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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Mei-Lien put on her armor and her gauntlets, Erica began to speak. "Well, this is a fairly simple plan. We'll have the monsters surround the city, by sea and land, and air. Then the shapeshifter will destroy the wall at several points, and monsters will rush in, with us behind. We rampage through the city towards the castle, and destroy it and everyone in it, except for the servants. Try not to kill many of the blondies if you can help it. We aren't looking to kill all of your little mage friend's people, just enough to force them into submission. Any questions?" If there were none, they would head out towards the gate of their castle, tentacle monsters and slimes and all sorts of monsters flowing through the hallways around them. Once they were outside Hannah and Tess met them, the young mage holding her arms open, clearly waiting for a hug goodbye from Mei-Lien.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"No, that's simple enough. Let's go." Mei agreed, now equipped in her battlegear proper. Once they got out to the corridor, the sight of the many and varied individuals of the castle marching out in mass waited them, all the creatures nearly taking all the space in the halls. It was a somewhat amazing sight, a monster invasion right there. The group marched along, soon finding their way outside where the two remaining girls were seeing them off. Since the mage looked like she did, the redhead opted to go and hug her. Not being sure what to say, she did in silence, giving the smaller girl all the time she wanted before heading off with the army.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah hugged Mei-Lien tightly, her face buried in the large demon's chest as she cried lightly. After a few minutes of this the mage pulled back a little to look up at the redhead, begging "do you... remember where my house is? If... if it's not too much trouble... could you please... find my parents, and lead them to the docks? Please..." Erica looked over at Mei-Lien, a look on her face indicating that it was possible, though perhaps difficult.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I do remember enough to locate the place again." Mei replied, not giving any concrete answer right away. But after a non-verbal communique of sorts with the mistress, she saw that it was indeed possible to do the requested parent rescue but there might be bumps on the road. "I'll find them and get them there. Unconscious if they try to resist." she told the mage.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah sniffled and hugged Mei-Lien tightly again, letting out a few more tears before finally separating herself. "Thank you... Good luck, and come back in one piece" she said, waving goodbye as Erica began to gently nudge Mei-Lien onward, towards the forest. When the group was nearly out of sight the young mage and Tess would make their way back into the castle, if Mei-Lien chose to look back then. Once the three of them were in the forest the elder demon stopped for a moment, and then looked around. Finally she settled on a small branch off of a young tree, snapping the little branch off and then splitting it into two pieces. The succubus made a show of concentrating then, and a piece of pitch-black metal grew out of the wood, shaping them into necklaces, which she then handed to Mei-Lien. "If you find her parents, have them put these on. The monsters will leave them alone if they wear them. That way you won't even have to escort them out, you just have to get to them."

It was a relatively long journey towards the city, from there taken in silence. All around them monsters of all shapes and sizes were marching on towards Feralia, the demons' army assembling before them at their destination. It was late afternoon by the time they had reached the edge of the forest, the sky obscured by clouds. It was clear that the city was already stricken with panic, as soldiers scurried to and fro visibly on the ramparts. There were a few monster corpses littered about, stuck full of arrows as they had gotten a bit too close. As a result, the others were in a loose semi-circle around the wall, the more intelligent creatures holding the less intelligent in their place. "Things seem to be going as planned. Mei-Lien, point out to me which part of town your little mage friend's parents are, and I'll have you deal with that section of the defenses. The shapeshifter will deal with the front gate, and I'll take the part of town that isn't covered by you two. Your troops are whatever you find in the area; there should be plenty enough of them and they should listen to your orders. Any questions?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Will do, you just wait." Mei gave her final words for now, moving out with the rest of the group when poked into action by the mistress. The two still remained at the door when they moved away, but went back to the castle when the younger demoness looked back at them before they could get too far.

In the woods, Erica showed that she had a way to get the parents out in some level of ease. Making some wood into amulets or pendants which she handed over to Mei, the more experienced succubus told the usage of the things. Basically, they were a sort of personal symbol that the monsters would recognise and know to leave alone. Pocketing the things, the fighter carried on with the rest of the journey, acknowledgeing the usage of the items to the mistress.

