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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River found that something as extravagant as the blade was almost impossible, because the only shadows she had to draw on were her own, the blocks, and the bed. And they answered her readily. Twisting up her led, she could actually feel them slithering along her flesh, inching up her form quickly, before spiraling around her arm. They writhed there for a moment, trying to obey her wish, but unable to simply because there wasn't enough to work with.

Thinking about it, River found that at this range, she could probably extend something like a needle, razor sharp and much longer and more precise, she also knew she could lash out, stretch the shadows out in an unformed mass, and strike with blunt force, quite a bit of force, actually.

It seemed that if she wanted to use her power while it was hidden, then she would have to think a little more carefully, utilizing what sources she had, unless she killed some lights and made more. Like gathering raw materials, River had quickly gathered all the available shadows she could, and bound them to her, and it indeed stung a little, but it was far more pleasant then actual pain, her full power calling to her, tempting her from the back of her mind. It would be sooo much easier! But no, this was about testing herself, she could abuse her power later. River could almost hear the waiting breaths of Vorlan and Jess, watching her intently, wondering what she was doing...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Huh, worse off than I thought, dim cuts me down as effectively as bright, though obviously it works less." She spoke, voicing her thoughts out loud for the benefit of her audience. Reshaping the shadows, she changed the wide and flat blade to one about as thick as her finger, extending it out to the length of a decent sword before she ran out of shadowstuff to use.

Stepping forward to put the block in range, she slashed at it herself, using little force at first, but trying harder if it resisted until she cut through it, or found that she didn't have it in her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River found that she no longer had the flat out strength to slash through the metal in one go, each strike digging about an inch deep gouge out of the metal, still impressive considering she was using shadows, and no tools... Regardless, there were more subtle ways to use her power she was sure, but the abrupt destruction of strong physical things, like metal, were bound her unless she took her time to do it.

She did find that she could pierce the block straight through with a single thrust, but that she felt a little tired after, and striking it resulted in the same thing as when she had struck chuck, the physical impact silent, but the shadow she had gathered spreading before flexing back. She had felt the strength in the blow, it would be good for a non lethal option, or maybe a means to grab onto something.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River sliced and stabbed at the block for the better part of a minute, finally stopping and releasing the shadows with a flick of her wrist, the blade turning to a wisp and boiling away. "Well, looks like i'm somewhat less awesome during the day. I'm also out of ideas, for the time being. Any suggestions?" She asked, shrugging.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

There was a pause, before Vorlan of all people piped up. River, when I was learning, I found that my powers let me do things, but only within physical laws. You can manipulate shadow, or from what I can see, parts of it, there's still something left behind, like you're drawing something out of it and using that. In complete darkness there's so much more of it to use. And with more shadow, and more specifically Deeper shadow, you have more strength. Bear with me, I would like you to try something. I'm going to arrange the lighting so you have a patch on the room opposite the bed. I want to know if you can use the shadow like I can phase through matter. As a kind of gate, because there's something more to this, I just can't put my finger on it, and the more I understand, the more I can help.

Vorlan usually knows what he's talking about, I think you should try it, but that's just me... He's helped me before with some pretty rough stuff. Jessica added, as the lights shifted, leaving a specifically dark patch against the wall by manipulating which lights were on and off, and even angling the bulbs.

Sure enough, when he was done, River felt more to draw on, and the shadows did seem deeper, the amount of light having decreased. And the idea sent a thrill through her for a moment... was that possible? Could she move that way?
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River looked at the camera as she listened. "Yeah, think I follow ya so far." She said, waiting for the lights to rearrange, and stepping more fully into the patch of darkness created around her, calling it up to cover herself again.

She watched the patch of darkness appear on the other side of the room as well. She felt a draw to it, but the band of light between stopped her. "Alright, talk me through this Vorlan, How should I go about this phasing thing?" She asked, shifting in place slightly.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Okay, First you need to Want it to happen, that's the most important, second, reach out, physically, if it works, like mine anyway, you should feel some give. Spread it like you would anything else, wrench it open, and slip inside, and keep your destination firmly in your mind. Everything else should be instinct. If it's possible, but you mess it a little, it should kick you back out. The body is a remarkable thing, just give it a shot He said calmly, watching intently, River able to track the camera's movement to follow her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Kay." River said, biting at her lip slightly as she concentrated. She wanted to make a sense of motion, without actually moving, something alien to the freerunner's mind. She focused on it though, the shadows in her patch whirring about as she focused, trying to call the darkness to move her instead of moving herself. Then she remembered Volran telling her to actually reach out, so she did, feeling the shadows stiffen, then fold under the pressure she put on it. Feeling it work, she stepped forward, disappearing from view.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River focused, she reached out, she touched what should have been steel, and felt only heat, warmth, and Life, Pure and Focused, before she pulled it aside, and stepped through the gate she had made....

