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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Flipping open her phone, River found a simple text was sufficient to convince Hervo to meet, and indeed, as she made her way back through the city, once more a ghost without incident, or rather, further incident, River found him waiting in the lobby with a curious expression, though he was out of uniform and looked as if her message had caught him out of the gym.

The flooding lobby lights were uncomfortable, and indeed, some of them died almost instantaneously with River's entrance to bring the glare down to a tolerable level for her, though the urge to blacken everything was rising quickly.

The infamous River. Got your message obviously? what do you need?
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Not much that can be handled here, i‘m afraid.“ she said, pulling the top of her hood forward a little. “Can we talk somewhere a little quieter, perhaps? Darker would be bettter, too.“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Rock concert under industrial floodlights? Gotcha. Hervo said, turning to lead the way back to the hall, bypassing the omnipresent elevator this time and instead walking passed a set of very nice office spaces, before coming to a conference room.

Opening the door, Hervo flipped off the lights, turned on a desk lamp, and waited for River to enter, before closing the door. Biting his thumb, Hervo smeared a sigil across the steel of the door which hummed briefly, and to River, seemed to glow, though no light was cast.

As private as it can get without heading to the sublevels, and into my own areas of the Tower. What is it? he asked, sitting in one of the many chairs surrounding a large oval table, looking curious as he leaned back.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I uhh, just meant somewhere the general unaware populace wouldn't hear, but thanks." River said, giving Hervo a wry look as she found a chair and sat down, pondering how much to tell him.

"I had an interesting discussion with my subconscious earlier. Long story short, I need to find some way to feed my different parts, or they'll wither and I'll die. Two of them are pretty easy, the last, not so much. So I came to you. I need to find some way to feed my demonic side without resorting to demonic sluttery. Any ideas?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Subconscious? You know what? Don't tell me. As for demons in general, especially taint... It's a little tricky. Demons that are born as what they are within the fires of hell, are set in their ways following strict pathlines and needs... but Humans that are hell touched are different. It's like they're in the process of birth or creation, what they are hasn't been decided... As for Demonic Sluttery? Well, that's obviously Lust, a cardinal sin. Many demonic aspects fall under similar rules. Pride, Envy, Greed, Wrath, Hatred, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony. The extreme aspects of their natures. They don't fall necessarily into the cardinals exactly, but those are certainly present, and can be traced through the various breeds. If Slutting around is Lust, then Rage and Violence is Wrath. Any of these behaviors would constitute as feeding a demon, but drawing those aspects from others is a far faster method. So if you spent a lot of time doing something to Inspire those feelings, that would become the norm, and your aspect would finally settle. You're not the only human to have to deal with this, not by a mile. He said, spelling it out for her as best he could, before taking a break and regarding her.

You have always been... Prideful, sure of yourself, and not likely to take criticism or doubt, so just being yourself would sustain you in that regard. Pride is very powerful, extremely so... But lets think of something else to paint the picture. Let's say, to scratch the itch so to speak, you simply made yourself stunningly beautiful, not so YOU could take pride in your appearance, but so you could make others around you jealous of your beauty, inspiring Envy... You'll find those strong and negative emotions will feed you far more readily then your own will, but your own personality will also play a factor. If you take pride in your power, or rely on violence and anger to settle your problems, you'll feed on the negative emotions created, but settle into your nature based on your own actions, falling into Pride or Wrath, and needing to feed on those aspects. A demon of Wrath is always around areas of intense violence and hatred, where rage is around them often enough to make them powerful. Prideful demons aspire for positions of great power, where their close subordinates take pride in simply being near them. Feeding egos and driving them to disaster. It's not overly complicated, but since it's part of who you are now, it's important that you don't shackle yourself down. You MUST feed, that much is true, but be careful on what you feed on, you can choose in the end by tempering your own behavior. Your free-running for instance inspires pride in yourself, and envy in others, your temper may inspire Wrath.

