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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [MGGEDev] Monster Girl Invasion RPG (RJ360836)


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Dec 16, 2021
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Monster Girl Invasion is a JRPG style Adult game featuring monster girls.


Travel across a dangerous world filled with frenzied monster girls suffering from a virus which makes them attack men and become sex crazed.

Humans live in fear, conflict happens often and monster girls invade towns and villages to attack the men. Any man that fails to protect himself and is 'finished' by a monster girl contracts the virus and becomes her slave until she either uses him up or kills him/eats him.

Monster girls are ostracised from society, even those who are not infected. Forced to live in secret and with a human civilization hungry for revenge, war brews on the horizon.

One young man discovers he has the special power to cure this disease in monster girls and embarks on a treacherous journey, risking becoming a victim himself.

With his party of allies and cured monster girls, he attempts to set the wheels of change in motion and fix this broken world.

The gameplay consists of classic JRPG style familiar to those who enjoy old school games of the genre. During your adventure you will get into battles with monster girls where they will either try to KO you or seduce you, if you lose they violate you, if you win, you may be able to convince them to join you.

  • 25+ Different Monster Girl Types (More to be added in updates)
  • Varied H-Scenes featuring monster girls
  • Classic JRPG Combat with many classes and abilities
  • A large world to explore with many secrets
  • Recruit monster girls and create a party unique to your playstyle


Arrow Keys/WASD = Movement/Menu Selection
Enter = Action
Left Mouse = Action/Movement
Right Mouse = Cancel/Open Menu
CTRL = Skip Text / Speed Up Cutscenes

Links to Game/Sources


Latest Version: V4f
Please choose your preferred storefront from the links above!

Screenshot 2021-11-30 235407.png Screenshot 2021-11-30 235318.png Screenshot 2021-11-30 235012.png aroganescreenshot.png FoxPreview720.png Screenshot 2022-01-16 092910.png Screenshot 2022-02-07 010000.png

Reverse rape, Monster girls, Mild Breeding, Dominant Cowgirl, Femdom, Creampie, Footjob,
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New member
Dec 16, 2021
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The time has finally arrived!

It has been a long time coming and we are incredibly nervous to finally be pushing the big button...But...

The first Early Access Alpha version of Monster Girl Invasion RPG is now released!

State of the Game:

The game is effectively still an alpha and does not fully represent our vision for the final version, however we hope it is in a state that is both playable and enjoyable for players!

If you want to play a longer, more fleshed out and polished game, it might be worth waiting for at least a couple of more chapters to be added in updates.

There is at the very least a good couple of hours of gameplay for players who want to collect all current monster girls and view all their scenes. The story is slightly shorter if you simply focus on finishing the first chapter.

We recommend collecting all monster girls in preparation for the new story, quest and location additions to come!

More monster girls and content are coming very soon!

It has been important for us to get something playable into the hands of those that have already supported us so much to reach this point. We appreciate all of your support and wanted to prove that we are making something that is worthy of supporting.

We hope this will serve as an example of what more is to come when we eventually reach our 1.0 vision of this game and our Monster Girl world!

Things will very likely be quite different later on in the development of the game, things will be reworked, redone and tweaked. Most importantly, things will be much more fleshed out, content rich and polished!

This version of the game currently includes the following features:

  • - 9 Monster girls + 1 Human Girl with 1 H-Scene Each (more monsters being worked on!)
  • - Recruitable monster girls with unique abilities, collect them all!
  • - Inn hub where player can manage their party and interact with recruited monster girls
  • - Affection system to get H-Scenes without needing to suffer from game over
  • - First Chapter of the story is written and implemented
  • - Various locations to explore and quests to complete
  • - A variety of items and equipment (more to be added soon, we need more!)
  • - Many other features!
  • - Maybe some sneaky bugs yet to be discovered (please let us know if you find any!)
Ending Note:

It has been a long and difficult journey hand crafting this adventure from scratch but it has also been a pleasure to work on it! We really hope that players will be able to enjoy what we have created so far.

