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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River smirked at his comment, shrugging as he declared his preferences. Didn't really matter to her, though she suspected it was a lie. Chances are she could just check... but that would set a bad example. She watched him practice, not overly disturbed. "You probably will, eventually. Just make sure to do better with it than he did, that's all I ask." She told him, stirring the cream and sugar into her coffee and taking a sip.

"But enough about that. I've got a dinner to go to. Either of you two have plans?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessica nodded at River and shrugged. I have nothing on the agenda really so I'll hunt around for information. See what I can turn up I guess, since I sincerely doubt you'll actually be in any danger unless. You can always run back here if you leave the lights off. she said, sipping on her coffee.

The new guy was just lounging and continuing his practice, breaking the crimson into three seperate shapes, a sphere, pyramid, and cube soon all floating around in a circle as he concentrated. I'm not hungry, and have had quite enough excitement to last me a long while... You're in charge. he said simply, the three shapes spinning together to form a raven which sat on his shoulder.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Heh, plenty of dark places I can run to, if need be." River agreed with a chuckle, glancing between the two vampires. "You aren't as fresh as I thought, or you picked up a lot from that other Asshole. Go with Jess, see if you can learn a thing or two anyways, she's know what you'd need a lot better than I would. I'll have my phone on me if anything goes south, meet back here by 2 or 3 in the morning, just in case?"

Once that was sorted, The wraithling packed up and left the hotel room. Slipping her headphones on, she started some music as she went for the stairwell, taking them upwards as she hummed along, high stepping at a decent pace, warming up. It had been too long since she had followed her old routine, things were so different now, but every so often a little bit of nostalgia kept her grounded. Reaching the top, she reached out and blanked the cameras on the roof and stairwell, slipping through the shadows to get through the locked door as jogging up to the edge of the roof, glancing around.

"Say you'll remember, to keep it all inside. You can run for the skyline, your eyes open wide..." She mumbled along with the song, her eyes taking in the European skyline, the narrow streets and clumped rooftops. It was beautiful.
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

If river didn't possess one of those newfangled overly priced rediculous superphones with literally all the maps. She'd have had no fucking idea where she was going. but she did, so she did have an idea.

Looking out at the skyline, it was breathtaking, and all the better for her, more closely packed then the city she was used to. She could freerun from one end to the other without any issues.

She had about 8 miles to cover streetwise, she could probably cut that down to 5 or 6 over the rooftops. She had no idea how this Dinner was going to go, but it promised to be interesting considering she'd, you know, murdered a member of the household. In a fair fight most certainly, but he was also most certainly dead.


Well... all else failed maybe the food would be good?
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The woman sighed as she pondered the upcoming meeting. She still wasn't sure she should have agreed to it, but oh well, not worth trying to back out now, she'd just make a bigger ass of herself.

Backing up from the side of the building, she took a running start and leapt across the small alleyway, landing in a quick roll and getting started, letting her mind go blank as she focused on the run itself. No wings, no fancy shadow powers, right back to basics. Up and over, around and through, whatever looked easiest as she was coming up to whatever obstacle presented itself. The music competed with her own heartbeat in her ears, the rush of cool wind whipping through her hair helped to calm her. When she got back, she'd have to start doing work again, she missed this.

All too soon however, it was over, the close-tied buildings giving way to private estates and fenced yards. She slipped down to street level, checking her phone again to make sure she knew the right address, and walking up the street towards it's main gate, slipping her running gloves into a pocket and dusting off the rest of the travel from her semi-formal attire.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

She Did have the right address and the run went miles to put her troubles well and truly behind her, nor was she bothered by anyone as she made her way through a high class district of town.

Every manor was gated, every house was a manor even. As she came to stand before the wrought iron gate of a 3 story manor home, she found it simply, opened for her, and what could only be a ghost appeared at the gate. He seemed to be a very old man, translucent, trimmed and proper in a suit with a well manicured appearance despite the age of his death.

You are Expected Madam. It is my personal honor and priveledge to welcome you into this home as a guest, and hope that your stay is both enjoyable and beneficial. If you please. he said, bowing at the waist low, and raising himself, turning to gesture her through a beautiful garden of lilacs and roses growing together in all hues and shapes possible of both species, te effect fragrant and breathtaking, towards a pair of doors made entirely of blue stone.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River had to admit, she was quite startled when she was greeted by a dead butler. "Uh, thank you." She answered cautiously, stepping past the gate and through the rather impressive garden.

"Someone must have put a lot of effort into this place, it's wonderful. Do I have you to thank?" She asked, making an awkward pass at small talk as they approached the manor itself.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The manor itself was built by my descendants and their Masters, but yes, the Garden was my personal project for 20 years, and it is my everlasting joy to both see it bloom, and to hear it's praise spoken. Thank you Miss. He said sincerely, brushing a hand through the flowers.

Like the ghost in the Tower, he couldn't touch them, but the effect it had was interesting as a breeze seemed to follow in his touch and the flowers leaned towards his hand.

Pausing them for a moment near the front, he reached down into the earth and actually managed to grab something, bringing up a large seed bulb, which he presented to her. Please, take it with you, plant it when you return home. I'd be honored knowing that my garden reached out and touched someone elses life. he said, placing the egg sized bulb in her palm and closing her fingers around it. His touch was cold, but not the chill of death. His grazing fingers felt more like a cool and short rush of water and the bulb pulsed softly with warmth against her flesh, reaching out a very thin green vine and curling it gently around her thumb, tickling her slightly before it retreated. I had hoped you would enjoy the garden when I heard who our guest would be. The roses wont bloom without sunlight, but you'll find the lilacs need no such luxury, and turn a pale white at night. he said softly, before leading her through the doors into a well kept manor foyer, spiral staircases reaching up into the rest of the manse from a large onyx and gold compass etched into the floor.

