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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hey guys! I ben sorta lurking around, and I just fund this site:) It's like you're all totally like me here! So fun. Yeah, so I just figred I'd plop by and say HI!

Re: Member Announcements Thread



Oi, Nunu, how's 2012 looking so far?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

For a moment I thought my account had been hacked, then I noticed the 'o' was replaced with a '0'. Now someone needs to die.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Enjoy this year, it'll be our last!

Yeah right.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Blarg... my archenemy returns...

I have tonslitis.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Damn, that sucks. Maybe wikipedia can help.....

Wikipedia said:
Treatments to reduce the discomfort from tonsillitis symptoms include:
  • pain relief, anti-inflammatory, fever reducing medications (acetaminophen/paracetamol and/or ibuprofen)
  • sore throat relief (salt water gargle, lozenges, warm liquids)

Treatments include:
  • sore throat relief (salt water gargle, lozenges, warm liquids)

  • warm liquids

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nunu, nooooooo. Tonsillitis sucks so much. I had salt water by my side ALL the time.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I get tonsilitis once every few years, i just have a predisposition towards it. So yeah i know what to do.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You're like me with sinusitis then.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm guessing this is just for announcing anything?


My parents and I went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast because we couldn't on Thursday or Friday. It was nice, but I didn't have much of an appetite.

Because of the only metal 3DS styluses in stores being like ten dollars and having a lot of things I don't want with them, I ordered a pack of four on Amazon.A bit pissed at Nintendo for including some low-quality "character earbuds" in a pack with a car charger for a 3DS. Thanks for forcing me to pay ten extra dollars. I've decided to just buy everything for my systems online.

I'm planning on just giving up on trying for relationships for a while. Nothing really works out for me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

May disappear for a while, due to not being able to access the internet reliably.
Hopefully will be able to reappear before the end of the month.

Short Story: Control freak cut internet. Threatening tutition as well. See you guys around...maybe.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Popping in, sadly I probably will not stay for long...
Seeing as the member announcements thread seems to crowd up with bad news and disgruntled members, I figured I'd throw the scales a little.

I am now in a relationship with pretty much a genderswap of me (Sexually much more innocent, but she knows I come here), she's pretty much the girl of my dreams, though if she heard me say that she might barf.

I am taking my car to get fixed possibly some time this week, so that's going to be up and running, and makes me happy:)

(A small thing to anyone else who owns a car... If you can get someone to attach some pieces of zinc in places where it is rusting or there is a high chance of rust, that will save your car. Figured I'd share what little of my chemistry knowledge is useful. The zinc will oxidize instead of the steel of your car.)

Aaaaand I think that's it. Basically I'm just happy and busy with a million little things:)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yay, congratulations. Hope you're happy now, god damn sisterfucker:D but seriously, don't start talking about weird stuff and cuddle when I'm there. Makes me a little queasy, but sersiouly happy you found someone like that :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It could be worse Zoto, it's only a matter of time for those nubile young kids to be caught in the act by you and i hope for your sake they are kinder to you at that moment than i was to the last person who caught me. I just waved and said hello. and now whenever i see them i just wave and say hello and watch them silently explode.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

-commence flailing sequence- Classes started today. I may pop in from time to time after I get used to the new groove of the semester.

Things went REALLY well today <3
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Bwahahaha. That's awesome Nunu... though I should have expected as much.