It's... like navigating a minefield of all the worst things humanity has to offer itself, if you do it right, it can be minimal. Bear in mind, any abilities you garner from this, will reflect your final demonic nature.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Well, that doesn‘t sound too horrible.“ River answered, the woman shifting in the seat she had taken while he explained. “do you think it‘s possible to balance between all of them, and keep in limbo indefinitely? I kinda doubt it, but you never know.“
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

No sadly, it can't be done. Your hardest battles will be dealing with the nature Ferenze tried to force on you... and we both know where he was heading with that one. And I'm personally glad it was halted, an Enslaved Succubus is Dangerous, Extremely so. Still, you've probably inherited a few of the gifts in that regard, shapeshifting, emotion manipulation... Still, you can't avoid falling into a set path in this regard, it's like a cancer, it will grow until it's accomplished it's goal here. Hervo answered, keeping his voice as neutral as was possible.

What is possible is to feed in a way that doesn't bring about pain or destruction, that much is still up to you. Many Wrath tainted demon touched regularly attend boxing and MMA fights to feed on the bloodlust of the crowd. he offered.

We actually have a few on the security and assault teams, who we just keep working regularly, and let the job handle it. Their friends keep them in check, and they stay fed and under control. Not the end of the world, you may even come to enjoy it.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“To be honest, ‘coming to enjoy it‘ is what scares me.“ River admitted, slumping a little. “but at least I now know I have some alternatives to the worst of it. So thanks for that, at least.“

Standing, she gave a little shrug, glancing around the room. “Anything else I should know, since you‘ve spent the energy on making this room so secure?“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo cleared his throat as River asked if there was anything else. Turning, she'd see him nod, though he didn't seem to like what he was about to say. Claire and John... The Free Angel and the Wild... are more likely to know of any way to curb the process entirely... No one's ever... Cured what's going on, at least to my knowledge. But the council knows about something called an Old One. Or rather a couple Someones. Claire is near the age to qualify, but it's a name given to immortal, or semi immortal mages. They would know more then anyone about your condition. More so then Angels... Because Angels have never bothered to try. So if you want a second opinion. John and Claire are your best options, I'd mention the Council, but unless you have some way to speak with them without risk, I'd advise against any contact. Claire is... something of a special case, She's old, she's extremely old, and other lycanthropes even gave her that name, The Wild, or The Tempest. Whatever she's told you, she's upwards of 1000, maybe older. How she's maintained her sanity is beyond me, but I find I don't like to trust anything that old, with too many, or not enough, motives for their actions. I've got my scars, but Claire used to be revered as a Goddess. Hervo said, seeming unsure about how much more to share on this. On Claire specifically.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Well, something to look into at least. But at least I know it isn't quite as bad as I thought, now. Claire worries me, but at least she's straight up enough to not bullshit you around, best I can tell. I uh, better get going then, thanks." River answered, pausing a sec to let Hervo get the last word in, before heading back out to the hall.

There wasn't much she needed right off, so the woman resolved to try some of this feeding business. Much as she wanted to feel the sun on her face, it seemed a bad idea to go running during the day for the heck of it, so she hunkered down and waited for later, heading out in the dark of night to 'feed her pride' a little, and help her relax.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

You've been through a lot River. Feel free to call, though I'd give Jessica a little time. She forgives you, she's just shaken. Vorlan would be better. Most lycans understand a lack of personal control. Hervo said in parting as River made her way out.

Waiting for night to fall, River felt the darkness in her croon with delight as the sun sank below the horizon. And she couldn't help but dim or outright blow lightbulbs she got too close to. She had a severe amount of personal internal conflict to sort, but at least she was handling it where other, weaker people would be overwhelmed.

Heading out for her run, River felt dangerous, powerful again, in her proper element, and that only helped her put foot to roof and street, and a part of her hunger was sated.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“And you?“ River asked softly, pausing at the door. She waaited just long enough to hear his response, then she was gone, dimming the lights and slipping through the shadows to the alley beside the building.

The shadows outside felt wonderful, the woman taking in a deep breath before starting along at an easy jog, lights dipping or cracking as she went. River already had a place in mind, though she hadnmt realized it when she first set out. Jumping, sliding, and rolling through the dark, she made her way through downtown, finally ending up a little ways past the trainyard. There was a grassy slope she used to hang around when she was a teen. It seemed a little more foreboding in the dark, or at least it would, if the dark didn‘t belong to her now. Sighing a bit, she stretched out, kicking a rusted can out of the way so she could stretch out.

