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Memorial Day


Nov 10, 2008
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I realize many of you aren't American or you may not care, but tommorrow is special to me. Over the years I've lost many a friend in Iraq. All I ask of you is to remember them for a few minutes and to say thank you.

Even if you don't believe it I guarnatee you any one of them would gladly die again for me or you even if you're not an American. Alos thanks to all the Canadian, British, Dutch, Australian, and other troops who gave their lives to help us as well. Fallen but not forgotten. Thank you.

If you must hate someone for these wars hate me not the fallen. There's nothing you can say that will hurt me. I believe in what I did wether or not you do. I've already died for my country once.

I don't know why but this Memorial Day is worst than normal so all comments are welcome negative or positive.

PS: Just so you guys know I'm actually pictured in one of these vidios briefly.

Re: Memorial Day

I may have already posted this somewhere else, but... It is fitting.

Re: Memorial Day

Hate the war, not the warriors. I've many a friend in the service, and some family as well. Thank you for your service soldiers, from any country and on any day. The things you do for us are immeasurable and invaluable, and there is nothing we could to to show proper gratitude.
Re: Memorial Day

Sorry about the spam but I'm drunk. All I want is for you to feel what I do for a even few seconds.

PS thats one of the few songs I cry to Wolf, thanks.
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Re: Memorial Day

I salute anyone who has fallen in their service. Memorial day I will think of the Americans who have fallen in not just the modern battlefield but the ones past as well.

November 11th (the day of the WWI armistice) is Canada's day of remembrance, and I'm sure other nations have their own specific date as well.

But we should not pin our respect to a single day. Every day we should be thankful for the people who die in the line of duty so that most of us do not have to live in a world of shit. And for those who think they couldn't get any worse... you can.
Re: Memorial Day

I salute anyone who has fallen in their service. Memorial day I will think of the Americans who have fallen in not just the modern battlefield but the ones past as well.

November 11th (the day of the WWI armistice) is Canada's day of remembrance, and I'm sure other nations have their own specific date as well.

But we should not pin our respect to a single day. Every day we should be thankful for the people who die in the line of duty so that most of us do not have to live in a world of shit. And for those who think they couldn't get any worse... you can.

The woman speaks the truth.


Re: Memorial Day

Any person willing to risk his/her life to protect the innocent has my respect.
Re: Memorial Day

Any person willing to risk his/her life to protect the innocent has my respect.

Agreed. And this also takes away the whole "some soldiers kill good people" debate.

I respect those who deserve it, not the soldiers or the army as a whole, but every soldier that has earned that respect so very rightfully. There are good people on both sides in all wars, protecting the innocent.

I salute those people.
Re: Memorial Day

Agreed. And this also takes away the whole "some soldiers kill good people" debate.

I respect those who deserve it, not the soldiers or the army as a whole, but every soldier that has earned that respect so very rightfully. There are good people on both sides in all wars, protecting the innocent.

I salute those people.

I completly agree.
Re: Memorial Day

I agree as well, I actually respect the people I fought against more than most of the people back here in America.

Thanks for the comments guys.

I think most countries actually celebrate November 11 more like the Canadians do since it was originally Armisitce Day. I know most of the Commonwealth nations call it Remembrance Day, a few still call it Armistice Day, here in the US it's Veterans Day. We use it to celebrate all veterans alive or dead where as Memorial Day is more to honor the fallen.
Re: Memorial Day

in australia we have anzac day.

this year i carried my grandfathers unit banner. there was no unit...
Re: Memorial Day

I just saw this thread...

I am proud and love everyone who is willing to fight and die for my freedom. Especially since I am such a scaredy cat when it comes to stuff like war and fighting. I know my fair share of soldiers, and I don't think there could be a more noble thing in this world for them to be doing. Thankfully they all are still alive, but I know that others family and friends might not be.

Here's to The Fallen!
Re: Memorial Day

To the fallen.
Re: Memorial Day

The quote at the beginning of one of the vids dmronny posted:

General George S. Patton said:
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.

That stuck in my head for some reason, and I really agree with it. Of course there will be some sadness on memorial day, especially those who have lost loved ones, but we should strive to think less about their deaths, and rather celebrate their lives.
Re: Memorial Day

Also very true Aika. Some damn good people, who led some... well interesting lives.
Re: Memorial Day

Which reminds me of this poem which fits very well for Memorial Day or any death for that matter. I don't really get saddened by it that much, or at least I don't until I've drank to much. It actually pisses me off more than saddens me since I don't think most people care or would even think about except that they get the day off.

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
-Mary Frye
Re: Memorial Day

It's unfortunate, but many of my own countrymen view Memorial Day Weekend as simply an opportunity to go shopping or take a day off of work. I'm momentarily reviving this thread because I think it's important to remember those who have spent time away from their loved ones and especially in the line of fire. Many of them never got to come home.

It has gotten a bit easier in the modern age, as we can reach our families with satellite phone connections, Skype and e-mail. It's also possible to fly home every so often to visit loved ones. Still, it's difficult when you have to live without people you love for months and sometimes years at a time.

Anyway, the tradition in the US is to take a moment of silence at 3:00pm local time (1500 for you military types) to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

On a somewhat related note: one of the USMC drill instructors in was my Gunny at OCS.
Re: Memorial Day

I think it's wonderful to be able to remember everyone who sacrificed something for us. I do wish that it was not a holiday. I think it would be better honoring those people if we continued on, and acted as normal. Their sacrifices are just so we can do that.

(Also why I protested my high school turning 9/11 into a day off)
Re: Memorial Day

Bless the fallen, and their families who must continue on without them; past, present, and future.

Bless those who serve, who risk their lives, their health, and their minds, to do things not everyone can.

Remember them.