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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Ms Bronn didn't say anything as River entered, and she was fairly well received all things considered. The meeting of course, concerns you, and current events and the problems they bring to light. Corvinus said, John piping up soon after.

"They're pissy because they're not sure you're completely you again, so I'm here to reassure them. Calm down guys, it's her, Ferenze is dead, and his influence is bleeding away slowly but surely. Give her a week, she'll be completely back to her old self." John said, Corvinus breathing a sigh of relief.

The entire time Hervo had not looked away from Claire, and likewise the Vulpine Lycanthrope hadn't moved her own eyes away from the Thaumaturge. Hervo spoke first. I'm sure she's fine. She wouldn't have left hell after her Master's death if she wasn't. Not without a direct command. But what troubles me is this news about the Council being split in it's focus. And their near psychotic obsession with Claire here... So River, has Claire told you anything odd? Hervo asked, his voice tinted with distrust.

Claire hearing the question, didn't let the surprise show, but what River said next was up to her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, I'm me again. Little more fucked up, but still me." River said, sighing and shrugging.

When Hervo asked his question, she glanced over at the kitsune in question, frowning. "You'll have to be a bit more specific. Almost everything that comes out of her bothers me in some way." She admitted. "From what I remember reading, any fox that old is tied to the council pretty tightly, makes sense for them to be after one that wasn't. Kinda glad they aren't going as crazy over me, at least for the moment."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo finally looked at River, a slightly confused look passing through his eyes for a moment, before turning back and sighing. Letting it go, Claire also visibly relaxed.

Think what ever you want Blood Wielder, my business is my own and neither the Tower, the Council, or the forces of hell have any right to pry. she muttered, crossing her arms and looking annoyed.

John, looking back and forth at the pair, and then at Corvinus, shrugging, looked at River again. "The real problem is what you want to do now that everything has gone to shit, then to hell, and back, and now it looks like a war is brewing... and well, you're an interested party now." he said softly
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"That doesn't really mean I know what I'm talking about." River answered back. "The most experience I have with being a target tells me that the people after me give up once I don't have what they want any more. I haven't really had people after me for -being me- before. I'd love to just sit in some dark corner and let it blow over, but I doubt that's going to happen, is it?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"No, it's certainly not" John answered, continuing to look at Claire, though the kitsune showed nothing at his glance, giving nothing away to River's fellow freak of nature in the room.

Still River, you should make some kind of decision, and soon. Working here has it's own risks, as you've obviously noticed first hand, and for that we do apologize. It... It should have been noticed sooner.. Corvinus said, looking saddened about the entire situation. The Council would have benefits as well, but would come with the slight problem of Dissection... and examination... and many other unpleasant things... And then there's the option of being a free force, doing as you please when you please, but that comes at the price of any protection you have working for someone in particular... And honestly well.... I'd have to work very hard to convince you to come back. The Tower has a vested interest, though I don't like to admit it... He continued, lowering his gaze for a moment.

Hervo was the one to speak next, snorting in derision at Corvinus' apparent confliction on the matter. That's not like you Corv. You don't hold back, you just go about your own way, what is this? When did you lose your edge... he muttered, Claire visibly bristling at that remark, Corvinus looking like he'd just been slapped.

Shut your fat fucking mouth Abomination. What business is it of yours to question that of the man you follow? Or to remember you're dealing with a person, not an asset or a fucking lab rat. What? remembering your humanity make your little heart bleed with sorrow again? Or maybe it was that your past finally hurt someone close to you. And I'm not talking about River. You talked to Jessica yet about how your past fuckups nearly cost her her mind? If anyone is to blame here, it's you. How DARE you Cro SHUT YOUR FUCKING TRAP HUMAN! You Demon tainted little fool! If you think to speak back to me as an equal I will SHOW YOU JUST HOW FAR DOWN THE FOODCHAIN YOU REALLY ARE! Claire yelled, showing just how violent she was willing to get at Hervo's manner as her power snapped forth and obliterated half the chair Hervo was sitting on, the Thaumaturge diving out of the way just in time to avoid the incredible, searing heat that blasted through the room. Claire now standing and looking as if a gateway to another dimension had opened behind her eyes, her tails lashing around behind her like angry serpents as she spread her now clawed fingers.

Go ahead little man... Reach for that knife... See how close you get. Claire whispered with deadly intent, John simply smirking and leaning further back, Corvinus looking shocked so badly he couldn't intervene. Hervo, for his part, flexed his hand closer to his gun, before forcing himself to take a breath, and back down, pulling another chair up and sitting down, now silent.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Are you two quite done?" River said with a hint of irritation in her own voice, her gaze leveling on Claire. Assuming she didn't have to dive for cover herself from that, she turned to Corvinus next.

