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ACT Mod [Mc Swagger] Mission Mermaiden – The Downfall of Hasumi

Mc Swagger

Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
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Once again Hasumi tries to fight the deep sea sisters, but will she emerge victorious this time as well? Her opponents seem to be more cunning and are determined to corrupt Hasumi. This time it will not be so easy to resist the temptations of her adversaries.

As I already mentioned in the original thread I made a mod of the game Mission Mermaiden - Hasumi and the Deep Sea Sisters. My goal is to improve the game in three aspects:
  1. Meaningful interactions: The enemies should represent a challenge and statuses should have a noticeable consequence.
  2. Gameplay feedback: the players decisions should have an impact in terms rewards and penalties.
  3. Visible content: good content of the game that is hidden or rarely seen should be more visible.
Because my tools are limited (I might elaborate on this point in the thread), I cannot deliver on all goals as much as I want. Nevertheless, I think was able to alter the core gameplay in a challenging and fun way.
My plan is to do a closed alpha of the unfinished mod with few participants. In this way you will not ruin the final experience by playing an unfinished/unpolished mod. I advise against reading the changelog, so you don’t spoil yourself. I will release the mod for free, but do not ask for a copy of the vanilla game! If you pirated it, feel yourself urged to buy a legal copy and support the developer.
Feel free to tell me your opinion. I am happy to discuss my thoughts as long as I find the time.

Current Status:
[v1.00] public release

Overview of changes:
Gameplay: Movement and camera have been modernized to allow for good platforming gameplay. Overall, the battle system has been simplified to encourage exciting fights. The Health system has been replaced with a Willpower system, so that together with the Pleasure and Corruption meter, an interesting resource management is created. The escape system has been completely reworked to present the player with tricky decisions.
Enemies: All 12 enemies and six boss fights have been reworked so that each enemy is a real threat. For this, the enemies' AI, movement patterns, attack and defense abilities have been improved.
Bad states: The 15 already existing states have been completely reworked and expanded by two more. The origin and effect of the conditions are better understood and much harder to undo, so they have a noticeable and lasting impact on the gameplay.
Items and equipment: In the course of the game, these items become more and more important. Resource management plays a major role, since the equipment has a strong influence on the gameplay.
Misc: Bad endings revised, HUD adjusted, bugs fixed and much more...

Z – attack/confirm
X – Jump/return
V – Transformation/instant escape
Left, Right – Run/struggle
Down – duck
Shift - select consumable
Crtl - use consumable
Z + down – duck attack
Z + down (midair) – Smash
Z + up – Ground smash
Space – menu

  1. Get the vanilla Game
  2. Make sure to make a backup copy of the game and check if it is version 1.1.5 (readme)
  3. Download the modded files
  4. Replace [MainFolder]\MissionMermaiden_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll
  5. Replace all 4 asset files in [MainFolder]\MissionMermaiden_Data
  6. Start the game exe
I recommend translating the game with the AutoTranslator tool, since most of the texts are in Japanese. You will find an instruction pdf attached in the downloaded files that discribes the translation process in detail.

Rape, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Bondage, Tentacles, Monsters, Vore, Milking, Corruption, Yuri, Egg laying

Additional Information:
Action side scrolling platformer; Female Protagonist; Language: Japanese (Translation available); Engine: Unity; Platform: PC
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Well that sure looks as interesting as all hell. What'll be really interesting is if the dev incorporates some of this into their next game too.
Just wanna say i really liked the original mod for the game's demo and I am looking forward to this!

