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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah sighed at the last comment. "It was just... awkward. It wasn't too bad, but I just... I'm not made that way." she replied as Mei-Lien finally pulled the anal plug free. In a blink they were back with the shapeshifter around the table, as if nothing had happened. "I trust you two two enjoyed yourselves?" the shifter asked, to which Hannah nodded.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hearing the mage's comments as she undid the plug from her rear, Mei nodded at Hannah as the nasty piece of work was dropped down to the floor. Before it could properly settle down on the mindscape ground, the pair were back at the table again. The shifter remained as efficient as ever. "It was a brief, but still pleasurable enough distraction. the redhead shared her own mind about the scene


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Mmm, I see. That's good to hear. I like it when my guests have fun" the shapeshifter replied, sitting back in her chair for a bit. "So, will you stay for a bit with me, Mei-Lien, or should I send both of you back?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a brief consideration, Mei gave her reply to the courteous shifter. "I suppose I could stay for a while still, don't think there's much other meaningful things to be done at the moment. I think she gets to go back?" the redhead gave her reply, patting Hannah on the top of her head.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah blushed and replied "I don't think I would want to stay, no. I'll see you when you get back" as she placed a hand on Mei-Lien's shoulder, and then was transported out. At the same time, in the blink of an eye Mei-Lien and the shifter were back in the spot they had been the first time the redhead had come to the shifter's headspace, surrounded by torture devices, though the shifter seemed to be finishing up another cup of tea. "So what'll it be this time, hm?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Giving a brief bye-gesture to the mage, Mei saw her dissappear as the landscape shifted to the first one she had seen in this mindscape, the one with all the nastier devices of maiming and torture, both sexual or outright brutal. At their little tea table, the shifter inquired further about the possible activities. "That's what you could tell me, asking me to be here still. Such a bad host."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Hmm... Well, I suppose I could introduce you to real pain, unlike your little mage friend, though I hesitate, because you wouldn't enjoy it in the way I do." the shapeshifter replied, smirking as she finished her tea and sat the cup down on the table. "And far be it from me to tell you what to do. You get enough of that during the day I think, outside here. Think of this place as your home away from home, where you can kick back and relax or let loose with everything you've got, in any way you please."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"This stuff again..." the redhead thought as she listened, quickly sipping up the tea in front of her to prepare a little surprise for the preachy shifter. When there was a suitable opening, Mei tossed her cup at the female being's face off-handedly, toppling her from the chair. Before the other tea-sipper could gather herself of the floor, the fighter had leaped over the table and landed on her back. Pulling her head up by the hair, she addressed the shifter in that cold torturer voice from before. "This is the way you want to go? I can think of some things to try, but I think I should ask the host's ok for it first..."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien's teacup hit the shapeshifter right between the eyes, the sudden and nonchalant throw managing to catch her off guard and startle her out of her chair. Before she could get up Mei-Lien had already bounded over the table and was on her back, grabbing her hair and yanking her head up to speak with her. "Ahhh... I'm okay with it. Do what pleases you" she replied, slowly stretching her arms back behind her against the ground, without a hint of resistance.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Too submissive, that is what you are... Mei said as she picked herself off the shifter's back, dragging her along and towards a small winch-lift thingie. Taking out a trio of big hooks, she stuck two of them into the shifter's back, working them so that they slid through her ribs and made escape without assistance almost impossible. The final hook, a blunt one, she inserted into the being's rearhole without too much carefulness. Even as the shifter bled out from the holes in her back, the redhead winched her up into suspension, just off the ground so she couldn't reach her feet to the floor. It was a slightly angled position, with all of the hooks getting an equal amount of shared weight to keep it as uncomfortable as possible, especially the ass-tearing one. With the creature hanging there, Mei considered her options. "Use that transforming body of yours to please me a bit. I need to come up with something for you, so a little enjoyment in the meantime wouldn't hurt..." she said, encouraging the action with tug at the cheek for some reason.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a brief moment Mei-Lien got up off the shapeshifter's back, dragging her by the hair toward a contraption that hadn't been used in so long that she had forgotten it was there. The redhead swiftly attached three hooks to the wires of the winch system, one of them thick and blunt, the others sharp and barbed. Mei-Lien quickly stabbed the sharp ones into the shapeshifter's back, causing her to squeal out in pain as the redhead wiggled the hooks into place around her ribs. The other blunt hook was forcefully jammed into her tight anus and then worked deep into her rectum, eliciting another pained yelp.

