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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Interesting. You'd think they'd have a less flashy way of going about it, as well." Ariana commented with a shrug. "I don't know too much on the subject, but these Ascended have some sort of internal police force to prevent interference with us lessers, correct? Could this ascended perhaps found a way to hide their own activities?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven shook his head.

"Extremely unlikely. Especially on this magnitude. Which leads me to think that for whatever reason the collective of them is sanctioning this, and the only reason I can think of they would do that is if the Klarnell pose a serious enough threat to both planes existing. The only reason I can think of for that would be if the Klarnell themselves were on the verge, or already have had a handful ascend and enter this galaxy with the intent to use their powers. Neither thought sits well with me considering what little I know of them."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"That seems unlikely, given the Klarnell's apparent predilection towards violent acts and lack of concern for other races." Alberik interjected, raising a finger towards the ceiling. "Still, if the Ascended take this non-interference as seriously as it sounds, it's one of the only explanations that make sense."

"Well, the real wuestion here is 'what can be done about it?' isn't it?" Ari continued, glancing towards the empty ship. "I mean, Ascended on either side of this conflict, if it exists as such, are out of our reach, aren't they?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven shook his head.

"Not really. If we were to locate the home area of the Klarnell, a Sangraal weapon could in theory be used against the Klarnell ascended to wipe them out. The problem is locating them to begin with. Siphon used one of the devices some years ago to stop the Ori, though it ended up taking more than just that to finally end that war. Finding them is the biggest step, once we do and can access their space and time, we have a shot. I believe the Klarnell know we possess this technology and have tried to step up their game. It may be that the Ori war is the direct catalyst for events of the past 24 hours with these Klarnell."

To Alberik he nodded.

"It is the only one that makes sense. I have seen several results of the Ascended Ancients stopping others from interferring, and in a couple of cases the results of one interferring and what the others did in response to it. Centuries ago, one gave advanced technology to a race living under the control of an alien species to repel them and set themselves free. When they had managed it, they turned their new weapons on neighboring star systems and became what they had just cast out. The other Ancients stepped in and wiped out the entire planet of them, and sentenced the one who had interferred to watch over the remains for all eternity, ensuring no one else ever got that technology. Siphon himself I believe was sent back because of what transpired at the end of the Ori war after he ascended. They forced him back into a human form. So for them to suddenly become much less strict about their enforcement signals one of two things. A growing divide amongst them about what should and shouldn't be done, or the Klarnell pose such a threat to them, bigger than the Ori did that they simply can't and won't ignore it. Neither one is good news if you ask me."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Sangraal device?" Ariana asked, but Alberik interjected.

"Ascended beings are pure energy in a seperate plane. This device is tuned to an opposite wavelength as the beings, when set off in their plane, it cancels out their energy signature, similar to how competing sound waves work." He explained, the woman nodding in understanding.

"Well, Guess we had better dig through this ship's nav log then, eh? Is there anything I can do to help, that's a bit out of my skillset." She said with a smirk. "Al could help though, sounds like he's gotten through most of the primer we were sent earlier."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The Ingrali thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"You may find useful information on the ship, I'd say take a look around, see if anything looks familiar. If they go through time then it's possible you've seen something of theirs without realizing it. Even if not, it's worth taking a look just in case."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Well, should be pretty simple. This ship must have some record of where it came from, time and space. Chances are it even has the capability to go back there itself. Sooo load up one of these Saangral things, send it home, and bam, no more ascended Klarnell, right?" Ariana asked, watching the docking procedure impatiently.

"Seems straightforward, yes. Very few spacefaring races handle navigation without some sort of technological aid, assuming we can gain control of such, should be a simple matter to use it to retrace their steps." The AI agreed, remaining motionless as a statue.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The Ingrali nodded.

"Assuming they have control over the anomalies yes, that would be likely. Even if they don't, they must have a way of locating the things with their ships, so either way I think we'll get at least one step closer. We'll have to be careful though, I must assume their race would include safeguards to prevent just anyone from activating their ships. We'll need to learn what we can, make sure it isn't rigged to self destruct before we try to do anything major. And we're in position. We'll be transporting over via the transporter device when you are ready."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Ready and willing." Ariana said simply, taking a step away from the viewscreen and straightening slightly.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The Ingrali nodded, taking an energy blaster of some kind with him, before hitting a few buttons. Suddenly everything faded out for Ariana, and then it was replaced by the interior of what had to be the Klarnell ship.

It was dimly lit, power seeming to fluctuate, and the walls were almost maroon in color. Consoles were scattered about the room, which seemed to be the bridge. A dozen or so bodies were on the floor, each one with gaping holes where their chests should have been. One of the panels closest to Ariana and Alberik showed a star map, but it was that of the Asgard galaxy, not this one. What was more, from the knowledge Alberik had available, he could recognize some of the language symbols. They were eerily similar to those he had on file for the Nox!

Draven for his part began scanning the area, trying to detail out the room they were in. He had not seen the console in question yet, as his back had materialized to it.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((Sorry for the wait, life had been hell recently.))

Alberik immediately moved towards the active console. "Odd, this seems to be a derivative of the Nox's written language." He mused, pointing to a spot on the starmap that was showing. "Your assumption that this ship was a late arrival to the battle on the Asgard planet seems to be correct, Draven. This map shows the Asgard galaxy, this here was where their planet was."

