meanwhile, remaining in her pilots chamber, seals the chamber and separates herself from the rest of the ships functions and senses. The spherical room becoming pitch black, as she then begins to recall and re-run her memory of the vision through her mind, as accurately as possible. And as she does so the Al-Sora dutifully records the memories that she shares with it. It didn't have the intelligence to grasp the significance of the scenes and words she entrusted it with, but locks them away securely within it's memory, barred to anyone that did not have the correct mental key. Ayla had a lot to think about, regarding who this development should be shared with, and what implications it might have. But for now, she needed to discuss it with her own people.

Ayla then takes another breath, and attempts to compose herself before she sent the call to contact the council. She wanted to speak to all of them. Something relatively rare to do, and something she'd been summoned to do only once before, just over 200 years ago. As soon as she felt she had her nerves and emotions under control, she would open the formal request. Still floating in darkness, in a vaguely meditative sitting position, some time would pass as the assorted members of the Etherian council responded. Small glowing Etherian symbols appearing to light up faintly and hover in the dark at a distance around her. When the circle of glyphs was complete, they would light up fully, along with a circle of light where Ayla "sat".

<"This conclave is now in session."> Would be heard in a eminent and powerful, but still soft sounding female voice, as one symbol would appear to speak, growing slightly larger and brighter as it did so. <"You have our full attention dear Ayla...">

As they talk, the Al-Sora would quietly continue it's journey back to Tollona.
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It took about the same amount of time to return to Tollana, and they were in for a big surprise when they got there.

As the Al-Sora emerged from FTL, her sensors detected more than Talok's ship in orbit. A half dozen Hatak were in orbit as well, seeming to sit there casually. At the moment, they seemed to be ignoring the Al-Sora, though a second scan confirmed their shields, and weapons, were now online.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

By the time the Al-Sora emerged, Ayla had recently concluded her meeting with the council. There was still more to think on, and possibly more to say, but she had made sure not to over stretch the meeting in a way that would leave the crew without her guidance. This seemed to have proven a wise decision upon seeing the unexpected welcoming committee.

Pushing her thoughts of the vision from her mind for now, she immediately hails Talok's ship. "What's the situation here Talok?" she asks directly, wanting to know what to make of this. By it's nature, the Al-Sora's AT field was always ready and online, although it's status wouldn't be apparent to typical Hatak sensors. As always, the unconventional power supply would make it difficult to tell what systems were actually online or not, or whether they even existed.

For the moment the Al-Sora makes no moves or adjustments.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a moment's delay in a response, but after a moment Talok's image appeared on screen, even as the Al-Sora's sensors registered the Hatak's were powering down their weapons.

"There's been an issue on Atlantis. It seems Cassie, the young woman we found on the Malkan planet may not be Malkan at all, but an ancient who returned from ascension. Unfortunately, it appears Nirrti isn't dead, and somehow got herself inside of Cassie. These are Tokra ships, I've already informed them of who you are, they are shall we say a bit jumpy. According to the intel we have, before Nirrti made her escape, with help, from Atlantis, she mated with a Tokra, which means a child with the knowledge of both parents will eventually be born. Nirrti will have access to everything Henry's symbiote knew, including the location of every Tokra base. Worse still, it seems Nirrti isn't working alone, but may be working with Anubis. The Tokra have sent some of their ships here, hoping to help in the Tollan's issues, since as of right now, Tollana is the only place Henry didn't have detailed information on that they could go to."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven nodded.

"Full reverse now, and we're still moving forward. Readings are fluctuating, it's as if ...."

He trailed off as an alarm suddenly went off, and an alert flashed on Alberik's screen, warning of a sudden massive shift in gravitational forces. The hull began making sounds, even as Draven figured it out.

"Ah shit, that's not magnetic. That's a gravity well. That damn anomaly has a black hole near it somewhere, maybe right inside of it. How comfortable are you with a slingshot maneuver?"

