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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Ahh, Yea, I know the place. It's called Intestinal Trauma" He said, laughing as they walked, Jess and the others attracting more then a few looks. Reaching the restaurant, with its rediculous menu smacked right on the front window and Chuck leading the charge.

Classy guys, really, We could invite the queen of england here. Jess said sarcastically with Vorlan laughing, a waiter off to the side waiting for them to take a seat before taking their orders.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Maybe, butwearing something like that, i don‘t even think she‘d answer your calls, girl.“ River shot back, taking a corner booth and settling in. “Large cola, double pizza burger, bacon, cheddar, mozza, lettuce, tomato, barbeque, mustard. Poutine, add bacon.“ she told the waiter when he came up, the man checking boxes on the billpad quickly.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess and Vorlan were content with just ordering simple cheeseburgers, though by the time Chuck was done, both Jess and Vorlan, as well as the waiter, were outright confused and a little shocked as the mage ordered everything on the menu, on a single sandwich, and a diet coke.

Muttering something about having to throw it all away when Chuck couldn't finish it, and stomping off, clearly annoyed, the Waiter was gone and chuck was left smiling widely while they waited for their food. Well, you get your sunshine and a freakshow apparently Jess said, Vorlan nodding.

I have no doubt that if Chuck can't finish it, that he'll dump it into some kind of dimensional pocket, and use it as a weapon later.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“I don‘t even wanna know, that‘s like, more carbs than a human should have in a week, incoming.“ River agreed, eyeing Chuck with some suspicion. She recalled reading that mages needed more food energy to use their abilities, but that seemed unsustainable, to her. She pictured the mound of food incoming to be about as large as the man himself.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"What? I'm hungry! Besides, I reserve the right to binge like any person" Chuck said, sniffing and turning up his nose, before smiling and starting to chuckle.

Soon enough, meaning after the half hour it took to cook Chuck's sandwich, the food arrived and Chuck proceeded to be completely silent as he started on the nearly 2.5 pound burger... which was really more like a food pile with a side of bread. Jess put her food on Vorlan's plate while he ate both, and River got her meal as well. Did we have any kind of plan, outside... eating? Jess said, looking out the window and judging from Vorlan's sudden jump, kicking him in the leg.

Hey, coming out here was River's idea, I'm just benefiting from Chuck's limitless food fund.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River spent a moment staring at Chuck‘s monstrosity before digging into her own, the burger being wrapped in pizza dough instead of a bun, and baked. “No real plans, i just wanted to get out some before i start with Chuck here. Was getting kinda tired of cafeteia food and closed hallways, y‘know?“ she replied in between bites, shrugging.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River, digging into her food while Chuck committed what could only be crimes against burger kind, and Vorlan... was already done eating, only had a moment of slight unease before a voice hissed from the back of her mind He's Here... before sliding back into her subconscious...

Looking around as the hair on the back of her neck stood up, River could see him... John, sitting in the back of the dining area, smiling at them as he took another long drink from an amber glass, and winked at her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River jumped a bit at the voice in her head, taking a moment to realize what it meant. When she did, she looked around and caught sight of the man across the diner. Figuring that everyone at the table had caught her reaction, she explained herself as she got up. "Old friend over there, haven't seen him in a while. Gimme a few?" She asked, already taking her plate over.

Setting it down at his table, she plopped down in a chair across from him. "Shiit man, been a while. Doing well?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

John raised his eyebrow as River wandered over, sitting down while Chuck and the others nodded and didn't think anything of it, though Vorlan gave her a look that asked if she was alright...

Well well well. You actually came over! Nice to see you again River, and I've been quite well thank you. From the look of you, you're adjusting nicely as well. But word through the grapevine is you're having a few troubles. John said, grinning as he took another drink.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River gave a shrug, taking a bite of burger as she listened. "I think most would call them growing pains. New scenery, takes a bit to get used to. Damn curious which grapevine is dropping seeds about me, though. What about you, man? Kinda surprised to see you back in town, aren't you worried bout having your nose put to the grindstone at all?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

John chuckled before nodding. Aye, as much as I'd like to be on a beach right now sipping on a good drink, that's not the case. Heard the council was getting involved now, and I was hoping that the Tower was going to do a better job of keeping them off your back. River.... You wind up in their care, then you have to escape, they're not going to be gentle. John said quietly, his eyes flashing a little with a myriad of colors for the briefest of moments as he looked at her.

