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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River chuckled, doing a small bow herself. "Glad I could provide some amusement, at least." She said before he wandered off. She didn't mind, truly. Would have been too easy if the first person she saw practically dumped the information on her lap, after all.

So instead, she downed the last of her own drink, setting the glass down and considering the concentric rings she sat in the center of. Which one would be Claire's favourite sin? Or better yet, knowing her, which group would she take advantage of the truce here to piss off?

The mages. She'd love to rub their noses in person from safety. But would they help her, of all people? Worth a shot. Standing, she made her way back up the rings, stepping through the glamour surrounding Heresy, and waiting a moment, expecting to be accosted, at least verbally. "Howdy." She said to the first mage that approached her, standing loose, but ready, just in case.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River stepped through the glamour of heresy and into it's ring, she was stopped by no one, given no more then a passing glance. She had seen through the defense, and entered, she had as much right to be in this ring under Honor's truce as anyone else.

What accosted her however, was the complete change in atmosphere. Here the temperate was slightly higher, and the music from the rest of the club dimmed considerably to a simple classic piece she couldn't quite place, gentle, lilting, and with a dignity reflected here in this ring. Here the people all sat at tables, those few that were here anyway, sipping on drinks provided by a series of servers that moved quietly and cautiously around the tables.

If the mages here wanted to make a severe showing of their innate power, this kind of seclusion would hide it well enough to keep the general populace from panicking, and likely call Honorius over immediately to put a swift and likely violent end to it. From everything she'd gathered in the short interaction, his absolute power in this place was something that stuck sharply in her mind. The truce here was maintained not through diplomacy, but respect born of fear...

A respect River realized, that Claire would not have shared.

Everyone here was dressed at their absolute best, and quiet conversations and arguments drifted around the tables.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hmm. Well, she wasn't horribly expecting violence, but she did expect that she wasn't welcome in the cool kids' clubhouse. Apparently they didn't mind as much as she thought. That made things a bit harder.

Let's play a little passive agressive. Flagging a passing server to collect her another drink, she simply found an empty seat at a busy table, and started listening to conversations, half interested, half pretending to be interested.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

the people she'd chosen to intrude upon all stopped and regarded her for a moment, looking her up and down, 4 of them, 3 men and a woman, all in their 30's it seemed, the woman wearing an extravagant silk dress in crimson that gripped her curves well only to flare out slightly at the base below her knees. The men were one and all in suits, black on black on white.

As the server returned with her drink, the woman in red continued looking her up and down with interest, before the man opposite her scowled, his thick brows bunching and his tangle of brown hair falling slightly into his eyes before he gestured with his hand, River's chair sliding backwards a good 16 inches or so from the table. Only... for the woman to perform the same gesture in reverse, and bring River back with a wink.

The man turned almost purple in response, before standing and leaving abruptly, the other 2 men bursting into laughter, one a dirty blonde closer to 40 then 30, reaching up to twist a wide mustache around his finger, lines around his eyes showing he smiled and laughed often. His eyes held an unnatural amber hue to match his hair, while the woman's were a wild and deep green to offset her red hair... a shade of Red River would have had to walk around for 2 weeks with dye in to match.

The last of the men seemed to be the youngest, maybe still in his late 20's and he seemed confused by the entire thing, blue eyes bouncing between all three of them, short cropped hair also a brilliant red.

Do you normally make such a brash entrance? the woman asked curiously, looking extremely amused about the entire situation. I'm Frey, the confused one is my younger brother Veno, and our host is the grabby old lecher with the odd eyes, Gerald. she said, introducing the table, the old man twirling his mustache laughing at that and bowing his head slightly. It's very interesting, and reckless, very reckless. Suppose that earns something doesn't it... he said thoughtfully, still chuckling while Veno just looked like he wanted to be ANYWHERE else.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

She gave the group a friendly smile as they tried to figure out what to do with her, jumping a bit when the man scooted her chair back a foot and change, though she didn't spill any of her freshly delivered drink, repeating the feat when the woman slid her back in, having a chuckle with the rest of them.

