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Mental Prognosis

Re: The Mud Pit

Stats, start of round
Tamonten: HP = 80/81, PP = 57, EP = 52/62, Status = Grappled, Fel Might 2, Grappled
Enigma: HP = 48/52, PP = 53, EP = 104/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer HP = 66/70, Grappled
X = 5

Initiative: Tamonten = 12, Enigma = 3.

Grapple: Tamonten rolls a 7, Enigma rolls a 18. Enigma wins!
Tamonten has been put back into a submission hold.

Resistance (Tamonten) : Pass! (By 1...)
Resistance (Enigma) : Pass!

Stats, end of round
Tamonten: HP = 80/81, PP = 57, EP = 50/62, Status = Grappled, Fel Might 2, Submission Hold
Enigma: HP = 47/52, PP = 53, EP = 104/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer HP = 65/70, Submission Holding
X = 6
Re: The Mud Pit

Enigma once again presses her advantage once again to begin feeling up Tamonten, running dainty fingers along the latter's skin in hopes of riling them up...

Though as she does this, she begins to speak rather...cryptically.

"Mmm...let's see, just a bit longer and madness will begin to flow~..."

The light was growing dim...and the floor's goo was becoming a bit...sticky even. Should one turn their gaze into the mirrors along the walls, one might almost swear that the two were not alone in the arena...
Re: The Mud Pit

Really need to listen to my inner voice and just punch wildly next time, thought the swordswoman as she ended up back in the goop under the flexible necromancer. The increasingly flushed human decided to try the brute force solution again, because it was bound to work twice in a row. Plus, the elf was getting worryingly familiar with her inner thighs and more worryingly cryptic, which Tamonten had a sinking feeling wouldn't end well if she didn't escape quickly.

(Escape Submission! 68 Grapple etc. etc.!)
Re: The Mud Pit

Stats, start of round
Tamonten: HP = 80/81, PP = 57, EP = 50/62, Status = Grappled, Fel Might 2, Submission Hold
Enigma: HP = 47/52, PP = 53, EP = 104/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer HP = 65/70, Submission Holding
X = 6

Initiative: Tamonten = 15, Enigma = 16.

Grapple: Tamonten rolls a 7, Enigma rolls a 9. Enigma wins!
Tamonten gets touched up!
4+4+18=26PP of foreplay damage.

Resistance (Tamonten) : Fail!
Resistance (Enigma) : Pass!

1+2+12=15PP of foreplay damage from the arena.

Stats, end of round
Tamonten: HP = 80/81, PP = 16/57, EP = 48/62, Status = Grappled, Fel Might 2, Submission Hold
Enigma: HP = 46/52, PP = 53/53, EP = 103/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer HP = 64/70, Submission Holding
X = 7
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Re: The Mud Pit

Watching Tamonten squirm under her touch would, for some reason, be strangely...satisfying, for the necromancer, despite her usual inhibitions. Was it the nature of this strange realm? Or the nightmare that she had created for their host's entertainment that was causing her to behave this way? Or was it perhaps her extensive time with pet of late?... Well, it really didn't matter at this point in time, winning was all she cared about for now.

Moving her hands along the half demon's thighs, Enigma would attempt to bring it to the girl's flower...to spread it skillfully with but two of her fingers...while inserting another at the same time...



Tamonten's Hallucination (To explain the extra resistance damage)
Whileas all Enigma saw was her own efforts however, Tamonten would witness more..."exotic" sights, as the ooze seemed to start taking the forms of humanoid parts...hands...tongues...and even a head right between her flower. Hands that would rise up around the limbs of that who was restraining her... tongues that would float out from the ooze, and lick at the tips of her hardened nipples... and a most of all, a mouth that was beginning to lap away at her moistened flower, tracing her clit once or twice with the tongue and delving in...

Yet as if that wasn't enough, she could almost swear there were more shapes beginning to form in the distance, and approaching closer as the light began to dim once again...
Re: The Mud Pit

The lithe swordswoman gasped and squirmed underneath the disjointed necromancer, unable to push the magically enhanced elf off of her. The combined assault of Enigma and the apparitions quickly bringing the girl to the brink. The stimulation was almost more than the possessed human could bear. Tamonten felt embarrassed, ashamed, and aroused. Underneath the 'puppet,' her nipples had stiffened and her womanhood was soaked. There was a sense of impending danger that pushed the pale-skinned woman from her lustful stupor, however, the shapes in the distance. She had to get out of there right away, she had to at least try, she knew. The increasingly-aroused warrior pushed weakly, but with some sense of desperation, against her opponent. She didn't believe that the forming things in her peripheral would show her body any mercy.

