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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien turned and walked a short distance towards the battle, and surveying it she would see that while the soldiers outnumbered her slimes, they were doing relatively badly; this didn't seem to be the place where elite warriors were posted. She could choose to step into any of the fights she chose.

Soldier 1
3/4 HP

Soldier 2
3/5 HP

Slime 1
2/5 HP


Soldier 3
1/4 HP

Slime 2
2/4 HP


Soldier 4
3/6 HP

Slime 3
3/5 HP


Soldier 5
2/4 HP

Slime 4
4/4 HP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Oh dear, this might get ugly... " Mei though as she witnessed the chaos of a human vs slimes battle. Despite the earlier info about the guards, these men did not seem too bad, or were just having a good run of luck against their gelatinous adversaries. Seeing there was a slime in good condition yet, Mei chose to join herself into the battle between soldier 5 and slime 4 due to the slime's seeming untouchedness. It would be able to help her with others and maintain it's health fo a while yet if she took the soldier out.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 15 vs. 11 S5
Sl4 21 vs. 5 S5, Critical Hit!

M 12 vs. 15 S3, Miss!
Sl4 8 vs. 11 S3, Miss!
Sl2 3 vs. 14 S3, Miss!
S3 3 vs. 5 Sl2, Miss!
M 23 vs. 21 S3, Hit!

Mei-Lien quickly set upon one of the soldiers fighting her slime army, giving him a swift kick in the leg that forced him to the ground and caused him to let out a shout of pain and surprise, setting him up for the slime to engulf him completely. It seemed to choke the air out of him just long enough to knock him unconscious, and then moved on with Mei-Lien to another individual battle. This time she and two slimes assaulted the weakest-looking soldier, though he managed to keep them at bay for a while with skilled spear-work. Still, he couldn't fend off three opponents forever, and his attack against the slime opened him up for a punch to the side of the head, crumpling him to the ground. Having swiftly taken care of two of the battles, Mei-Lien's victorious group was soon joined by a third slime, which had taken care of its opponent. Meanwhile, where they had a numerical advantage the soldiers managed to defeat the slime they were facing, leaving the battlefield uncomplicated now. They were outnumbered and in bad shape, but they seemed more skilled and determined than the others had been.

Solider 1
2/4 HP

Soldier 2
3/5 HP

4/6 FP

Slime 2
2/4 HP

Slime 3
2/5 HP

Slime 4
4/4 HP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Moving into the fray, Mei's entry attack took down a soldier and opened him up for a slime engulfing. Letting the nicely-doing slime finish the man off, she moved swiftly to another duel. The soldier at this particular fight was not doing too well, but still managed to hold off the opposition with a practised spear. The pointy stick was not enough to fend the battle-eager demoness away though, and he soon joined the head-damaged squad as the redhead smashed him to the side of the head and dropped him.

Now the fild was relatively unchaotic, it was her and a trio of slimes against a pair of soldiers. These ones were a tad above the others in skill, but they would fall before the attacks of the demoness and the slimes. Ordering all the slimes to target the same soldier, she picked the other as her prey.

(Have the slimes attack the soldier with 3 hp, Mei will take the one with 2)
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 7 vs. 5 S1, Hit!
Sl2 6 vs. 8 S2, Miss!
Sl3 11 vs. 12 S2, Miss!
Sl4 7 vs. 12 S2, Miss!
S1 7 vs. 7 M, Miss!
S2 19 vs. 16 Sl2, Hit!

M 13 vs. 14 S1, Miss!
Sl2 17 vs. 15 S2, Hit!
Sl3 22 vs. 9 S2, Hit!
Sl4 18 vs. 17 S2, Hit!
S1 15 vs. 12 M, Hit!

M 23 vs. 10 S1, Hit!

