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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

So much power. This close, her connection to Hell surged with it, flooding her with its intensity, almost drowning her with it. She reached out and gripped the vampire with it. Balling up all he was and trapping him, seconds away from casting both halves into the gaping pit... and stopped.

River warred with herself, falling still, just the powerful beats of her wings keeping her aloft, her iron grip on the opponent unfazed. One beat, two... then she resolved herself, her eyes focusing on the body facing her, full of grim resolve.

Stretching her power, she separated the two souls, keeping the younger one with the body and tearing the elder forcefully out of it. She'd deal with this properly, taking the time to be sure they were truly separated, and the elder has no lingering pieces of himself around, casting him down to his final judgement before willing the place to seal once more.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The old vampire and the new. It was sad to see the state of the young man, like he'd been crucified by his own momentary greed and lust for power and this old soul had taken it too far. But while the old, a twisted creature more bone then flesh, and with twisting red blood whipping and striking at her like snakes without fangs any longer, fought for all he was worth, which was nothing in River's eyes right now, the young breathed a sigh of relief and the body seemed to relax as well now that the strain of holding 2 was gone.

YOU MISERABLE BITCH! I WILL NEVER FADE! I WILL NEVER DIE! I AM VARUSTRAZZA GIKTIN AND I AM ETERNAL! the nosferatu in her hands bellowed, before screaming in rage and hatred all the way down to the fires below, where River could watch and feel his soul being torn asunder once and for all by final retribution.

It was done, and the stones surged back into place, the mouth closing and the world righting itself, leaving River on the edge of the pit holding the vampire in her hands. She could still rip him apart, but he started at her docilely, and then looked away, unable to meet her gaze for longer then a moment. ... Thank you. he muttered softly, not struggling in her grip, just hanging there limply, waiting for her to decide his fate as well. no power stirred, no move was made by him, he simply resigned himself to her decision.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Everything started to close back up again, River moving the younger vampire to her as her feet finally touched ground again, setting the man down. "Use what you've been given. Don't turn out like him." She said softly.

It took her a moment to collect new shadows after the light of hell had bathed the room, but soon enough she was back to before, sitting on the ground beside the man in her long black dress. It had been quite a commotion, she could already feel company starting to make their way back in.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The doors slid open and she could see the Gargoyles all standing heavy guard on the room, Honor striding through them without a single hold up while the Mages all wanted in to know what the fuck was going on.

He regarded the pair, and raised an eyebrow at River, snapping a finger and slamming the doors shut. Hellgate. Explain River. If you be so kind. he said softly, sounding dangerous for the first time since she'd met him. She suddenly reminded her of John, lights pulsing under his flesh. Angelic at least in part.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The woman gave a short nod, remaining where she was for now. "I'm gonna assume you already knew about buddy here, at least the basics. Turns out he had an older leech latched onto his soul and driving his body around. Varustrazza git-something, pretty sure. He had plans to jump to my friend there, and had already outright killed one of the gargoyles, so I aimed to stop him. Didn't know about the hellgate, but i drew power, and it opened up, so I used it." She explained, starting to realize how tired she felt, and remaining seated on the floor.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I see. So the Blood Manipulator is passed... Such a shame, he was an old soul. Honor said softly, before looking at River and letting the tension bleed away. I was cast out for daring to converse with both Angel and Demon, and coming away... Unclean. Honorius the Damned. Honorius the Fallen... The Gate was made that day. Be careful, it is not like the more restrained ones. It is a true portal to the fires of the greater legion. An Archangel Gate is above. Draw too much attention from one, and the other will open. he cautioned her, before looking at the boy.

You, Are Hers. You will not Argue. You will not Disobey. You LITERALLY owe her your very soul. he said softly, the vampire nodding slightly while River sat, tired. The doors opened again at a gesture and River could see Jess, held tightly in the grip of Goliath, and another Gargoyle. Even she couldn't squirm loose. It was like the powerful Harkness had been caught like a kitten and she squeaked as she was dropped and flew to River, glomping her tightly. HOLYSWEETFUCKINGCHRISTDON'TSCAREMELIKETHAT!
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I don't know about it being a shame. Dude was evil, right to the core." River commented. "Like I said, I didn't mean to open the thing. Pretty sure it's shut again now, so if retribution isn't already here for it, we're probably fine, eh?"