She just had to roll with it, like she always had. Things would work out, they always did.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

You have enough people worried about trusting you without me. I've been there, probably look at you sideways for a bit, but there's no ill will there River. Hervo answered quickly and honestly. Besides, you have an angel breathing down your neck. I'm not overly concerned if he's not. And he isn't.

Making her way to the trainyard, one of her old stomping grounds, River felt a great deal better, just, refreshed, or maybe it was the benefit of just getting out to do something alone. Either way, the trainyard itself seemed mainly abandoned, and there was enough shadow cover here to hide her for days if she wanted to.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Days would be a bit long, but the old yard would be relaxing enough for a nap, at least. Stretched out on the grassy hill, the runner drifted off to sleep.

Some sound nearby woke her, jumping to wakefulness, though she didnt see the source. Sighing, she looked East and saw the first shades of brightness creeping along the horizon. She was out for a while. Shrugging, she shuffled to her feet and started back twards the tower, sticking to the darker streets once the sun started to rise in full, but taking her time regardless.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Conversation between "Courage_Wolf ." and "[Funtime OOC]"
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[Sat May 17 2014 04:35:15 PM] Courage_Wolf .: As River awoke in her place and turned to leave, a low chuckle caught her attention as two tall men stepped out of the shadows of a nearby building, wicked smiles on their faces. "Well well well... if it isn't little River. moved on up to that swanky tower Girl, Me and Regi here are quite a bit interested in the kind of money you're making now, or what you're running around for those bigwigs. Ain't that right Reg?" the taller said to his fellow. Both men wearing cheap suits, with close cropped black hair, the only thing to tell them apart was their height, being brothers. "O yea Henry, very interested. As well as other things." He muttered, pulling a folding knife from his pocket with a grin.
[Sat May 17 2014 04:44:57 PM] Shrike Seven: River turned to the pair, swivelling on the ground before standing. "Hmmph." She answered slowly, eying the two up. As she was now, the pair would be zero issue, but she had better not cause a scene, either. so her palms went out, drawing a few inches away from her sides. "Well I aint runnin nothing for them now, or I wouldn't be down here napping, would I?" She responded, glancing between the two, and the knife they held, and backing up if they advanced.. "How'd you find me, anyways? Don't think I been down here for at least a couple months."
[Sat May 17 2014 04:46:30 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Both men did advance, casually moving to try and catch her between them. "O well, you know how things are, Rumor is you're making all kinds of cash doing the same job you always did." henry muttered. "Imagine our good fortune to find you back here. it'll be fun forcing you to rob the place."
[Sat May 17 2014 04:50:46 PM] Shrike Seven: "Not as much as you think." She shot back, grimacing a little. "Room and Board, ya know. Don't get me wrong, it's nice, but if they pay me as much as you think, I'd be retired already. As for robbing the place, You'd need a hacker or something, it ain't fort Knox, with bars of gold just layin about." She said, shifting to one side or the other as the pair surrounded her. Much as she'd love a fight, it would be far easier to run, and while those two knew well enough that she could climb a train car, they couldn't cover all her avenues between them. "But you two already knew that. Or your boss did, at least. Who's puttin ya up to this?"
[Sat May 17 2014 04:56:59 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Ooo, you know, old employers like to keep track. You've never stuck to the straight and narrow. Especially when you're desperate. Already forgotten us? That hurts River." Regi said, still trying to move closer while his brother tried to cut her off from anything she could scamper over. "I don't have time for this." Regi muttered, charging at river with the knife.
[Sat May 17 2014 05:02:48 PM] Shrike Seven: "And you two aren't exactly the model of loyal emp-" She started, ducking to the side when Regi rushed in. The man was large, but cumbersome, the woman stepping sideways and batting his knife hand away, stepping back in to land a punch to his throat before he could adjust. Jumping back again, she made sure Henry wasn't going to rush right in, waiting in a boxing stance. "You guys wanna mug me, fine, but I ain't listening to no business proposition." She said, one hand slipping down to pull out her wallet, giving it a wave to draw their stares.
[Sat May 17 2014 05:06:02 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Mug you? No.. .Rough you up? Drag you in for a bit of fun with the boys? Now that's a lot more enticing. And when you're a sobbing broken mess, we'll send your little bitch Mouse a picture. And he'll do everything we need him to." Henry said coldly, both men now rounding on River and trying to tackle her down.
[Sat May 17 2014 05:18:46 PM] Shrike Seven: River's gaze went dark at that, her expression grim. "Not gonna happen." She said coldly, dancing back to give herself time to flick her own knife out of her pocket. blade as long as her hand, it curved to a wicked talon point, and she used it to keep the pair from reaching in too close. The urge to use her abilities screamed at her, but here was too public. sparing a glance sideways, she broke off and ran for one of the old train cars. It was open, but she couldn't see the minds of any homeless within. That would do well enough.
