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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

C'mon... It's CHRISTMAS! SPEND ALL YOUR MONE- I mean, get in the spirit!

I completely agree with ya... No over commercialization. No shoving down throats (unless I'm doing the shoving).
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Eh, just a Santa hat. I see no harm in it, but I also won't be rushing to make it or anything.

And before anyone points out my icon, it was made for me as a gift.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I enjoy christmas, not because of the presents( though they're nice and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy them), but rather because I have a big family, and we get spread out, and christmas is a chance for people to get back together, have a good meal, tell some stories and whatnot. The food is good, there's no one there that doesn't want to be there, everyone's in a good mood.

At this point, christmas is almost more a cultural celebration than a religious one. If you're the sort of person who suddenly finds religion every christmas and easter you probably weren't very religious anyway.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Inky isn't the only one without a hat, though you have no idea how hesitant I am to point that out. :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Yeah, I don't care. I'm counting down the days til Xmas is over so I can change my avi.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I have a love-hate relationship with Christmas.

On the one hand, I love the idea of the holiday. Exchanging gifts, holding feasts, spending time with friends and family... and the snow. I love snow. LOVE IT.
And the songs. I could listen to Bing Crosby, Judy Garland, and Mannheim Steamrollers all day.

On the other hand..... my birthday is the 16th, so I usually get jipped.
Yeah yeah, it's not about the presents. No, really, I know it isn't. Still...
And then there are the battles about how 'religious' the holiday should be. Honestly, I just want the people who are shoving religion down our throats and the people who are crying about their neighbor having a baby Jesus on the lawn to be ALL rounded up and thrown into a pit of fire, with the pit's only purpose being to power selective sections of the U.S. on Christmas day.
As for the commercialization..... I don't like it, but It has yet to kill Christmas for me, so whoop-de-fuckin'-doo.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just remember this handy tip:
The right of one does not create an obligation in another.
My right to speak does not require you to listen.
My right to religion does not create an obligation in you to observe, respect, or enjoy it.

Granted, christmas is a bit harder to ignore than most things, but you needn't ignore all of it. Just the bits you don't like.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nothing to do with Twilight, actually. Also, due having a night job for this week and having to stay awake for approximately daylight hours, my sleep schedule is completely messed up. Of course, the job is only until Saturday, so it should normalize by Christmas...hopefully.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'd just like to point out that last year the lady up in the corner (Ulala?) did have a hat, and she kept it for a good long time.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

i dont think she has a name, if you are thinking of the role play section, that is a quote from space channel 9.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just so you guys know... the Flu sucks. Seriously. -huddles in her blankets-
Re: Member Announcements Thread

on the plus side... Hooray! Blankets!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Mm... blankie.

Blankie always forgives you and is always there for you.

<3 Blankie.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just so you guys know... the Flu sucks. Seriously. -huddles in her blankets-

I bet it does. D= here's a magical cookie.

I've been sick for a long time too, although I have no idea what it is.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Which reminds me, I haven't really been sick for a long time. And I spent half a year in the army where just about everyone else got sick at least once. Me? The worst I got was really mild flu, without even fever.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I bet it does. D= here's a magical cookie.

I've been sick for a long time too, although I have no idea what it is.
I've always got some sinus crud, and then this... I have a fever of 102.6 right now and motrin isn't helping. -noms magic cookie-