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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just think their relationship is adorable. Then again, i'd do the same if it were a female warden, and i have blushed for that too lol. Especially with the Warden/Alistair relationship. I keep going "D'AWWW!!!!" and blushing. I'm a sucker for romance. i just can't help myself. Not like romance novels though.

Oooh? *grabbyhands*

I wish my game would load faster >.>;;

Well I have the jpgs in a folder on my comp, I could give them to you theoretically, but I would have to upload them somewhere first, to be honest I would be willing to because it's so amazing, it's titled PB & J (no it's not about Peanut Butter and Jelly, those are their initials)
it's Yaoi, although it's completely in colour in the first comic :3,
If you have a suggestion as to how I give it to you feel free to tell me, or I could always just dump them in a thread with NuNus permission, or Aikas, :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ooh, I'm for that, too. Trying to think if it sounds familiar.

We all do have galleries that we can upload pictures into. There's limits, though, but that might work.

And Chib's, wait until you drag him off to your tent *several* times. The things he comes up with...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ooh, I'm for that, too. Trying to think if it sounds familiar.

We all do have galleries that we can upload pictures into. There's limits, though, but that might work.

And Chib's, wait until you drag him off to your tent *several* times. The things he comes up with...

It's familiar to me, I've seen it and the other Clubstripes comics. *has them too*

Yeah, I've seen a lot of them, he's hysterical. "Again? What will the others think?" "I see the itch has returned."
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It's familiar to me, I've seen it and the other Clubstripes comics. *has them too*

Yeah, I've seen a lot of them, he's hysterical. "Again? What will the others think?" "I see the itch has returned."

Lulz, he needs a boner break, stop riding him so much xD.
So you've already read them? Oh well, anyways, I thought they where absolutely adorable, some of them made me Man-Blush. (Hardcore)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Lulz, he needs a boner break, stop riding him so much xD.
So you've already read them? Oh well, anyways, I thought they where absolutely adorable, some of them made me Man-Blush. (Hardcore)
But, he is the one riding my Charry Adrian >:3

and yeah, they were quite cute. Most of the clubstribes ones made me "D'awww"
Re: Member Announcements Thread

But, he is the one riding my Charry Adrian >:3

and yeah, they were quite cute. Most of the clubstribes ones made me "D'awww"

I've only ever read that one Peaches and Cream, and three issues of PB & J
(they love matching food groups don't they?) but they do tend to make me blush a little.

I would love more of them but I'm too cheap to subscribe like an honest fan would D= , oh well.
lulz, he's riding you? Oh, and the objectioning thing he does, is he afraid of teh buttsmex?! xD
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It's familiar to me, I've seen it and the other Clubstripes comics. *has them too*

Yeah, I've seen a lot of them, he's hysterical. "Again? What will the others think?" "I see the itch has returned."

Hmm, may just have to look these up on my own later.

And you haven't hit the best one yet. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out which one that is.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hmm, may just have to look these up on my own later.

And you haven't hit the best one yet. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out which one that is.

You mean, "Pirate Zevran, reporting for duty! Prepare to be boarded!" x3
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You mean, "Pirate Zevran, reporting for duty! Prepare to be boarded!" x3

Yarrgh, I can't wait to get a look at yer' booty!

Sorry I couldn't resist.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

<3 Deviant art is full of amazing people.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This? This is the reason my male warden would have ended up with Zevvy if I hadn't already promised a committed relationship to Crazyana.

The female romance options really are sub-par compared to the male ones. A judgemental bitch and a crazy religious nut (who at least has a cute accent). I continue to be disappoint. When I first heard a snarky dark witch was in the game I was excited, but Morrigan really is too much of a bitch.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I kinda like Leliana.

And i am much more fond of Morrigan than i was before <3
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I rather liked Lelliana, and really for a medieval themed fantasy world, she's really not that bad of a religious nut.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Chibi, your chat doesn't work for me, it insists I log on and offers no way to registrar. D=
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You just put in a random username, you don't even need a password.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Aye. My chat is obcenely uncomplicated.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

THe inevitable has finally occured. Come the end of May I will have to be off the site for an unspecified amount of time. If I get the net back at my folks' place anything adult oriented is gonna be off limits. So after May it'll be aideu ULMF. It was interesting while it lasted. To the GMs and other RPers of the RPs I'm in here, I'll be MIA until further notice. My family's too poor to help support my rent here anymore and the economy's too bad to give me the needed hours. I'll see when I see you next. DX

Hmm. Sorry to hear things didn't work out for you living away from the family home. Though you'd still be using your own computer right? Or even if it's a family computer, I'm sure there are ways around that. I was using a family computer where I had to sit with my back to the door for over two years to browse these forums before I got my own place. Had three siblings that all zealously fought for time on the PC to contend with too. Never got caught. Even without over the top defence methods (like tightening the door knob and causing it to creak when used...) sneaky browsing is plenty possible in most situations.

