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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Well... I would love to explore more of the island with you, if that's okay. We can go in and sell these jewels for your pay, and then head out to another set of ruins, if that's okay with you" Hannah replied, fidgeting with her hands as she did.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh great... I've gained a fangirl..." Mei thought as she was asked to stay for another ruin hop in the immidiate future. But she didn't have anything else to do within the current situation, and a wealthy backup was something she could live with. "Hmm.. alright, staying with you is likely better than most of the other jobs I saw. I'll stick with you for now. the redhead said, agreeing to Hannah's suggestion.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Thank you" Hannah replied, leading the way to the gates. A new set of soldiers was on guard today, neither of them very talkative, and they were soon through to the city. "Follow me, I know a jeweler a few blocks away that buys things like this often" Hannah said, leading Mei-Lien through the city in a roundabout, zig-zagging way, which was sort of odd to the fighter. It was actually a good deal farther into the city than the mage had indicated, and the houses slowly changed from humble, small abodes for the more well-off poor, to a sort of open air market where mostly food and necessities were sold. Tucked in between a stand selling what looked like watermelons and a stand with simple clothing was a small, unlabeled stand, which seemed to have nothing up for sale. "It doesn't look like much, but the owner is a good, honest man. My family has always done business with him" Hannah explained as she walked up.

"Why hello there, Hannah" the old man behind the stand said in greeting, "what can I do for you today?" He looked a bit strange, really, his clothing worn and old, but exotic, as if it didn't come from this area. He had a mop of gray hair that was totally wild and unkempt, even though everything else about him seemed orderly and more or less pristine. "My friend and I were looking to sell you these" she replied, pulling out the jewels from a pocket inside her dress, and the man nearly fell out of his chair. "Where did you get such things? I haven't seen jewels like this in years!" he asked, and she nervously replied "from some ruins. Please don't tell my parents, please." The man looked concerned, but still he took up the jewels, eying them carefully. "These look to be worth quite a bit. But I can't believe you've gone off searching the ruins. Your poor parents would go mad if they knew." He took a moment to think, giving Mei-Lien a look over almost as intense as the one he'd given the jewels, before saying "though your friend looks like a strong young lady. Take care of her, will you?" he asked of Mei-Lien. "I'll have to give you 4,400 Mar for these gems, there aren't many like them these days" he said, and Hannah's eyes lit up. "That's amazing, I'll take it" she said, handing them over and getting a bag filled with silver coins in return. "Take care" the old man said, waving, and Hannah called back "I will" as she handed the bag to Mei-Lien, content to give it to her as payment. "We can stop by a bank if you'd like and deposit that, otherwise we might lose it somewhere along the way in the ruins."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With their next project agreed upon, Mei followed Hannah back into the city. She was a bit dissappointed for not seeing the funny-talking soldier there, only two close-mouthed individuals. After some travelling through the laymen neighborhoods, they arrived at the marketplace and more specifically, the supposed jeweler's shop. "Alright, I trust you more than myself in these things." Mei said as they moved closer to the particular stand to do business.

She would let Hannah deal with the jewel business as the old man greeted them, staying silent in the background. The former champion found herself liking this old man, he had that air of discipline and order about him, even with the wild hair. She was liking the sounds of the conversation between the two, as it looked like she'd be paid nicely. "I've promised her that much, so yes I will." Mei gave a short reply as the man spoke to her. The two finished their deals soon after, leaving Mei with a sizey amount of silver in her name.

"We'll do that. It'll just drag us down to carry all this about the forests and ruins with us.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Alright, follow me again" Hannah replied, leading Mei-Lien towards the area her home had been in this time. She still zig-zagged seemingly at random, but maybe she was avoiding different parts of the city for some reason or other. The houses got larger and nicer the farther they went, until they came to a large stone building, columns adorning the front porch. The two entered into it, and were met by a large, echo-y empty room with a counter at the end, and a vault door behind it. Hannah rang the bell, and a middle aged woman came out to greet them. "My friend here would like to open an account in her name, I'll vouch for her" Hannah said, and the woman nodded, taking Mei-Lien's information and then storing up her coins for her. When they were done with their bank errand, the two exited and headed back for the gates. "I think there's another set of ruins deeper into the forest, if you'd like to go there" Hannah said, asking her partner's approval.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a somewhat erratic, here-and-there approach, the two girls were at the bank, a larger stone building. She let Hannah handle the introductions and most of the business, but gave out her info the best she could for the bank lady. After the coins were stored, the two left the bank behind.

"We're heading out already? I suppose we could then." she replied to Hannah as they were at the gates once more. They would probably need to sleep at the wilderness or use some old building as shelter once night came, but Mei was not worried about those issues at the moment. It would work out, she thought.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"We don't have to if you think there's something else we should do" Hannah replied. "Is there any reason we shouldn't?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"You're going to start another trip right after the other? I'm fine with wilderness camping, but can you handle it? Is there some building we can use as shelter possibly? Or should we stay at the city for the night?"