((I screwed up on that and didn't take that distance into account haha. Now I have to fix that ... Darn you for pointing it out! :p))

"Scanners have a full picture of the anomaly, the gravity well is consistent with a black hole however, so it must exist on the other side." Alberik said with a slight nod. "A slingshot maneuver should work. Rotating the ship. I suggest you two find a way to brace yourselves, we will be passing by quite close." He added, just as the ship started to turn, bringing it's engines to bear in the proper direction, and starting to accelerate towards the anomaly.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven didn't say a word in reply, though his body began to ripple as he shifted shape, wrapping an 'arm' around one of the support beams for a display screen built into the floor and wall. Actually, the 'arm' began to resemble more a tentacle than an arm. As the ship began shuddering in protest of the gravity well, Ariana suddenly found that she had one or two tentacles wrapped around her waist as Draven secured her to another support beam, ensuring she didn't get hurt or tossed around.

The ship continued to accelerate as they made the final turn, using the gravity well to sling shot back out, a few sparks flying from consoles randomly. Eventually the ship would clear the anomaly and the gravity well, continuing to fly away from it, the sensors suddenly indicating a surge in magnetic field, and then a complete absence of a gravity well, or an anomaly. It would appear that the thing had closed, which was probably good.

As things settled down, Draven released Ariana, and retook a more humanoid form, shaking his head.

"Well, I think we can safely say that anomaly led to the future. Just a question of how far into the future."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As soon as Talok informs that the Hatak ships were friendly, with Ayla also observing them easing their weapons, she allows the Al-Sora's own systems to become calm again.
"Nirrti lives? And is at large again?" Ayla says, her features saddening slightly. Sighing. "And so now the Tokra people will be at risk. Presumably they have a window of time to prepare though yes? The child won't be born over night, and will need at least a little time to mature. Unless I misunderstand."

Whilst not visible to anyone else at the moment, Ellisia frowns deeply at hearing how Nirrti was apparently still alive and causing harm, glaring downwards silently.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Talok shrugged.

"We have to assume Nirrti still has one of the genetic modification devices. If so, she could use it to accelerate the growth of her child much the same way that the Ori did with Adria. We just don't know how much time we may still have, which is why the Tokra are here for the moment. We're attempting to find some way they can regroup in the shadows, away from Anubis' plans, whatever else they may be. We know he wants to annihilate the Tokra, but the real question is why the sudden blitz against them? There must be something they have that he's worried about, or that interferes with his plans. We also have to assume Anubis is on his way back to this galaxy, but we have no idea where he might be."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"I see." Ayla replies. "And you are likely right. If Anubis is focusing efforts against the Tokra, then we need to figure out why. Whether they are obstructing some other goals of his, or even perhaps whether he sees them as a direct threat in some way. The Tokra leadership needs to comunicate with the Alliance, and be willing to share any suspicions they have on Anubis motives against them." She says, pausing for thought, and then taking a breath before continuing.

"Regarding our initial concerns here, the Valkans have agreed to help develop and distribute a cure, to the best of their efforts. The trace connecting the current plague to the previous one was accurate, though the significant enough distinctions between the two mean that it will still take an uncertain time to produce a cure."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Modified then. We expected as much. I will contact you again shortly, it appears Lantash wishes to speak with me."

He cut the channel,and it hadn't been gone for more than ten seconds when Ayla would get another notification of an incoming call. Once she accepted it, Aya's image and voice would fill her mind, or screens, whichever she chose to work with.

"This is Aya Morioka calling the Al-Sora, from Peltas V. I'd like to speak with someone by the name of Mirelle regarding a dive therapy procedure. Lyra sent me in your direction to answer some questions I have, please respond at your earliest convenience."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Blinking at the unexpected additional communication, Ayla accepts the message and hears Aya out. "Greetings Aya. This is Ayla Iasha-Voh, captain of the Al-Sora. I happen to be able to patch you through to Mirelle at this moment if you wish. Although I am curious as to your questions. I may be able to better answer them myself than Mirelle. I could patch her in, and you could speak to us both if you wish?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a brief pause before Aya replied.