We hope this will serve as a decent taster for you to look forward to what comes next for the game, plenty more content, the rest of the story and game upgrades are heavily underway!

Any constructive feedback is welcomed, please reach out to us via your preferred channel, be it via the steam forums, discord or simply sending us a private message or email.

We'll try our best to take all valid feedback into consideration when adjusting and creating the rest of the game.

Thank you again and we hope you enjoy our game,

Kind Regards,



New member
Dec 10, 2021
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still a bit confusing like what locatoin im visting and where to go
and how to recruit them im stuck??


New member
Dec 16, 2021
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Hello Monster Girl Lovers!

The time is finally here, after hundreds of hours of work, we're finally letting "content update 2" loose. We sincerely hope you enjoy it.

We're also running a 20% off sale to celebrate finally reaching this milestone!

There are now twice as many monster girls in the game!

It has been a long time coming and we cannot thank you enough for your patience!

This update contains 13 new monster girls, these monster girls can be found in new and old areas alike, better get hunting! (Two that require a bit more work to be added in an update over the next week)

This brings us to 22 monster girls in total and one human girl.

Many more areas can also be explored, you can participate in a fun new card based minigame and the foundations have been laid for further content updates at a faster pace.

But wait, there's more!

We'll be releasing further content updates and fixes over the next couple of weeks so keep an eye on this space!

This next couple of weeks is going to be very busy with updates, fixes, extra polish and making sure the current missing content becomes available.

Save games from older versions should be compatible but it is highly recommended to start a new save for a better experience and to avoid any conflicts.


New Content:
- 13 new monster girls have been added with one h-scene each.
- More story content and side content
- New locations to explore on the south of the continent
- New card based minigame
- New items and skills
- New Music and graphics

Fixes and Tweaks:

- fixed succubus drain not draining MP
- fixed Goldeka Soldier getting stuck on followers
- moved fox girl slightly in party inn so she is easier to see
- Many typo fixes
- fixed pastown merchant woman not being accessible
- fixed some doors still being accessible at night in pastown
- fixed events that show party members in cutscenes
- changed party inn to no longer be free
- adjusted inn prices to encourage using inns in the world
- various fixes to collisions allowing player to walk through walls
- various balancing fixes
- more polish to existing maps and dialogues
- Many other bug fixes and tweaks!

To stick to our word of releasing the update by the end of February and to save making people wait any longer when they've already waited enough, we've taken the decision to release the update and not delay it further. This means some things are not in the state we wanted them to be but it allows us to get the content out to you and follow up later on in the next couple of weeks.

Rest assured the following issues will be addressed in updates within the next two weeks.

Current Known Issues to be fixed in follow up updates:

- Currently two monster girls are missing from this version due to time constraints or needing more work. They will be added along with the relevant missing story content in a follow up update later this week.
- Mummy girl can currently not be recruited and nothing happens after her fight. The content is there, just not activated due to needing a bit more work.
- Balance and some story content is not finalised.
- The minigame needs some further tweaks.
- Card minigame opponents are currently not very many. Will add more around the world in next updates over the next couple of weeks.
- Minigame tournament currently not functioning and opponents around the game world are not fully implemented.
- There are many missing skills and items.
- Some chests also do not contain intended items.
- Quest tracking is not currently working properly for new quests.
- Some flavour text for newer characters is missing such as in battles.
- Some dialogue CGs are missing.
- Some content is intentionally inaccessible or in a WIP state due to still being worked on.

We hope you enjoy what we've made, we've done our best to get it to a state where you'll all love it.

If you find any bugs or have any issues, don't hesitate to post in the forums or get in touch with us.

Happy hunting,

Mar 26, 2018
Reputation score
Balance was definitely an issue I had with the previous version. If that's been fixed, I'll try this out.