[Sat May 17 2014 05:41:49 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Both men followed close on River's heels, neither wanting to let her get away, and a backwards glance showed Regi, still weezing from the blow to the throat he took, reaching to retrieve his cell phone. There were more then these two thugs around.
[Sat May 17 2014 05:53:19 PM] Shrike Seven: River let out a huff in between breaths as she ran. One was falling behind, but to call backup. That cut into her plans rather poorly.Much as she'd love to unleash hell on these guys, She was a little more reserved about having to deal with that many more people to keep the big secret. So when she rolled into the train car she was planning to close herself into with the pair, she just kept going out the other side, grabbing the door's rail at the top and swinging up to the roof, running along it's length and starting to hop between cars.
[Sat May 17 2014 05:55:41 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Up and over, the traditional River response to her problems before becoming more then human. The manuever was easy enough, and soon River was making good time through the railyard, the sounds of shouting men still dogging her, and the lights of headlights starting to pull into the yards. Dodging to the side just in time, or rather, looking like she had as her shadow reacted for her, River narrowly avoided being struck by taser barbs from someone on the ground, obviously trying to avoid hurting her.. yet. Blood left too much evidence.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:04:39 PM] Shrike Seven: River's run across the traintops went into a sudden roll, the woman reacting faster than should be possible to duck the incoming taser barbs. Letting out a soft curse, she dropped down between the cars and away from the headlights, relying on her mental senses to start avoiding the soon-to-be groups after her. That couldn't be done completely however. So she went for a pair guarding the cars, bursting from cover and flinging her knife at one of the pair with a taser, charging the other.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:06:15 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Another set of barbs whistled passed her as she made her move from cover, knocking the other man down and making it back into the city proper, where she was at both an advantage for losing the tail, and at a disadvantage that the cars could more easily follow her. She only had to make a suitable alley, and she'd be fine, but that was 25 more yards of running away from men shooting at her.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:31:22 PM] Shrike Seven: She wasn't heading for the streets directly, however. Downing the first man with her knife, she ducked the second's barbs, distracting him with a kick to the crotch long enough to retrieve her knife and jump into one of the cars, locking the doors and pulling away.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:34:46 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Giving the downed man a good kick on the way passed him as she retrieved her knife and lunged into the car, River did have the distinct satisfaction of bouncing the other off her hood, the loud thump particularly delightful as he impacted the car she was driving through him, and rolled off the windshield as she drove away.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:37:08 PM] Shrike Seven: River let out a smirk as buddy number two rolled off her windshield, tearing away from the trainyard. She figured she had a minute before the other people could pile back into the other cars and give chase, however, so she floored it, heading back towards the tower in the dull light of pre-dawn, the adrenaline still going as she did her best imitation of Jess' driving.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:38:54 PM] Courage_Wolf .: able to make it, screaming across town, River did find a problem with trying to drive an unrecognized car onto Tower property as a series of spikes in the ground lashed through her tires and brough her to a screeching halt, armed men rushing out and converging on the car, as well as pointing assault rifles at those following her. She didn't recognize any of the security team, but the thugs recognized large, angry looking men all holding big guns.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:43:50 PM] Shrike Seven: It wasn't long before River saw headlights behind her, the mass of thugs following her through town as she zoomed towards the tower. She expected gunshots, but none were forthcoming, until her sudden stop at the tower itself, bouncing rather heavily off the steering wheel at the unexpected halt, splitting her skin above one eyebrow. Blinking the pain away, she saw guards rushing up with guns. None she recognized offhand, but things were safe enough now, despite the barrels pointed at her. She leaned back and put her hands up, giving her head a bit of a shake to clear it further, watching the thugs in the car's mirrors.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:46:38 PM] Courage_Wolf .: The thugs were quick enough to get the hint and fuck off, sirens not far behind them, and the security team fast enough to slam the heavy steel doors down between themselves and the street, hiding them all. Lights were quick to kick on and River was led out of the car and pressed against the hood, her wrists seized and forced behind her as cuffs snapped around her wrists and the man holding her motioned for another to pat her down.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:49:19 PM] Shrike Seven: It wasn't very often that the runner had received the stereotypical shakedown, but it had happened enough that she knew to just put up with it. "I work here. Top pocket, right side, my badge. " She said, cheek against the hood of the car, hands idly fiddling where they were duffed behind her.