"Name's River. Seems like half this place has heard of me somehow, so may as well help the other half out. Nice to meet you all. And as a general rule, I prefer not to ruffle feathers, at least not that badly, but this seems like the perfect way to break the ice, in this case. I hope I didn't interrupt anything too important?" She answered, having nodded to each of the three as they were introduced.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Not at all, the man who stormed off is a bit slow. He's been trying to get me out on our own for several weeks now despite Veno here dropping hints that I'm into less... 'Male' company. I may have just truly broken all his hopes and dreams by insisting you stay. Frey said, shaking her head and laughing lightly while Gerald could only chuckle. I warned him as well. His disappointment has only himself as the cause. Stubborn, and quick to anger, But talented, very talented... If what you want is something blown up. Or cleaned to within an inch of it's life. Very good with fire you see, he has a deep understanding of the physics behind thermal expansion and heat. It translates well into his spells. Gerald continued, shaking his head.

Veno just sighed and ran a hand through his hair. That is Hardly the point Gerald, he's not a man you snub, there will be a duel over this, I garauntee it. I just hope our guest here isn't on the receiving end... No offense, but you're not a mage are you... he said bluntly, looking at her, his eyes flashing from their blue to violet and back, only to blush deeply and look down. Frey started to do the same, what River could only assume was a deeper look at her, Veno sensing it and throwing a hand up over her eyes, making her pout. If you weren't as Bent as I am... I'd be jealous. she declared, turning up her nose slightly which only made Veno drop his forehead to the table with a thunk.

Hmmm So.... River. Why this table? If you're not a mage then you aren't part of the Council, and you're here, so you're not Vatican... Is it just a pretty woman seeming all alone in need of rescue? he asked her, face crinkled in a smile as he continued to toy with his mustache.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"You know..." She started in response to the question, leaning in a bit. "I almost was a mage. Twice even. Such was not to be, however. So no, I'm not a mage, though I can usually handle myself." She explained, noticing Veno's eyes flash, and the resultant blush. Chances are he had accidentally undressed her with whatever spell he had just tried. She frowned a bit, but it was some ing she thought may happen when she decided on her wardrobe. Which is why her underwear was real, at least.

"Like brother, like sister? Interesting. " She said, amused. "As for why I'm here, that goes back to why I was so reckless, earlier. Was hoping it may jog people's memory. I'm looking for a fox, of the sort that may make herself known in this ring, just to annoy folks."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The general mood at the table instantly died, and was replaced with apprehension. They knew Exactly who she was talking about, and it showed all over their faces. Several moments passed in silence, before Gerald glanced to Frey, who returned the gaze and sighed, closing her eyes.

The Wilding. Yea, I have a good idea who you mean, though why anyone would actively seek out someone so.... Confrontational, is beyond me. She didn't make any friends that night, it's..... frustrating, for people with our level of control, to have to deal with insults from someone obviously beyond our abilities. Frey said, before jerking a thumb over her shoulder to an area of the ring that seemed to be slightly under construction.

River hadn't immediately noticed that area either, it seemed to be under another glamour, more powerful then the one that hid the ring. Gerald took it upon himself to finish for her. One of the younger boys was foolish enough to take up her challenge.... 2.8 seconds. That's all the longer it lasted. he said softly, taking a deep breath as he remembered. Vicious woman, no hesitation, no mercy, just an efficient and lethal showing of power... After? We're not sure, someone took notice, she was asking for information, It was likely she made enough of an impression to get it. Honorius was Furious. I've never seen him so angry, it was like standing between two gods... he finished in a whisper.

Veno was the one who seemed least affected by the episode however It happens often, duels here, but you see there's rules, death is fine but the odds seemed so unfair to anyone present, that your Fox should have never stepped into the circle with him. he said flatly, holding up a hand and spinning a small blue sphere of light in his palm. I'm not a fighter. he started, but a voice behind River spoke up.

