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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"We might as well go for it now, we still have a little bit of time before dark, and there's a few markets between here and the inn we've been staying at" Hannah replied as she hopped out of the boat, now satisfied that it wasn't going anywhere. She led Mei-Lien back through the winding, narrow streets again, getting through the richer parts of town before finally getting through to the less well off section right behind the gates. She made a quick stop off at a marketplace, buying a simple backpack with a decent amount of storage space. The sun was just starting to dip below the city walls.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After getting Hannah's agreement, Mei went with her as the mage took the two along the paths of the city. At a certain store, she went in to pick up a backpack for any future needs. It looked like a good, sturdy piece of kit in the fighter's eyes, not too fancy with enough space inside to haul most findings along with them during future sojourns into weird and wonderful places.

"So, it's back to the inn then?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Might as well" Hannah replied, leading Mei-Lien back to the inn where they had stayed when they were in the city. When they got to the front desk the woman in charge said "oh, you're back, I was worried about you. When you hadn't come back after a couple days I thought something might have happened to you out wherever you were traveling." They paid in the customary way and were led up to the room they had been stayed in when they were here, closing the door just as the sun finally set, the last rays of light poking through the curtains.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Well, we're here again. Took a few days to investigate the most recent place." Mei shared a bit with the inn lady, who's hard work at keeping the estabilishment proper she kinda respected.

The familiar room was there for them, pretty much in the same condition as it had been when they left, though tidyed up. "Hmmm, might be that time again..." the redhead said, keeping up with her schedules by starting her daily regimen after setting away her weapons to the table.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Sounds like a plan" Hannah said, joining Mei-Lien in her stretches and exercises. The young mage seemed to be putting more effort into keeping up with the redhead these last few times, despite her poor conditioning.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah still seemed to be keen on joining Mei in her regimes, and the fighter could approve of seeking self-improvement, one way or the other. With that in mind, she decided to do a somewhat longer and harder routine. Despite that, she warned the mage to not try the splits stretches she had been doing after the three-day sleep had ended. Eventually, she drove the exercise to an end, sweating somewhat afterwards.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah kept up as best as she could, but by the end of Mei-Lien's routine she was having trouble. Mei-Lien didn't have to tell the girl twice not to try the split stretches, and she used that time to catch her breath a bit. When they were finished she was more than a little sweaty and tired. "That was a little tough" she muttered, wondering if there was any sort of bathing facility at this inn.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Yes, feel the full-bodied effort. That's what you need in order to improve." Mei thought upon seeing Hannah struggle with the training. When she finished, the mage was visibly tired and all sweaty. "Only one way to find out, ask the innkeeper. Wouldn't hurt to take a bath or something along those lines."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two made their way down to the service desk, to find the innkeeper's young daughter manning the post. "There's a communal bath jus' down the hall" she replied, pointing. "Towels an everything." Hannah and Mei-Lien made their way down the hall to find a fairly small open area with an enormous, old-style clawfoot bathtub. There were a few buckets next to a spigot coming up from the ground; it would seem that they had to pump their own water up from a well and heat it themselves with magic. In all it was a small, primitive setup, but then again this was a pretty small, cheap inn.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Looks like we got some work ahead of us.." were Mei's words as she saw the set-up of the bathing area. The redhead grabbed a bucket and started getting water into it from the pump, urging Hannah to start heating it up. She'd do as much as it needed to get the tub filled, stripping and entering when they finally got the job done
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien filled a bucket full of water, Hannah heated it with her magic, then walking it over to pour into the bathtub as the redhead got to work on pumping out more water. It was a fair bit of work to prepare the bath, but together they managed to get it done relatively soon, and Mei-Lien quickly stripped down and got into the bath. Hannah blushed only slightly as she followed suit, perhaps a little bit more comfortable about being naked around the redhead. It was relatively spacious for a bathtub, but it probably wouldn't hold a third person, so it isn't much of a "communal" bath. Hannah sighed and laid relaxing against the side of the tub for a while before submerging herself completely, taking some time to get the sweat out of her hair and off her body.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei sighed with contentment after having leaned back against the tub. "It's always the pleasures you work for the hardest that you end up enjoying the most..." she thought out loud. The fighter took time to wash up properly, having less sweat but a lot more hair to take care of. Her hair was much longer than Hannah's, after all.

