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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcments Thread

See, this is an example of the limits of the male mind. Sex, and chocolate, are two fabulous things. There is no possible reason not to combine them. Trust me.


...I don't like yeast in my chocolate...
Re: Member Announcments Thread

A bit earlier than I expected, but I'm back.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Chilli ginger jelly, try it.

Gotta be a regional thing. Jelly? For me, jelly is grape flavored and goes well with peanut butter. I'm guessing it's something *other* than a jam-like substance. I can see the beer, though. They used to have the sparkling Jell-O that you used ginger ale for.

Still... if you had eaten something and liked it, before finding out that the ingredients were a little iffy sounding, you should still like it. I would at least.

My main problem with things like that are I can usually taste ingredients. "Mom, is there onion in this?" "No." "Lies." "Okay, some." So not telling me ingredients usually doesn't work. Neither will "Oh, there's onion in it, but you won't be able to taste it!" That being said, I am willing to try things, but I'm also a notoriously picky eater. Makes for a fun combination.

A bit earlier than I expected, but I'm back.

WB Shadow!
Re: Member Announcments Thread

It's not so confusing anymore after I've had a chance to think about it and all that. Oddly enough though I slept better last night than I have for about 4 years now. For some reason it was like I was just completely relaxed for once, almost like I was floating but I wasn't... or at least I hope I wasn't.

Anyways I'll be fine wasn't exactly completely unexpected or anything.

you should not joke about floating while your asleep... *remembers times when younger and shudders a bit*

bad memories
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I wasn't joking it really felt like it.

Copper jelly is Jello, and that sucks to be a picky eater. Though I don't like onions either.

That combination sounds good to me so I would definately eat it.

Chocolate and sex are both good singly or together.

Welcome back Wolf.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

you should talk to someone about that. it could be dangerous to your health.

and yes chocolate and sex are good singly or together :D
Re: Member Announcments Thread

you should talk to someone about that. it could be dangerous to your health.

and yes chocolate and sex are good singly or together :D

I think dmronny means more like it felt like falling asleep in a bathtub. Which I did recently. It felt very relaxing, but my muscles stayed relaxed even after I awoke again. I was wobbly the entire rest of the day.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I think dmronny means more like it felt like falling asleep in a bathtub. Which I did recently. It felt very relaxing, but my muscles stayed relaxed even after I awoke again. I was wobbly the entire rest of the day.

I've done that a couple of times before. After I woke up I was very thankful that people naturally breath through their nose. My mouth was underwater xD
Re: Member Announcments Thread

It's times like these I'm glad that I have a walk-in shower and no tub any more *laughs* Although I tend to fall asleep in my chair, which my friend finds insanely odd.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I have fallen asleep in a stand up shower before.... Dont ask how i stayed standing hahaha
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I'm going to be gone on Monday due to my birthday. I might be gone a next few days after that. Just a heads up.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Well enjoy your birfday see you upon your return.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Happy Early Birthday and enjoy your time away!
Re: Member Announcments Thread

enjoy your birthday BurningGold
Re: Member Announcments Thread

OMFG. Nathan Fillion is a Halo fan, as well as being a voice actor in the new game.

Re: Member Announcments Thread

I like Nathan Fillion much more than I like Halo :p
Re: Member Announcments Thread

lol, Naked Nathan ftw.

I just thought it was cool that my two nerdly obsessions are smushed together.

Not to mention the Easter eggs in Halo 3 "Gee, sure would be nice if we had some grenades right now, don'tcha think?"
Re: Member Announcments Thread

haha, he's so cheesy in such an awesome way
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Ah Nathan Fillion... he was awesome in Slither.