[Sat May 17 2014 06:51:16 PM] Courage_Wolf .: The guards that held her did indeed get around to searching her pockets, and came out with her access badge, though that didn't buy her any favors at the moment. Taking the badge, one of the men moved off to call it in on his radio, and only after a few minutes of waiting did Vorlan come out, shaking his head. "Let her go, she's not a threat. Though I'd love to hear what the hell warrants crashing a car into the garage..."
[Sat May 17 2014 06:55:56 PM] Shrike Seven: "I'd like to think I was driving pretty well, until the floor decided to poke up at me, thank you." She answered with a rueful smirk, spotting the vulpine, and rubbing her wrists once she was uncuffed, gently touching the cut on her forehead. "Somebody that don't like the tower wanted to beat me up and blackmail Mouse with the pictures." She explained. "Figured all the bigshots would have used more than thugs, so driving out seemed the best option. I got a couple ideas who it was, if you don't already know. The pair of thugs that accosted me to start only work for a few."
[Sat May 17 2014 06:57:59 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Not too surprising, it's why we're so strict on security to avoid this thing, though our more... capable employees get free reign, I'm surprised you didn't just handle it. Cover up is part of our gig." Vorlan said, motioning that the security could leave, though the vulpine did rummage around at the nearby station for a first aid kit.
[Sat May 17 2014 07:01:04 PM] Shrike Seven: "If it was just those two, I would have. Those guys are pricks, they'd have deserved it." She said, following him tot he aid station. "Apart from that, idunno, figured the less need for cover, the better. Though somebody probably got a camera phone or several on that chase, sorry bout that."
[Sat May 17 2014 07:02:58 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "That kind of stuff hardly matters. Mouse is already on scrubbing it all, though he almost got in trouble for not telling anyone until he'd smoked 3 videos from the net entirely. Come on, hold still" Vorlan muttered, patching up her split eyebrow. "next time, just kill them and hide the bodies if you're honestly in danger. We know you don't kill to feed..."
[Sat May 17 2014 07:05:34 PM] Shrike Seven: River twitched at the first touch, the antiseptic shooting pain through her skull for the first instant. "Yeah, well i'm not that big on killing to begin with, let's be honest here." She said, managing to hold still while he finished up. "I'll just find some dark spot and leave a little easier, perhaps.
[Sat May 17 2014 07:05:35 PM] Shrike Seven: "
[Sat May 17 2014 07:06:26 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "That would be wise." Vorlan said, bandaging the cut and wandering towards the door. "Well have someone clean that up, lets get you inside now that it's all over and done with."
[Sat May 17 2014 07:07:54 PM] Shrike Seven: "Sure. Miss anything while I was gone?" She agreed, keeping pace beside him.
[Sat May 17 2014 07:08:55 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Not really, Mouse was looking for you with a bottle of rum and a bag of shrimp which i'm pretty sure is all gone now... Just another night all things considered."
[Sat May 17 2014 07:11:29 PM] Shrike Seven: "Well, sounds like he found me, at least." She answered with a sigh, dropping her head a little.
[Sat May 17 2014 07:12:57 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Yea.... Knowing him he's already panicking outside your room or waiting for a phone call. Nice enough guy, I was put in charge of him for awhile after he cleared security, explained some things. Cares an awful lot about how you're doing, so you could probably convince him to get more shrimp... I would." Vorlan said shamelessly, looking hungry in general as they made their way into the lobby.
[Sat May 17 2014 07:17:54 PM] Shrike Seven: "Could use a little fuel, myself." She said, quoting an older song as she pulled out her phone, sending Mouse a quick text. [Back, and on my way up. Grab more food, and I'll see ya in a bit.]
[Sat May 17 2014 07:20:03 PM] Courage_Wolf .: [ >.< ] Was all the answer River received, but she was certain he'd do as she asked while she moved around with Vorlan. "Sorry about what happened..." He said finally, looking a little concerned, but mostly just glad she was alright, obviously referring to the incident River had been spoken to, by everyone, too often.
[Sat May 17 2014 07:22:09 PM] Shrike Seven: "Not your fault, man." She answered, sighing again. "Sooner everyone gets over it, the better. Me included. You play any video games?"
[Sat May 17 2014 07:22:42 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Mario Kart 64?" Vorlan offered with a laugh, letting it go
[Sun May 18 2014 08:39:52 PM] Shrike Seven: River gave a chuckle. "Bit out of date, then. Chances are that's what me and mouse will be doing. You can join in if ye like."
[Sun May 18 2014 08:52:20 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Not tonight, I have a date with jessica in about an hour, we're gonna head over to the french branch by portal, she wants to walk the old trail to her home." Vorlan said with a grin. "Still, go have some fun with Mouse, the poor guy's been working himself ragged, he deserves the break."
[Sun May 18 2014 08:59:49 PM] Shrike Seven: "Will do. Have fun yourself, eh?" She answered. "No sense using the elevator then, see ya later." Once Vorlan had his response, she pulled the light from the elevator, slipping into the dark and stepping back out in her own room. Sighing, she wandered out and poured a cup of water, opening her door so mouse could waltz in when he arrived.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:02:13 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Yup! We will, take care River" Vorlan said before River pulled her magical dimensional door trick. Problem was she popped out right in front of Mouse, who jumped 20 feet in the air, boxes of takeout flying into the air "HOLYSHIT!!" River had only moments to save their munchies from gravity....