The room... where was she? Where... How.... River had stepped out into what could only be described as true and utter Void, into the black, into the beginning of all things... Was she floating? she could see... but what... The world was gone... or was it, she had stepped through the wall... Turning, did she turn? or did she will the universe to turn around her perception of it? This was confusing! No mortal mind had ever been meant to even perceive all this! Let alone understand it!

And there, laid out before her, was the room, and the instant she focused on it, she was there, Peering into it as if from the other side of a two way mirror, outside looking in. She could feel the warmth, and the life of the shadows within, see the now truly searing and hateful light around them, how they were encroached upon and restricted...

Of You...... By You..... Through You... she heard the voice whisper into her mind, the dead voice, alive here in the place that birthed all worlds, in the true beginning, and the inevitable end, She had entered perfect Entropy... Focusing on the shadow under the bed, suddenly River was now peering through her mirror into the room from that point, "Of Me... By Me.... Through Me..." She repeated without even thinking, before she realized the voice that had slipped passed her lips was not her own, but that of the Wraith, She was the Wraith, Here she was that dread creature, Here she was a goddess! Here her will was Absolute!

her mind warped further, her exposure to this place starting to bend and twist her in new ways, as she saw tiny pops and crackles around her, she could only tolerate this place for so long, the human part of her mind was now screaming at her, for Some contact with the plane of existence that it belonged to, she could feel it, squirming, writhing... Time will Make True All Things... And Unmake the Truth...

"Time will Make.... No!" She had stopped herself from repeating by the barest of margins, this place was so warm, and inviting, it felt like Home, Truly like the place of her birth and it was hot and carnal, simple being here bringing a calming sense of peace to her now, it was so hard... to want to leave... The Wraith... it didn't die, this was no plot... When Humanity thought The Wraith had died, it had simply gone home, this One Wraith had always been, and through her would Always Be. But the others, they were gone.... No... They were here, whispering to her now, she could hear them calling.

For We Were Born before Light, And Life, And Hate, and Malice, and War... For We Came Before the Stars and Matter and Energy... In the Dark We Were Born... and On and on the Mantra continued. She could feel their warm embrace, wrapping around her, drawing her back, further into the void... it was so nice... so calming... so right and perfect, and her human body responded the only way it could, with pleasure, and acceptance, a warm sense of happiness before her memories shot through her like a bolt of lightning. She had stayed too long now, she had hesitated and experienced too much, she had to leave NOW!

River's will became like a blade, tearing through the fabric of the shadow, and cleaving it open, the rent screaming for a moment, before she found herself under the bed, crouched like a predator, hungry for purpose again before her mind slipped back into place...

0.38 Seconds. very Impressive! Vorlan said, giving her the amount of time that had passed while she had been gone... but it had felt like so much longer, Time had not passed normally in that place, the place she yearned to call home, but didn't dare. If she used such a power, she must not linger, that Truth was hammered into her consciousness as soon as it came to her, and River branded it into her mind like iron, she must always move with purpose and direction within that place, lest it claim her forever, and even that thought, sent a thrill up her spine, making her shiver slightly...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

For the second time in so many minutes, River found herself under the bed in the room, clawing gouges into the steel floor. Vorlan's voice filled the room while she was still centering herself again, slowly calming down from the flood of emotions she fought through to return.

"Vorlan? When you phase... What's it like?" She asked slowly, cautiously.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hrm... Hard to describe really, it's like you step into another world on top of this one, and pop out where you want, though for me, it takes about the same amount of time if I were running. You... that was like a flash, it really was very impressive. I don't know, it's all white and fuzzy like old TV static, and I'm outside looking in. O~! And I feel dizzy for a few seconds after, disoriented. Especially if I travel a rather far distance. Why do you ask? He answered, before he asked his question, curious.

River? Did something happen?
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River didn't answer for a moment, the pause lengthening as she tried to figure out how to explain the experience. "Simply put, my experience was -not- like that. I think... It may be dangerous for me to do that. It felt like I was gone a minute or two, but I stalled somewhat while i was in there. If I just focus on what needs to be done and get it over as fast as I can, it should be fine." She explained. "I have to try it again." She said, steeling her resolve as she gathered the shadows around her once more.

This time, the second she shifted into the Void, she was looking for her exit, shoving all else going on to the side as much as she was able, checking the shadows around her for what she was looking for. There were surprisingly few shadows around, it seemed the facility was rather flooded with light, and she made a note to ask if that was on her account. It also made her search easier, spotting Jess and Vorlan's backs from one of the shadows, and stepping through it without hesitation, eager to leave the seductive embrace of the place, creeping up on her despite her refusal.