"I uhh, don't really have anywhere else to go, to be honest. If nothing else, I'd like to keep my room here, at least. If that means doing something for you guys once in a while, so be it." She said, shrugging.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo didn't speak, instead continuing to remain silent since Claire was seemingly in a rare temper, a history between all three of them somewhere that he had indeed violated, at least that River could tell.

Claire snorted, before turning to look at River and sat down It'll probably end when one of us finally dies. However, we cannot kill each other, at least not directly based on mutual agreement. It's old history. Claire finished, looking off towards the window and refusing to comment as River tried to find a middling road.

I suppose there's nothing wrong with that River, you can do as you like I suppose. As long as you stay here, you're still an employee under me. That comes with the same obligations as before of course. I suppose this lets you keep an eye on Mouse as well. Corvinus said, eyeing Claire and Hervo like squabbling children, with John looking like he really couldn't care less if bloodshed suddenly erupted, as if it wasn't his concern unless River was directly involved.

Looking at her from his place on the wall, John raised an eyebrow, but didn't question the decision. "I suppose the Tower is well equipped for you to figure things out. So it's not an unwise decision, I'll be around" He said finally, turning and leaving, a cell phone sitting on a small table near where he'd been standing River noticed hadn't been there before.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, pretty well what I figured." River answered Corvinus. "From the sounds of it, I may be popping in and out of the city on occasion though, fair warning. Here is just the best place I know to bunker down, when needed. If not here, I'd probably just stay on the run, but I don't know how well I'd deal with that."

John left, leaving his phone behind. River picked it up without comment, making little effort to hide the motion and simply tucking it into a pocket.

"Claire. I don't see a reason not to help you out. But we're going to have disagreements, guaranteed. you ever go off on me like you just did you Hervo, I'm done. Deal?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River, heading out after John after saying her peace, found Ms. Bronn had left as well, off to do whatever needed doing for Corvinus since it seemed he had his hands full already. Claire was right behind her, with Hervo staying behind to discuss something else, possibly her, probably something between them needing sorting out. Regardless, it wasn't her business.

When River made her counter offer, Claire chuckled, shaking her head. That's fine, though you'd have to do something pretty drastic to achieve that reaction... Me and Hervo... I disapprove, greatly of such a mediocre man talking down to his betters. He does not stand as an equal to me, Corvinus, or even you. For everything he is, he is still human, he thinks like a human, he will die as a human, and he has caused that Exceptional Man many problems over the years I do not appreciate in the slightest. The agreement I hold not to kill him is with Corvinus' Mother, that does not mean I have to tolerate him in the slightest River. Don't betray me as he has in the past, and you never need to worry about such a thing. Claire answered as they walked, humming thoughtfully to herself.

So, going to call your Brother then? He's about as subtle as a doornail in the Mona Lisa. she continued, raising her eyes in a full smile.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Fair enough. I want to watch you destroy these things I'm supposed to be after, too." She added.

She chuckled when Claire mentioned the phone, pulling it out and checking it. "Yeah, seems like. Walked right into a restaurant with half the tower around few days ago, as well." She said. "I'll check in with him in a bit. I don't think he's in a rush."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Depends entirely on what it is River, some things need to be sealed instead simply because of what they are, you'll know them when you see them. But if you're working for me now under our agreements, then your first job should intrigue you. You'll be going after an item more commonly known as the Spear of Destiny. It's original name is the Lance of Longinus. I'll call you when I have it's location, you might be leaving the country for this one. Claire said in reply, raising her eyebrow.

Whether River accepted or not, Claire waved it off and leaned against the wall, glancing back at Corvinus' room and sighing. Much as I hate to say it, I'm not finished with those two yet... They're collecting another item for me, and Corvinus is helping me locate the spear. Should be an interesting work day. By the way, payment for this job is 250,000. retrieval and yes. Disposal, though we'll need another item on my shit list to actually be rid of the cursed thing.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"That's the one they stabbed Jesus with, yeah? Never read the Bible, but it's been the topic of a couple older movies." River said, frowning. "Always figured the 'Good Book' was more shit than not, but I spose there must have been more to it, now that I've seen all of this."

Shrugging, the wraithling turned to move off. "Lemme know when you find it, then. I gotta make that call, among other things. You know how to find me." She said, giving a short wave before dipping into a dark spot, reappearing in her room a second later. Sighing, the first thing she went for was the kitchenette, downing a glass of water and getting a refill before plopping onto the couch, pulling out the phone John had left behind, and hitting the button to call the only contact on it.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Claire nodded, watching River's vanishing act with a chuckle. Back in her own room, River's water tasted predictably like water, though the phone call she was about to have was slightly more interesting.