At the forest's edge near the city, war was already breaking out as the mistress had her briefing about the upcoming battle. It was a simple and straightforward thing in all, with each of them taking control of one major city area and leading the troops there. With her target clear, Mei told the location of Hannah's former home so the two others would know where it was. As for her own questions, the redhead really didn't have any. So when they would move out, she was ready for it.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien moved to a point on the side, where there were mostly slimes and tentacle beasts for her army, though there was also a single slimegirl there, an arachne, and a centaur armed with a bow. "Greetings, demon. I will serve as your lieutenant. On your order the others and I will charge the walls" the slime girl said, smiling. All the while Rosa was moving into position, and suddenly she began to grow. Mei-Lien could see the shifter grow to ten feet tall, and then twelve, growing until she was quite literally a giant. That accomplished, she began to reach into the ground, digging with her large hands until she had pulled out several large chunks of bedrock. Once she seemed satisfied with the number and size of the chunks of rocks she hefted two of them, slinging them with force at the walls. The rocks hit the huge stone walls at high speed, shattering them as if they were glass, soldiers who had been at the ramparts flying through the air like ragdolls or being crushed beneath the stone. She smashed the walls in two places, and then the gates as well, and Erica began to charge with her group as soon as she saw the gates essentially explode. Rosa did much the same, changing her form back to a more normal one, as a rain of arrows was launched at both of them from the wall.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Moving the her assigned spot before the bulk of the attack would begin, Mei found that her troop was actually somewhat big, led by a few different creatures. The more human-type monsters were acting as her lieutenants, like the slimegirl explained, the average "soldiers" being tentacle creatures and common slimes pretty much exclusively. "Alright, good to have you." she replied to the slimegirl, taking position in front while Rosa began to break out her skills in full. It really did look like she had almost no limits with the shapeshifting powers, being able to get into such a massive form. The redhead had initially had some thoughts about limitations in the shifter's body, but the wallbreaking process proved that they were small, if at all there.

After seeing a storm of flying people and stonework, the demoness too urged her armies onward and to the city. They would aim directly towards the noble quarter, even though the resistance would likely be hardest there. The rich bastards had the most coin to use on loyalties and equipment, after all.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

When Mei-Lien rushed forward, so too did her monster army, and an enormous amount of arrows launched from the parts of the walls that hadn't been destroyed yet, a cloud of the things flying through the sky towards them. The slimegirl proved her worth immediately, though, as she managed to mutter a spell of some kind and create a roof of water above their heads, though it didn't cover the whole group of them, and many on the edges were wounded or killed. The centaur archer was already beginning to return fire as she rushed along with Mei-Lien, who might actually recognize her as one of the pair that had attacked her in the Dryad's castle. It was a fairly long distance to the walls, the slimegirl having to work hard to block multiple barrages of arrows, which picked off a number of the slimes and tentacle beasts all the same. When they finally reached the first wall many of the slimes began to climb up it, seeking out the soldiers at the top to silence their bows. "We can keep going through the breach, I'll protect us from the archers" the slimegirl shouted as the centaur continued to launch her own arrows up at them. "I'll take care of the battle on the walls" the arachne called out, beginning to scurry up them, though subject to approval from Mei-Lien. The demon could also see that soldiers were hastily gathering in the breach of the second wall, desperately trying to form a defensive line before the demon and the crush of her own monster soldiers charged at them.

20 Soldiers

7/7 FP

??? Monsters

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As the group started to push forward, the lieutenants began to show off their abilities when necessary. The social slimegirl revealed herself as a mage, but still most likely had all the usual slime abilities as well, not making her a totally useless deal in combat either. The centaur proved to be a familiar creature, but there was no real time to catch up on the old events, which was most likely not something the horse-human wanted to do. The arachne didn't really show any special ability, but such a climber and stalker would still be useful in many situations.