[Sun May 18 2014 09:08:11 PM] Shrike Seven: "Shit!" River said, flexing her mental muscle to hang the various munchies in midair. "Sorry bout that." She said, starting to pluck them out of midair and putting them back on the tray.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:10:38 PM] Courage_Wolf .: The boxes, most of them, did freeze in midair, and river could immediately feel the strain in keeping them still. It was however handled with Mouse's help. "Sorry... not used to that yet... brought thai seafood." Mouse muttered, opening the fragrant, and delicious dishes one at a time and digging out eating ware
[Sun May 18 2014 09:12:22 PM] Shrike Seven: "I know. Didn't expect you to be in here." She answered, sighing a bit once they had everything set back down, and digging into the food after getting some glasses. "Thanks for doing the legwork. How ya holding up?"
[Sun May 18 2014 09:15:04 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Im fine, better then fine now that the leash is looser. Good money, good tech. And my friends, strange as they are, are still friends. You, Vorlan, haven't met his girlfriend but he never shuts up about her. Even Henrietta. Chuck's still a mean ass, and but Henrietta is just... fun" Mouse said, chuckling as he dished up his own plate, something stinking violently of spice, but certainly viciously flavorful.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:18:51 PM] Shrike Seven: "Seems the other way to me. I don't mind Chuck, but Henrietta just wierds me out." River admitted, tearing into her own plate.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:21:05 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Really? Huh, she loves computers, said she'd rather I teach her instead of ripping the info out of my head. Her exact words... a bit scary, but hey, she learns hellishly fast. She's already writing in Basic, Java, and Machine Code Binary." Mouse said, looking confused. "Still, if we thought about people the exact same way, we'd probably not be friends..." He continued, shrugging as he took another bite before pulling a bottle of rum out of the bag, and the ever present classic mixer, Coke.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:23:28 PM] Shrike Seven: "That's why she wierds me out, yeah. Did that to me the first time i met her, barely said hello first. Pass me some of that."
[Sun May 18 2014 09:25:53 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Gladly" Mouse said after mixing his own drink, passing over the rum and coke to make her own rum&coke "Henrietta said Chuck gets mad whenever she does it, so do the ghosts... so she's started asking first? I guess? She said she wants to play with you, but Chuck wont let her. Apparently doesn't want you 2 to injure eachother since you're still learning..." Mouse said, looking a lot more relaxed then he was last time they'd talked.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:44:06 PM] Shrike Seven: "Well, i gotta learn from somewhere. Maybe there's a book on the subject. Or even better, a book on tape." River replied with a chuckle, mixing her own drink and taking a few sips before starting on the food again.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:46:14 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "I actually looked into that. Apparently there are books... at the Council library... And since apparently Telekines can just read by osmosis... They're not for you. They're for hunting you. So i wouldn't go digging. Though i could look around for more tomorrow at work.. and text you if I find something?" Mouse offered, seeming a bit out of his depth, but wanting to help regardless. "Besides, if I make Henrietta angry, i'm afraid she might turn my head into jello, or worse, trick me into walking around in a dress."
[Sun May 18 2014 09:47:45 PM] Shrike Seven: The woman chuckled. "Could use that sort of stuff, as well. Go ahead, but don't get yourself into trouble or anything. Got nothing but time."
[Sun May 18 2014 09:49:48 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Will do. But! we have food, we have drink, and I just want to relax after watching you drive across half the city like a madman while I mussed up the dispatch for the police. Still, that was kind of fun in it's own way." Mouse said, shrugging before reloading his plate with something else, and topping off his drink, moving to the couch. "What were you even doing down at that old trainyard?"
[Sun May 18 2014 09:54:49 PM] Shrike Seven: "Just thinking. I used to hang there, back in school. Visit it every so often since. Thanks for keeping that eye out, i was kinda confused at the time why the traffic was so light." She said, finishing her own plate and leaving it in place, moving to a chair herself, but not before stopping at the tv, grabbing controllers.
[Sun May 18 2014 09:56:42 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "No problem, I have full access to the cameras in the city if I want them, Vorlan pulled the strings on that so we could all keep an eye on you, a little underhanded, but it paid off this time. Apparently everyone is still really worried about something coming after you, something about Claire, who gives me the fucking creeps." Mouse said, reaching out for the controller. "Whats on the menu tonight? FPS? Driving?"
[Sun May 18 2014 10:06:26 PM] Shrike Seven: "Still only have that driving game, but we could download more i figure." River answered, letting the other matter drop. "Anything you'd suggest? I really havent tried that many."
[Sun May 18 2014 10:07:51 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Ever played Alan Wake?" Mouse said, his face turning abruptly into that of an extremely pleased tabby who'd just found a meal. Regardless, the drinking had started, the food had been or was still being, eaten, and the driving had begun!! And River sucked less then she had the last time, though when she'd ever need a car was beyond her comprehension.