Pro tip for ninja-ing the forum, is to use adblock plus with Firefox. Just right click all those suggestive avatars, naughty sigs, lewd backgrounds, and choose block image. When you get back to private browsing you can unblock it all. As long as no one starts a habit of putting in a new NSFW image into their sig every week, and you pick your topics carefully (scroll down slowly), you should be able to avoid any incriminating images being flashed out.

Secondly, ALWAYS have a secondary activity. Maybe three or four even. If you need to close or navigate away from the ULMF tab, don't be left looking at an empty desktop or an email account with nothing new to check. Have something else you could be doing and can go back to when needed. Spend a minute or two to make it look like you're halfway through whatever is on the other page, and remember that they will be thinking you are spending all the time you use the computer doing this dummy activity, so be aware that playing the same Newgrounds game or reading the same wiki page for two hours straight can also look strange. Have a cover story for the forums if someone spots them, such as a place to talk about video games or such, because simply saying "oh it's nothing at all, I spend time looking at random unknown forums that I refuse to talk about" is suspicious. If they actually see you writing a non adult post then that can actually help. It's also fair to casually ask them to stop spying over your shoulder while you write/read, as long as you don't sound like your trying to hide something.

For accessing the site in the first place, don't use the address bar and get it put into history. Just hide a link somewhere, such as in the folder for a game, and rename it something like "Readme1.11" or "Online Registration". Perhaps also put another shortcut to the game folder somewhere more accessible like your desktop to save time. People might wonder why you want to be able to get at this games files so easily, but they most likely won't care and certainly won't be interested in registering your game for you. Alternatively simple bookmarks can normally be disguised well enough provided they aren't shared. I had my own bookmarks back when I had to be subtle, but still had to make sure nosey brothers didn't spot an odd name over my shoulder. Disguised Tentacle Haven as Tactical Haven in my airsoft links folder.
(My browser doesn't save pages opened with bookmarks and links to history. I'm not certain if that's a setting or done by default.)

Finally, install creaky floor boards across the entire home and develop the listening skills to know the whole family's location and movements at all times. (This one might not be feasible.)

Lulz, wrote more than I intended. ^_^'

I just enjoy the ninja-perv topic. All in all, practising level of nonsense means browsing the forums will be more awkward, and you'll get less time to devote to it, but should be quite possible.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I dunno, I just really don't like Leliana. I'm not sure why, but she rubs me the wrong way.

It's probably because I expected more when I saw she was a bard. "oh, this whole religious thing is just an act, and she's as spy... ...just an act... right? ...right? ..oh, I guess not..."

I just found her whole attempt at innocent annoying in light of her past. I probably would have liked her more if there was more of a struggle with her past or something, but instead she's pretty much moved on perfectly and the few loose ends that remain don't really phase her enough.

And so I stand by my previous statement that the male character who are romance options are much more interesting and much better options than their female counterparts. And now that I'm moving through Awakening, the pattern of "not a female character I really like" is continuing.

So, thinking back on previous bioware games, specifically Jade Empire: I played through that one as a female character so I didn't actually examine the girls too closely, but... there it is again. I'm not sure if Fox is less of a bitch when you're not female, but that seems unlikely considering she's a romance option for either gender. But Sky, the male you can romance, is cut from a similar cloth to our dragonage boys. Initially he's very Zevran with his outrageous flirting when you barely know him, but he actually slows down a lot as you get closer to him because (as he puts it at least) he's afraid you'll hurt him :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I dunno, I just really don't like Leliana. I'm not sure why, but she rubs me the wrong way.

It's probably because I expected more when I saw she was a bard. "oh, this whole religious thing is just an act, and she's as spy... ...just an act... right? ...right? ..oh, I guess not..."

I just found her whole attempt at innocent annoying in light of her past. I probably would have liked her more if there was more of a struggle with her past or something, but instead she's pretty much moved on perfectly and the few loose ends that remain don't really phase her enough.

And so I stand by my previous statement that the male character who are romance options are much more interesting and much better options than their female counterparts. And now that I'm moving through Awakening, the pattern of "not a female character I really like" is continuing.

So, thinking back on previous bioware games, specifically Jade Empire: I played through that one as a female character so I didn't actually examine the girls too closely, but... there it is again. I'm not sure if Fox is less of a bitch when you're not female, but that seems unlikely considering she's a romance option for either gender. But Sky, the male you can romance, is cut from a similar cloth to our dragonage boys. Initially he's very Zevran with his outrageous flirting when you barely know him, but he actually slows down a lot as you get closer to him because (as he puts it at least) he's afraid you'll hurt him :D

LOL!, that's so adorable I can't stand it, really.
Personally I've felt the same way as him before actually, people are rather fickle when it comes to sex and relationships these days.