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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Not sure if I'll remember to do this tomorrow night or not, so doing it now. Thursday morning, I will be heading out on a plane, destination: New Orleans!

This is my fourth trip down and I'm excited because I get to see a few friends I haven't in a year, not to mention eat good food, oogle hot men, and find out just how little sleep I really need :D

Currently, I'm running up and down the stairs, gathering what clothes I'm going to need and second guessing outfits for various functions. I probably won't be calm until the Dramamine kicks in, which should be somewhere around Detroit on Thursday.

Additionally, a good portion of my hair is now blue. Yes, on purpose.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

agh. Due to school related parking tickets, internets is put on hold for another week.

Lack of monies sucks.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wait... blue Copper? That's awesome!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

If you were cobalt instead of copper, I could make a spider joke..
Though it wouldn't really be a joke cuz it wouldn't be funny.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Bye Copper have fun. If you see a 5'8", really sexy, blond chasing you yelling your name....find the cops because I'm 6'6".
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Toxic, when will you learn?

Everything you say is funny^^

Not when I get into my obsessions. The cobalt blue tarantula is actually really pretty, although a bit aggressive.
I mean, as far as spiders go, I think it looks really cool.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

That is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen.

And at the same time, that is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

That is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen.

And at the same time, that is the coolest thing I have ever seen.

THIS. With less terrify and more awesome.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It is actually quite pretty. Cool find.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Lot's of spiders have cool looks.
Cobalt blue is really interesting, some just have cool designs.

Some people like the look of pink-toes, I think they're gross, but:
Funny thing is, when they're born, the color is reversed a bit.

Mexican Flame(red) Knee (guess how it got its name)

But if you really liked the cobalt blue, you'll probably really like Poecilotheria metallica (Gooty Sapphire) Very vibrant and arboreal. Apparently, considering it's temperament and care, it's a really good pet in every aspect except for the fact it's venom is actually pretty powerful. Granted, you won't die and they usually don't bite, but you always have to be careful. Otherwise, it's really remarkable.

^ It's really beautiful and I think it would kinda help people with fears of spiders to see them as something other than gross. I mean, how the hell did it's design favor bright yellow sneaking it's way in there? haha

In terms of announcements, I'm getting hit pretty hard with sicknesses, I'm finding it difficult to sit at a screen for 20 minutes without my eyelids feeling as if they're combusting. But knowing me, I'll still say fuck it, not even take in advil and sign in to the forums all day. But yeah, I'm getting really shitty and I think I'm actually gonna go to sleep now. .. probably won't but whatever
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

spiders scare me somewhat but those still look badass.

also i almost got attacked by a dog today but i managed to barely get out out of its area of attack because it was chained to a tree
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wait... blue Copper? That's awesome!

I hope to have pictures once I'm in my League outfit. Will put them up as I can.

Bye Copper have fun. If you see a 5'8", really sexy, blond chasing you yelling your name....find the cops because I'm 6'6".

Funny you should say that. The bad guys in the books (for which are the reason I'm going down to NOLA) are all tall, sexy, and blonde. Oh, and they want your soul, too.

Not when I get into my obsessions. The cobalt blue tarantula is actually really pretty, although a bit aggressive.
I mean, as far as spiders go, I think it looks really cool.

Not clicking. Hate spiders. Hate spiders. Hate spiders.


"I swear to god, when I evolve, I'm going to kill all you motherfuckers."
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh yeah souls are nice, but I prefer donuts.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Not clicking. Hate spiders. Hate spiders. Hate spiders.
Aww, not even the gooty sapphire? The thing looks like a toy, it's really well designed :(
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags. I'm not going to open the spoiler tags.

Really. I'm NOT going to do it. I refuse to let my curiosity get the better of me this time. *sweats*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh dear fucking god, so many spiders. *stamps on them all*