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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Today I...

  • Was mooned by a flower delivery girl from a van.
  • Got a lot of wolf whistles from bin men waving from their trucks.
  • Received a free cola from a passing car. Had to run after the window to get it.
  • Was blown kisses from two young women in a convertible, and then later from two elderly ladies in a minibus as well.
  • Had a gang of youths screech their car to a halt beside me, who then jumped out and took pictures of each other standing beside me.
  • Shared a (distanced) salute with a policeman exiting a helicopter.

It's been an interesting day.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Today I...

  • Was mooned by a flower delivery girl from a van.
  • Got a lot of wolf whistles from bin men waving from their trucks.
  • Received a free cola from a passing car. Had to run after the window to get it.
  • Was blown kisses from two young women in a convertible, and then later from two elderly ladies in a minibus as well.
  • Had a gang of youths screech their car to a halt beside me, who then jumped out and took pictures of each other standing beside me.
  • Shared a (distanced) salute with a policeman exiting a helicopter.

It's been an interesting day.

The fuck!? Why can't I have days like yours. Mine was complete and utter shite today, 13 and a half fucking hours work in a factory at subzero temperatures.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The fuck!? Why can't I have days like yours. Mine was complete and utter shite today, 13 and a half fucking hours work in a factory at subzero temperatures.

You weren't dressed as a sunflower directing traffic, I'd say.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Your first wrong choice was not accepting my love.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

If memory serves, it involved his sister and a Nintendo DS. You were the second wrong choice.

In other news, Black Ops DLC Achievements are MINE. Sneaky little Easter Egg!

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Jesus, it's Alias! Yay! Staying long, or just a visit again?

I knew I should have gone with the "A wild Lias appeared!" line...

I've been so busy lately I haven't had much time to run out of stuff to do, get bored, and visit you lovely folks. Add that to the fact that I can barely keep up with a certain other someone's libido, I hardly ever have the desire to lock myself in a room and look up what new games have been thrown up on the board, and you have me visiting maybe once every two weeks or so.

I'll keep popping by every once in a while as long as people make it clear that I'm missed =P
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Add that to the fact that I can barely keep up with a certain other someone's libido

This is far from a bad thing. Good for you Alias me laddy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This is far from a bad thing. Good for you Alias me laddy.

That's what she said!

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

On a serious note, congrats to you again Alias. Do keep visiting now and then.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Minor note, mainly for RP peoples. I'll be working 12 hour shifts solidly until the 23rd. One/two hours free time per day at most.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Jesus man, that's intense. And I thought two shifts of 12 and 14 hours was bad enough. Good luck with that, and in a way this kind of helps me with SBS PA, I can develop a more detailed story and such before starting it up.

Consider this my public apology since the last one must have been too hard for some to grasp
Also fuck you and your faggot ass -rep comments, and since we're on the topic,
you only do that shit cause you're too pussy to come say it to my fuckin face fag.

Toon Pimp Wannabe ass bitches.
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Re: Apology

I uh.... I'm not very good at this, so if there's anyone out here pissed off at me for some of my stupid mistakes and posts I'd like to take the time out to say sorry and start over.

I'm still trying to get the hang of forums, trying to make a couple more friends, and I need help. I suck at receiving criticism, but if I can possibly repair my reputation here I would like to try that as well.

If I have offended anyone, please forgive me. I'm at the mercy of the crowd here and I hope that there is no hate being harbored toward me for my opinions of the police from before. I was out of line and if it's not too much to ask, I would like to beg for my green bars back. It's the only measure I have to go by to feel welcome here. After some brief research I found that I would hate to be looked at like Deminies or Suprememe

Please give me a chance here while I learn to adapt. I'm so sorry for everything and getting off on the wrong foot with people. I need all the friends I can get.

Magus, I can tell you now. Public apologies are a bad thing. I would know
Re: Apology

I uh.... I'm not very good at this, so if there's anyone out here pissed off at me for some of my stupid mistakes and posts I'd like to take the time out to say sorry a... ...ce here while I learn to adapt. I'm so sorry for everything and getting off on the wrong foot with people. I need all the friends I can get.

i didn't notice you'd screwed up. oh well, pull your pants up and keep trying to be a member of this community. if your still having trouble remember these rules:

1: if something is insulting, try to think of a meaning that is and that is probably how they meant it.
2: if you say something that gets up in peoples goat apologise right then and there and then imediately move on.

now onto other things. I'm hungry.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I do not like greem eggs and ham
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Will you eat them with a goat? or with a tentacle tied 'round your throat?