Aug 21, 2013
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Game freezes after you get captured after the spider queen fight.
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Dec 16, 2021
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Game freezes after you get captured after the spider queen fight.
Thank you for the report, we've just pushed an update which fixes this among other issues. :)


Dec 6, 2008
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Oh huh, I remember this! I went looking on the itch forum to note I *had* played this! I recall being a bit disappointed in the 'pleasure attacks' that existed back with the old version, although I did enjoy the in-battle dialogue. Though I recall that being part of my disappointment in the lack of pleasure attacks like in MGQ.
Swore this had a demo, but turns out it didn't, and I just must've been in a impulse mood or something one day! Dunno. Either way, suppose it can't hurt to give the new version a try, even though a quick skim of the update details there doesn't seem to suggest much has changed on the front I talked about.
There is a card based minigame though, and while I"m almost positive it isn't, my mind immediately goes, "Strip poker minigame?!"


New member
Dec 16, 2021
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Oh huh, I remember this! I went looking on the itch forum to note I *had* played this! I recall being a bit disappointed in the 'pleasure attacks' that existed back with the old version, although I did enjoy the in-battle dialogue. Though I recall that being part of my disappointment in the lack of pleasure attacks like in MGQ.
Swore this had a demo, but turns out it didn't, and I just must've been in a impulse mood or something one day! Dunno. Either way, suppose it can't hurt to give the new version a try, even though a quick skim of the update details there doesn't seem to suggest much has changed on the front I talked about.
There is a card based minigame though, and while I"m almost positive it isn't, my mind immediately goes, "Strip poker minigame?!"
Thanks for your feedback! :)
Now that we've achieved the second major content release, We'll be fleshing out the skills and other things over the next few updates. So watch this space for more pleasure attacks and so on!

The card minigame should contain some naughty images eventually to make it more appealing.


Dec 10, 2017
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Asking it out of curiosity, but why didn't you try to advertise your game on F95 ?


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Dec 16, 2021
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Asking it out of curiosity, but why didn't you try to advertise your game on F95 ?
We're quite out of the loop with which adult sites are worth signing up for but if it is a good one to post on, we'll certainly make thread there.


Dec 10, 2017
Reputation score
We're quite out of the loop with which adult sites are worth signing up for but if it is a good one to post on, we'll certainly make thread there.
No problem. It's a good idea to post a thread on ULMF, but I'm pretty sure you're missing something out by not posting on F95zone.

It's basically the biggest 18+ game online community (ULMF is 575 000 members while F95zone is 5 750 000 members so ten times more people).

Main problems are probably that :

- F95zone has a more toxic community than ulmf
- Piracy is encouraged on F95. You'll see people sharing links of your latest paid build.

But if you want to get more support, that would be a good idea to check this website.

Your game seems to have a lot of potential and I know that a lot of people are big fans of MG games on F95.


Jungle Girl
Mar 1, 2012
Reputation score
We're quite out of the loop with which adult sites are worth signing up for but if it is a good one to post on, we'll certainly make thread there.
No problem. It's a good idea to post a thread on ULMF, but I'm pretty sure you're missing something out by not posting on F95zone.

It's basically the biggest 18+ game online community (ULMF is 575 000 members while F95zone is 5 750 000 members so ten times more people).

Main problems are probably that :

- F95zone has a more toxic community than ulmf
- Piracy is encouraged on F95. You'll see people sharing links of your latest paid build.

But if you want to get more support, that would be a good idea to check this website.

Your game seems to have a lot of potential and I know that a lot of people are big fans of MG games on F95.
I definitely don't thank F95zone is any way more toxic than this place is, so that's just some hella strong bias. While piracy is indeed encouraged over there, not posting there isn't going to magically stop piracy, and the devs that swing with it and treat their fanbase with respect tend to get respect back and get people's financial support. It's honestly no different than here. Even if this site doesn't encourage piracy, people will still la la la right off this site and remove their clothing to reveal a pirate getup anyway, I promise.