Mei-Lien then lifted the shapeshifter up with the winch until her kicking legs couldn't reach the ground, leaving her suspended painfully by the hooks, which tugged upward on her ribcage and tore at her ass. "Ahhh... of course..." the shifter replied to Mei-Lien's command, and soon four tentacles extended from her side. Two of them hovered in front of the redhead's ample chest for a short while before their tips grew into hands, which quickly reached out to grab Mei-Lien's breasts, the soft appendages gently kneading the redhead's flesh, fingers expertly stimulating her nipples. The other two hovered around Mei-Lien's lower body, the thicker one teasing Mei-Lien's slit until she was wet, and then quickly but gently entered her, slowly thrusting in and out, while the other, much smaller tentacle began to play with the redhead's clit, eventually wrapping around it and gently squeezing. The shapeshifter would continue these attentions towards Mei-Lien until ordered to stop, keeping it up until the redhead came if she so desired.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Not entirely sure what to do with the strung-up shifter, Mei took to considering her possibilities while having some pleasure from the other being's transforming body and the different appendages it could provide. A quartet of tentacles sneaked throught the air and towards her naked, glamorous form, setting to work as soon as they reached her. Eyeing them as they stopped briefly, the redhead saw the ones at chest level form into hands, each of the two taking a breast for a massage. The orbs were covered up nicely by the large-ish hands, which soon started to knead them about, a pair of finger taking the nipples under work as well. Simultaneously, the pair going at the lower level started to carry out their parts as well. One, the bigger of the pair, did a fast rub-tease warmup to the martial artist, making her wet up with quickness. Once it realized the redhead was willing and ready, it pushed itself inside without further ado, getting help from it's thin friend which did a wrap-up around Mei's clit to apply a gentle squeeze on the nub. Despite her best efforts, the girl was soon swept of her feet, the rising ecstasy making her a bit weak on the knees. On the ground now, the former champion was brough to a moaning orgasm, her fit form bending upwards a bit as she got the release she was looking for.

After the tentacles had lifted her up and vanished back into the shifter's body, Mei went over to the big tool rack and looked for something. What she finally got out from there was a cat-o-nine-tails, a wicked whip of sorts with nine lashing straps. But this one was not an ordinary one of it's kind, each lash bearing a sharpened, bladed hook at the end. "Let's see how this handles..." she mumbled, cracking the thing at the air before bringing it to bear on the shifter's flesh. Initially the redhead had thought that it would just leave cuts in it's wake, but this tool was not so kind, instead sinking in and remaining lodged in the target until she would yank it away. Seeing this happen, a cruel smile formed onto her features, and the former champion tore away the whip with all the force she could muster, leaving nasty, deep wounds behind. "I think I like this thing...." she said, taking a hook at her lips and tasting the blood on it before carrying on with the torture.