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah looked up at the sky, as if realizing just now what time it was. "You're right, the sun will set in three or four hours. I don't know of any shelter, and I probably wouldn't want to sleep just out in the forest or the ruins, it wouldn't be safe. I guess we should stay here, but we can't stay at my place, and we've got a few hours to kill before bedtime."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I suppose we could go to that one in again.Though I have to ask if you have any suggestions on what we could spend that additional time on then? I'm not a good person to turn towards when entertainment is the thing, I just usually train to keep my discipline and fitness in proper condition..." Mei gave her answer to Hannah


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah thought quietly for a moment, muttering out "what to do, what to do...? There's a lot of things we could do. We could play cards, or walk around the city and look for things. What do you like to do? There's plenty of places to drink, or to... do... other things... if those are the sorts of things you do. Or maybe we could train together if you'd like. Gods know I probably need it."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Humh, I don't seek out any carnal desires actively, nor do I drink all that much. I suppose we'll have to do with the usual training, it'll do you good, homebody." Mei replied, never really having thought about entertainment in her way of life. Usually, her training and fighting filled any time she had.

"Say, might there be any massage spots around the town? My aching muscles could do with some skilled handiwork about now."
she suddenly asked, coming up with something randomly.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Umm... There are massage spots around town, but if you aren't looking for something more than a massage you probably shouldn't go looking there. I'm no expert, but I can try when we get to the inn if you'd like."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Right.. those kinds of places. Not really up for any random molester trying to have their way with me, even if it would end up badly for them. I'll leave it to you then." Mei gave her decision, before the two headed towards the inn she had spent the previous night at. The former champion would lead Hannah through one of her usual training routines once they got to the privacy of the inn room and then letting the mageling massage her body to relieve ache and tension. She was really needing it.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah followed Mei-Lien to the inn she had stayed at the night before, paying the woman for two rooms, but not taking her key from the little girl when she led the two up to their rooms. "It's less work for them, and money that they need" she explained, "the Gods blessed me when they allowed me to be born into money, I would be wasting that blessing if I didn't spread it around a little." The mage went through Mei-Lien's training routine with her, though she found it a bit difficult to keep up with the experienced and fit fighter. "Maybe if I did this more often I wouldn't be such a wimp" Hannah said as they finished up, and then moved into the massage. "Lay down anywhere and take off your clothes. No molesting, I promise" Hannah said, sitting down beside Mei-Lien and then moving to straddle her, her hands moving to take hold of her shoulders, rubbing gently at first, and then giving a more deep massage. Mei-Lien could feel that her hands were quite warm, and that the girl was using her magic to help relax her tight, aching muscles. She moved down to the arms, commenting "this is another thing I'm envious of, I wish I were as strong as you are" before going down her back. The massage wasn't particularly skilled, but it got the job done, and Mei-Lien could feel her tired body relaxing under the mage's touch. Finished with her back, Hannah rubbed along her lower back, hesitating for a brief moment as she gave the fighter's shapely rear a look, before moving down to give her legs a rubdown, finishing by working her fingers into Mei-Lien's feet. Getting up, she asked "any good? It's about time for bed now. I wish I'd thought to bring some nightclothes."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei found a little more respect towards Hannah as the mageling paid a double wage for a single room. "It's a nice gesture.." she replied to Hannah'a words.

Knowing full well that the rich girl would have little chance keeping up with her, Mei still went through her routine of stretching and doing practise strikes to the air. "Regular exercise is key to a good conditioning. You should do more of these kinds of practises, it'll do your body some real good." she instructs the mage a little while getting out from her dress to ready for the massage. She could feel Hannah's eyes upon her well-toned frame once more as she layed down on the bed, as she was naked in front of the other girl for the second time today. The redhead let Hannah do her massage in all the time she needed, the tension on her body relieving as the hands went through her, not terribly skilled but aided my magic. "Again, exercise. Do it and you'll develop strenght. I've been doing my regimens since I was seven, and this is the result..." Mei gave another suggestion as her strong arms were adored.

Eventually, Hannah would finish her massage, getting a content sigh as an answer to her question about the quality of the rubbing. "I suppose the innkeeper lends some out. I'm not bothering with those..." Mei replied to the other question, not really wanting to move from her spot anymore as she felt nice and relaxed.
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"That would just be strange, taking someone else's nightclothes. I can sleep in this, I guess" Hannah said, carefully climbing onto the bed next to Mei-Lien, hugging the edge of the bed to avoid crowding her partner. "Goodnight" she said, as the two of them began to drift off to sleep.

Mei-Lien awoke early in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day, though Hannah was still sleeping, making quiet little snoring sounds.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"...mmhm.. night...." Mei said back to the other girl, not really moving from her spot anymore as Hannah joined her. The pair soon fell asleep, the redhead doing it easily as she was in a nice and relaxed state.

As morning came, Mei woke up to find Hannah still asleep. "Hmph, lazy girl..." she though as she gave the other girl a brief look. She got out from the bed as quietly as possible before starting a morning routine of exercises, still in the nude.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah woke up halfway through Mei-Lien's exercise routine, yawning and stretching as she got up. She couldn't help but stare at the sight for a moment before trying to join the fighter in her exercises, trying not to be distracted by her nudity. "You could have woken me up if you wanted to."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Among her exercises, Mei could see Hannah starting to stir from her sleep. She didn't distract herself from training even as the mage's eyes rested upon her beautiful, athletic frame, it was nothing all that bothering to her. Some time later, the young aristocrat joined in the routines halfway through. "Nah, didn't feel like whipping you up..." she replied, driving the training towards the finish.