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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As far as River could tell, the ghost had indeed moved on, and the hot water felt glorious, until she got out of the shower and toweled up. On the mirror, like out of some terrible c list horror movie, were words written in the steam. "Nice Ass"

Outside in the living room, as no other signs of a ghostly presence had shown up, Jessica was indeed waiting, looking rather happy with herself, as was Vorlan, though at least he had the decency to look away as River walked out in a towel. Seems you had a haunting problem, I shooed him along though, so no worries. he tried to run off with your towels though.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Well, thanks for that at least." River said with a wry smirk, parking herself halfway into her bedroom, so she could chat and still remain somewhat decent.

"So, double time tomorrow, I hear. You two going to have enough energy left for it?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Yup, should be easy to start, and get harder as we go. Though with Chuck, he'll probably step up a few things. I know he wants Vorlan getting you as fast on your feet as possible so you can keep up with us just for starters. Jess said

Don't worry, not like Hervo here, we'll start with jump exercises for sure, and go from there, I don't throw people in the deep end, I let that sadist downstairs do that. Still, me and chuck still hold the record for that Hell run, gotta count for something right? Vorlan added, chuckling to himself as his ears twitched.

Well, figured we'd pop in, see if you needed anything, but if you're good, we're gonna hit the sack I suppose, bright and early tomorrow so get some sleep.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River nodded along, chuckling along with Vorlan. "Not exactly something I'd want to take a second try on, so I'll let you keep that record. Yeah, I'm just headed to bed, Should be up early enough to get started whenever." She answered, looking between the two for a moment. "You remember what I said earlier, right Jess? Night night you two."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess just laughed as they both headed for the door and left River in peace. The sweep team would be by tomorrow at Chuck's orders, and she had training to do. Given the already stressful day she'd had, sleep came easy, her dreams undisturbed for the most part, only small fits towards waking, of the screaming souls she had seen in hell bothering her.

River was woken rather quickly from her nightmare however by a knock on the door, Jess calling out for her to get out of bed so they could get started. The clock said 4am...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River jumped slightly on the bed, startled awake from the knock on the door.

"Seriously? I'm an early bird, still aren't usually up for another two hours, at least." She groaned through the door, pulling herself upright. "There's a coffee maker out there, right? Brew some up, gonna need some before we get wherever we're going."

She spent a few minutes dressing, picking heavier clothes than normal, having to get used to valuing covered skin more than freedom of movement. Striking something of a balance, she strode out of her room wearing her usual track pants and a lighter full-sleeved top, looking around to see if it was just Jess around, or the others had all come up to wake her as well.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess called an affirmative from outside, and River could make out the sounds of her coffeepot running full bore before she came out. Jess seemed bright eye'd and bushy tailed. Must have been an advantage of being undead, but Vorlan looked even worse off then River felt, his hair a mess and for the first time, for River anyway, all 7 of his tails splayed out on the couch as he rubbed his forhead.

Morning River. Couldn't get a lick of real sleep, forget that Jessica Snores like a chainsaw, or she doesn't sleep and fakes it to annoy everyone, one or the other. Vorlan groaned, glaring at the Vampire as she just hummed innocently and brought him a cup of coffee, River's sitting on the counter for her to fiddle with.

D'aaaw, does the wittle foxy has sensitive ears~ Jess teased, rubbing the pointed fluffy set on top of Vorlan's head, making him twitch and sigh for a moment before flailing her hands away. Cease Foul Temptress! he said, sipping on his own coffee. Seemed the two stooges were awake at least.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River just rolled her eyes at the antics, taking small but fast sips of her coffee until it had cooled some. "Least we can see how hard fatigue hits, so there won't be any surprises there." She said with a shrug, starting to take larger drinks from her cup. Once it was empty she stood, stretching out a bit. "We should get going before Vorlan here gets too complacent, eh?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Vorlan seemed to be thinking a great deal about something while he drank his coffee, and when River finished up and said they should get a move on, he snapped out of it and nodded. Yup, let's get going, a game of Tag first, and then a few other things that should give you a better idea of what you're doing. So, I'll see you guys down stairs I suppose. he said, simply dropping through the couch, the floor, and probably ever floor on the way down to where they were going.

Jessica huffed, annoyed, because she'd been leaning on him when he pulled this little stunt, and was now laying on the floor, having fallen when he'd vanished. Getting up, she jerked her head at the door. Back to the basements it seems, though I doubt we'll stay there for long. I'm going to get tired just trying to follow you two. she said as they made for the elevators, heading back to the firing range of all places where Vorlan was waiting for them at the door.

The rules of this game are simple, we can go anywhere within the city, within the Tower, and any buildings provided we're careful about being seen. This early in the morning it shouldn't be a problem. You have 2 hours to catch me, just a simple poke or touch is fine and we'll call it a win. Understand? He asked, looking quite amused with himself.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River smirked a bit as Vorlan got back at Jess somewhat, leaving the vampire sprawled out on the floor. "Haven't done Tag in years. Hide and Seek a few times, but that was because of guns. World would be a better place without those, people would have more respect, I think." She commented idly, heading out with Jess to the firing range.

She listened intently to Vorlan's explanation, nodding along. "Being seen is kind of a constant, i get that. I think I get it. Though really, you should-" She replied, stepping into the shadows and out again as fast as she could, trying to pop up at his 4-o-clock and jab him with a finger before the chase could really start.

Regardless of success or not, she'd give a laugh and continue. "Should really call a start time of some sort. Wouldn't want anyone jumping the gun, right?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Vorlan grinned, while Jessica sighed and flopped against the wall, I'm not even going to try and follow you cheaters, I'll be in the gym if you need me. she said, not much enjoying the idea of having to chase the two people who ignored physical laws entirely during a childrens' game.