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Mouse and River drank and ate the night away, and several more after, the regular pattern of Wednesday and Friday being their time, Vorlan getting the talented man the time off on a regular basis, and Corvinus making sure that River didn't get a job on those times without an serious emergency.

River resumed her normal work as a courier for the Tower and it's interests 2 weeks later, and though she still preferred to do her free running to make the deliveries, there were many situations were she was contacted for a job because she could cover vast distances in a short time. She'd found that if she jumped in her own way, and never trespassed for long, that she was unmolested most of the time by the Void's keepers, her Kin so to speak, as the Wraiths by and large were more concerned with things within their own realm.

Still, as the weeks and months began to pass, River found that her various aspects were starting to war with eachother, and the Courier found herself bedridden for almost a week, taking basic lessons from Henrietta and from Hervo, the latter far more frequent in his visits, there almost as often as Mouse.

After getting time to think, she eventually took up a more serious offer for training from the strange thaumaturge regarding the demonic power that was still trying to find it's own way, and though it had been born in lust, Pride and Wrath took the foreground within her heart, learning to relish not only combat and the pleasure it brought, but learning to give into her own anger and rage, fighting with a ruthless efficiency that even gave Chuck pause. The Hell Run itself became child's play after a time, though River herself never dared to venture further into that realm for obvious reasons, though she did continue to make the run, because, according to Hervo, it would help her stabilize more quickly.