(Escape submission hold. 68 Grapple, etc. etc! Because I refuse to throw up the white flag of vampiric futanari!)
Re: The Mud Pit

Stats, start of round
Tamonten: HP = 80/81, PP = 16/57, EP = 48/62, Status = Grappled, Fel Might 2, Submission Hold
Enigma: HP = 46/52, PP = 53/53, EP = 103/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer HP = 64/70, Submission Holding
X = 7

Initiative: Tamonten = 14, Enigma = 14.

Grapple: Tamonten rolls a 7, Enigma rolls a 7. Enigma wins!
Tamonten gets touched up!
1 + 2 + 18 = 21PP of foreplay damage.

Resistance (Tamonten) : Fail!
Resistance (Enigma) : Fail!

Tamonten receives, 4 + 2 + 14 = 20PP of foreplay damage from the arena.
Tamonten orgasms!
Enigma receives, 3 + 4 + 14 = 21PP of foreplay damage from the arena.

Stats, end of round
Tamonten: HP = 80/81, PP = 57/57, EP = 46/62, Status = Grappled, Fel Might 2, Submission Hold, Stunned
Enigma: HP = 45/52, PP = 32/53, EP = 102/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer HP = 63/70, Submission Holding
X = 8
Re: The Mud Pit

((So as to bring this to a conclusion:

Lengthy MATH Calculation
Enigma is constantly resisting all pleasure damage from this point on.


A roll of 17 allows her to resist turn 8, DC 50 Resistance check.
A roll of 11 makes her fail turn 9, DC 55 check, however all pleasure damage was resisted.

Following which, she'd fail all of her checks on turns 10, 11, and 12...

But all pleasure damage barring turn 11, 10 + 34 - 39 = 5 PP damage is resisted. Thus, Enigma emerges from her arena with her sanity intact...though heavily aroused. Even at max pleasure damage on those turns, Enigma would at best take 27 pleasure damage... Tamonten on the other hand, stunned...perhaps not so much!

With a triumph, even as she could begin to feel ghostly hands roaming along inside her robes...grabbing at her, and attempting to drive her mad...Enigma would release the half demon girl from her grasp to "rearrange" her body back to its proper shape, unceremoniously dropping the latter into the goo, which quickly began to encompass her and make almost as if to "swallow" her...

"My win it appears dear~... Though do take care. In this field of battle, losing the match may mean losing your very mind if you're not careful. Fufufu~"

Not even bothering to take a look at the light which was rapidly fading...the necromancer opted to seat herself in the same cross legged meditative position as before...closing her eyes, and bracing herself for what was to come. For as darkness approached, even the more strong willed would begin to hear movement...to feel movement... as ghostly shapes began to materialize from the ooze. Familiar ones, ones of lovers, friends, flames from the beholder's very mind... Monstrous ones such as tentacle infested horses, hellhounds, giant rapist plants.... All strikingly real should one gaze upon them, for the sensations they dealt were unmistakably real.

But then again, that was the trick, to understand that they were not real...to lock oneself away in a predefined definition of reality, so as to not be wrapped up in a false one. And such was how Enigma would conduct herself in her meditative form, shrugging off the faux stimulation as she buried herself within the corridors of her mind... Isolating herself from the "present" and ironically losing herself in another temporal reality. Even as total darkness fell and the "illusionary" figures became more real than ever, even as "nightmares" began to replace the more "tender" images that had catered to those who feel victim to it earlier... the necromancer would maintain herself through sheer force of will.