When River popped through a shadow in the elevator to try and get an early shot off on Vorlan, she'd find he'd stepped back about 5 feet and she only missed him by a hair's breadth. Now now, cheating already!? Shame on you River! he cried in mock horror, before leaping straight up to the next floor, through the ceiling, laughing.

The game was afoot! and hopefully they didn't terrify too many people while they ran about... hopefully.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River grinned, surprised he would react so quickly, expecting it or not. "Hey, you wanna call off the scary stuff and let Jess follow, I'm good with that." She called out as Vorlan jumped through the roof. She followed, taking a moment in shadowspace to make sure she wasn't going to freak anyone out appearing from a dark corner.

"The in between place there kinda freaks me out, to be honest. Too... Inviting." She continued, not making a move at the foxman for a moment and giving the smallest of shudders.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River, porting up to follow Vorlan through the ceiling, found him leaning against the far wall, smiling. Bit creepy in there is it? Mine is just like a little flash of silver or white and I'm through, but I suppose I'm not really jumping the same way, it sounds like you actually circumvent physical laws, I THINK, I'm not sure, but I think I just slip through electron space. But hey, nothing to deal with fear then exposure. Besides, I'm not overly worried about people spotting us, most will just shrug it off as them seeing things, and if we move quickly, you'll just bounce from shadow to shadow right? So... Would you believe it if you saw it for just a second? I sure as hell would just swear off whisky for awhile hahaha the fox man said, chuckling brightly, before just, slipping through the wall he was leaning on with a laugh.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River popped through again, continuing the conversation. "You, meanwhile, seem to blatantly walk through walls, a little more noticeable. Besides, not much of a game if you can just stay away from shadows and pop through whenever I run close." She answered, punctuating her point by doing just that, springing from her shadow at him.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Wouldn't be fun if I wasn't blatantly cheating! He cried, having to fall over backwards and scramble behind a small desk in the office, that was thankfully empty, that they'd landed in. But! Let's even the odds shall we!? he cried, once again, annoyingly, slipping through the floor, and then the next, and then next, before they landed in a long hallway that River remembered led to the sewers, the large sealed door several yards away as Vorlan took off at a dead sprint, River popping through shadows in small corners, and even through the shadow of a man relaxing in his chair to keep up, playing video poker rather then working.

Bolting for the sewer door, Vorlan laughed. We'll play in the dark then~ Come on~! His joy was rather short lived, as River slid through the line of darkness along the floor that flanked the running lights, to pop up in front of him and flick him in the forehead. Now it was her turn to run...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Bad choice." River warned, just before slipping around close enough to tap the kitsune in the forehead, jumping away again after. "Too dark, and my cheating wins out. Still, Now it's my turn to lead, so I guess it's you're unlucky turn." She teased, opting to run deeper into the sewer, instead of porting around. "I'm told nobody would ever find me though, so that's just a waste of time. Come on then!"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Vorlan laughed, enjoying himself immensely as he gave chase, and to River's surprise, was blindingly fast, almost managing to tag her with an outstretched arm in an instant, having to brace himself on the adjacent wall to slow his rapid acceleration and twist around to come at her again, a feral grin all over his face and his red eyes glowing softly in the darkness. I can see you anywhere... He growled, almost hungry sounding, deep in his throat as he shifted, his limbs snapping and growing longer, white fur bristling along his skin as his mouth elongated into a vulpine muzzle.

Years.... Years since a good hunt... he snarled, lunging again, forcing River to port away from him this time as he moved like a bullet. He had to be even faster then Jess!
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Anywhere? I dunno.." River teased, jumping back and having to port when Vorlan lunged, much fast than she expected.

"Shit, forgot you guys are so bloody fast." She cursed, her voice echoing from deeper inside the sewers. She let her shadows cover her, drawing extra from the area, a few tricks of her own in mind. First off, something simple. A band of darkness across the floor of the sewer, black on black and very solid, up to almost the level of Vorlan's knee.

That done, she let out a cough, figuring that would be enough to get the fox going in the right direction, and stepped back a ways, hiding herself the same way she had against the demon.
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River's little trap went off without a hitch, the darkness rippling around the sewers with the impact as Vorlan snapped into the band, tripping and coming down hard, bouncing several times before rolling to his feet and snarling, his tails splayed out around his body as he stopped, looking around.

River, hidden as she was, hadn't figured anything would be able to find her, and in truth, 99% of the time, she'd be absolutely correct, before Vorlan did about the only thing that could flush her out, he began running, back and forth down the sewer tunnel at a blinding pace, covering every square inch of surface. It wasn't effective given the amount of effort he was expending to flush her out, but she could see him making the circuit, a silver blur against the black as he made progress towards her current hiding place with every pass. And something in her gut told her, that the second she moved, he'd spot her...

River would have to act in the next few seconds, and those were dwindling away pretty quickly, seemed Vorlan had dealt with people who'd rather hide before...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The woman stifles a chuckle as the fox hit her little trap full speed, her eyes widening slightly as he started bolting down the sewer, trying to cover every inch as fast as he could. She figured he was listening for her movement, or some lycan equivalent, which gave her another idea.

River waited until Vorlan was racing towards her, the final stretch before her hiding spot, before stepping out, flinging an orb of inky black at his face. The plan was to gunk up his face, the darkness clinging to him, slipping over his eyes, and into his ears and nose. She purposely aimed it to leave his maw alone. She didn't want to accidentally suffocate the man, after all, and she didn't know if he could just slip away from it, hence why she made it to invasive and attention-demanding.

As soon as she had launched the thing, she was porting away to the next tunnel over, not wanting to lose if his momentum carried him, finding a new corner and sending her senses out, watching the effects.