As River hit the call button, John picked up before the second ring had even started, leading with a cheery... almost annoyingly cheery "Hello~!" Taking a moment, before continuing, John spoke up. "So! You found the phone, good, makes things easier. This phone only has my numbered programmed into it. Figure since you're going to be doing Claire's work for awhile, that I'd offer some support on my end. There are some handy tricks you could probably get away with, like... Not having to learn other languages, among other things. Still, you know how things go. As for Hervo and Corvinus and the rest of the people at the Tower, they're a little wary of you after the entire Hell incident, I wouldn't blame them personally." He said, giving what sounded like a shrug through the fun with a soft sigh.

"Honestly though, the situation on a whole is 10 different flavors of fucked up. Given you being what you are now, you could probably head back there almost as will to collect information or what not, and with Ferenze's death being at your hand, as far as they know, most of the lesser demons will leave you alone. Also, your little bit of taint will help you fly under the radar there. So just remember it's an option. It's also good for getting around long distances without needing to travel the old fashioned way... if you're interested." he finished, apparently prepared to dump some knowledge on his estranged Sister.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"You weren't exactly subtle about leaving it." River answered smartly, before leaning back and listening to his little speech. "Languages... Yeah, probably got that covered. Most the world knows some English anyways, as horribly American as that makes me sound." She said with a chuckle and a shrug John couldn't hear.

"As for dropping in on Hell, I'd really rather not, though I can see it being helpful at times. Though, don't I need a gate to do that? Even you had to come and use the monolith here, as I recall."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yes, I did, and Hervo does, and anyone who's NOT a demon does. You however... not that lucky anymore, you have free access, just have to want it enough to concentrate on what you remember and close your eyes. You'll vanish from wherever you are, and wind up there. Travelling it is a little trickier, but like I said, you should be left alone by most things. That said, you only hit the tip of the iceberg with Ferenze. I can do the same thing, but I refuse to call it Heaven, place is more like limbo for the permanently drugged up and emotionally sedated. I wouldn't recommend it." John said, ignoring the remark about languages... Knowing River's luck, she was going to wind up in an obscure part of china where NO ONE spoke English... Would be funny at least.

Chuckling at the thought, John piped in again. "It's up to you really, heard you were having some trouble with your own spooky plane, there's always the option of sorting that out as well. I'm sure there's a way, there always is."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"And where did you hear that, hmm? The fox? I have had an issue, but I never actually told anyone about it. Have a few ideas on dealing with it, though. Not really sure how well it will work, and I don't really have any reference material on the subject, either." River admitted, frowning before taking another drink, listening to John's reply.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

John chuckled, River could almost see him in her minds eye before she felt his mind brush hers, her telekine nature almost forgotten. "Not so much the fox, I can get little snippets of information from people to help me deal, if it seems important I get more, it's an angelic thing, like manipulation is a demonic thing. But yes, it's something you should handle, seems like some nasty things live in the void where you like to travel. So be careful." John said, chuckling "As for reference material, I can get you some, it'll just take a couple days... My... Kin, aren't too sharing in that regard, it'll take a lot of convincing. But on the bright side, when I told them of Claire's plans, they seemed quite eager as well, apparently they're tired of their old artifacts finding their way into other people's hands. So I'll talk to them about getting you some help if you've decided to help Claire out."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"From the sounds of it, I'm not exactly keen on owing them favours, either." River commented. "But yes. Much as the money doesn't really appeal to me any more, I figure it's something worth my time, at least."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"They don't work on favors most of the time, it's why no one ever really sees them around. Instead, we just kind of... Hedge the bets, help out who would benefit us the most. Although you and I presents and interesting development as I'm personally invested. But yea, I'll get you what you need. Take care of yourself River, Goodbye." And like that John was gone.

Left to her room, and her water, River was essentially back to doing whatever she pleased until someone needed her to work.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"You too." River answered, before John hung up. Sighing, she slipped the phone back in her pocket, finishing the water and glancing around the room. Not much she wanted to do here, so instead, she took stock of her situation with the plane of darkness and the creatures within. They could sense she had changed, how could she fix that...

Back when she first started exploring her powers, the darkness had spoken to her. Maybe if she could call that again, she might be able to figure something out. Grabbing a couple pillows off her bed, she tossed them in the closet, sealing herself in and getting comfortable, laying with her back flat and her feet in the air, against the wall. Then she started to draw from the shadows, as much as she could, until the dark in the closet writhed, waiting to see if she could sense that spark of intelligence from it again.