Mei-Lien attacked the weaker soldier, hitting him with a devastating body blow, though in return she's only saved from a painful slash from his sword by the chainmail draped over her shoulders. For their parts the slimes were ineffective at first, flailing at the second soldier, one of them being stabbed with the man's lance. Mei-Lien's next attack on the swordsman didn't manage to connect, and he himself got in a cut to her torso, though he had to get too low to do it, and the demon elbowed him hard in the back of the neck, knocking him out cold. Meanwhile, the slimes swarmed their enemy, engulfing him completely and managing to dissolve his weapon. Now all of the soldiers were either dead or unconscious, except for the one the slimes were holding... Oddly enough the started to drag him towards their fallen comrade, the limp and incoherent bits of slime still laying on the ground where they had fallen. Though Mei-Lien couldn't hear the slimes "speak" or anything of the like, but for some reason she could feel that they wanted her to do something with their captive. "What are you... doing...? Where the hells did you come from?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After a few botches and successes on her performance, the redhead managed to take yet another soldier down, knocking him out less violently than the previous ones she had finished. The slimes did their part as well, getting the final one into a completely restrained state, even disarming him permanently by melting away the lance he was bearing with a pretty good way. This man was not a standard line soldier, but it did not matter Mei one bit. All were equally targeted by her for execution. Seeing the slimes move and shiver about somewhat curiously, she moved her had on the knife she was carrying. "That I leave for you to ponder. The information wouldn't do you any good regardless, you'll be dead soon." the demoness replied to the man, shifting attention towards the slimes. "What is it? You want me to kill him? Or...?" she inquired from them, looking for some kind of sign as a reply since she was not entirely sure what they requested.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The soldier looked at her with some anger in his eyes for a bit before sighing and closing them, seemingly resigned to his fate. For their part the slimes pushed him so that his neck was hovering just over their fallen comrade. Mei-Lien would probably be able to figure out that they seemed to want her to spill the soldier's blood onto their brother.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Good, no crying like a wimp. You got a suitable level of pride about you, too bad I can't let you live..." the demonic redhead said to the man, the soldier having just accepted his fate with a cool head. As she seemed to get a hint from the slimes, Mei drew her knife and moved closer to the man, setting the blade against his neck. "Hope it gets better in the next world..." she gave the man her send-off, then drew the edge across his neck, slicing his throat open and allowing the blood to leak out onto the bits and pieces of the non-moving slime. After that was done, she stepped back to see what would happen.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Not likely, I think. Free her" the soldier said quietly as Mei-Lien put her knife against his neck. Soon after she slit his throat, and he died quietly and without a fuss. His blood flowed out onto the bits of slime, the other slimes holding the man's corpse steady as his blood drained out. After a time the flow slowed to a trickle, but the slime beneath him began to stir as the other slimes laid his body to one side. The fallen slime, once aqua, was now quite pink, and slowly moving around again, replenished by the soldier's vital fluids. Now she had 4 more unconscious soldiers to deal with, and of course the man's statement to worry about. As she pondered, Rosa perched on her shoulder, still in crow form, eying the scene.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Oh... only one thing that can mean..." Mei thought as she nonetheless ended the man's life to fuel a slime's return to life in a color-changing episode. It looked like the parent were missing their little girl. This was something she had to talk about with the mage once they were back and in private, though Rosa no doubt picked the line up as well. What she would do with the knowledge would be another thing to stir the pot, but time would tell what came of it. Letting the slimes go about their business, she went to see that the other soldiers were relieved of their lives as well, not bothering with the knife but simply choking them instead.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien quickly choked the life out of the rest of the soldiers, ending the garrison without problems. As she did so, Rosa flew over to the door of the barracks, perching on it and waiting. "I think you ought to check inside. I think that's what he meant, anyway" the shapeshifter projected into the redhead's mind, her crow head tilted to one side.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As the final soldier lost his life, Mei heard Rosa's communique in her mind. "Oh yes. I should not forget to sweep the are completely..." she said, taking the words to heart and going for the door to see if there really was something or someone inside.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As she entered the door, Mei-Lien was greeted by a fairly typical barracks. Neat and orderly, with a single room and seven small beds in two rows, with one on the end of the room. Of course, on the bed pushed against the back wall was a what looked to be girl, though Mei-Lien could see nothing of her but her raised ass. She was covered in dried cum, spunk leaking slowly out of her ass. As the redhead approached her she would be able to see that the girl was quite young, just barely an adult, and that much of her body was also covered in dried cum, the bed stained with both the soldiers' seed and flecks of blood. Her face was buried in the pillow, her arms tied tightly to the bedposts.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmph, color me unimpressed..." Mei thought as she eyed the building. It was as average as a barracks would be, with all them beds and soldiery stuff. But there was a girl in the back, abused to the point of breaking, possibly already broken, such was her condition. Despite her newfound demonic status, the sight was unwanted to the redhead. Cutting off the ropes, she released the girl, but considered her afterwards. Going out and looking for Rosa, she inquired if they would have a use for the girl back at the castle.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien cut the girl free she made a slight noise, looking up from the pillow as she rubbed her sore wrists. There was a nearly empty look in her eyes, but she at least seemed to be responsive. As the redhead went outside again Rosa perched on her shoulder once more. "I don't think there's a use for her back home, nor should there be. We should probably take her back to her village and hope her loved ones didn't come after her to save her. Part of our goal is to stop this sort of thing, and to help people like her, after all" the shapeshifter related. "You'd have to swear them to secrecy, of course, but it'd be good also to set their minds at ease about their situation, now that those bastards are dead."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"This is mighty strange stuff for a demon group to be doing. I thought we were supposed to be the big, bad invaders and conquerors. Not some strange group of rescuers...." Mei replied in her mind as she heard Rosa speak out. "Maybe just slip her near the village at night? Avoid having to make any contact with the people that way?" she inquired, picking up the girl from her abuse spot and taking her for a carry.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Mmm, you are in a way. But we don't conquer to rule, or invade simply for the fun of it. We are here to strike down the sorts of wicked people who would blatantly abuse their power this way. We aren't here to indiscriminately kill" Rosa replied, though she wasn't sure if the message would get through or not. "You could do that, yes, that would work" she eventually said in reply to Mei-Lien's idea about leaving the girl just outside the village. The shapeshifter then took to the air, waiting for the redhead. When the demon picked up the abused girl, she made a quiet, incoherent sound, looking up at Mei-Lien with her still mostly blank eyes as she was cradled in the succubus' strong arms. Finally she nuzzled herself against the redhead's body, allowing herself to be carried along.