At the walls, the plans began to work themselves out. Agreeing with the suggestions of her lieutenants, the redhead sent the spider lady up as she requested. Better leave the battles on higher ground to the more skilled climbers and jumpers. Once they reached the somewhat unsettled defense line, Mei was quick to join her troops, not wanting to be a bad commander.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 16 vs. 15 S1, Hit!
S1 14 vs. 15 M, Miss!

M 12 vs. 21 S1, Miss!
S1 12 vs. 14 M, Miss!

M 18 vs. 9 S1, Hit!
S1 21 vs. 14 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien and her company of mostly tentacle monsters rushed forward at the forming line, crashing into it with force. It was good that they weren't set, because otherwise they could have put up pretty stout initial resistance. The demon found herself up against a young swordsman, the fear clear in his eyes. Her first punch smashed his nose in, though he kept swinging his sword at her. The next blow to his gut buckled his legs, though he managed to slash at Mei-Lien with his sword; while it didn't pierce her armor, it was heavy enough to cause some damage.

The redhead's soldiers were doing their job quite well on top of it, tentacles grabbing many of the soldiers and flinging some of them into the walls; these seemed to be older, more powerful tentacle monsters than any she had ever fought, strong enough to break the men like ragdolls just by throwing them like that. All the while the men at the ramparts continued to shoot arrows down at the group, giving the slimegirl mage a lot of work trying to protect them, though they soon had problems of their own to deal with, as the arachne and the slimes got up onto the wall with them.

17 Soldiers (Bad rolls)
2/4 HP

6/7 FP

??? Monsters

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Taking them in at the forefront, Mei smashed her troops into the still chaotic line of the city guards and soldiers. There was good success, most of it resulting from the unpreparedness factor on the enemy side. Taking the fight to one creeped-out youth, the demoness smashed at the opposition, getting a slight jolt in reply for her succesful two hits. It felt somewhat bad to maul such an obviously unexperienced young lad, but war was war, and they were only two soldiers on different sides.

While the tentacle monsters kept mauling the opposition and the climbers soon up on the walls, the fighter focused on her current opponent, taking the fight to him instead of trying to flail all over the place. Let the other soldiers handle the surroundings.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 23 vs. 19 S1, Hit!
S1 21 vs. 11 M, Hit!

M 23 vs. 17 S1, Hit!

M 25 vs. 6 S2, Critical Hit!

Mei-Lien attacked the young soldier with a flurry of punches, though he got in one more blow to her armor before collapsing in a bloodied heap at her feet. This opened up the way for the demon to assault another soldier one of the tentacles had been attacking, a swift roundhouse kick smashing his face in and killing him instantly. The tentacles were wreaking havoc by now, having almost completely devastated the small makeshift line, and the apparent commanding officer ordered a retreat. What few soldiers were unengaged or ungrappled quickly turned tail and began to run into the city, a few of them providing a rear guard, such as it was. They seemed to be fleeing away from Mei-Lien's objective, closer to the sector of the city Erica had to deal with.

The troops who had gone up onto the walls still seemed to have a lot of fighting ahead of them, though they also seemed to be doing pretty well, especially where the arachne was going about her work with obvious glee. There were two paths in front of Mei-Lien; one seemed straightforward and wide, a sort of main street towards the noble district. It seemed like there would be little chance of getting lost or misdirected, and there was little chance of an ambush, but they would probably also encounter more resistance that way. There was also a side-street that would probably lead to the same place, though in a roundabout way. They would probably encounter less resistance, but there was a chance for ambush and also for getting lost in the narrow streets. Mei-Lien could either pursue the fleeing enemies, take the main road, or take the side road. If she wanted she could also split her forces between the three options, with the slimegirl and/or the centaur leading the separate forces.

6/7 FP

5/5 HP

6/6 HP

??? Monsters

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Even if he did manage to smack at Mei's passably useful armor one more time, the young man was simpy not sturdy enough to withstand her strikes that came in like rain, falling in front of the onslaught in short order. Pushing onward, she also managed to completely break through one soldier's defenses and kick his face, sending him to the side after the killing blow. On the surrounding area, the big bad tentacle monsters were breaking the rest of the line in short order, causing them to retreat pretty easily.

