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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcments Thread

i have really unfortunate news to announce to everyone on this amazing forum.

I am not going to be able to frequent this site as i have been since i joined.

Unfortunately i am going back to college soon and i have lots of stuff to do to get ready for classes and everything else.

I wont be able to hop on much while at college for these reasons i will list.

1. I am a Theatre Major. I have lots of shows to do while i am at school.

2. I am taking extra classes so i can graduate in less than 7-8 years. I am already looking at being there for 5-6. (i started in Spring of 07 so you do the math.)

3. I am rooming with my g/f and we will be spending a lot of time together since our schedules are similar it is nice. She also frowns upon me on sites like this :( But she is a good girl and does not really say anything to me about it and lets me do my thing.

5. I am looking at directing a few shows so i need to do a lot of reading of plays. This is extremely hard work and time consuming so my life will be overruled by this probably.

6. The last and def not least is i am also looking for a job. As soon as i get a job i will have no time to do extra stuff on the net like i usually do until my classes start slowing down at school.

I am sorry everyone. I had a great time here and will pop in when i can.

Have fun everyone and keep having fun.



P.S. For those of you who were paying attention. Yes i did not put a 4. If you were thinking it was a typo than HAH jokes on you. If you were wondering if it was going to be put down here or something than HAH jokes on you too. If you were just going eh w/e it happens or something like that than well jokes not really on you because you really did not pay any mind to it. And if you were wondering what 4 actually was than i will tell you.

4. Applesauce
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Re: Member Announcments Thread

Well, good luck and godspeed to you, Random. Here's hoping your plans work out and your shows go off without a hitch! And don't be afraid to drop in from time to time. Always happy to have members back.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

3. I am rooming with my g/f and we will be spending a lot of time together since our schedules are similar it is nice. She also frowns upon me on sites like this :( But she is a good girl and does not really say anything to me about it and lets me do my thing.

Just don't go to 'that' part of the site, then >.<
Once I manage to snag a girlfriend, all I'm saying, is she'd better be alright with me liking hentai and going here, 'cause I'm not gonna stop just 'cause she doesn't like it :p

4. Applesauce

Re: Member Announcments Thread

She also frowns upon me on sites like this :( But she is a good girl and does not really say anything to me about it and lets me do my thing.

Same here bro
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Classes started today. Huzzah. That means I'm going to be studying a hell of a lot.

Also: I'm stealing a wifi connection at home, and that connection sucks. As soon as i get a stable connection i should be on the chat more often, and Rule, Imma need your help with my german class <3
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Classes started today. Huzzah. That means I'm going to be studying a hell of a lot.

Also: I'm stealing a wifi connection at home, and that connection sucks. As soon as i get a stable connection i should be on the chat more often, and Rule, Imma need your help with my german class <3

The chat died? Gee, I hadn't noticed :/
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Ah fall... Here to take a majority of the members away...
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Same here bro

Heh, I just don't tell mine.

And classes are starting already for some people? I don't start until the 31st. Afterwards, I probably won't be on here as often, but I'll do so whenever I have free time.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Heh, I just don't tell mine.

Psh, I think of that shit ahead of time. I dont even get girlfriends in the first place
Re: Member Announcments Thread

My girlfriend just knows I go onto a hentai forum. I probably won't tell her about this place though, as it's my e-man cave. We browse Fakku together from time to time though, so she's okay with this kind of stuff.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

And classes are starting already for some people? I don't start until the 31st. Afterwards, I probably won't be on here as often, but I'll do so whenever I have free time.
My orientation is the 23rd. I don't think classes start until the 26th or 27th, though.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Psh, I think of that shit ahead of time. I dont even get girlfriends in the first place

Ladies and gentlemen, a true man.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Why is it that everyone is coming and going when I got the bad nets? D:

Hi Oni and Hali! *adds another padilock to the lab, just in case*

See ya Random!
Re: Member Announcments Thread

My girlfriend just knows I go onto a hentai forum. I probably won't tell her about this place though, as it's my e-man cave. We browse Fakku together from time to time though, so she's okay with this kind of stuff.

the very few people i have told about here seemed more excited and or ambivalent than anything else, current fling or otherwise. i guess they where kind of expecting it...
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Well, guess I might as well let ya'll know I'm going to be starting the Fall Semester on the 24th. Dunno how active I'll be once I start, but I should be able to hop on over the weekends.

At least I should have my own laptop by next week or the week after.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I don't have to go to school. Neener neener neener.

Nah, seriously, good luck with all the going back stuff guys. Pop on when you can, of course!

And I'm honestly not shy about friends, and even family, knowing I'm here. If I don't want them to know it's hentai it's "One of the forums I belong to" or "the Linemarvel Forum" (since they won't know what linemarvel is.) Usually it's the guy friends and it's usually worked into the conversation as "Hello! I frequent a hentai forum!" when they're worried about crossing the line with certain things. Given, though, that I mostly hang out in the non-hentai sections, it's usually pretty safe for me to talk about what I do while I'm here. Bout the only time I hid the forum was when I had the live-in boyfriend and it was about third down on the favorites list. Was also back when it was "tentaclehaven" and I didn't want to open that can of worms.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

My bf and a handful of my other friends know I'm on here. I either shrug it off as:

1) It's the only place I've ever seen mature people on the internet, so I play DnD and stuff properly here. (Partial truth)

2) It's one grand social experiment, to see how well I can integrate myself into a community I have nothing in common with. (90% false, I do mess with your heads a little, but nothing grand ;) )

But then again, I also keep my hentai file on my desktop and nobody has noticed it yet, so yeah, I don't have to try very hard XD
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Ok, firstly, has the chat ever really been alive? I've been on there for hours and not seen anyone on... but then again, I live in Norway.

Secondly most of my friends know I'm on here, and I just say that it's a fantastic community and the friendliest people on the internet. I then go on to say that you are also very, very sick individuals. Especially you Dark, and HF and...

Thirdly, why are you all abandoning the forums 'cause of school, I'm just waiting to get my school computer back! School computer+ school extreme internet connection+ computer in every class= ultraULMFposternerd!

that's it I think^^
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Don't look at me, i do most of my posting while in the local college. of course, I'm cleaning said college, but so what? ;)