River grunted as the vampire practically landed on her, hugging her back. "I scared you? Your drunk ass nearly got some weird vampire blood parasite in you, cause you wouldn't listen to me." She protested, pushing Jess back slightly. "Seriously. You drink too much girl, keep your head on your shoulders next time, eh?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

We were sposed to be safe naaaaow.... I did all the fighting outside. she said, sniffling and yes, still drunk. Party girl to the core. Buuut it was really hard not to like her. The new vampire who had no name just nodded at Honor and waited for Jess and River, though he popped an eyebrow at the so called legendary Harkness, who'd not only fed well enough to Get drunk, probably on the idiots outside, But proceeded to do so without a care in the world. Which even she would admit later, was an idiotic thing to do.

Granted River was slightly scared herself of the combat potential of a roaring drunk vampire without any inhibitions to hold her back in a rage. It would be impressive.

Honor nodded and sighed. That is certainly the truth of it River. That is certainly the truth. No holy trumpets or choirs... or explosions. Can I please request that the rest of your evening here pass without anyone else dying? Two nobles is enough and evil or not, that doesn't matter under my roof. If you kill here again I will not excuse it. he said, looking down at her a little sadly. And before you say too much, you could have walked away from the duel, and didn't need to come down here either. This is a club and supposed to be a place of safety even for those souls who are twisted beyond saving. he said, offering both girls a hand up and giving the young vampire a card. This is their address, wait there, defend their home until they return. Then River can decide what to do with you. A second chance at life is nice, but a second chance at immortality is not something to be snubbed. he said, sending the boy on his way unless River stopped him.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River looked up at the man, taking a moment to do something she almost never did, and doubly so now: Swallow her pride. "You're right, I've been crossing lines. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." She promised in a solemn tone, giving Honor a nod.

She stood when the man ordered the newer vampire away. "Heh, so much for a quiet entrance to town, everybody knew. Jess, give him your door key, I'll make sure we both get back." She said, before turning to the man himself. "I'd prefer you to stay low over any actual defending in a public hotel, but do what you gotta do. See ya in a couple hours."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Yes Mistress. the vampire said, nodding his head before taking Jessica's key and heading out. Honor seemed pleased with her answer and let the matter rest, leading them out of Wrath and back into the rings.

Enjoy the evening. Dig for your information or lose yourself in pleasure and debauchery ladies. Miss Harkness... I'm cutting you off. he said, deadpanning at Jessica about her drinking before heading back behind the bar and leaving the pair to themselves.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The title made the wraithling cringe slightly, but she said nothing about it, making her way back to the bar with a drunken Jess, and having a drink herself. "I don't suppose you've found any leads while I've been busy?" She asked in a wry tone, sipping her drink and taking her time. She needed time to think.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I.. found this. she said, sliding a broken knife onto the barcounter with an odd blue insignia on the hilt. Fifth Choir Mercenaries. They're from further up north. Why are they down here taking churchy contractsh. she said, exxageratedly holding up her hands and shrugging in the universal drunkspeak for "Iunno"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Given the name, I'd suspect they pick up religious contracts a fair bit. And I suppose nowadays travel isn't that bad, except weapons, I suppose." She answered, changing her tune for the end when she realized why mercenaries might have a tough time. "Those were the ones you tangled with outside, right? Think the had a run-in with Claire as well?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessica howled with laughter, literally cackling for a long moment before calming down. Witsh Claire!? Dat old foxsh is nashty on a level you woulshn't beleesh. But Again. Drunkspeak Iunno shrug.

Wooo i'm trashed. I wanna dansh. she said, either intoxicated on the sheer amount of booze in her system, or the god only knew how many people she'd had as walking juice boxes. Whatever it was she was far gone and likely trouble in the best way. The downside was that River's telekine side the bookworm was reminding her that she'd sober up as fast as she tanked likely and only had another hour of real fun left in her before she became all serious.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River let out a sigh. "Oh trust me, I believe it. I don't think they managed much, but maybe they put the fox into hiding, made her leave town, or attracted something else with the fight that actually gave her a run for their money. I don't suppose you left any alive? Wouldn't mind interrogating one of them, see if they know anything."