Soon, the battlefield turned into a trio of selections. While there was something to consider, they wouldn't have the time for it. All of the surprise advantage had to be maintained, so the redhead demoness took the main road for herself and sent the two lieutenants onto the other paths with their own troop contigents. Leaving one area uncovered might not be a good idea, so better cover them even if there was a split in the demoness' army of hurty creatures.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien moved on in the center with a smaller, but still significant force of tentacle beasts, sending the centaur after the fleeing soldiers with some of them and the slimegirl through the back way with a larger force. There was chaos along the main road, men, women, and children running every which way, unsure what to do. Some of them were of the blonde race they were supposed to be helping, most were not, and the tentacles had a field day attacking those that got too close as they continued on. After some time marching Mei-Lien would find herself coming up to a more well-formed line of soldiers, these armed with a hodgepodge of weapons as they stared down the mass of approaching monsters.


7/7 FP

??? Tentacles

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After having sent the lieutenants on their own routes, the redhead advanced her remaining unit forward amidst the emerging chaos of a large-scale battle. All the bothersome civilians that got in the way were disposed of by Mei's tentacle creature group, which she didn't really bother getting into as there was a mission for them to fullfill here. Still, it seemed the discriminated ones were avoiding getting into trouble, good for them. It was for them that the war was being done anyways. Some further distance into the city brought the demoness into contact with another soldier unit, this time a bit more orderly and determined that the previous one. It was still no reason for her to stop for consideration, so the fighter lead her unit into a charge against them nonethless. Maybe this would be more of a challenge than the previous encounter with the defenders of the city.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 10 vs. 25 S1, Counter!
S1 23 vs. 12 M, Hit!

M 11 vs. 14 S1, Miss!
S1 22 vs. 18 M, Hit!

M 12 vs. 17 S1, Miss!
S1 17 vs. 23 M, Miss!

What the fuck, such shitty rolls

Mei-Lien and her tentacle beasts rushed the wall of soldiers, a few of whom raised up a small spear wall, which caught Mei-Lien right in the chest. The lance barely pierced through her leather armor, but it still did damage all the same. The soldier stabbed forward further, making the wound deeper, but the demon was able to push him back before he did too much damage, although he got in a swipe to her head with the blunt end of the spear as he retreated a few steps. The other soldiers moved along with him, keeping up the line, though they were doing more poorly than he was, the tentacles advancing steadily and dealing decent damage.


4/7 FP

??? Tentacles

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Pushing headfirst into the wall of spears proved to be a bad tactic for the demoness, the pokes from the weapons driving the point home pretty effectively. "Fucking hell..." Mei cursed at being hit in such a bad manner, kicking away the soldier that had managed it, but still getting shafted during the process of retreat. Getting herself prepared a bit better, the redhead pushed the attack once more, ignoring the wound on her chest.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 23 vs. 24 S1, Miss!
S1 7 vs. 16 M, Miss!

M 9 vs. 12 S1, Miss!
S1 9 vs. 27 M, Counter!

M 21 vs. 15 S1, Hit!
S1 16 vs. 12 M, Hit!

M 20 vs. 6 S1, Hit!
S1 24 vs. 13 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien charged after the retreating soldier, and though he managed to defend against her flurry of blows it kept him busy enough that he couldn't manage an attack. When he finally did lash out the demon caught him on the chin with a powerful right hook, following it up with a left to the gut and a quick kick to the knee area. He managed to stab her again, though, jabbing her side twice fast. The wounds were starting to pile up for Mei-Lien, tiring her out, and her soldiers were suffering casualties, though they kept steadily advancing, and some of the soldiers were beginning to fall...


Soldier 1
3/6 HP

2/7 FP

??? Tentacles

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Now that the soldiers were more orderly, it looked like they were harder to break through. Even as she pushed harder into the line, the soldier facing her just poked into her side repeatedly. There was of course the damage she managed to cause, but it was looking much worse than necessary for Mei at such an early stage. "Out of my way, you. I've got places to be at." she remarked to no-one really, pushing into the line again because there was no real other alternative anyways.