Once the shifter had been reduced to a savagely bleeding, ragged body hanging in the hooks did Mei stay her hand, hardly no spots left which did not have blood after her abusive beating. Tossing away the whip, she went up to her "victim", tugging at the blunt hook in her rear to draw a few pained sounds before she lifted them up to remove the hook. With the shifter's legs now on the ground but the hooks still tensed up, she crept up to her, feeling her up from behind briefly. "So, was it good?" she said, teasing the still-hooked being's chest, getting herself bloodied in the process. After a bit of that, she moved over to the front, deciding to taste the blood from a few select points of her body before moving in to kiss the shifter. As Mei wrapped her arms around the other, she pulled up at a hook while kissing, to mix in some pain among the gentle kissing. "I think I owe you something..." the redhead said as she briefly withdrew her mouth from the kiss, soon planting her lips back as she started to rub her body against the shifter's to paint both of them red as her hair was, one hand going down to massage the being's womanhood. She would keep this trio of actions up until the shifter got her climax, tugging at the hooks with her other hand while the other carried on with the lower area rub.

"Did we have enough, Rosa? That's what I'm going to call you from now on, whether you like it or not" Mei asked once she had seen the shifter cum. If the other was willing, they should probably go back or something. There might be things to be done in the real world.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien’s pleasure built her legs began to go weak, and another tentacle shot out from the shapeshifter’s body to cradle the redhead’s back, gently lowering her down to the ground as she moaned. Another few minutes of tender lovemaking from the tentacles Mei-Lien came, her body bending in her pleasure. When she was done the tentacle gently pulled out of her, and they helped her up and then retreated back into the smiling shapeshifter’s body. "It’s nice to see you enjoy yourself" she called out as Mei-Lien went to find a proper implement to torture the shifter. "You get the most wonderful look on your face when you’re really feeling it."

The shapeshifter watched after Mei-Lien intently as she looked through the tools, eager to see what she would be experiencing. When the redhead picked out the hooked cat-o-nine-tails and cracked it, the shapeshifter trembled on the hooks, unable to contain her excitement. As Mei-Lien whipped the thing into her flesh the hooks stuck into her back, digging in painfully, and she let out a scream, anticipating the moment when Mei-Lien would jerk the hooks out of her. "Ahh… yes… your face looks… beautiful… with that look on it too…" she moaned out, just before the redhead jerked back, all of the hooks ripping and tearing deep wounds in the shapeshifter’s back. She let out a loud screech, filled with both agony and pleasure. As Mei-Lien licked the shifter’s blood off one of the hooks she whimpered, staring lustfully at the redhead as she waited to be utterly destroyed. Mei-Lien soon gave her what she wanted, whipping her viciously with the wicked instrument. Again and again the hooks dug into the shapeshifter’s back, sides, and front, drawing a yelp of pain out her and then giving her that few seconds of glorious waiting before they ripped through her flesh. Her pained screams increasingly turned into moans of ecstasy, her body shuddering on the meathooks that held her in place. As Mei-Lien continued the whipping she sometimes sunk the hooks in deep enough to tear the shapeshifter’s flesh to the very bone, and the thought flitted in her mind that the redhead might just keep beating her until her body “died.” Her pussy practically gushed, her love juices running down her legs along with streams of blood.

Mei-Lien finally did stop whipping her, but not before she had been beaten savagely. She was bleeding profusely from all over her body, and strips of her flesh hung off her body, revealing the muscle underneath. She panted heavily, hanging limply until Mei-Lien tugged the blunt hook in her ass painfully a few times, finally popping it out of the abused and stretched hole. Her feet touched the ground again, though they didn’t work particularly well, only just enough to keep the hooks still curled around her ribs from digging into her too hard. As the shapeshifter concentrated on standing, Mei-Lien pressed herself against her bloody and torn back, groping her breasts. She gasped, trembling at the redhead’s touch, and moaned out "ohhhh it was amazing…" The continued teasing drew soft moans of pleasure, the little stings of pain whenever Mei-Lien rubbed up against a spot where the cat-o-nine-tails had hit her amplifying the gratification she received from the gentle touches to her breasts. After a short while of that Mei-Lien moved around to her front, licking and kissing at the shapeshifter’s wounds in order to taste her blood. The shifter shuddered weakly, the act serving to turn her on more, and her honey dripped even more copiously down her legs, pooling with a significant amount of blood on the floor.