And of course, the woman would rather dance. It's a good thing she sobered up quick, or Jess might never crawl out of inebriation, with how often she found herself in the middle of it. Ah well, not much she could do with it. "Alright, go have your dance. But remember, you're cut off, no finding sips elsewhere." SHe warned, keeping an eye on the woman as she stayed at the bar, sipping from her own drink. She wasn't really in the mood to get toasted herself, after the two brawls she had been in.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Honor watched her dance away, shaking his head with a grin and sliding River a card. "You can have this. But no more fighting in the club. Unless it's with another human ish thing, AS a humanish thing. The powers of the void are almost universally lethal." he said, sliding her a drink as well. "Mint Roll Tops, no alcohol. Sweet and brisk." he said, letting go of the card if she promised not to fight like she had been, as if hearing her say it would put him at ease and let things go back to the smooth and unruffled nature he enjoyed.

If she did, she'd get the card, which would have an address to what was apparently called 2nd Safehouse and Claire's signature scrawled out in fine, vicious looking whorls. An ACTUAL Lead.

"If was the only place she asked for from Me while she was in town, and we are old.... acquantances. How could I say no. Let her have her fun, the blood rush is a delicious and delirious experience for them." he said, watching her dance with a beautiful pair of twin women, long red hair swaying, looking entranced by the pale beauty moving between them.
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Oh, I'm well aware what i'm capable of, lethal is very apt. I said I'd keep it in my pants, though if you're lifting the restriction on good old fisticuffs, that's awfully generous of you." She replied, a little frustrated that he was pressing the point after she had given a sincere apology already. Taking the card, she looked it over, nodding at what Honor had to say about it. "This should help a bunch, thanks."

She turned to watch the vampire dance, shaking her head some. "I get it, heady feeling, feel like you can do anything. Just never been much of a dancer, myself. Find it hard to move that much and stay put at the same time."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessica only took about a half hour to sober up and go from Woohoo fun to Hungover, the transformation interesting to see as she went from having the time of her life to charging for the bathrooms like her very life depended on it.

It would have been amusing if everything else hadn't gone tits up already tonight. The look on Honorius' face told her that he'd pressed the point a second time just to annoy her and likely would again before the night was through.

He didn't get the chance however since River's interest in the club had been used up, and Jessica likewise seemed to be finished, the pair heading back to their hotel without incident and dropping into bed easily.

River was not haunted by dreams, or issues of any kind, and Jessica seemed to just be... dead. Not completely dead, but certainly looking like it sleeping so heavily and not doing certain things, like blinking, or breathing, or moving.

Evening rolled back around, the now familiar itch of sunlight fading away and the smell of coffee rolling through the air, Jessica seemed to have risen before her and was wandering around the kitchennette naked as she made some sort of breakfast for herself, though it was absent her usual bloodbag.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

After all of the evening's activities, she was burnt up. Nobody approached her at the bar while she waited for Jess to wind down, and she was fine with that, watching the vampire go from party girl to morning after girl in the time it took her to sip away at her own drinks.

The trip back to their hotel was just as uneventful, River taking the couch to make sure their new third had a sealed room to sleep the day away in. Her own rest was untroubled, though she woke several times through the day to roll over and reposition.

Eventually the sky began to darken again, and the next time the wraithling opened her eyes, she received a full view of Jessica's naked ass from across the small common area. "Please tell me you already slept with the new guy, and he isn't going to spontaneously nosebleed at the sight of you." She said with a groan, getting up and rolling a sore shoulder on her way across to get some of that coffee she could smell brewing.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I haven't, and entirely forgot about that. So... one sec. She said, handing coffee to River before darting to her room and getting a dressing gown on. The new guy was sitting silently in a chair in the commons and had gown unnoticed this entire time, clearing his throat.

While I appreciate the thought.... I'm gay. he said, announcing his presence with either a great lie to tell when in the company of two admittedly smoking hot women, OR, a convenient truth. Either way, Jess just facepalmed. You do have a nice ass though. he said, shrugging.

He was currently holding a blood bag, slowly flexing and unflexing his free hand, half the bag floating calmly in the air and moving with his fingers, making small but amusing shapes, like a dexterity exercise. If either girl got nervous, notably River, he'd blanch and put the blood away. I can't do what he did. I can't work blood in a body... If I could I'd have freed myself and spared you the trouble and the violence. I apologize. he said clearly, bowing his head, Jessica nodding at that and looking at River. Seems like a nice kid. I've seen that Sorcery before, blood manipulation. It's rare though, how did you end up with that Master? she asked him, to which he simply shook his head. If you don't mind... I'd rather not talk about it. Hes gone, i'm free... I'm happy to leave the past in the past if you'll let me. he said, again regarding River, not Jessica. If there was a pecking order here, he saw River at the top of it.