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Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis was left there for the better part of several hours, just, horny and full, before the gold started to eat the latex she'd been coated with, growing larger in the process, the violets moving to help.

Without a clock to tell exact time, she couldn't say for sure, what she did know was that she'd gotten a decent nap in, before her stomach started to shift, and one of the violets suddenly filled her cunt, waking her up with a harsh moan just as she was lowered, the eggs starting to drop from her while the gold moved down to collect each one, and put it in a small pouch it had made.

Again the amount of orgasms exactly matched the amount of eggs she laid, and the spider that had filled her as she was lower, gave her one more before she started laying as it bathed her womb in something thick and sticky, the substance relaxing her considerably as the eggs were gathered.

But soon enough she was free-ish, since she'd kept her bitchsuit on, and the Gold was spending its time trying to figure out how to give her the sack, before flailing and sticking it to her collar, before shrugging at her apologetically.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis wails in bliss as she gives birth to the spider eggs, her mind little more than a pleasure-filled haze, until they begin to lower her to the ground, standing on her arms and knees. "Thanks for the fun little guy." she says, leaning down to kiss his head, as she turns towards the door out of the room and begins to waddle her way out, wondering if this bitchsuit will ever come off, as she move to check out the way down, knowing that it'd likely be hard to get up in it while her bitchsuit was still on.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Deciding she wanted the bitchsuit off, she felt it shuddering around her, before the latex hugging her scales directly, simply... absorbed it. Letting her stand and move, her body now covered in White rather then blue due to the size anf complication of the suit.

She still had her wonderful boots on, but she could move around, The egg sack still dangling from her collar.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis hums as she stands back up, feeling her legs once more beneath her in her sexy, sexy boots, her tail hiking itself instinctually as she begins to walk, ignoring the sack of eggs dangling from her collar between her breasts, as she searches for a way down, the medical chair holding little interest to her at this point, thinking it'll just mess with her brain even more, as she searches for a stairwell heading down, then remembering one of the lone holding cells that was marked "DANGER" and deciding she'd go and look at what was inside at least, her curiosity for what that was getting the better of her.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Being able to walk again, Alexis headed to the cell that was marked out, which she found she couldn't enter by any means whatsoever... But she didn't have to, to look through the view window.

The thing she saw inside was no toy. It was like an experiment gone wrong. It may have been human once, but now the thing looking back at her was anything but. His teeth had turned into sharp razors and his lips dripped a hissing black ink.

The heavy chains connected to every limb kept the thing harshly connected to the wall, and it's flesh was pale, emaciated, and....

New Bloood... It hissed from inside it's cell. New Flesh to tear... New Bones... to Crack.... before it lunged for the door, stopping just short, red, slitted, glowing eyes staring at her through the viewport while a serpentine, dripping tongue ran along the glass.

Gonna tear you... Gonna break you... GONNA EAT YOU! COME IN! LET ME EAT YOU! LET ME PEEEEEL YOU! he screamed, hauling at the chains like a man possessed, nothing left in that body but bloodlust and hate.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis stumbles back and gasps, her heartrate jumping as she quickly turns and walks away, her hiked up tail and hind end revealed to the creature as she moves away as fast as her ballerina boots will let her, looking for the stairwell down and praying she could forget that horrible monster she just saw.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

LET ME EAT YOU!!! the Creature screamed from it's cell as Alexis fled, soon finding the stairwell and heading down. She could choose from 3 floors, and unlike the elevator, with no clue what they were for, these floor numbers were labeled in a sense. S25 was Offices. And she couldn't get in there it seemed, but S26 read rather plainly "Garden" and S27 read "Processing" And she could read both, she just had to choose. Because each door said rather plainly "Entry Only" Which meant likely that you could only enter the floors from these doors, no leave them. She'd have to find another way out of whichever she chose....


Unless she blocked the door....
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis hums as she grabs the handle to the door labeled Garden, and opens it, strutting into it in her sexy ballerina boots, her tail hiked up and resting against her back to give a perfect view of her lower features which were only exaggerated by her boots, as she begins to walk into the Garden floor, looking around for what might be around to try out.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

The Garden was it's own unique set up it seemed, an artificial sun shining down onto well kept grass and evenly spaced trees, a large selection of gigantic to tiny plants setting around, between, or on the trees wherever she looked.

To her immediate right was a grove of small flowers which were rustling now and again, shaking pollen into the air, while ahead of her, between the trees, she could see much larger, vine covered blossoms shifting around, seeming to be picking at Moss that was growing on the bark of the trees, and to her left was a small creek or river, that wound it's way through the center of this floor.