Definitely the two biggest indie communities imo right now, so I'd post in both places if you want to promote. Most of the time it isn't needed unless you want to directly engage with your community, as both sites will find your game anyway with or without ya. Most of the rest are pretty niche like loverslab, but I know some of the games here post there for instance.

Great game btw, monster gals are always a win+++ in my book even if I prefer a wide range or leaning towards monstrous over gal.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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- F95zone has a more toxic community than ulmf
I really want to attribute it's shortcomings to there being just so many more users but... there are a hell of a lot of stupid people there. And the moderators definitely aren't impartial .

Though it probably comes down to the fact that the sole purpose of F95 is to distribute content whereas we simply allow it as an aid to increasing the number of people that can be involved in discussion.
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New member
Dec 16, 2021
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Hello Monster Girl Lovers!

We're back with another update, this time a combination of content, polish and bug fixes. This time with a lot more optional side content and items.

We hope this update will enrich the gameplay experience for everyone. Thank you for your patience and letting us do our thing whilst we tap away making more content for this passion project!

This update comes with a multitude of new locations to visit as well as additional content that will enrich existing areas too.

We've added card beasts opponents to every location in the game, so you can now travel the world and challenge almost anyone!

Many new side content activities are now available that will help you to boost the power of your team and collect rare equipment and items. These events include the Goldeka Card Beasts Tournament where you can win powerful cards as well as collect Card Beast Tokens in order to get rare items and equipment as prizes.

We've also created a new area to introduce Mimic Girls, we've lovingly dubbed it "The Hole". The hole is full of treasure chests and you can enter in search of rare artifacts that can be exchanged in town for items and equipment. However every time you enter the hole, the locations of all chests and mimics are randomized, so you never know which chest will be safe!

As always, save games from older versions should hopefully be compatible but it is mostly recommended to start a new save for a better experience and to avoid any conflicts with code and event changes.


New Content:

  • Mimic Girls and the Hellhound can now be encountered and recruited. They currently have one h-scene each.
  • Mummy Girl Can now be recruited
  • Added tons of new steam achievements to reflect all the new content and girls since the last update
  • There is now more story after defeating the pyramid boss, talk to them again to progress.
  • Lots of new locations to explore such as "The Hole" and deeper into the pyramid as well as somewhere quite fiery. Other areas too, but they would be spoilers.
  • Card Beasts tournament now playable at the tent in Goldeka
  • Tons of new card beasts cards, now more than 40
  • Tons of new card beasts opponents, you can now challenge people in most places in the game world!
  • New items and skills, monster girls with lacking skills and effects have been given more love
  • Girls with missing flavour text have now been given their voices
  • New graphics and effects
  • Added a tutorial system that we can use to explain any complicated content
  • Added basic card beasts tutorial to the kid in Nyuuville which was originally missing
  • The main character now has a healing ability that can be obtained at the party inn from the barmaid

Fixes and Tweaks:

  • Fixed some girls having missing battle commands
  • Fixed some girls not being able to struggle when webbed
  • Fixed card beast packs in the tournament tent being free, they now need to be bought with Beast Tokens which are earned in the tournament.
  • Fixed give up command not removing all party members, added more quips from newer characters that were missing
  • Decorated and added people to the houses in Goldeka, people actually live in the city now!
  • Added missing areas in the teleport stone menu
  • Major overhaul of situations when the party gets separated and you need to gather them, there should now no longer be incorrect or missing members making it impossible to progress in such situations
  • Minor tweaks to some enemy stats to better reflect their strengths and weaknesses especially when it comes to elements
  • Changed version naming to be simpler moving forwards

Current Known Issues to be fixed in follow up updates:

  • Balance is still lacking in some places but will be continually tweaked over time.
  • There are still some missing skills and items in places that would benefit from more.
  • Quest tracking is not currently working properly for all quests.
  • The way escape scrolls work is still a bit wonky, will be fixed soon.
  • Some story dialogue CGs are missing.