In the end however, after the last phantom tendril piercing her disappeared...it would be then, and only then that Enigma rose from her trance...her steps a bit...wobbly, and a visible cry of pain as she forcibly ended her spell...and a wrist she had forgotten to reposition correctly was forcibly *snapped* back into proper position by the rebound of the magic. Once she wiped away the water in her eyes from that moment of suffering though, she would walk towards her former opponent, and perhaps offer a hand up...should she still be sane of course. And if so, the following praise would be uttered,

"My my...impressive. My thanks for an excellent bout..."
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Re: The Mud Pit

(Spoiler'd for minor loss smut. Because hey, why not?)
As the second wave of pleasure began, Tamonten suddenly tensed under the elf. The renewed stimulation of the ghostly hands and lips, along with Enigma's finger, proved too much for the human girl. With a few sharp intakes of breath and uncontrollable shuddering, she had all but signaled her defeat and her orgasm. Tamonten simply slumped into the goo as the necromancer dropped her and set about preparing her own mental defenses. The pale-skinned woman was still too stunned by her orgasm to resist the devious machinations of the arena.

It felt like the floor was solidifying around her wrists and ankles, rendering her unable to move. The shapes began to take solid forms. They weren't the nightmares that the swordswoman expected, however, but instead fond memories and fantasies. In fact, as one in particular approached her, the possessed girl's struggles stopped, her body turned on her. It was a certain violet-haired girl with fox ears that crawled towards the aroused human's sex, with a certain appendage that Tamonten was pretty sure she didn't actually have. The object of the swordswoman's hidden fantasies crawled right up between her legs, prodding at her lower lips with her newly acquired rod. The girl with the fox ears leaned in for a kiss as she penetrated the eager part-demon. It was ecstasy for the possessed girl, the ensuing thrusts sending her over the edge a second time.

As the room continued to get darker, however, things changed. Her violet-haired crush was replaced by swarms of small demons, all with pitch-black skin and long white hair. It was a scene from her darkest nightmares, almost. The demon gang surrounded her, using every inch of her body for their pleasures. Yet, even in the most disturbing of scenarios, the pale-skinned human felt herself peak again, her lust proving stronger than her willpower, embarrassment, and even her fears, apparently. It was only then that the nightmare seemed to shatter.

Laying there, naked and panting, Tamonten needed all the help she could get after that experience. "You're a lot stronger than I expected, I can't even begin to understand how you do that with your bones," she started as she got back on her feet, still a little flustered over the nature of her defeat. She pointedly avoided talking about what had transpired beyond that. "I think I'd like to get out of here now and I think I could really use some of that tea.

Enigma quite officially won this one.
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Re: The Mud Pit

There is an almost "kind" smile from the elf as she opts to guide the new object of her "interest" along, leading her towards the gate opposite from that which the possibly traumatized half-demon girl had entered from.

"Indeed, tea sounds nice. Perhaps some scones or crumpets to go with it. Those would be ever so lovely to have, while we have a little discussion about a few things here and there. Like that demon within your soul for example~..."

Yet of course, as with most things with regard to Enigma, acts of kindness and the like were usually naught but means to further her own interests and ends... Not that it mattered anyway as they exited the arena and reemerged in the tropical "paradise" they had been ushered to.
Re: Mental Prognosis

...Beware cryptic messages. "That" perhaps, might truly be an appropriate lesson, for Tamonten as she found herself falling...falling...falling...straight into a pile of white goop, face first.

Once again, she returned to the arena where she had first engaged in battle against the conversational partner who had begun shimmering all of a sudden as they exchanged a parting handshake... and once again, she found herself in the same arena with her, being watch by that set of glowing red eyes...

Wait, red eyes? Wasn't she heterocromatic?... And actually on that note, what on earth was that giant snake...tentacle...woman thing next to her?

Regardless though, as she no doubt rose, it would be then that she would be greeted yet again, though by a rather..."layered" voice for some reason.

"Ah...you return again~...Perfect...~"
Re: Mental Prognosis

Tamonten vs Auralice and (sort of) Enigma
Name: Tamonten
Class: Warrior (Tree Pruner)
Race: Part-Demon

(Total EXP Spent: 26)

Body: 62 (32 + 4 + 16 + 10)
Mind: 14 (8 + 6)
Spirit: 24 (10 + 6 + 8)

Hit Points (HP): 81
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 57
Spirit Energy (EP): 62
Speed: 25
Dodge: 50 (60 when Unarmed)
Armor: 1
Resistance: 31
Perception: 67
Stealth: 58
Grapple: 62

Foreplay: 2d4 + 16
Penetration: 2d8 + 21
Unarmed (62) [2d4 + 16]

Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex (xivvix)

[Gen] Strong of Body: +8 to Body Stat
[Gen] Strong of Body: +8 to Body Stat
[Gen] Strong of Spirit: +8 to Spirit Stat
[Gen] Natural Spirit (Demonologist: Lets you a Talent from the selected Classes Talent pool.
[War] Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.

