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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River gave a chuckle in return for the keys, giving Jess a grin to tease her as to the man's reasoning. "Thanks for the help. When all this is done, should we come back here for the trip home, or will the plane be somewhere else by then?"

Once she had her answer, she'd give him a nod, and head for the garage, using the beeper to see which of the cars was apparently theirs, taking note of the model before climbing in. What immediately followed was a peel out rivalling one of Jess' own, and a fresh grin directed at the vampire, though she started driving normally after that. "Had to make them just a little nervous, you know." She said with a laugh. "Get the GPS going, and turn on the radio, let's see if we can find any news on our wayward fox."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I have no idea on that count Miss. If you can find Claire, she likely knows more about any exits then we do. best of luck, keep your head down. the man answered, waving as he watched them leave.

Once in the garage, River saw it was most certainly not the thriving affair that her office paid for, but what it lacked in size, it made up for in quality, if River had any eye for cars, and she really didn't. But Jessica did and when their ride lit up at the push of a button, she practically pounced on River to try and get the keys, River having to port herself into the drivers seat to keep them. The interior was lined with hand stitched leather, and even to river, there was no missing the 3 pronged Mercedes emblem embossed on fucking Everything.

Jessica for her part, sulked, right up until River put her foot down, and put Jessica's previous burnouts to shame as 600 horses went to work, propelling them forward like a cannonball out of the garage, the vampire laughing uproariously as they made their way out, and Jessica got to work on the gps.

The Radio had music, and news, and since they were looking for Claire, Jessica tuned it to news, presumably listening in for any odd or big stories, but apart from a break in a few days ago, there really wasn't anything. The weather was expected to be temperate. The Gps on the other hand, did exactly what it was intended to do, directing them down the road towards Rome. They had a few hours of driving on what was essentially an empty back road at this hour, before it spit them out onto a proper highway.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The wraithling let out a whoop as well, the finely tuned car running smoothly even as she maxed out first gear, starting to shift up as the pulled out.

Settling into a more stable driving routine once they hit the road, she noticed they had a few hours before hitting the highway, and sped up a bit, shaving about twenty minutes off the trip. "Doesn't sound like Claire's made big news, though I'm hardly surprised." She commented. "Guess we'll have to do some sleuthing when we get there. Any idea how to spend the next few hours?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I spy? Apart from enjoy the scenery, there isn't much. And Claire has never really been all that subtle when she's angry but the Vatican here is really good at keeping stranger things quiet. So it's not surprising. We're more likely to see something that looks like her handiwork when we get there. And even then, Rome is a big city, there's gonna be a lot of ground to cover. Jessica mused as they pulled onto a proper road, River speeding up to cut the time.

Rolling hills intersparsed with floodplains and valleys made up the road to Rome, before they hit the Roman highway, realistically unchanged from ancient times, cutting a path straight through the countryside towards their destination.

honestly since we have so little influence in this area, we should probably try and find someone who does. Like I said, the Telekines move around fairly freely, but I can probably find the older vampires a lot faster. We'll have to play it by ear. Odds are she'll find us if she's able. As for the time? The radio sucks, the news is boring, and a drive is a drive. How are you and Mouse getting along? she continued, perking up as she remembered their dubiously innocent little hacker, smiling like a cat.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, having something of a local guide would likely help. Not sure about asking another vampire though, the older ones just get more and more ruthless over time, don't they? Then again, I doubt any telekinesis in the area would be any more inclined to manners." She answered with a chuckle, giving Jessica an unaided look at her other question.

"Oh, very funny. He's fine, settled in quite nicely and enjoying all his toys, of which I am not one, thanks. Mouse just doesn't have the mindset for that, I think. I remember one of the last times I visited at his house, he yelled at me for interrupting his sandwich." She explained, giving a chuckle at the end. "What about you and Vorlan, eh? I'm sure there's people asking when the wedding is by now." She shot right back.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Your sandwich? Is he some kind of innocent or something? Every man is interested in that... Though he's always been very sweet when I see him. What I don't get is how he's so thin, he's ALWAYS eating something, and then there's the soda. For someone so hyped up, he's really mellow. You guys really aren't an item? Wow, Misread that one... Jessica replied, before blushing and raising her eyes at River's counter.

Marriage!? Who said Marriage! Did he!? He better not have! she said, seeming to panic and flail around a little.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"With a life on the internet like his, I'm pretty sure he's seen things that I shudder to think about. He just... I think he runs his life like he's a Sim or something. Hungry, eat food, tired, crash on bed. Horny, put on some porn and rub one off. probably thinks its easier than having a full committed relationship." River answers with a smirk, deliberately ignoring the barrage of questions she's caused in the vampire with her other statement.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Screw mouse! what did you mean Marriage?! Jess cried, still panicking as she looked about to grab River and shake her, in a complete mess for a moment.

I told him no damnit! I'm not getting married! Why would he say that?! I'm gonna kill him!!! she continued, eye starting to twitch.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Calm, down, jeez." River answered with a laugh. Tapping her temple, she continued.