I most certainly Am. It was the jilted man from earlier, and there was open conflict in his eyes. Cease this foolishness Carlos Frey snapped, only to wilt under the mans gaze which River could feel shift to the back of her neck. I know where your fox is... he hissed softly. Turning to regard him she'd see his hands covered in light gauntlets of some kind, heavy garnets held in a webwork of gold. The Challenge is open Monster. he said softly, the last word all but spit across the table
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River sighed, refusing to turn and face the man, taking a swig of her drink before regarding Veno again. "I think I should hear more about those rules you mentioned..." She said softly, making Carlos wait, and anger hum even more. "I wouldn't want to break any of them, after all."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Those are easy enough to explain. The rules are simple, common courtesy dictates that if the level of strength or skill is too great, or it wouldn't be fair in some way, then someone should step in and declare the challenge null. Rule number 2 is a bit more straightforward, don't blow up my club. Rule 3, you cannot leave the dueling circle until the duel is concluded. And the 4th rule is a bit more... Home grown, any agreements or debts wagered on the duel itself, must be honored at it's end. This happens Regardless of if a party dies... I see to that Myself. Honorius said from the side, having been keeping an eye on the situation it seemed.

Frey coughed slightly and Veno thunked his head to the table again. No one was stepping in, it seemed that the duel as far as any of them knew, would be fair enough to allow to continue... But the demon in River purred triumphantly even as she seethed with outright Rage at River being insulted in such a way. He's a Flame User.... she said darkly from within River's psyche, her inner voice practically dripping with malice...

Just think, if you kill him, you can devour his mind too... her so far silent third piece called in, also fairly indignant.

I'm waiting for an answer... Carlos said, crossing his arms. While Honor himself said nothing, simply looked between them with a slightly amused look. You know... beating her wont make Frey want dick.... There's nothing for that... I mean, I suppose there's a spell that can Give her a dick for awhile.... Mages are a weird lot... he said to himself, tilting his head back and forth.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River frowned slightly at mention of the third rule. No skipping in and out of the void for her. Not that it sounded necessary, if the man's first, second, and last stage Ty revolved around fire. She had better end it quickly though, before he figured out that it wouldn't work very well on her.

"Carlos, was it?" She said, turning to face the man. "Frankly, I'm surprised. If you were after Tang that bad, getting pissed off when more of it sits is probably a bad idea, as is attempting to kill it. But if kicking your ass gets me what I need to know, then I'll be happy to go half a round with you. Now, i'm guessing?" She told him, glancing towards the apparent arena in the ring.
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Carlos only sneered in response, turning on his heel and heading for the circle, a gesture incinerating the caution lines, the no entry sign, and the hanging plastic over one segment in an instant before coming to rest at the far side.

Now that the visual blockage had been moved, River could see the leftovers of Claire's apparent spat in the circle, two warped points in the stone where it had obviously been melted, and several spidering cracks splitting the entire marble stone, which was a good 6 inches thick to River's eye from each point. She could see in her mind how that fight would have ended as well. It wasn't a pretty picture.

Honor turned to her. As soon as you enter the circle, there's a 3 count, and it begins. Any spell or in this case, ability, that is within the rules is viable for use. No one will hold anything against you here and now for anything that happens within that circle. he said, offering his hand like a proper gentleman to help her from her seat, before pushing the vacant chair in whether she accepted the gesture or not.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Good to know, thank you." She answered, accepting the hand out of the chair, leaving the last of her drink behind. "How do you fancy my chances, hmm?" She asked, making conversation for the walk over. Her mind was already elsewhere however, her powers slowly building power, coiling like a viper about to strike. Shadows started winding their way towards her, slithering out from under tables and people, adding their mass to the dark clinging to her form, giving her more to work with.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Well, If you're asking my honest opinion... well. Could go either way, if you waste time, he'll understand where he might find a weakness... But in fairness, He's been getting on my nerves. His only real interest in Frey, apart from the obvious, and she is admittedly a looker. If only my cock still worked, at least my tongue does... Is in her family connections. He's a right git and I'll be so torn up when I deliver the news. Honorius said, feigning distress for a moment before sitting down at the edge, a server immediately setting down a glass of whatever in the sweet fuck he was drinking, minty whatsits.

As she was gathering her powers, she had to know he was doing so himself, going through whatever routine he needed to, to launch spells in the heat of combat which she had to assume was no easy feat. Focus she remembered from George. That was the key to most workings, Understanding, and Focus. He understood fire, she'd garnered that much from the table alone. But the focus... what exactly he'd do was anyone's guess.