Can people apply to be alpha testers? or you already have a group ready?
how to download this mod?
You can’t... yet. I will keep it in closed alpha until its finished
Can people apply to be alpha testers? or you already have a group ready?
Please feel free to apply! The point of this thread was to find such a group. I will gather the applications for a few days and might select at random if there are too many
I found your original mod a bit too tough for my normie self, but what you've posted here looks really promising.
I've definitely been looking forward to this, glad you made your own thread. It's a shame that everything that was needed to make it more challenging and harder to resist the enemies advancements was right there but the author never added a proper upped difficulty that the game deserved.
This sounds really cool, honestly. Any rough ETA for when you think it'll be done?
This sounds really cool, honestly. Any rough ETA for when you think it'll be done?
Glad to hear that you anticipate it but I need you to be patient. It is a project during spare time. Pressure would kill the fun. But as a rough estimate: it should not take longer to finish it than i already worked on it, since i improved my workflow. Hopefully I can release this year
I want more Egg laying, Parasite and Impregnation... Can you make it?

While I agree with the desire for those as well, as he said in his first post, his tools are limited. That sounds like something that would require more animations, which I don't think is in the cards. I could be wrong, and I suppose it might be possible to work something out with the animations that already exist for the game over event, but I'm not sure if that would actually work.
While I agree with the desire for those as well, as he said in his first post, his tools are limited. That sounds like something that would require more animations, which I don't think is in the cards.
Your assumption is right. Sadly i can not move game elements from one scene to another. That means that the egg laying is only accessible in the bad end scene.
In general everything that concerns sprites and animations is hard or impossible to modify (for me).
Never the less i think the bad end scenes will be more relevant in the mod compared to the vanilla version.
Never the less i think the bad end scenes will be more relevant in the mod compared to the vanilla version.

Ah, so we may have more ways to reach the bad ends, possibly not just in the ways they were originally reachable? Sounds fun!
Eyyyy,glad to know you are actually kicking this project out.Looking forward to see what new stuff you will bring in the other worlds~

Best of luck!
Would this be worth holding off on a first playthrough for?
Thats actually a good question. The answer is: it depends ;) I am not sure if the difficulty will be accessible if you did not play the vanilla version. I will try to provide a good tutorial, but this will be one of the last things I am going to implement and for now I am not sure how good I am able to design this for newcomers. On the other hand I am sure that the mod will be great experience content wise. The vanilla version had a lot great content behind questionable game play mechanics.
I might consider implementing a first timer mode, where you also can experience the story that is imo ok but not great and therefor pretty much deleted from the mod.
If you can wait I would recommend waiting until I start the final polishing. I will then post a recommendation for newcomer in this thread
I hope this helps?
Hit me up if you're ever in need of more testers.
The concepts you have proposed so far sound really enticing. I'd be glad to help with testing or suggestions.
How's this going? I'd love to give it a go!
How's this going? I'd love to give it a go!

He got a group of testers back at the start, and we (yes I was one of them) gave him some feed back through a few quick iterations for the mod. Now he's working to get all of world 1 finished before he releases anymore, though given that he's working for free and some general life stuff has been going on, progress has been slow but it is happening. It is in the end, a fun side project for him remember. I don't know if the plans to release the mod to more people when world 1 is done, or if he'll just come back to the test group for now until it's done, so I don't know when you will next be able to try it.
He got a group of testers back at the start, and we (yes I was one of them) gave him some feed back through a few quick iterations for the mod. Now he's working to get all of world 1 finished before he releases anymore, though given that he's working for free and some general life stuff has been going on, progress has been slow but it is happening. It is in the end, a fun side project for him remember. I don't know if the plans to release the mod to more people when world 1 is done, or if he'll just come back to the test group for now until it's done, so I don't know when you will next be able to try it.
Thats sums it up quite well! Thanks @ilmncsm
The reasoning behind the closed alpha only release is that i think premature releases of games spoil the fun. Allready since the start of the alpha, I change a lot of core gameplay mechanics or withdraw concepts. Had I realeased the mod right away, it would have been a bad experience for most of you (or at least the game is not as good as it could have been). On the other hand I need good feedback from players in order to ensure the quality of the mod (and indeed I got really good feedback/ideas from the alpha test group!). Hence the closed alpha concept.
I think a release of 1. world is possible if the answer to the question "is the part of the game in a good spot on its own?" is yes. I will debate this question with the testers when the 1. world is done.
I hope that clears some of your questions?

TL;DR: Stay tuned ;)