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Merry Christmas!

Re: Merry Christmas!

Oh Oni, you shining light in the darkness. Lead us all to glorious future!

Happy fat man bringing you shit day to you too, luvely wuvely Oni. I'm afraid no buses are running around here now though. Sorry. </3
Re: Merry Christmas!

Well then, go throw yourself in front of a car. I'm not fussy what vehicle you choose to end yourself with.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Oh Oni, your subtle affection brightens all of our lives.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Am I first this year? Holy shit, I'm first!

Merry Christmas, everybody! Hope you have a good one!

nunu said it in shoutbox 9 hours ago. but it's cool, i live in the future.
Re: Merry Christmas!

nunu said it in shoutbox 9 hours ago. but it's cool, i live in the future.

Really? I live in the realm of Magick as a servant of Chzo, where past, present and future is merged in one
Re: Merry Christmas!

You know what sucks the most for me right now? I'm goddamn sick for Christmas this year. But you know what that isn't going to stop me from being cheerful. So...

Re: Merry Christmas!

Well even if all I've gotten so far is a hernia, I'm still having fun. Merry Christmas everyone.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas.... In four hours and seven minutes. For me, at least.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Re: Merry Christmas!

Christmas rolled around about 4 minutes ago for me. And I shall share my favorite message:

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Joyous Kwanzaa

and to all the atheists out there, have a nice day!
Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Joyous Kwanzaa

I always liked the addition of "Happy Festivus for the rest of us"
Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone. If you don't celebrate christmas, or are not christian, please visit your nearby spanish inquisition for summary conversion.
Re: Merry Christmas!

I wish you a merry Christmass and a happy new years jerk!
Re: Merry Christmas!

Blessings be
Re: Merry Christmas!

And, to keep things going, happy Boxing Day to those that celebrate around here.
Re: Merry Christmas!

I know we Germans are a bit early, but hey. Merry Christmas to my favourite website in the entire internet!
Re: Merry Christmas!

Why am i shifting furniture on christmas day...

merry christmas everyone who isn't moving house.