We hope you enjoy some of this new side content and other features that flesh out the game world. More content is coming as well as more monster girls, the game isn't over yet!

Next up will be the Ant Girl and Queen Ant!

If you find any bugs or have any issues, don't hesitate to post in the forums or get in touch with us, it helps us squash them as they are discovered.

Happy hunting,



New member
Dec 16, 2021
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Hello Monster Girl Lovers!

We're here with a devlog for October, we'll be showing off some of the things we've been preparing for Update 4 which should be coming very soon. The early access test build is expected to be available for patrons by the end of November.

New Monster Girls:

The Ant Girl and Queen Ant will be making their debut to the world of Monster Girl Invasion, found in a cave where they've made their hive, they are sure to be of interest to hardened monster girl hunters. Be careful though, they come in numbers!

Here are some final drafts of the new monster girls:

The Ant Girl

The Queen Ant

The Ant Girls and Queen Ant will become accessible as part of the upcoming story expansions that come along with Update 4.

Cheat Room

On the topic of story, we've been having issues for some time with save data becoming incompatible as the game develops and we release new updates, this is due to big changes in the game structure among other things that are hard to keep consistent enough for all saves to stay compatible. This has been frustrating for both us and our players as people have often had to start new saves after making much progress through the game. Many have asked us to add a story skip function.

On the back of this problem, we've decided to implement a "Cheat Room" much in the style of our old favourite games such as the elder scrolls series. Players can access this cheat room and find a variety of functions and tools to boost themselves through the game, skip to certain parts of the story or simply break the game at their leisure.

We expect this new feature to cause many problems due to giving a lot of power to the player to break things but it should eventually turn into something that enables players to freely sandbox the game if they desire.

Most importantly, it'll have a story skip area that will allow you to skip to certain parts of the story so you don't have to start completely from the beginning every time we have problems with save data.

New Areas

There will be some new areas in update 4, including some updates and new areas that are accessible on the world map. They are as follows:

  • "The North Cave" - This will be the area in which the Ant Girls reside, it also serves as a crossing point to the northern section of the world map. (It is the cave next to the capital that was previously inaccessible).

  • "The Cheat Room" - As mentioned above this is a special room that will be accessed via a special item you can obtain in the beginning of the game. Only intended for those that want to cheat, sandbox or skip parts of the story.

  • "A Spooky Mansion" - Whilst not fully accessible yet, you can enter the outer courtyard to get a feeling of what we plan for the next updates after update 4. Unfortunately a bit too late for halloween but we want to add a slightly more spooky area with some appropriately spooky monster girls!

  • The Northern side of the world map has been given some much needed love and preparation for future updates, we plan to utilise this area more moving fowards.

Fixes and Tweaks

Based on bug reports and feedback we've had until now, many fixes and tweaks such as fixing broken achievements and adding missing music will also be implemented, a full changelog will be provided along with the update when the time comes.

That's all for now!

We hope you enjoy this little delve int our recent developments and we're looking forward to pushing the update out to everyone in due course. This devlog is not fully finalised so there is potential for more to be included when update 4 comes around.

In the meantime, watch this space, we'll let you know when the time comes!

Happy Hunting,



New member
Dec 16, 2021
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Hello Monster Girl Lovers,

The early access build for Update 4 is now available to our patrons at Kraken Food tier and above!

The public release will be following shortly over the next week as long as no game breaking bugs cause delays.

Please find the full changelog for update 4 below, please note that it may change when the public release is finalised.


