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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I hate to ask for help again, but I overdrew my account, I have no money to my name, no job, no job prospects, and I'm $100 in the hole. Not to mention the house I'm living in is full of rat shit, mold, has no water, no heat, and has huge gaping holes in the walls.

If you can spare a buck or two my way it would do a lot to ease my mind
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Got back home yesterday after a week in hospital with a partially collapsed and leaking lung. Pneumothorax acting up again. This time they added the phrase Marfan Syndrome, which has given me something to google. Fun times.

Had this procedure done where they insert a tube in through the front of my chest between the ribs, to curl round behind the lung and allow the trapped excess air pocket to escape. One of those fun kinds of procedures where you're still concious and can watch it being done if you like. As part of the experience, I have learnt to always ask for the Morphine BEFORE the procedure, rather than receiving it an hour afterwards, due to a misunderstanding between the doctors and the nurses regarding who "had" administered it. I had assumed that the local anaesthetic was the only one I needed/was supposed to have. In hindsight that was a mistake.

But oh well. Back now. Instructed to take it easy for a while, and not allowed to do any heavy lifting. Gives me a justifiable excuse for escaping that crappy delivery driver job that I hated so much. : )
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Glad to hear that you're out of the hospital, Squid. Sounds like a scary thing you've gone through but if you're here and you're posting, here's hoping you've bounced back well enough in short order. And aye, silver lining on getting out of the job. Just keep swimming?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Heh. Speaking of... I was actually getting ready to go swimming on the morning that it hit me, and had to divert plans to hospital instead. Which was a shame. One of the odd additions they told me is that I shouldn't/can't ever go scuba diving now. Which is also a shame, I guess. Not something I'd ever had any real plans of going to do, but still odd to have the option "taken away". Something to do with pressure on the lungs I assume.

Didn't say I can't swim, but I think I'll give it a couple of weeks before I do. So yeah, I'll just keep walking/swimming/hopping/whatever.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Can see where an injury like that would keep you from diving, you're right. I've been, once, and it's very strange. And at least you can still go snorkling, I'd imagine, so it's not completely gone. Just no swimming with sharks, I suppose.

Probably for the best, taking it easy. Again, wishing you luck in future endeavors. Just be sure there are future endeavors, aye?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just a quick note, I'll be visiting my grandparents and therefore without internet. Leaving tomorrow morning and coming back sometime late Christmas day.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

In advance, whilst still at a computer, wishing a Merry Christmas to all ULMFers. Be sure to treat yourself in some way.

*Puts up some Christmas lights.*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So what's the best thing about the holidays? Not drunk drivers. Specially those that crash into your own car. Luckily for him, I passed out in the accident, so he escaped before I could sue him and take his money as well as an arm or two. I'm writing this from urgencies where I'm having to wait for over an hour now and with half my head bleeding.
Holidays. Yay.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

At least you're alive? And not missing any limbs, fingers, or toes. And since it was a hit and run, any chance you can get assistance from the local authorities?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So what's the best thing about the holidays? Not drunk drivers. Specially those that crash into your own car. Luckily for him, I passed out in the accident, so he escaped before I could sue him and take his money as well as an arm or two. I'm writing this from urgencies where I'm having to wait for over an hour now and with half my head bleeding.
Holidays. Yay.

Hope you get well. Sounds like you didn't get to enjoy the comfy cushioning an airbag has to offer, though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Since it was a hit and run and I unfortunately passed out in the accident I can't give the local authorities any leads Copps, but at least I can get my car repaired for free thanks to the insurance, so I got that going for me, which is nice. ;)
Sadly no Obsidious, my car is kinda prehistoric so it didn't have an airbag or seatbelts installed when I bought it (I did put seatbelts on, but I never had the time or money to put an airbag :eek:).
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Since it was a hit and run and I unfortunately passed out in the accident I can't give the local authorities any leads Copps, but at least I can get my car repaired for free thanks to the insurance, so I got that going for me, which is nice. ;)
Sadly no Obsidious, my car is kinda prehistoric so it didn't have an airbag or seatbelts installed when I bought it (I did put seatbelts on, but I never had the time or money to put an airbag :eek:).

Well at least you're fine and still capable of coherent thought and speech. Many folks can't claim that one for themselves, even without accident.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just saying "Hi" and introducing myself

Hope to contribute a ton here!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Can I ask if the "New age" part if the introduction threads title confused you at all or made you miss it? Because I still think it might be doing that. It has kind of, just slightly, always looked like a thread for introducing your conversion to new age spiritualism to me. >_>
Re: Member Announcements Thread

And he still posts it here, haha.

Cheers mate
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh shit... lol! :v

Er, you misunderstand. He wasn't trying to demand that you fill in the silly form. That's just for fun, if you want to. He was pointing you to the correct thread to actually say hello/make an introduction in. Instead of this one.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thats just great, damn.

It was tough to fill that out.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Behold... Magic!