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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Which reminds me, I haven't really been sick for a long time. And I spent half a year in the army where just about everyone else got sick at least once. Me? The worst I got was really mild flu, without even fever.

Yeah, Army barracks and such are pretty bad for viruses getting around, what with the close in living quarters and shared everything, but there are some folks who just get damn lucky and make it through it all.

Overseas it got worse cause it was a whole new set of bugs.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I was just fired. Because I'm too sick to come into work tonight. Because i have a flu-thing. And because I wanted Saturday off for Dinner my boss fired me because he thinks I'm making an excuse to not go. I was supposed to train tonight to work by myself tomorrow night. So they said come in tonight or be fired.

Because apparently sick flu thing doesn't last for more than two days.

I turn my uniform in on Monday.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

that doesn't sound like lawfull practice.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

DSI seems to think themselves above the law. I get to pull unemployment till I get a real job though, go me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I was just fired. Because I'm too sick to come into work tonight. Because i have a flu-thing. And because I wanted Saturday off for Dinner my boss fired me because he thinks I'm making an excuse to not go. I was supposed to train tonight to work by myself tomorrow night. So they said come in tonight or be fired.

Because apparently sick flu thing doesn't last for more than two days.

I turn my uniform in on Monday.


I've had plenty of work related bullshit over time myself, and that brought out an unexpected bit of mini rage in me just now. I am quietly raging for you Chibi.

Did you have no sick days left? Is there really no way to fight back?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow, in a story similar to Squid that takes me way back.

I actually got a black mark against my name back at a job years ago because I swapped shift with someone, then didn't make it to the shift I swappde for.

What happened? I was in a car accident the day before. When I turned up on sunday, I was still painfully limping, so it was pretty clear that y'know, something had happened.

And yeah, I don't know who it is you can go and speak to, but you should be able to speak to a doctor for a little piece of paper that says you're unwell, and show that to someone else whose job it is to ensure workplace fairness, and then the boss can't fire you. Of course, I've generally found that any point you need to do such things to keep your job, it's probably not worth keeping as they'll probably be trying to get rid of you. Or just do what they do here in Australia.

Fun fact: Technically speaking, I hold 3 jobs right now. I consider myself working for 1 of them, becaues the other two never give me any shifts. They haven't fired me, because then they might have to prove a reason, but there isn't a minimum hours they have to give me on my contract, so they don't and wait for me to quit. I fight this by leeching off the benefits until they cut me off from them.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

I was just fired. Because I'm too sick to come into work tonight. Because i have a flu-thing. And because I wanted Saturday off for Dinner my boss fired me because he thinks I'm making an excuse to not go. I was supposed to train tonight to work by myself tomorrow night. So they said come in tonight or be fired.

Because apparently sick flu thing doesn't last for more than two days.

I turn my uniform in on Monday.


that doesn't sound like lawfull practice.

DSI seems to think themselves above the law. I get to pull unemployment till I get a real job though, go me.

Trust me, it isn't lawful, and lawsuits pay more. One of my instructors told us the story about how he won $80,000 in a similar situation.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh yeah, in America, they don't have those independant bodies sponsored by the government to ensure fair workplaces.

They have the American courts system.

Silly me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh yeah, in America, they don't have those independant bodies sponsored by the government to ensure fair workplaces.

They have the American courts system.

Silly me.

SOCIALISM!!!!!111ONEOne!1. Someone help!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Even if you wouldn't mind seeing the job go, I'd say getting it so that your in the right and then even quitting anyway, would be preferable. That way you don't have said black mark on your employment record.

I have had so much grief with bad references from a certain previous employer, over losing the job for reasons I disagreed with and should have fought for, I really wish I hadn't just given up over it so soon. If you get fired from something, they always want to ask the previous employer why, and knowing that guy's response was determining my future chances made me feel like ripping up the form right there and then every time.

That's in the past. Sorted now. But it's worth looking out for. =/

Sorry. Not exactly reassuring, but I know what it's like.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Shit, that sucks, Chibi.
Well, you've got two options:
1) Try to get your job back if you really need a job, no matter how much it sucks, or
2) Well, you're collecting unemployment, so fuck the store. Go up in there and .

Except Chibi. She gets a hug.

I have to spend Christmas with pretty much just my step-dad's side of the family. Now, his sister and her family are okay, and I don't know much about her husband's side, but my step-dad just DOES NOT get along with anyone in his family aside from his sister and brother-in-law. EVERY party we go to at his parents' house, he has to find SOMETHING to be upset about. Even if it's something I would consider a good thing, like his mom wanting to buy vegetarian stuff for him so he doesn't have to bring his own stuff, or his dad offering to give him a day off from work because of all the work he's already gotten done. He just CAN NOT find the good in things.

And I don't see why we can't spend at least SOME of Christmas with my mom's side of the family. They're all relatively sane and enjoyable company. But NOOOOO, we can't even spend half of even a random day in December with them.


tldr: Spending Christmas at step-dad's parents' house. This is gonna suck.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thanks guys. It's nice to see sympathy right before the holiday season.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

=.= I don't like your implications. I am being exactly as sympathetic and helpful as I would be at any time of the year with my advice.

I just happened to forget that OAMP is a Capitalist Pig Dog.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

What a bunch of fuckwads. They deserve to be raped metaphorically and physically by the hard, throbbing force of law.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I... you know what I mean, Inky.

It's nice to see this instead of people fighting over who was an asshole to me and who was being pretentious.

Thanks Rule. :3
Re: Member Announcements Thread

*Pre-Christmas Pouncehug for the Chibi, in a box.*

Whenever you leas' expect it.

Can't really add something somebody else has already said sometime, something aside from 'That sucks, puffer-fish spikes in the face, sucks.'

Karma would be served, if they (unfair and un-compassionate bosses) were to receive a festive punch in the face from a nasty bug going around. Literally and metaphorically.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It always sounded like you didn't like that job much anyway, so maybe you'll find another one where you happier and people treat you better. :)

And hey look on the bright side, you can spend more time with friends during the holiday! Everything always sorta works out somehow I think.