She arrived in a crouch, practically filling the small space of shadow she arrived in, clearing her throat and chuckling when the pair panicked, hiding her powers and standing, cracking a grin. "Much better." She said smugly, laughing.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River materialized behind the shadow of Vorlan's chair, she was lucky she was so quiet, and that her power had hidden itself at her will so quickly, because the sudden look of fear on both their faces was painfully obvious, Jessica's hands flying up in a placating gesture as Vorlan reached for what could only be a flashbang grenade. Even river could recognize the odd shape of the dangerous device. That thing would hurt... Alot.

calming down quickly as they realized she was just fucking with them, Vorlan put the grenade away and Jessica giggled, shaking her head before laughing. And I thought I was a bitch. Not Funny! Not Even a Little! she said, unable to stop laughing regardless as she flopped down into her own chair.

Impressive though. I'll shut off the silent alarms and call the cavalry off. They go off as soon as the cell is felt to be empty. Last time you were gone for less then a half second, they never triggered. This time they went off. Vorlan said, chuckling and shaking his head as he flipped a little red switch on a console.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River's eyes widened as she caught sight of the grenade, raising her own hands as she prepared to duck back into the shadow if necessary. Turned out it wasn't, thankfully. "Ah, hadn't thought of that, sorry. Think I'll be taking the elevator next time, anyways. How far did I make it? Distance is kinda iffy in the void there." She asked, looking over at the bank of monitors they had been watching while Vorlan called off the guards.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

About 38 Feet. Vorlan answered, still chuckling. And don't worry about it, this cell was used in case you couldn't be controlled remember? Escaping, while cheeky, was not wise. Though it WAS impressive He continued no longer worried.

Jessice just hugged her again, yup, she was a hugger, who cared, she was nice enough, and who didn't like hugs. Squeezing River gently, Jessica hopped back and then she suddenly reached over and ran a finger up Vorlan's spine, making him shudder and turn to glare at her. So... Are we all done then? I'm admittedly very hungry... Jessica said, fidgeting and biting her lower lip.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, well, people tell me I aint the smartest." River answered the vulpine, smirking.

Her eyes widened in surprise when Jess made her play, though she wasn't sure why she was so surprised, there was little reason for something like that not to happen, as far as she knew. "Ah, hehe. Well, what time is it? I could actually go for a run in the sun right now, I think it would feel pretty good at the moment." She said, passing a conspiratorial glance at Jess as she spoke. Vampires don't do sunlight well, Jess may have some time to herself is River wandered off...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess grinned wider, her eyes flashing with mischief but she wouldn't let River off quite that easy. Leaning in, she whispered softly. Personally I think you would be pretty fun to, But thanks, I'm going to enjoy Vorlan... A great deal... his tails are so soft... she said, giggling before poking Vorlan in the head. you heard her, I'll stay here and take the notes up to the records room. We don't hav... Oooo That room. Of course, yes River, you're free to go as you please, I'll forward all the info we collected to Corvinus and your own personal company email. And Jess here will oversee the hard copies. He said smiling, pressing a button which released this rooms door, the cell door she was in, and the blast door for the elevator. She was completely free to leave.

When she did, she wouldn't even make it 20 feet down the hallway before hearing a sudden, very feminine, very lewd gasp from what could only be Jessica. Apparently they were in the records room, and Jessica was handling the Hard Copies just fine...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Sounds like rough work. Have fun, kiddoes." She smirked, playing along with the joke. She caught the sounds barely after she left, chuckling and shaking her head as she made her way to the elevator. She really could use a run, but there was something else pressing on her mind just as much. John. The man seemed steps ahead of them every time, if she was going to head off on her own, she could put money on his hand showing up in some way. Maybe in person, if Chuck and Corvo were right. She needed to be ready, if that was the case.

She planned her route before she ever left the factory, heading towards her old town. Plenty of shade around there, if worst came to worst.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

No one got in her way or stopped her, not even Cylus, and as she left on foot, one of the guards held out a hand, and gave her a beretta, loaded, with a holster that slid over her shoulder or around her waist, nestling the gun in the small of her back where it would stay well hidden. "Just in Case, please take it" he said quietly. She could always just drop it off at the Tower later without any trouble.

And she was off. The trip back to her old slum was actually shorter then to the Tower, and within moments, River was flying along the ground, feeling the air move around her and the fire in her muscles and blood as she moved like she always had, Free. 20 minutes saw her outside her old home, walking up her block slowly.... The light was on in her apartment.... and she knew it hadn't been re rented yet... It took at least a week for paperwork...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River smirked, looking up at her window, spotting the light inside. An obvious, open invitation, in a place she knew well and would feel safe. "How many steps ahead, I wonder?" She mused out loud, causing a passerby to glance her way before continuing on.

She went for it, curious and perhaps a bit overconfident, thanks to her newfound abilities and the approaching dusk. She took the stairs up to her room slowly, starting to watch for anything out of the ordinary from the moment she entered the building.