"Nobody said anything. I don't need to be a mind reader though. Vorlan is one of those people who cares as much as he loves, which is rare these days. You're pretty lucky to have him, Jess. Someone who wants you for who you are, instead of some shallow need for lust, or some overblown sense of male conquest."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

That's because he's a romantic idiot! He got on one knee, did the flowers and the ring and all that ridiculous bullshit and all I could do was run away! I mean... I can't have children, and he can... Why would I ever marry him?! I can't do that to him! Jess rambled on, before taking several deep breaths and calming down, blushing furiously, which for the vampire was just a light tint to her cheeks.

But you! You're like... an honest to gods freak of nature... IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY! I mean... you could have anything.. I'm surprised you stay alone so much. I mean... Gah, Get laid sweetheart! You're making me feel all nervous about you! she continued, trying to explain and failing miserably as they drove. Well, at least Jessica was still Jessica... Though the only thing missing right now was that freaky hellbug Slip.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Do you think he cares about that? Obviously he believes he'd be happy with you, and there are worse things than adoption, if you two decide you really want children sometime down the road." River chided. During the short pause of Jess cooling off, she fished out her phone, running an aux cable to the stereo to save them the bother of crappy radio stations.

She frowned a bit when Jess decided to talk about the wraithling's sex life, or lack thereof. "I get enough, don't you worry. Sex isn't really high on my priority list, and gods know I am acutely aware of how many men propositioning me are all about that male conquest I mentioned." She answered, her tone giving off a little growl as she slumped in her seat a bit, focusing on setting a playlist for the drive.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess stuck out her tongue, the topic of not being able to give Vorlan little kits also dropped as quickly as River's sex life. Still, the vampire was unable to stay silent for all that long and proceeded to ramble at random before poking River in the shoulder. So... what's up with John? is he even involved? Or just bored... I mean, I'm grateful and all for what he did, but I have to figure the other angels want his head on a plate for it as well...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I don't even know. Tried getting him out for coffee a few times, just to keep in contact, but... What do you say, right? Wound up getting too awkward, so we just stopped." River answered, giving a shrug. "As for his business, I have no idea. Some of it's gotta be official, but i think he's gone a fair bit further than that on a few times. I don't even pretend to understand."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The conversation wound down on the topic of John fairly quickly, as River was right, it was hard to even pretend to understand, just as most everyone else couldn't really get a handle on what River was going through with her other selves.

Still, the ride into Rome was short after that point, the time passing as swiftly as the lights on the highway, and the gps unerringly bringing them to the front entrance of a Hotel called the Petali Rossi, Red Petals. What that was supposed to mean was a mystery for now, if it even mattered, but the doorman and valet wore identical crimson jackets.

As River opened the door under the covered entryway, it started to rain, and the Valet smiled to himself, apparently liking the rain, and saying as much to himself as he offered to park their car for them, Jessica already working to yank their luggage and supplies out of the trunk and flailing away the doorman.
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"You bet." River answered the valet, passing him the keys before helping Jessica with their luggage, the two of them handling it easily as they went inside.

"Hi, we're looking for a room. Two beds, if possible." River told whoever greeted them at the front desk, glancing around at the place. Red was definitely on the colour palette, that's for sure.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Crimson was Everywhere, intertwined with gold, roses being the primary theme going on all around the place, and it was certainly one of the nicer hotels they were likely to find. The man behind the counter was an older gentleman who nodded as he turned to the computer. "room 415 is open, 2 bedroom... and how will you be covering the payment?" he asked, Jessica quick enough to slip her what felt like a credit card. Company budget, go nuts. she whispered.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Gotta love these retreats." River shot back with a conspiratorial grin. Gotta keep up appearances, after all.

"415 sounds fine, thanks." She answered the man, slipping the card over to him. "We shouldn't be staying more than a week or two, but I can't give you an exact date, sorry about that."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The man smiled and swiped the card, nodding as soon as the card cleared. "Don't worry about that in the slightest, there's a full list of services offered on each bed, including a list of numbers for local restaurants and the like. There's also 3 numbers there that will let you reach us at any hour for any reason, don't hesitate if you need anything. Room service is complimentary as is a taxi service twice daily during regular business hours. Enjoy your stay ladies." he said, handing the card back as he waved a gloved hand at a nearby bellhop.

The young man in question practically SEIZED their bags in his fervor and carried everything himself to the elevator, insisting that he be allowed to do so.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Watching Jess supress her rage at the bellhop, she just chuckled and let the man do his job. Following him into the elevator, she went over the plan in her head. May as well inspect the room quick, then that list of numbers should give them a place to start, at least. There was also the fact that here was apparently Claire's last known location. Hmm...

"Excuse me. I think a friend of mine stayed here recently. Have you seen her around?" She spoke suddenly, giving the bellhop Claire's description.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The bellhop tilted his head, before River got to the description involving Claire's almost solid silver hair, nodding. "Yes madam, I remember helping such a woman, though I haven't seen her in 3 days. She was always carrying a heavy looking leather book though. It seemed very important to her." He recalled, before the elevator dumped them out on the 4th floor, the bellhop remembering himself and scurrying to their room.

Inside the room was luxurious, spacious, and really containing anything they could need, including a decent view of the southern cityscape, and the coliseum itself, towering in the distance.

Jess was the first to dive onto a bed, fidgeting as she whined So we don't even know if she had the spear, she had a book. Who cares about a book? And 3 days? That's a cold trail at best!