"Well, that's curious indeed. Makes me wonder why the ancients bothered to kill the Klarnell in here, and why they didn't just do it before they wiped out the Asgard, if this ship was so close to the action." Ariana piped up, her own gun in hand, but quickly replaced in it's holster once nothing seemed immediately hostile.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven shook his head.

"They probably killed them once they entered this galaxy, they may have tried to open an anomaly here. This ship might have survived the battle relatively unscathed, then come here for something else. The Ancients wouldn't have interfered in the Asgard galaxy as it's outside their 'domain'. Or maybe the Ancients didn't kill them at all, maybe something went wrong on the flight out. I'm picking up power fluctuations all over the ship, but I can't pinpoint a reason why. There doesn't seem to be any damage that would cause something like this."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Given the circumstances so far, My hypothesis is that the ancient you believe emptied this ship of life may still be within it." Alberik answered from the console, already working to route it into other functions of the ship.

The woman nodded in agreement. "Makes sense to me. Should we try and call them out, perhaps?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven paused at that.

"I hadn't thought of that. It might explain the strange energy readings, but I would see no reason they would remain behind. I wouldn't even know what to call out really, we have no idea who this Ancient might be, and it seems disrespectful to just call out 'hey Ancient person, show yourself'. Wait, maybe there is a reason they'd remain behind ...."

Draven trailed off, checking another system, and grew very quiet.

Alberik found the controls weren't too difficult to work with, but that some vital systems seemed locked out by the main core. They were all locked out by the same program, and when he accessed that, he discovered why. A timer, frozen on just over ten seconds left on it. It had to be a self destruct system, but if it were frozen in place, that meant something, or someone was preventing it from finishing.

((Dun dun DUN!))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((had a post on my phone, thought i had posted it, then it went missing. ah well, starting from scratch, sorry for the wait.))

"I believe if this Ancient is still around, then they remain in order to keep this ship from self destructing." Alberik spoke up. "It appears to be frozen at ten seconds, with most of the main systems locked under the same protocol. I will see what I can do about stopping the process on a more permanent basis."

Ariana's eyes widened at the news. "Might be best if your ship keeps us ready to transport back as well, if that timer starts going again."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven nodded, device in hand.

"Just yell or something if it starts up again, we'll be out of here and moving away almost immediately. That would be a great reason for an ascended to stay behind if they were wishing the ship to remain intact. I can only guess they want for us to actually salvage something off this ship. This day gets more interesting by the minute."

He continued searching his panel, device in hand, 'squinting' at something after a few moments.

Alberik found that while some of the 'items' on what he could access were easy enough to read, as they were close enough to Nox to understand, nothing dealt with how to shut the self destruct off. However, he suddenly came across something that took him a moment to recognize as a chart system, but not just any chart. The chart showed spacial coordinates, some on planets, others in space within a dozen or so galaxies, each 'ping' on the chart showing strange magnetic signature readings. There were also blueprints for a device that he couldn't tell what it did exactly, but it seemed it included these magnetic signatures in it as well.

((I can't remember if Alberik knew for certain how the anomalies work or not, but if he checks his database the Asgard gave him, he'll find at least a small connection between magnetic signatures and the anomalies and at least be able to guess this chart has something to do with them.))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((He's intelligent enough that if he didn't know how they work, the info given would be more than enough in any case, so doesn't much matter.))

"Of course." Alberik responded after an uncharacteristic pause, focusing more on the task at hand.

While the language seemed a derivative of the Nox language he had recently acquired knowledge of, the writing on the computer was just different enough to give the AI difficulty, running several variations on his translation algorithms and cherry picking the answers given that seemed to make the most sense in context.

He discovered the chart quickly, drawing the parallels between what they knew and what he saw and speaking up again. "I believe I have discovered a chart plotting the anomalies they use, as well as schematics on a device that may allow them to make use of them. I have already copied it into my own databanks, should we have to retreat." He explained, not changing his focus beyond that.

His companion glanced over when he spoke, giving a nod. "Good. Take anything else that could be useful. Any luck on the countdown?"

"None as yet. It remains frozen, however."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven looked up for a moment as he spoke.

"Good, then we may have something to work with. I've found some stuff here too, but it's not any language I know of, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. I also found a strange energy reading coming from within the computer systems themselves, might be either our ascended, or what's caused the countdown to freeze up. But here's the real kicker. I've been able to go over some of the other systems that aren't locked out, there's several different languages used here. Some form of Nox, some Ancient, and get this, there's some Gou'ald writing AND technology on this ship. Specifically Gou'ald data devices. If a rogue Gou'ald has taken a Klarnell for a host ..."

He trailed off, probably not wanting to think about that.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

“These Klarnell seem smart enough to be aware should that haen. Maybe there is one working willingly with, or maybe they picked up the cryptography. A lot of their stuff sounds stolen or adapted.“ Ariana answered him, with Alberik adding in his own addendum; “Much like the Goauld themselves.“
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven shrugged.

"I suppose it's possible, though I can't see the Klarnell working with a Gou'ald who has taken a human host. Unless they took an Unas host, then they might. Scavenging doesn't seem like something they would do with technology less advanced than their own, but perhaps when they stole it, it wasn't. Gah, how the hell does Siphon deal with this time travel shit?"
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