New Content:

  • 3 New Monster Girls!
  • Ant Girls, The Queen Ant and the Lamia Queen can now be encountered and recruited. They currently have one h-scene each.
  • Added more main story content that moves on from Goldeka to a new area.
  • Quest Tracking for the main quest and other side quests is now fully functional.
  • Added "The North Cave" - This area is where you will encounter the Ant Girls as well as transition into the northern part of the map later in the story.
    • The Northern part of the world map can now be accessed after a certain point in the main quest, there are a couple of accessible locations however a lot of places will be further fleshed out in update 5.
  • Added "The Cheat Room" - This is a special room that can be accessed via a special item you can obtain in the beginning of the game. Only intended for those that want to cheat, sandbox or skip parts of the story.
  • Added odd device item that gives access to above mentioned cheat room. (Password: 8008)
  • Added dresser in starting house where player can obtain above mentioned odd device
Fixes and Tweaks:

  • Fixed bug that caused boxes in oasis village shed to turn into statues.
  • Added music to some maps that had missing music.
  • Edits to world map to accommodate new maps.
  • Fixed some steam achievements not triggering correctly and added new ones.
  • Removed sleeping npc in secret temple (old dev placeholder).
  • Added deck to the little girl in Nyuuville and simple dialogue when you defeat her.
  • Fixed bug where recruiting Samira wouldn't make her appear in the party inn.
  • Fixed being able to eat grenades and added missing explosion animation.
  • Fixed thirst meter ticking during dialogue in the desert.
  • Artifacts from the hole should now be visible in the key items section of the inventory.
  • Increased the amount of steps the encounter decreaser is active for.
  • Fixed being able to climb the walls in Goldeka, the guards are now more vigilant.
  • Fixed next scene not being triggered when you have defeated the hellhound, originally the event was supposed to trigger at 50% HP but some players were too strong for her.
  • Mimi can now appear in the second campsite.
  • Made the jumps in the Labway Pass clearer to avoid not knowing where to go.
  • Fixes to Vizzy's menu portrait.
  • Fixed wolf in sheep's clothing quest not completing.
  • Updated wording for City of Gold quest to hopefully be clearer.
  • Added missing maps for houses in the hole.
  • Added missing stats to mimic enemy.
  • The GenCorp Lootbox now actually gives you items from a random pool of GenCorp themed items if you use it.
  • Added more drops to monster girls that weren't dropping items
  • Minor changes to title screen information display
Current Known Issues to be fixed in follow up updates:

  • Story Skips and Monster Recruitment in the Cheat Room is not accessible as it requires more work in order to function smoothly, it'll be added in a follow up patch over the next week or two once we've fixed some of the issues with it.
  • New monster girls need more flavour text, will add in public release
  • There are still some missing skills and items in places that would benefit from more.
  • The way escape scrolls work is still a bit wonky, will be fixed soon or potentially removed.
  • Some story dialogue CGs are missing for flavour, will add more flavour text and etc in next updates. Especially will go back and touch up some cutscenes and dialogue to make them a bit more impactful.
Coming Next:

  • More monster girls to fit the new areas. Coming next are some wild monster girls for the northern area, spookier monster girls for the mansion and girls that will fit into a snowy biome as well as more succibi!
  • More Main Story
  • More Side Content
We hope you enjoy!

More content is coming as well as more monster girls, the game isn't over yet!

If you find any bugs or have any issues, don't hesitate to post in the forums or get in touch with us, it helps us squash them as they are discovered.

Happy Hunting!



Dec 6, 2008
Reputation score
How has the lewd/erotic attacks in combat gone since... I forget when I last tried, hrm. As I recall, the main thing that was just awkward about them was they were just attacks that either did nothing, or you just picked to lose the fight since your entire party walks off if you accept them.


New member
Dec 16, 2021
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How has the lewd/erotic attacks in combat gone since... I forget when I last tried, hrm. As I recall, the main thing that was just awkward about them was they were just attacks that either did nothing, or you just picked to lose the fight since your entire party walks off if you accept them.
The next smaller updates will be focusing on expanding skills and the lewd/erotic attacks will definitely be a focus point.