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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"You have no idea" Rosa replied, still hanging onto Mei-Lien a little as she recovered. "One of her former slaves had to try it five times before she figured it out. She insisted on doing it in a most unpleasant way, too..." The shapeshifter frowned for a moment, before leaning in to kiss Mei-Lien another time and then back off a little bit. "You should bug your mistress to give you a little taste of that sometime, it's one of the most... complete pleasures a person can feel. For some reason she doesn't seem to like doing it, though, which is a shame." The shifter was quiet, and seemed to be thinking as she looked up into Mei-Lien's eyes. She didn't make any suggestion as to what to do next, seemingly distracted.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmph, such non-existent discipline she must've had..." Mei thought about the one-time slave girl of numerous failures. Letting Rosa down after the shifter had pecked her, the redhead thought about what she had said about the mistress next "Maybe I will, who knows." she replied, thinking about the possibility of such acts in the future. But her thoughts shifted away soon, the pondering look on Rosa's face drawing her attention. With a sudden poke to the cheek, she inquired what the other was thinking about so intently.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

When Mei-Lien poked Rosa's cheek and asked her what she was thinking about, the shifter blushed and smiled, replying "ah, don't worry about it too much. So, you want to spar a little? There's some more time to kill before dinner. I'm thinking about maybe making this body a little stronger in the future, I don't think I've given you enough of a challenge recently."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Despite the shifter's unwillingness to share he thoughts, Mei was still up for a battle. Those were always good. "I suppose we could, never hurts to have more practise." the martial artist demon replied as she backed away a bit, letting Rosa prepare and shift to her chosen form before they would start the sparring.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 9 vs. 21 R, Miss!
R 11 vs. 8 M, Hit!
M 7 vs. 23 R, Counter!
R 7 vs. 17 M, Miss!
M 17 vs. 15 R, Hit!
R 18 vs. 14 M, Hit!

Rosa didn't change her shape much, and really the only change seemed to be that the muscles on her arms bulged, giving her a much stronger look. After a time there was a little bulge under the skin of her fingers, as if her bones themselves were forming into gauntlets to match the ones that appeared on Mei-Lien. "I'll try to give you a little taste of your own medicine here. We'll see how it goes" she said, taking up a boxer's stance and waiting for the redhead to come at her. Mei-Lien didn't waste any time, starting the fight with a rush forward and a kick at the shifter's neck area, but she found herself quickly ducked and slammed in the side with a powerful punch. The demon tried to retaliate with a punch of her own, but Rosa managed to grab the arm under her elbow, tweaking the long limb with the intent to break it. Mei-Lien was able to pull it away before that happened, however, landing a sharp kick to the shapeshifter's side and forcing her to let go, though the shifter didn't relent, hitting the succubus hard in her stomach before bouncing away. "Come on, you can do better than that, I know it. Your technique is a little bit sloppy today" she said, waiting again for the redhead's attack.

5/6 HP

3/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Rosa's stronger form was really just a more muscular version of her ordinary form. This did not really bother Mei, who was quite eager to charge her regardless of the new form. This time, her attacks did not really go all that well, mostly ending up with getting countered with nasty return blows. Not willing to let Rosa grab her arm, the redhead smacked her off, but still got a retreating blow. The two faced off, Mei being visibly worse off in this battle. "Hmph. I can't regulate my power to be stronger or weaker, unlike someone I know..." she replied to the shifter, not spending further time on blabbering and moving in to attack instead.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 18 vs. 20 R, Miss!
R 13 vs. 20 M, Miss!
M 16 vs. 13 R, Hit!
R 10 vs. 14 M, Miss!
M 15 vs. 14 R, Hit!
R 6 vs. 14 M, Miss!

"Mmm, I'm well aware. You can't change what I can do, you can only focus on yourself, and I'm telling you you're not doing a very good job right now" Rosa said, the last line spoken as a taunt while Mei-Lien failed to land another punch. Of course, she blocked the shifter's kicking counterattack with one arm and hit her square in the jaw with the next punch, knocking her back just far enough that she was in the perfect range for a swift twirling kick to the head, which knocked the shapeshifter to the ground. She rolled away and hopped to her feet, rubbing her jaw gingerly as she took up a stance again. "That's more like it."