The redhead soon moved up to kiss the shapeshifter, and found her eager and enthusiastic, her tongue passionately darting against Mei-Lien’s and earning the coppery taste of her own blood. As the tender kissing continued, Mei-Lien reached around and tugged one of the hooks embedded in her, sending a shiver of pain through her body. The redhead then began to grind her body against the shapeshifter’s own, smearing herself with blood and also stimulating the shifter with a stinging pain as her wounds were rubbed against. At the same time Mei-Lien began to gently rub at the shapeshifter’s sopping cunt, massaging it insistently as she tugged again and again on the hook. The mixture of pleasurable and painful stimulations soon set the shifter off, and she screamed into Mei-Lien’s mouth as she came hard, her love juices spraying out forcefully around the redhead’s fingers and onto the ground. "R…Rosa…? That’s… a nice name. Yes, I’m sated, and if you want you can go back. Can you please… winch me back up until I can’t touch the ground first…?" the shifter asked, her face seeming content and satisfied, though it seemed she wanted to bask in the helpless pain for as long as her badly bleeding body would allow her.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Enjoy yourself, I suppose..." Mei replied to Rosa's request, going over to the winch of the small crane device and lifting the still-hooked shifter upwards by the two remaining hooks under her ribs. A few spins later she would be suspended helplessly again, which the redhead continued to look at until something happened. Such a strange creature, this Rosa was...


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien winched Rosa up the shapeshifter let out soft moans, finally kicking her legs a little back and forth as they were lifted off the ground. "Thank you, this was fun" she said, giving Mei-Lien a warm smile just before the redhead found herself back in the dining room, exactly where she had been. Hannah was sitting at the table, her heat resting on it, and it seemed likely that she had fallen asleep waiting for Mei-Lien.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With the shifter's final words, Mei was returned back to the dining area where they had enjoyed the tea previously, Hannah too still there. The mageling had fallen asleep, something that slightly puzzled the redhead. "Was I gone that long? Maybe I was..." she thought, prodding at the wiry girl's cheek to get her back up again. They should posibly go to sleep now or something, as the mistress had not planned anything for the rest of the day. But if there was something else that she needed to look into, Mei would be eager to please.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The poking quickly roused Hannah, who let out a yawn and stretched slightly. "I must have just passed out there waiting for you. It's been kind of a long day. Did you two... enjoy yourselves?" she asked as she got up. It was obviously getting pretty late, and Mei-Lien herself was getting sort of tired, so Hannah asked "should we go to bed? I haven't had the chance to properly massage you in a while."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With Hannah's awakening, Mei was immidiately questioned. "She did, very much. And I suppose I did too, at least a bit." the redhead replied, not going into further gore details, lest the mage's mind be disturbed with thoughts about such sanguine events. She was moderately tired, and with her suggestion, Hannah appeared to be as well. "Sounds like an idea that. Who knows what will happen next, so resting might be a good idea." the martial artist said, waiting for the girl to gather herself before they would head out towards bed.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hm..." Hannah muttered, seeming a bit lost in thought as she got up and followed Mei-Lien back to her little room. "You know... I wouldn't mind it if you wanted to tie me up like that some time. You'd have to be relatively gentle with me, but I think I could enjoy it" she said, likely thinking back to what she had done with the redhead earlier. When they got back to the room Hannah would wait patiently for Mei-Lien to either start any sort of exercises she wanted or to lay down on the bed, so that the mage could practice her massage technique on her.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Somewhat weirded out by Hannah's sudden ideas, Mei did not outright bash them to the ground still. "I'll... see if there is a spot for that." she replied as they headed back to the redhead's smallish, sparsely furnished room. Once they did reach the place, the martial artist would start up a practise session. It had been a few days since she had performed one, so there was catching up to do. Once the brief but intense exercise was done with, Hannah could have a go at her mistress with her massage thing. Mei had always liked it, so she would not go denying the mage in this matter.