Blue Gas lamps still lit this old home, but as he led her straight ahead and through two more sets of doors and two long hallways, she saw the lamps turn into sconces of crystal that pulsed with an eerie blue flame that flickered gently and calmingly. Wisp Lights. They have a distinct effect on the mind, freeing those still living of course, from raw emotional impulse, and fostering quite and inquisitive lines of thought. Long ago they were called Learning Lamps. her guide muttered, before leading her through one final door into a sitting room with another compass. She was alone in this room for now, the butler stopping at the door. If you would like Anything at all, please ask now, so that I may fetch it before My Master arrives to greet you himself. he said, bowing again.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I think it's best if you keep it for now. I'm sure I'll see you on the way back out, you can pass it to me then." River said, pressing the bulb back into the butler's ghostly hands. "Between you and me, I still prefer sunlight, so that's not a problem really. Thank you."

She did keep it if he insisted, though she didn't have anywhere convenient to place it, keeping it in hand instead as they moved into the building itself. "Learning lamps, eh? Very interesting." She replied, gazing at the odd lamps as they passed. She did feel a little calmer.

The pair reached the sitting room, turning around and noticing that the butler refrained from crossing the threshhold. Strange. "A glass of water, if you don't mind. I should be fine otherwise, thank you."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The butler looked saddened by River's polite refusal to carry his garden with her, but didn't say anything, instead carefully folding the flower bulb in his hands. Asking him for water, he nodded and bowed his way back, leaving her within the sitting room with her thoughts for several moments until she had her water.

It was cool, and wet, as water often is. and 15 minutes passed before a familiar looking older gentlemen, in a pressed red and black 3 piece suit strode into the room. It was the same man who had approached her after her duel within Honor's club and he extended his hand. River, thanks for coming.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River frowned slightly at the butler's look. "I'll take it with me on the way out, don't worry. I just don't have anything to carry it around the house with." She said with a friendly smile, finding a seat with her water for the moment until her host showed up.

Standing, she smiled again and shook his hand. "Thanks for having me." She answered simply, still a little uneasy about the entire thing.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

He shook her hand and immediately River could feel the power there under the surface. He was like a hooded flame to her senses. Not dangerous but it was like something more was there she just couldn't see.

Letting her go he sighed and rubbed his temples slowly before sitting down, seeming just... exhausted. Well.... I'm sure this is akward for you.... my son... and you.... Well he's dead. Believe me it's not as uncommon as you might think. The hot headed ones always go early. he said, obviously in mourning but not holding any blame over her head about it.

Such duels are usually to the death. I would be a poor mage to hold a grudge. Some candles are simply snuffed sooner then others and while I pay my respects and mourn my son, you need not fear reprisal at least from this family. So relax, please. he said, looking up at her. He obviously hadn't slept.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River nodded. "Just like you said at the time. I'm sorry, it all makes sense, but... Just the way i grew up, you tend to expect some backlash, even if it is for all the wrong reasons and doesn't make sense. Old habit, don't take it personally. " She explained, taking her seat again.

"So, I believe there was something specific you wanted to talk about?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

There always is isn't there. You see my family is old and there are writings we have of things beyond the void shimmer. The veil that separates that world from all the others, which are all linked rather then sealed. The Void has no easy way in or out... so you are... Particularly interesting. I.... was hoping you wouldn't mind a few questions, and perhaps again if you're willing, a sample of your magics. he asked her, getting to the point, and leaning forward slightly.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The woman listened, leaning back a bit as he leaned forward. "I uhh... not sure how much help i'd be, but yeah, i can answer some questions, maybe make a demonstration of some sort." She answered, raising an eyebrow.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

More helpful then you know. Perhaps you may learn something as well. Knowledge is always a useful thing. He answered, smiling softly and seeming relieved that she was being amiable despite what had happened. Exposure to power helps us at the very least, understand it. Takes some of the terror out of it, the council Is terrified of you... I'm already under fire for even inviting you here instead of attacking. he admitted, shrugging.

But since you're willing.... Have you ever been there? The void I mean... We can't even make the attempt without blowing up a campus.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, I didn't really make the best first impression with the mage council, though last time i saw them, it was more anger, less terror, really." She said, smirking a bit as she listened to the rest of his speech.

"The void? I have been there. Could even take you, pretty sure." She said, grinning a bit. "Can't guarantee your safety, though i'll do what I can. Likely no longer than a minute, either. Plenty of things in there that dont enjoy visitors." She explained. "Not sure if hiding your presence, or going loud and warding up, would be your best bet."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

You're kidding..... You can take me there? I... you... what? he said, obviously just floored by those words and debating between River's choices offered. Alright, and well... wards don't work long with void energies... what we do get.. it just.... drains them away in an instant. Quiet likely. he said, seeming on board with this, excitedly so but verrry nervous. It was like being offered to be taken down into the deepest depths of the ocean, completely unknown and highly dangerous to him... but with so much to learn from even just a brief glance.

If you're willing... that would be amazing.... he said, still slightly disbelieving but ready.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

She nodded. "Makes sense, the void draws power quite easily." She agreed.

"I'll do it, but there is a pretty big amount of risk involved. Even the void doesnt really get along with me, much like your council. Prepare however you can, then let me know. All i really need is a dark room, and for it to stay dark until we return."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Her host smiled and raised a hand, snapping his fingers, the room being plunged into total darkness before he nodded, which she could easily see. Ready when you are. There's always Risk with the void. I trust you to pull us out if it suddenly gets hairy. he said, sitting back in his chair.