[Talent] Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
[Talent] Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
[Talent] Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

16 Skills (62/10 + 1 + 9 = 16.2 rounded down.

[Unarmed] Defensive Grappler (Activated) – When the character is in a grapple, they can forsake any other actions in order to make an unarmed attack against any creatures that are grappling them. This attack is treated as though the character was not grappled, and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and damage for each hostile creature participating in the grapple. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Stunning Blow (Activated) – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage on their attacks, but if they hit, their target must make a Resistance check against them or be Stunned until after your next turn . Requires Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Trip (Activated) – The character can choose not do damage on a successful attack, and instead force the creature they’re attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If the creature loses this check, they are knocked prone. Against opponents who are Stunned, an attack made with this skill automatically hits, deals damage, and the target does not get a Resistance check to resist it. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

[General] Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Spirit Ceiling: 12

Fell Might
The character's body becomes charged with powerful, but also destructive energies. granting them increased strength but also causing them pain along with the energy required to use this power.
-The character pays X EP and 1 HP. They must also pay X EP and X - 3 HP upkeep every turn.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to Dodge, melee attack rolls, melee damage, and grapple rolls so long as this power is active.

Vampiric Futanari
The character grows a penis temporarily, if female. If they already have one, they can use this to alter the shape and size of what they already have, or to temporarily grow a 2nd one. A character with this active orgasms and impregnates as normal.
-Costs 4 EP to activate and lasts until deactivated or until the character rests.
-The character also gains the Soul Eater Special Mutation while this is active, if they don't already possess it.
-Note: This power can be used at any time, even when the character is Horny, in a Submission Hold, or Bound.

Swimsuit: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2

Description: Tamonten stands at 5'5" (165 cm) with a lean build from years of training in the art of the sword. Much to her disappointment, this lean build also extends to her petite breasts. Her hair is milky white and falls to her waist. Her eyes are green and she has a youthful, if somewhat average, face. Like all truly professional mud wrestlers, she has chosen to wear a modest black two piece swimsuit for this particular contest. Due to her choice of clothing, it's nearly impossible to miss that she has a pitch-black devil tail with a spaded tip.

Her skin is ghostly pale and when she's in the sun it reflects light to give her a soft glow. Odder than Tamonten's pale glow is that her left arm is an entirely different color than the rest of her skin. Her left arm is literally pitch black. Despite the color of her left arm it is still a fully healthy and mostly functioning appendage. On her left arm is a heavy cast-iron manacle with a chain that links it to a similar cast-iron cuff on her left wrist, both are fused directly to her skin. Tamonten's arm doesn't shake in the mud wrestling arena, I blame plot devices.

"Ack!" ... And face first into white goop, again. Was this some sort of reference to her overall life? A punishment, maybe? As she pushed herself up to her knees, the possessed swordswoman took in her surroundings. Oh, super, this place again. Tamonten rose to her feet, rubbing her head as she did so. Well, it was hard not to recognize her opponents, or at least one of them. "Almost my sentiments..." The pale-skinned woman finally responded. "I'm guessing it's another fight, then?" Landing face first in goo had a way of making her want to cut to the point, it turned out.
Re: Mental Prognosis

If "Enigma" were answering the inquiry she would have been doing so in a horribly roundabout manner...

"You escaped...once. Despite your mind being close to the brink of madness, you escaped... That shall not happen again."

A smile full of naught but utter malice appearing on her visage, it would be then that the elf waves a hand towards the naga by her side, a faint dark aura of sorts materializing around the latter...

"...Dance our puppet. Dance...and bring her to eternity~..."