When they got back out Rosa flew on ahead, showing Mei-Lien the way. It wasn't very long before they reached the outskirts of the small farming community, allowing the redhead to set down her charge. As she began to walk away the girl looked up at her once more and quietly said "th...ank... you..." with a little bit of the light having returned to her eyes. "See? Doesn't that just make you feel better?" Rosa asked, circling overhead as she waited for Mei-Lien to start heading back.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmm, alright then. I think I see your point. It's more of a thing with class or caste. It's kinda like that benevolent thief story..." the redhead replied as they exited the house. Following after the bird-shaped Rosa, she ignored any attempts from the girl to communicate, though there were none really.

The place was not far away, so the group got there in remarkably rapid pace. Letting the girl down, Mei turned to walk away, not showing any signs of acknowledgeing the thank you she got from the rescued girl. "She'll be better off just forgetting the whole thing..." the demonic redhead thought as she departed from the scene. With her mission accomplished, she would head back home after the slimes had joined them.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Benevolent thief story?" Rosa asked, a hint of curiosity in her mind's voice. Once they had dropped the girl off, they quickly headed off towards the castle again, the slimes soon joining them along the way. For some reason they seemed... happy. Mei-Lien couldn't quite pin down how she knew this, but she did.

By the time the weird group got within sight of the castle it was getting fairly late in the afternoon, almost evening, after having trekked quite a ways on foot. Standing outside were Erica and Hannah, though the demon walked back inside when she saw the group approach. Hannah bowed at Mei-Lien when she got close, saying "it's good to see you back. We made dinner for the two of you already. Well, she made dinner, I tried to help." Rosa quickly shifted into her usual form, walking alongside Mei-Lien towards the castle.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Well, there is this story about a former member of the royalty turning thief and helping the poor by robbing the rich with a bunch of fellow men. This somewhat reminds of that tale." Mei replied, giving out the skinny of this story called Robin Hood as the entire group went on their merry way back towards home.

A familiar reception was waiting for the group as they reached the castle, Erica going away as she saw them but Hannah staying to properly greet the victorious group. "Really now? We'll have to go and eat that stuff soon then. And you don't need to bow at me silly." the redhead talked back once the mage spoke up, showing her interest towards food after the hours of trekking and fighting. They all moved on once Rosa ascended and shifted back to her usual female form, heading back inside to eat and do other stuff in a group, given the desires of the mistress of course.