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RPG RPG Maker [megamei] 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

Late, but the snowman thing was revealed in a line of Japanese text that had a "word" that used terms that could be classified as numbers. Still, unless you knew Japanese, knowing that is completely pointless. :p
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

Late, but the snowman thing was revealed in a line of Japanese text that had a "word" that used terms that could be classified as numbers. Still, unless you knew Japanese, knowing that is completely pointless. :p

I knew there must be a clue somewhere, but I am so used to brute forcing codes that solving this puzzle will take less time than trying to find the clue.

I spend way~ too much time as a kid brute forcing combination locks on my mates' lockers. That is, until I realised that some brands of locks didn't even need brute forcing - you can read the code if you know the trick to it. Hilarity ensues.
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

I can't get any ending other than the "normal female samurai" ending no matter what I do. I was hoping for more: i.e. the tentacle forest or the temple behind the miko or something... And there's graphics for the shogun as a battler so I was hoping to be able to find that ending.

Another beef I have with this game is the lack of a new-game+. The reason should be obvious.
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

I hate requesting, but does anyone have a save for Mace of the goddess with all the goodies unlocked? Recently formatted and I -really- don't wanna get through it all again. I just liked running around in my parasite armor, freakin people out....
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

I can't get any ending other than the "normal female samurai" ending no matter what I do. I was hoping for more: i.e. the tentacle forest or the temple behind the miko or something... And there's graphics for the shogun as a battler so I was hoping to be able to find that ending.

Another beef I have with this game is the lack of a new-game+. The reason should be obvious.

The author seem to have answered some questions posted on his blog, the one about the ending of that game would be:

Q: Is there any ending besides normal one?
A: Yes, find the two friends and repair crystal

Was the rough translation '. 'a
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

What crystal?
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

in the samurai game, is it possible to go into the shops on the beach? (behind the desk?)

also, do the shops in the area where you have to fuck the green haired guy do anything?

they seem to sell sex stuff, but you can't buy anything, and one of the houses to the south of that town has someone in it (wind bandit?) or something.
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

is there a scene for losing to the ninja at the end? my hp keeps regenerating to max automatically, so i can't lose to him.
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

is there a scene for losing to the ninja at the end? my hp keeps regenerating to max automatically, so i can't lose to him.

There's not scene. The HP healing thing is a glitch if you beat the green hair with the main character. Beat it with the ninja girl and it stops procing after. Also, to recruit the green hair MAY have the requirement of beating him/her with the ninja girl instead of the main character.
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

there are two characters you can recruit as far as I know.

Ogre girl requires you to last through the battle long enough without winning or losing.
The model (?) girl requires you to talk to the ninja before having to "sex battle" so you take control of her.
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

So how many different endings are there then?
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

there are two characters you can recruit as far as I know.

Ogre girl requires you to last through the battle long enough without winning or losing.
The model (?) girl requires you to talk to the ninja before having to "sex battle" so you take control of her.

dammit, i had a spare save just at that fucking point so i could try out losing to the boss and stuff after i passed that area.

I even fought the boss as the ninja girl, but I lost on purpose to see what would happen, now I don't have that save anymore!

does Green haired girl have any scenes? costumes to wear?

am i missing anything big or...
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

hey guys, i went to the website,. now what do i do?
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

Damn it... anyone know how to do the miko event? I can't seem to get above 2 out of 16...

I found this:

I still can't figure it out... :(
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Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

No idea. Can somebody who has RPG Maker Ace open the game up and tell us where the crystal is?

After you get the 2 companions, there's "special" quests in the town where some additional locations open up. You get these "crystal balls" that are broken after each question. I think the 5th one is in the hands of the emperor and something happens after you obtain the other 4.. I dunno.

Some hints are at the bottom of the "貧乏侍と変化の妖刀リードミー.txt" file
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

I have no idea how to do the Miko ritual thing. Like others, I also am getting 2/16 constantly, which seems weird cause that shouldn't be possible. Is it bugged...?
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

I have no idea how to do the Miko ritual thing. Like others, I also am getting 2/16 constantly, which seems weird cause that shouldn't be possible. Is it bugged...?

I don't think it's bugged cause in one of my random brute forcing, i got 1/16, and another I got 3/16. It's probably the ordering and the combination of deep and light bowing. This is a part of the game that is needlessly complex. It seems to expect the player to have in-depth knowledge of how to bow at a shinto temple. :/
Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

EDIT2: Deleted everything else cause it's not important.

Anyways, OKAY. Finally got it. The bowing shit is what really f'ed me over but I got it from reading the comments in the blog. Here is proper order.

1. Take in right hand and wash left (2)
2. Take in left hand and wash right (1)
3. Drink (3)
4. Use hand to cup (3)
5. use left hand (2)
6. Place back upside down (1)

1. Slightly bow (1)
2. Ring and place money in (4)
3. Bow deep (1)
4. again
5. clap once (3)
6. again
7. bow lightly (2)
8. name yourself (2)

Afterwards, VERY IMPORTANT AND THE MAIN REASON FOR THE 2/12: DON'T walk back on the center path. Walk back near the edges.

I don't know how to get 14, but 12 should be enough to pass.

EDIT3: Have no idea how to get the last crystal shard though. So far I have purple, red, blue, and green.
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Re: 女神のメイスと製作日記 (Mace of the goddess?)

EDIT2: Deleted everything else cause it's not important.

Anyways, OKAY. Finally got it. The bowing shit is what really f'ed me over but I got it from reading the comments in the blog. Here is proper order.

1. Take in right hand and wash left (2)
2. Take in left hand and wash right (1)
3. Drink (3)
4. Use hand to cup (3)
5. use left hand (2)
6. Place back upside down (1)

1. Slightly bow (1)
2. Ring and place money in (4)
3. Bow deep (1)
4. again
5. clap once (3)
6. again
7. bow lightly (2)
8. name yourself (2)

Afterwards, VERY IMPORTANT AND THE MAIN REASON FOR THE 2/12: DON'T walk back on the center path. Walk back near the edges.

I don't know how to get 14, but 12 should be enough to pass.

EDIT3: Have no idea how to get the last crystal shard though. So far I have purple, red, blue, and green.

Go talk to the fortune telling after you get all 4 and there will be a conversation. Then click her shelves to get the 5th one.