The three count started the moment she entered the ring, her first step heralded with a 1! from Honorius. 2 he seemed to be relishing the moment as he sipped on his drink. Still Carlos had yet to ready and openly seen spell or plan, his hands at his sides, palms to her, waiting. 3! And that's where the attack came, Instantaneously, the air in front of her shimmered with heat, before it ignited, a curling, roiling, wave of flames washing towards her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River gave Honorius a nod and a smirk, stepping into the ring. A mage seemed like an insurmountable obstacle, but at their core, all that power was still directed by a human. And humans can be mislead, tricked, distracted. And so, as the referee started the count, River decided to play a shell game against the man.

The darkness around her surged at the two count, massing around her before dropping to the floor, including the darkness of her dress, leaving her in her small clothes just as the 3 count hit.

She saw the wall of flames appear just as fast, but she expected something of the sort already, starting to run straight at it, going into a slide as her darkness surged up to cover her and press through the flames, burning off from the light and heat of it.

Then she was through, surging back to a standing position, armored in the dark with the leftover mass still trailing at her heels, throwing a spike of the stuff like a javelin across the remaining space separating her from her opponent.
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Carlos seemed surprised to have River barreling at him through the wall but the attack didn't surprise him, his hand flaring with light to snatch and burn off the spike she'd thrown. In response to the problem and noting how her darkness did shrug off as the light increased, He spread the wall to encapsulate the dueling circle, shining light 360 by 360, the new situation cutting off River's ammo supply to what she had left, not even Carlo casting a shadow at this point.

That was accomplished with one sweeping gesture, while his other hand, now free of her spike, was circling low at his hip before it swiftly turned, two fingers pointing sharply up, and River felt the simulacrum she had created ignite ferociously. She couldn't feel the heat itself, he had yet to raise the temp to anything dangerous to a hellborne creature, but she could feel the damage he was doing to the darkness she had worn.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

So far, so good. The fake River lit up, the dome of flame doing little but enforcing the time limit she had to get this over with. The mass of black behind the figure sued up and outwards, forming a black tidal wave that swept up the false River as it roiled towards Carlos, smothering the flames as it salvaged the darkness remaining there. River ran just behind the wave, now visible to everyone outside the arena, the wall of darkness blocking his sight of her. She prepared her final attack, almost across the entire length of the arena now. So far he'd focused his attention on everything but her, which was perfect. Another second or two, and she'd be close enough that it wouldn't matter...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Carlos only smirked at her as she rushed forward, and then the globe around them exploded. River couldn't feel the heat rising and was unprepared when the very air inside the dueling circle shimmered, and then erupted in roiling flame.

Her shadows abandoned her in that instant, leaving her naked and charging when the conflagration cleared, her hand tangling in his hair being the only warning she had that she had achieved some kind of grip on the man, her eyes struggling and failing to adjust to the sharp change in both light and air pressure, before the vacuum from the flames forcefully jerked her backwards, Carlos shrieking in rage and indignation as a handful of his hair came away in her fist.

The sudden pain of it threw his next spell wide, which was what she could tell was an outright attempt at murder, a searing hot point even she felt blazing to life just passed her ear, the flame itself a sickly green color, like molten copper, that splashed across her cheek and face, or seemed to. The flames only rolled harmlessly across her flesh, licking her face and leaving her skin a tad irritated. He HAD managed to burn her. She was running out of time to do something decisive. If he could conjure flames that hot, he would eventually find something hot enough to break even her resistance.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River ignored the heat, past noting how it burnt off her small clothes. She could deal with that after. Besides, it may distract the pussy-hungry man a little, seeing her twin's running back towards him.

Tossing the clump of hair to the side, she started back towards him again, holding her demonic transformation at bay until absolutely necessary. There was no more dark to play the shell game with, so she started messing with him more directly. She had watched his hands move as he conjured flames before, so when he started once more, she'd reach out with her mind and grip his hands, pressing on a finger sideways until she heard the snap, continuing to advance. And she'd do it again and again, every time he tried.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Carlos again moved his hands to attack, and howled in pain as his right index finger snapped, but then River felt the wall of a mental defense come up. Telekine's and Mages were of a similar breed, she'd remembered being told as much back at the Tower.

She had one chance as she broke his concentration again, his attack blowing up this time just near his own ear, leaving him stumbled to the left, his ear bleeding and likely deaf. If she was going to end it and keep a low profile doing it, this was probably the best chance.