3/6 HP

3/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Not giving a flying fuck about Rosa's commentary, Mei continued her charge, missing initially but smoothly transitioning to a more succesful attack. After another, twirling kick kind of success, the shifter was sent backwards to take back the words. But still, the demonic redhead was not going to be dissuaded from her attack and carried on with the same ferocity as before.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 24 vs. 20 R, Hit!
R 24 vs. 22 M, Hit!
M 22 vs. 13 R, Hit!
R 19 vs. 21 M, Miss!
M 16 vs. 15 R, Hit!

Without pausing for a moment, Mei-Lien ran at Rosa to continue the attack, catching her just before she was truly ready and hit her with a hard body blow. Even so, the shapeshifter rolled with the punch, staying in close and returning the blow with one of her own; this proved to be a mistake. Despite the pain from her enhanced strength, Mei-Lien was able to stand in and dish out far more, another punch slamming in just above Rosa's eye, putting a cut in the eyebrow. She tried to launch a counterattack, but the demon caught her arm much as she had done herself earlier in the match, though Mei-Lien was able to follow through and break the limb, simultaneously planting her knee in Rosa's stomach. The shifter crumpled to the ground, the succubus still holding her shattered arm, and said "well damn. You picked it up after that nicely, well done." She quickly began to heal herself, continuing "we have time for one more before dinner, so come on" she said, a flail suddenly appearing in her hand. She backed off quickly, beginning to swing the thing, apparently interested in showing Mei-Lien some more exotic weaponry she might some day face.

6/6 HP

6/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Another exchange of blows followed, the two females smacking each other with all they got. But by some stroke of luck, Mei eventually came on top, snapping an arm while laying in a brutal knee to the guts. "Maybe I did. Not entirely sure how that went through. But sure, we can fight another one, never hurts." the redhead replied, assuming a stance of readiness. Seeing the weapon appear, the fighter decided on a grappling strategy. It would be hard to swing that thing around if you had to struggle at extreme close quarters with someone.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 7 vs. 23 R, Counter!
R 8 vs. 8 M, Miss!
M 10 vs. 22 R, Miss!
R 16 vs. 22 M, Miss!
M 25 vs. 10 R, Super Grappled!
R 7 vs. 25 M, Counter Grappled!

Mei-Lien charged at Rosa, trying to get inside of the range of her flail and grab her, but she wasn't successful, the heavy metal ball slamming into her stomach with significant momentum. The redhead staggered back a few steps, feeling as if she might be sick for a moment as she recovered from the powerful attack; if the shifter had managed to hit her just a little bit higher, the fight probably would have been over right then and there. Still, it took her a little while to get the flail back up to speed, giving Mei-Lien a bit of time before the shifter came at her and swung at her head. This gave the demon the opening she needed, ducking the heavy ball and tackling Rosa hard to the ground, separating her from her weapon and then quickly securing her arms; the shifter could only barely move her legs, and it seemed that the fight would probably be over very soon if Rosa wasn't able to escape immediately.

Rosa (Grappledx3, No attacks, -3 to Escape)
6/6 HP

4/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei's charge was stopped short initially, the swinging metal ball making her kind of shut down for a few seconds, such was the nastiness of the blow inflicted upon her. But she fought off the hard stomach blow, setting upon the flailing Rosa with a vengeance. The ball was slow and the redhead was quick, despite the somewhat hampering blow to the midsection. Dodging the second flailing, she was quickly on top of the situation, managing to get the shifter into a huge trouble in just a few paltry seconds of wrestling. Going in for a further lock, she would break the hapless Rosa if the submission got in any further.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 9 vs. 10 R, Failure!
M 17 vs. 7 R, Hit!
R 4 vs. 11 M, Failure!
M 16 vs. 23 R, Failure!
M 18 vs. 13 R, Hit!
R 14 vs. 23 M, Failure!
M 8 vs. 18 R, Failure!
M 13 vs. 21 R, Miss!
R 3 vs. 14 M, Failure!
M 17 vs. 9 R, Further Grappled!