His advice was good, and sure enough, River found that she could take out her rage about her situation, more buried then hidden, on the various creatures that infested the area, and Wrath soon took it's hold. River's control of fire itself becoming considerable, and her physical body becoming more resilient in general. If there were any considerations lurking within her mind that part of her was still human, they were soon dashed completely when another run in with the thugs that had accosted her now 3 months ago, caused such a potent fury to run through her, that all that remained of the building they had been in, and the men that had attacked her, was ash and charred concrete, River standing there wreathed in purple flame, eyes glowing furiously with an ill light, and her hands influencing the flames like a master conductor standing before a master symphony orchestra. Her demonic form itself remained fairly unchanged, though it wasn't entirely the same, her body, and it's flames, would still obliterate her clothing, but her modesty was spared as thick bone plates slide along her curves, her tail now sported a vicious spike, and her wings, were longer, thicker, and very reminiscent of a dragon from some twisted fairy tale.

What shocked River most of all, was how good it felt, the surge of pleasure at such wanton destruction of those who would be her enemies, and that shock was enough to bring her back. Hervo and Vorlan oversaw the collateral, and River was relieved to hear she hadn't hurt any innocents.

Hervo stayed with her that night, and the day after, as she was forced to stay in isolation again, and this time, far more strictly, under harsh light that kept her more prominent power locked away, and under constant watch. Hervo brought her a grimoire, and asked, very politely, if she wanted to read it. Despite how easy this would have been, the book itself, heavy, thick, and bound in thick gilded black leather, gave River a supremely uneasy feeling, and she refused... for now. Hervo nodded, and signaled to the cameras and whoever sat behind them, that she could go after that, and explained that the book itself was a trap. He was glad her mind was still her own, though he didn't explain any further.

After that it was back to business as usual, and months turned into years, her relationship with Mouse, Jessica, Hervo, and Vorlan grew fairly deep over 2 years time, and soon enough what had been time for herself and Mouse, had become a pair of nights during the week where they all went out together, or stayed in. The phone from John, who had once again vanished, and the promise of Claire, were completely forgotten, before it rang loudly at midnight on Monday, demanding an answer. It was either her estranged brother, or the mad kitsune ancient, either way, it was enough to wake her from her light sleep, and demanded an answer for an older, wiser, and more powerful wraithling.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Ups and downs over the past two years, but River had finally settled into life once again. Having come to terms with and learned to balance her different parts, she had improved rapidly, and with those that had been after her seeming to fall off, it had been a while since she had felt truly in danger.

The sudden ring of the phone woke her from slumber that night. She had been keeping it with her the entire time, just in case, but tonight it was off on a bedstand charging. Not bothering to get up and go for it, she instead rolled over, reaching out for it with a hand and making a flicking motion, unplugging it and sending it across the room to her hand with a small effort of will. Flicking it open, she put it to her ear. "Good morning." She answered, a little sarcasm entering her tone.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Morning indeed. Claire's dry tone sounded across the line, chuckling to herself before continuing. Speak for yourself however, it's most certainly NOT morning here in Shanghai, and I've got to get on another plain to head over to Italy, I've found our interest. You're on the job River, the person who hid the damnedable thing was very unimaginative, it's in the catacombs underneath the colosseum. Very dark, very creepy, you know? Your scene. she finished, waiting for River to answer on the other end of the line, though seemingly pressed by something, like time was getting fairly short for the kitsune.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Isn't shanghai at like., three in the afternoon right now? Lot closer to morning than midnight." River answered plainly. "That's Rome, Italy, right? I'll get a ticket in the morning, bit of a stretch to get there on my own. Unless you got a faster idea, sounds like you're in a bit of a hurry." She answered, shifting to sit up in bed and glance at the clock.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Still having issues jumping around? You really need to sort that out. Fair enough, I'll have Corvinus fly you out, a private jet is much nice then flying coach. Regardless, you can bring a team with you as well, if you want, so have that decided quickly, anyone you think might be useful. It should go without saying you may have to crack some heads. As for me being in a hurry, looking for this thing hasn't exactly made me friends. Meet you in the Italy branch, 8 sharp your time. Claire answered, before the line went dead.

Glancing at the clock, River saw the glaring neon numbers spitting 12:08 at her.