The grass got noticably tall about 10 feet away from the door, and further along, she could see passed the moving plants, large bulbs, sitting on wide petals that had yet to open, as well as vines with small bronze flowers curling up around the treetrunks at the beginning of the bulb ladened clearing about 50 yards ahead.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis hums as she begins to walk into the garden, interested in those pollen-flinging plants, wondering what they were up to, and deciding to investigate.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Heading into the flower covered grove nearby, she could see the small golden clouds of the flowers puffing up around her now and again, the fine powder settling on her latex covered body if she walked through it, but it otherwise didn't affect her. However, about 5 feet into the grove, she felt a shifting under her boots, before a massive, 8 foot tall bloom rose up behind her, the center of the flower itself holding several thick, writhing stamen, each dripping with pollen, and it's 3 wide petals glistening with something thick and golden, like Honey.

It regarded her, swaying this way and that like a snake, barring her route back.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis turns about to look at the new arrival, a smile on her face as she looks it over. "And just what do you do, hm?" she asks more to herself than anything, a hand reaching out to tentatively try and touch one of the petals to try and get some of the honey to taste.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

The flower edges back away from her hand, not letting her touch it as it's petals close, forming a large, pointed bulb that continues to regard her, before..

Flower 3
Christine 7

It convulses, a large glob of the honey like substance whistling passed her head.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis ducks as the glob passes over her head. "Hey! Easy now! I didn't mean any harm." she says, throwing up her hands in a non-threatening manner, not wanting to fight such a big plant that seemed to be alive.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

The plant regarded her, edging closer, soon the wide bulb pushing at her hand curiously, before sliding down between her legs, thick stamen brushing along her dripping folds as it regarded her.

Before long, a tendril pressed against the thick plug locked in her ass, before wrapping several tiny, thin little creepers around it's base, and tugging, finding it more then stuck there, before wrapping around the base even tighter, and starting to fill the keyhole with resin.

What exactly it was doing remained a mystery for only a moment, before Alexis heard a sharp click, and the knot deflated considerably, the plant drawing to toy out of her tail hole, and letting it fall, replacing it with a tendril from behind her, one of the thick, covered tendrils from the flowers center suddenly shoving into her ass, and continuing to push forward, it's petals now open wide as another carressed her folds.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis moans as she feels the plug shrink and pop out of her asshole, her tail remaining hiked up as she reaches her free hand down to grab the tendril pressing at her folds, trying to yank it in further. "If you're going to rape me, do it properly." she says, spreading her legs a little to give him more room to manuever, closing her eyes and letting the plant do its thing.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

The plant.... completely ignores her at this point, while Alexis continues to feel the tendril in her ass continue to move, through her, feeding more of itself into her before she feels the wide tip press up her throat and out into her mouth, bulging obscenely wide, stretching her jaw open as it lodged behind her teeth, thin yellow creepers growing out to wrap around her muzzle tightly as the flower, now having her properly leashed to itself, slid under her and rose, lifting her up into the air while the petals started to close around her, the other tendril diving into her cunt while vines reached out for her wrists and ankles, trying to compact her enough to close around her.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis gurgles and moans as the tendril reaches her mouth, forcing it open and constricting her muzzle around the bulb, her arms falling limp as she allows the flower to do as it pleases, her eyes gently rolling back into her head at the thought of being bound up inside a giant flower.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

The vines, taking hold of her wrists and ankles, forced Alexis into a more suitable position, pulling her knees up to her chest, and her arms behind her, folding them as she was leaned back slightly.

Closing around her, Alexis found that she wouldn't be waiting truly inside the flower, but that something else was planned as the petals seemed to be covered in a sticky, hardening resin-like substance as she was held in place, the petals curving around her before they started to practically bleed more of it, dousing her in it while it continued to harden, until Alexis more resembled a fly trapped in amber then a lizard hoping for a fucking. Still, with the tendril steadily fucking her cunny, and being threaded through by another, her climax came fast while she was coated, before the tendril in her cunt pulled free, starting to wave around as the petals reopened, holding her up like some kind of free meal or prize, something to fuck while the pollen Poured into the air around her.

And now Alexis could hear the humming.
Re: Megalopolis Troubles. (Caulder)

Alexis moans as she's fucked and coated by the flower, her insides convulsing in climax before the tendril pulls itself free of her sex, a sad whine leaving her maw as she's held up like a prize by the flower, all wrapped up and compact thanks to the resin, her eyes looking around her to see what the source of the humming might be.