Mei-Lien and Rosa struggled on the ground for quite some time, the two rolling around as the shifter desperately tried to throw the demon off of her. As they did so, the tail that had so gently brought her to orgasm earlier stabbed deeply and painfully into her legs, eventually weakening her kicking enough that Mei-Lien secured her fully in her grasp. The shifter let out a disappointed sigh, and then groans of pain as the succubus broke first her arms, and then her legs, ending the fight. "Well, now you know how to handle that" she said, waiting for Mei-Lien to get off of her before healing her limbs and standing up. "It's about time for dinner. Ready to go?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

There was a fair bit of flailing and rolling about the ground as Mei wrestled with Rosa, intending to bring her under control to be broken up. It was not succesfull at first, but the tail attack eventually granted the new demon that sought-after advantage. With her grip secured, the redhead set about the familiar task of snapping limbs, knowing that it would not harm the shifter in the slightest. Only a brief moment would pass with the incapacitation, and the pain would only make Rosa enjoy the whole thing more.

Once she had recovered, the shifter suggested dinner. "I don't see any reason why not to. Let us go." Mei replied, letting Rosa take them to the eatery.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Alright" Rosa replied, and soon they were in Mei-Lien's room again. "That was good, both parts of it. I enjoy having a sparring partner, and your mistress doesn't fight with me that often." The two started to walk towards the dining room, and got most of the way there, before the shifter stopped and said "you know, you won't be seeing as much of her for a while, the preparations for the coming battle will be too time-intensive, and she wants to leave you to your own devices in the evenings. I think she'd really appreciate it if you would take a little initiative in being with her in the coming days. Especially since you've been spending so much time with me lately" with a little giggle. "You don't have to, of course, but I think it would make her happy." Regardless of Mei-Lien's answer, they would move on to the dining room to find the table set and Erica and Hannah sitting and waiting for the two of them. Hannah seemed to be glistening with sweat, her hair matted to the back of her neck. It seemed the demon was pushing the mage hard in her training, despite the fact that the girl didn't seem to be likely to fight with them when the time came.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

While she did somewhat like the compliments, Mei did not show any signs of such as they went. Once they were behind the door of he dining area, Rosa stopped her for some advice about the mistress. "Hmm, I suppose I should try to find some spot where to do that. Will have to keep an eye out." she assured the shifter of her intentions. Inside, she saw Hannah had gone through quite a session of training, being all sweaty and messy in her looks. Sitting down on her spot at the table, the redhead offered an apologetic glance at the mage, feeling sorry for the girl and her brutal training regimens. She thought herself a harsh coach during their earlier stretching periods, but the mistress had her beat in this department.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah didn't respond much to Mei-Lien's glance, besides a slight smile. She seemed very tired, but she didn't seem upset about things. "I trust you've made a bit more progress for yourself on magic. I bet I'll be able to teach you the most basic things by tomorrow" Erica said, though it wasn't obvious if it was a compliment or not. The food was much more simple tonight, and not quite as good as normal; in addition to training her magic, Erica seemed to be training Hannah's non-existent cooking skills. Still, it wasn't terrible. "Anyway, you're free to go after you finish your meal. And by the way, you needn't go naked like that if you don't want to. You've earned the right to wear clothes by now" her mistress said, slowly munching some greens.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Still feeling a bit bad for the mage, Mei enjoyed her simpler meal in the relative silence of their foodtime. Still, the mistress had something to say, and she did listen to the elder demoness' things. "Not sure how to take that, but sure. Magic it will be, come tomorrow." They entire group went at the food, which was no doubt somewhat influenced by Hanna's touch. Maybe this was what she had been training for during her absence, the redhead could not really say. After some more munching on food, the new demon suggested that she come along with Erica today if the mistress wanted to, remembering what Rosa had suggested just a while ago.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien finished up her meal, she suggested that she come along with Erica, drawing a raised eyebrow from the demon. "Hm? Well, I was going to clean up after dinner and go to bed. You feeling frisky or want to cuddle?" As this conversation was going on, Rosa came over to whisper to Hannah, who gently touched Mei-Lien's arm before getting up and following the shifter towards the direction of the baths, likely cleaning herself up before bed. "Or maybe you have some other thing in mind?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I think that is up to you mistress. It was just something I was suggested some time ago. I can help you out with the cleaning too, if it's not a terrible idea." the martial artist demon replied, letting the two others go for now as she maintained attention on the elder succubus. "No, there was really no other plans. We have agreed to nothing really." she continued after the second questions that came when they had finished.