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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Had my two baby wisdom teeth out today. Now comes the fun part of sucking on gauze, waiting for the Novocaine to wear off, and eating mush all day long. On the plus side, day off of work because I sound like a demented Marlon Brando when I try to talk.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, after a few weeks of flailing at the tax people I finally received my updated tax return paper document thing. The amount of money I will be getting back is a suitably nice sum, confirming that taking a planned vacation in a foreign country will be possible. Thus, I will be leaving for my second trip to Japan after christmas to spend the new year in Tokyo. Had been planning this for nearly two years after the previous trip in 2011, and finally am able to do it. Time to see how Japan is in the winter time and go clank some bells at a shrine with the locals, in addition to visiting Comiket again. Too bad that the sumo grand tournament starts a week after my visit, would have loved to go over there for a day of matches.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Mmmm yeah sweaty fat men wearing thongs. Yummy.

I'm glad you'll be able to take the trip Yu! Japan in the winter does sound pretty.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

sorry i haven't been around guys. I've been cleaning and packing like crazy. Look for me to be on with any kind of regularity again around December, ok?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

No worries, Chibi. Do what you gotta do and come back to us when you can. You know that.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Holy flying pigs Batman, Ace is back after almost a year hiatus from ULMF!

Why should you care you ask? Well..............
...............yeah I got nothing. Most of you probably don't care at all really and I don't blame you. You want the truth? I felt like posting somewhere and this is the first place I saw that seemed right for it. No other reason really. That is all. You can stop reading this now.

What, you still reading this? Well then you are awesome and I love you long time :D
Seriously though, it is good to be back. Hello again ULMF!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back Ace! Dunno who you are (since I'm a 2013), but hopefully you'll mind the gap and not disappear FOREVER. We're all like a really bizarre, cool, desesperating, awesome, demonic and lovely family; so yeah, we do care :D
See ya around the forums ;)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My oldest and best friend is in the hospital. He broke his hip and will get a replacement. Much, much more worrying is the reason he broke his hip - a tumor that has been eating away at it.

When I was young, he was more of a brother to me than my own brothers ever were. I wouldn't know what to do if he died. All I can do now is wait, and hope, and beg whatever entity is willing to hear it that it isn't cancer. Please not that. He's not even 30.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Will be adding mine to help, Rule.

EDIT: I'll try to keep my Skype status set so it'll be more obvious when I'm there if you feel like you need someone to talk to. May not be trained for counselling like my Dad is, but I'm willing to listen.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just checking in and saw the post. Will try and send good thoughts his way, Rule, and looks like you've got a more immediate ear, but if I'm around and you need someone, just flag me down. *hugs* Here's hoping they can get everything taken care of for him.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I visited him in the hospital today. No news on the nature of the tumor yet. He fell while trying to get on his bike - he's been having knee problems as well as an assortment of other health problems. Even when we were young, he had to take migraine medication.

I'll visit him again Friday. Maybe he'll know what's what then.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Keep us posted Rule, and I'll throw my voice in with Copp's. If ye see me about and wanna talk, don't hesitate to ask.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, wanted to visit him again today but found out he has been moved - to Munich, as I later heard from another friend. He is getting his hip replacement and I figure they'll also remove the tumor.

To be honest, once I got over the initial shock I found that I could deal with it quite well - as long as the status quo is upheld. As long as I don't know he has cancer, he doesn't have cancer. It's not the healthiest way to deal with it (if it is healthy at all is debatable), but at least it keeps me functional and prevents dwelling on it too much. As long as the cat is in the box, there is a 50 % chance it's alive, right?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hmph, interesting way to look at it. But while you're feeling fine and ain't in a depression, then it's okay to use a method like that one :D
Don't let it poison your insides though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

... Reading it again, that paragraph seems awfully attention-grabbing. I was trying to put into words why this doesn't bother me as much as it should/is supposed to. Even though my best friend possibly has cancer, my own life still goes on - has to go on. That's the thing about big, important moments - in the end, they're just moments, a point in time.

Either way, he's posting things like "things are looking up" on Facebook, so it's probably not cancer.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It's not attention grabbing. It's like you said, you rationalizing your feelings. Believe me, I've been where you're at, Rule, only the diagnosis wasn't a clean bill. But the one dealing with it did what they had to do and they're doing just fine. As for me, it was a matter of "I will panic when it's time to panic and it's not time to panic. We got through this before, we'll do it again." You stay the rock so they have someone to lean on. Still, it's good to hear that he's posting positive messages. Will continue to think good thoughts for him. And you *hugs*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My grandfather died yesterday at the age of 82. May he rest in peace.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I think Wolf's about covered it, but condolences, Yu. Hugs to you and your family, especially around now.