When she had spent enough time in the tub to satisfy herself, Mei would get up to wipe herself with a towel and get dressed before departing for the room. Unless Hannah had something else in mind, that is
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah got out of the tub soon after Mei-Lien and took a little time to clean up by evaporating the water with her magic, then toweling herself off and dressing herself again. She didn't seem to have anything else in mind to do, so she followed Mei-Lien back up to the room.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei saw Hannah heat up the water in their wake, making it steam away soon. It was an efficient method to get rid of the liquid. With that taken care of, the two headed out and back to their room.

"So, are you up for a nice massage or do we just hit the sack for now?" the redhead asked as they settled into the room, peeling out from her clothes as she said it
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I'm fine with a massage" Hannah said, getting up onto the bed and waiting for Mei-Lien to do so as well. When the redhead was in position, she would feel the mage's magically warmed hands go to work on her shoulders. She had apparently gotten a little bit better at controlling her magic since the last time she had done this, and it enhanced the relaxing effect of the massage quite a bit. She gave careful attention to Mei-Lien's shoulders and neck, then moving to give her arms a rubdown. That done she moved to the fighter's back, firmly working it with her heated fingers, moving down the length of her back after thorough work. If Mei-Lien could see her face, she would note a contented smile on the girl's face; she seemed to enjoy this quite a lot. When she was done with Mei-Lien's lower back she hesitated for a moment, remembering her instructions from last time. Finally she worked her way down, her warm hands gently kneading the flesh of Mei-Lien's butt. She did a particularly thorough job here, spending perhaps more time than necessarily, though she did nothing out of the ordinary for a massage, before finally making her way down the fighter's legs. She worked out any kinks in those, and finished up with a firm rubbing of the redhead's feet.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah had clearly improved her magical control, as the massage was much more enjoyable than the previous times. Mei almost fell asleep during the rubdown, such was the levels of relaxation. She grew a smirk as the mage did lay hands on her butt like she had permitted her before.

Once Hannah was finished with the thorough rubbing, the redhead could hardly make a move. But she decided to return the favor, trying to at least give something back to the enamored girl. With a quick move, she snatched the mage in her embrace, pressing her naked body against Hannah's. "This is what you'd want... right? We'll sleep this way." Mei said.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

When Mei-Lien suddenly reached out to hold Hannah in a tight embrace the young mage eeped, blushing as she wrapped her own arms around the redhead, silently laying her head on the pillow. "Thank you" she said quietly, looking up at Mei-Lien as she drifted off to sleep in her arms.

When the redhead woke up, she would find herself still locked in the embrace with a softly snoring Hannah, the first hints of daylight starting to poke through the curtains.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah did seem to approve having the opportunity to sleep in Mei's embrace, as one would expect from someone loving the other. They held on to each other as the night fell, and the girls soon fell asleep.

The two of them were still locked to each other as the redhead woke up, though the mage was sleeping still. "I'll let her dream her silly dreams. She'll like to stay like this longer anyways..." the girl thought, letting Hannah's waking decide when to get up.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah slept peacefully for a few more minutes, until the light really started to poke through the curtains. She let out a little grumbling mumble before opening her eyes, and then recoiling a little in surprise as before she remembered how she had gone to bed. "Good... morning..." she said quietly, still holding on loosely.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Morning indeed, sleepy. Didn't want to wake you from your no doubt silly fantasies, so I let you nap on some more." Mei gave out her reply, not letting Hannah go for a few minutes after that either. But eventually she got up, slipping her nude form out from the bed.

Once Hannah had gathered her sleepy mind, Mei would signal the morning routine's start with a stance. The mage did what she wanted while the redhead did a lighter routine this time around, with some slow and steady Tai Chi-type moves in there