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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, I can see where that would keep you a bit busy there, Zoto. Kudos on your making it in, given how grueling it sounded. Good luck on that front and make sure to stay safe, man.

yeah, I'll try not to get shot by those pesky Russians.
But, actually we're not that exposed to real danger. We, at least yet, won't be sent down to Afghanistan or other countries with conflicts NATO is involved with. Protecting my own country is first priority for us :D

Anyways, what are the major things that has happened here while I was gone? Want an update :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

A lot of new people joined, some old ones left, the "feel" of the community has changed a little, and one of our dearest members died. May she rest in peace.

I think that's mostly it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'd say a little is an understatement.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow, wait a minute... Died? Who?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh... that's sad to hear.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Would anyone like to refresh my memory as to who this douchebag is?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

your mum
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well I'm glad we got that cleared up.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

In other news, paintballing may result in painfull bruises.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

In other news, paintballing may result in painfull bruises.


Thank you Nunu, I shall now remember this the next time I go paintballing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

In other news, paintballing may result in painfull bruises.

This is especially true when the organisers of the paintball site decide to declare a free for all game with no life limitations at the end of the day, in order to allow people to use up whatever ammo they have remaining. Ie, there was no reason or ruling to require someone to stop shooting. Meaning when three guys decided to form an impromptu team, and gang up on me, it ended up looking like one of those comical overstretched machine gun deaths with the guy slowly stumbling backwards.

Though at least the silver lining was that they must have each had around twenty to thirty or so paintballs left each, most of which I did manage to dodge, and I had only just got my first free top up the match before and so had 100+ shots to waste. Got up slowly with a vengeance and proceeded to pull a terminator impression.

That last match was pretty badly thought out as far as I'm concerned.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I had that last game as well, only i was against one person and my visor was so fogged up i could not see a god damned thing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ah, the dreaded fog of war. Many a make believe soldier has strayed into that fog and met their doom. Tis why I prefer mesh masks.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ah, the dreaded fog of war. Many a make believe soldier has strayed into that fog and met their doom. Tis why I prefer mesh masks.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ah, the dreaded fog of war. Many a make believe soldier has strayed into that fog and met their doom. Tis why I prefer mesh masks.

i'm thinking of making myself rudimentary plate mail out of ice cream containers to wear under the overals, you opinion on that working squid... i seem to bruise easily.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

i'm thinking of making myself rudimentary plate mail out of ice cream containers to wear under the overals, you opinion on that working squid... i seem to bruise easily.

When you dive behind cover the ice cream container armor will cause you bruises.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You underestimate my engineering brilliance.

use smaller plates with holes drilled in them for ventilation, you only need to cover outside areas, it doesn't matter if there are gaps because creating interlocking plate is total overkill and bad for ventilation. Sew those plates onto a shirt. the goal is to create something to spread the impact over maybe twice the area, which will stop most pain and bruises.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Last of my final exams for the semester is tomorrow (in 6 hours), now for some sleep... Wish me luck:)
Straight up selfish bastard aren't?