Averting his gaze, John breathed a heavy sigh. Just be careful, I don't want to be tipping my hand too soon, let alone at all, and with so many people getting more and more interested, it's a wonder I haven't been tracked down again already. I'll be in town for a couple more days, so if you need to find me then just wander around your old stomping grounds, I'll notice. He said, before standing up and starting to make his way out. Nice seeing you again, do take care...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River frowned a bit when he started mentioning things by name, half glancing back at the group to see if any of them appeared to be listening. "Find me if you need a place, you may not like them, but they seem willing to help, and being what i am seems to have put me pretty high up the totem pole, don't see why you'd be any different. Take care, man." She offered back, standing and moving back to her previous table. "Did I miss anything? Chuck had a coronary yet?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

John just chuckled and shook his head as he wandered away, slipping out of the restaurant and disappearing as easily as he had appeared.

Chuck, River could see as she approached, was actually finished with his meal, leaning back with a very content smile on his face, while Vorlan just stared at him and Jess was laughing. You shouldn't have made that bet Vor, you knew it wouldn't end well, now pay up. Jess said, Vorlan grumbling as he dug out his wallet and threw a 20 across the table for Chuck to pocket. "And the world champion burger eating champ still holds his crown..." the mage said, laughing softly.

So who was your friend? Jess asked curiously, the other two still caught up in whatever River had missed.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I'm only half done mine, wow." River laughed when she saw the jumbo burger was already dealt with, getting two more bites into hers before Jess asked her question. "Mmm!" She answered, swallowing first. "Old neighbor growing up. Got into trouble with one of the gangs, had to split a while ago." She explained, digging back in.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Huh, well that's nice that he can come back. Jess said, letting the matter drop while River set about finishing her own meal and Vorlan flopped back with his hand on his face. You truly are a monster Chuck. I'm still calling hax because no man could finish that thing like you did. I can only hope the stomach problems later get justice for me. he said while Chuck just grinned like an idiot over his drink

"So River... Apparently everyone in present company says you prefer a more gentle approach to your practice... What should we do today? Or tonight? I was going to run you through some combat, but Jess and Vorlan say you pretty much have that covered... Any aversion to what's called a Range Feel? Could be handy." Chuck asked, looking at her own food hungrily, before calling over the waiter and ordering a pizzaburger just to piss Vorlan off.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"We actually didn't do much for combat, just some cat and mouse. I'm capable with hand to hand and some knives though, so with all the gimmicks, that should be enough, I suppose." She corrected. "Not sure what you mean by Range Feel, Chuck. Could go to the firing range, see what I can put downrange, if that's what you mean."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Chuck grinned. "Nope, this is more cat and mouse, since that's what you'll be doing against people like me, and that's why we brought up the training in the first place. You need practice in eyeballing our range, and knowing how to stay out of it, or get into it safely. I'm certain you can handle the second part in the dark just fine. But knowing when you're safe, and when you're not is tricky. SO after we finish today, I have something for you that should help, long as you don't lose it." Chuck said starting on his second meal, and downing the entire thing in 4 bites.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Ah. Yeah, that makes sense. I'm pretty good at judging distance, at least. Spatial coordination's kinda necessary in my line of work." She said with a chuckle. "I'll chomp down the rest of this, and you can tell me all about it, hmm?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Sure, sounds good. Basically, all you have to do is move around the city here in about a half hour. You'll know when you're doing well by when you stop being itchy. Sounds annoying? That's because it is! and that's the point since we'll be doing this in public. Figure it's a good way to get you used to moving around other people as well, which is when we're actually more dangerous, like you've been told, accidents happen. Besides, with your history, and people here being used to your rooftop antics, it shouldn't be too hard, though Vorlan here will be helping me move around. I figure maybe an hour of this, to get a feel for what it's like, should be helpful." Chuck said, waiting patiently while Vorlan raised an eyebrow until Jess kicked him under the table again.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I don't get it." River said, pushing the empty tray a bit away from her on the table. "Itching? Can you do it some other way? If i gotta stop to try and scratch some phantom itch, things could get ugly, trust me." She told him, shrugging. "And what exactly is it you said you'd give me? I can apparently lose it, so it's something I carry around, right?"