"Hello again Ayla. Well, I'll pose the question to you and let you decide who'd be better to answer it. Lyra told me about this dive procedure, how it helped her out but also unlocked some information for her regarding the Klarnell. What I was wondering is ... well, can this dive thing be used to restore, at least in part, very specific memories locked away in someone's mind? If not all of them? If it helps ... the person who'd be needing this is Siphon. I don't know if you are aware of the situation regarding all of that or .... his history with me?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven didn't say a word in reply, though his body began to ripple as he shifted shape, wrapping an 'arm' around one of the support beams for a display screen built into the floor and wall. Actually, the 'arm' began to resemble more a tentacle than an arm. As the ship began shuddering in protest of the gravity well, Ariana suddenly found that she had one or two tentacles wrapped around her waist as Draven secured her to another support beam, ensuring she didn't get hurt or tossed around.

The ship continued to accelerate as they made the final turn, using the gravity well to sling shot back out, a few sparks flying from consoles randomly. Eventually the ship would clear the anomaly and the gravity well, continuing to fly away from it, the sensors suddenly indicating a surge in magnetic field, and then a complete absence of a gravity well, or an anomaly. It would appear that the thing had closed, which was probably good.

As things settled down, Draven released Ariana, and retook a more humanoid form, shaking his head.

"Well, I think we can safely say that anomaly led to the future. Just a question of how far into the future."
The woman gave a yelp of surprise as Draven melted into a different form, though she recovered quickly enough not to threaten him with any bodily harm as they neared the anomaly, gravity pulling at her despite the bindings.

Alberik prepared as well, stepping to the right side of the console he was at and bracing a foot high upon it, hands still working away on the controls as the induced gravity pulled everyone towards the left during their rotation, hard enough to make the wall into a floor gravitationally for nearly twenty seconds before it started to flatten out again, the maneuver just gaining them distance before the anomaly suddenly disappeared.

"Indeed. A gravity well that strong would not exist in an earlier time without existing in the present as well." Alberik agreed. Ariana stayed silent, settling herself after being released, and eyeing Draven with a cautious look, still a bit disturbed by the sudden shifts.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven turned to Alberik, which had his back to Ariana and thus did not see her look.

"I'm willing to bet when we scanned this system earlier our ships passed through these anomalies without realizing it. Or the sensors were able to scan the other side of it, without detecting it directly. Though how no one saw that floating in space is beyond me. Now the real question is, how far into the future was that?"

He paused as one of the consoles beeped, turning to look at it, which allowed him to see Ariana's look finally.

"Interesting, I'm detecting faint power levels coming from a small derelict ship about ... six million kilometers away."

Blinking at Ariana, he cautiously asked, "what? What's wrong?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana's eyes narrowed slightly at the question, then she just gave a sigh. "Nothing, don't worry about it." She answered, busying herself with studying the ship's architecture.

"Speaking in cosmological terms, it would have to be the far future, as the sun here shows its still in the first half of it's lifetime, and likely doesn't have the mass to form a singularity of that strength besides. In practical terms, with the anomaly seemingly closed for now, it quite simply does not matter for our purposes. That power signature is of far rater pertinence, however." The AI said, starting to use the ship's scanners to find out more, cross referencing it's hull shape with both those known of Sirius ships, as well as the catalogue of more common ships known to Draven and the various other races around.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The scan revealed the ship to be a near match for a nomad single seat craft, with minimal power levels. It appeared to be on standby mode or something. Before Alberik could say so however, a sudden surge of energy popped onto his sensors, and a second, significantly larger ship appeared, coming out of a hyper-space window. The scans on that one showed that it was similar in structure to a Gou'ald Hatak, but much larger, and giving off significantly higher power levels.
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