((Puppeteer 6 on Auralice))
Re: Mental Prognosis

Name: Auralice
Class: Succubus (Spirit)
Race: Nymph/Naga

Body: 14
Mind: 14
Spirit: 52 (SoS +16)

Hit Points (HP): 47
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 47
Spirit Energy (EP): 66
Speed: 4
Dodge: 40
Armor: 1
Resistance: 34 (Res+8)
Perception: 14
Stealth: 14
Grapple: 26
Spirit Ceiling: 13


Grapple Expert (Racial)
Succubus Magic
Alchemist (Natural Spirit)
Shadowmancer (Superior Spirit)
Strong of Spirit
Strong of Spirit


Tainted Bloodline

Mutated x3


Serpentine Body
Natural Attack
Odd Skin
Soul Eater

Appendage x4 (Tentacles special)
Vestigal Wings - Greater Wings x2
Futanari - Double Cock x2


~Patch of Darkness
~Shadow Made Manifest

Succubus Powers
~Charm (racial)
~Pull Out
~Apparent Innocence (Passive)
~Dazzling Beauty (Passive)
~Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) x2

~Battlemage's Robes

Bio: (None yet)
With Auralice's mind broken, Tamonten's presence would seem like a mirage to the serpent's eyes, the voices in her head taunting her into a mindless rage aimed at the illusion.
"More... tricks... kill... rape... RAAAH!"

(Transformation, 9EP. 7EP/turn upkeep)
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Re: Mental Prognosis

"Well then...guess I probably shouldn't hold too much back," Tamonten was thinking out-loud more than speaking to either of her worrying opponents. They seemed to be preoccupied with other thoughts. The swordswoman raised her blackened arm, shuddering a little as she allowed the long-sealed energy into the rest of her body.

(Fel Might. X is 12. 1 HP cost.)
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Re: Mental Prognosis

Auralice's body shaking with power she lashes out with her tendrils to plummet Tamonten to the ground to grapple her.

(Grapple with tentacles)
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Re: Mental Prognosis

It's always puppets and tentacles... Tamonten thought with a frown as the naga made her move. The pale-skinned swordswoman tried to roll out of the way of the dangerous tendrils, before springing forward with a kick aimed at her opponent. Her secondary opponent.

Unarmed Attack against Enigma with 20:20 Defensive Fighting.
62 + 36 - 20 = 78 Attack
2d4 + 52 damage (16 + 36)
50 + 10 + 20 + 36 = 116 Dodge

If Tamonten gets grappled first then drop Defensive Fighting and use Defensive Grappler and Stunning Blow instead. Try to attack Enigma, if not go for Auralice.

Status, with Fel Might activated last round and upkeep from this round.
HP = 71/81, PP = 57, EP = 38/62

-10 HP for Activation and Upkeep.
-24 EP for Activation and Upkeep.
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Re: Mental Prognosis

Believing her puppet to be at a disadvantadge..."Enigma", opts to wave her hand once while muttering an incantation of sorts...if only to amplify her puppet's performance a bit more. Even if it...shall we say, broke her a bit.

((Increase X of Puppeteer to 8.))
Re: Mental Prognosis

Stats, start of round
Tamonten: HP = 80/81, PP = 57, EP = 50/62, Status = Fell Might 12
Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99/109, Status = Puppeteer 6
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 57/66, Status = Transformation 9, Puppeteered 6
X = 1

Initiative: Tamonten = 3, Enigma = 11, Auralice = 2.

Enigma's action is to increase Puppeteer to 8.

Attack (Tamonten) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 4 + 52 = 59 damage.

Attack (Auralice) : Hit. (She still gets the puppeteer bonus until end of turn, for the lulz)
Tamonten has been grappled!

Resistance (Tamonten) : Pass
Resistance (Enigma) : Pass
Resistance (Auralice) : Pass

Transformation: +36 Body and +9 AV, 7 EP upkeep
Puppeteer: +48 Body, 8 EP upkeep and Auralice loses 8 HP every turn (Nevermind)
Fell Might: +36 to Dodge, melee attacks/damage, grapple, 9 HP and 12 EP upkeep

Stats, end of round
Tamonten: HP = HP = 71/81, PP = 57, EP = 38/62, Status = Fell Might 12, Grappled
Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 106/109, Status = Out Cold
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 57/66, Status = Transformation 9, Grappled
X = 2
Re: Mental Prognosis

Auralice's unstable mind dulling her action, she watches as Tamonten sends Enigma crashing into the wall with ungodly strength, knocking her out before the tendrils can restrict her foe.
Not seeing any option in regards to overpowering Tamonten she uses a more mental approach.
