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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

One fork turned into another, and another, she was getting closer, this route was longer, but so relaxing. One last turn into a long alley along 14th street, and she'd be on the main road again and ready to head back, fully cooled down. Walking down the alley, it seemed longer then she remembered, in fact, the end didn't seem to get any closer... and then her view of the street was cut off by a wall of black, the alley growing darker, and her earpiece chattered with dead static... it had found her, in the failing light of dusk it had found her, and something.... something had killed her phone...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Son of a bitch!" She cursed, Dragging the flashlight from her pocket and tossing it at the creature, hoping the lance of light would distract it for a moment as she turned and bolted back the way she came. There was another exit to the street two turns back, maybe she could hit a lit building, or find a landline, or something...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The sun had finally sunken low below the horizon, the streetlights having yet to turn on in this short, but dangerous moment of twilight. The flashlight went dead halfway through the air, simply now powerful enough to disuade the creature as it spread like a dread plague, blotting out the sky as it rushed to cut her off. Reaching the first fork, she was required to turn back again as that same wall of black slammed down in front of her, thin tendrils reaching out to take her in it's grip. Looking back the other way, there were still two paths to take as she narrowly avoided it.

Scratch that, just one. At the far end of the one opposite her, River saw a man engulfed in the shadow at the end of the alley, writhing silently as he was taken, his body turning dark as shadow as the substance clung to him like a strange glue, his look of terror apparent before he was simply gone, yanked into nothingness. One path left, back the way she had come, back towards the manhole with Jessica and Slip...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The wraith cut off path after path, forcing River to backpedal and dodge it's grasping reach with every avenue she tried. She realized it was forcing her backwards, even as her mind replayed the image of the man being consumed, some poor guy simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. She ran on, the only path left to her back towards the open manhole. Was she close enough to make it? to get word over, at least?

"Jess! The wraith!" She called out, loud as she could muster in her sprint.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Silence greeted River's frantic call to Jessica for help, and only after the Wraith had plunged down across her last avenue of escape into the open street did she realise it had her well and truly trapped... unless... Was Jess still in the sewers? Or had she moved with her impressive speed, and Slips back towards the creatures home.. was she truly all alone? Could she make it through the sewers away from such a creature if she was?

Doubt was starting to creep into her mind, like a panicked and cornered animal as the walls started to close in, the black moving closer with every second, she had to make a choice now...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

No answer was forthcoming from the vampire, and the wraith shot out, blocking that entrance back to teh street as well. The thing moved too fast, it would have her if she tried to climb out... The only route left to her was the manhole itself. Jumping down into the dark of the sewers seemed a stupid plan, but so did stopping and letting the thing engulf her at street level. So, down she went, ignoring the rails ont eh way down and letting out a yell as she fell right in, a call going out to Jess once more before she even landed, hoping that if the vampire had moved along, the echoes down the tunnels would still let her be heard.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The Wraith sealed away the light from above as River plummeted into the sewers, into complete and utter darkness, underground. She only realised her mistake after she had jumped, and no one answered. Here, no one would be able to find her, or stop the creature, Jess and Slip moved far too quickly and were too intent on enjoying eachothers company to still be around. Why would Jess think there was any danger here during twilight? Leaving... sneaking passed Chuck and Henrietta with Jess had been the true mistake this day...

Down in the dark, no light to guard her, no help to save her, River was denied even the chance to run as that insidious shadow washed over her form. It was... warm... The embrace sweet... before River was plunged into the utter void of unconsciousness....
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River let out a yell of defiance before the thing engulfed her, the black filling her vision just before her consciousness faded...

She awoke some time later, dazed and sore, apparently having been laying on the concrete floor of the sewer system for some time. She pushed herself to a seated position and went to stretch and brushed herself off, realizing then that the slick shadowstuff was still covering her up to her neck. "SonofaBITCH!" She yelled, frantically flailing and tearing at the stuff for a moment before calming somewhat. It wasn't coming off now, that was for sure. Trying to think rationally, she looked around, spying her gear strewn about among shredded remains of her clothes. Shuddering at the thought, she gathered it all up and stuffed it in her pack, the strap of which was shredded beyong repair. Keeping it in hand, she climbed to teh surface, checking to make sure nobody was about before climbing out fully and finding a corner to huddle in out of sight, checking her phone for battery and signal.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Gathering her equipment, and Although finding herself rather forcefully reclothed, as far as she could tell, apart from a sudden and violent aversion to the streetlights now blazing down the alley, that nothing untoward had happened. She wasn't hurt, even her hand was healed, although it was currently covered, she could tell the injury wasn't there anymore.

Her equipment in hand, River checked her phone, which still had both signal, and battery, and was even now flashing a bright violent red across it's screen. As if on cue, three cars screeched into the alleyway, as well as Jessica who simply smashed into her with a hug before turning, a rather rediculously large gun held in her hands, a light machine gun, military from what River could tell.

As if to ward off the Wraith, The cars all shone bright spotlights down the alley way, the pain was... blinding. Absolute mind blowing as River screamed and convulsed on the ground, before Jessica shielded her with her body and waved the lights off, Hervo and Chuck running from the lead car. Oddly enough, as soon as Jessica cast a shadow on River, the pain subsided, though River had the almost uncontrollable urge to crawl back into the sewer, into the dark, away from the lights, before they were cut off, and she could breath a sigh of relief.

Chuck was actually shaking with rage, a hand wave smashing Jessica against the bricks of the wall as Hervo bent over River and his eyes widened. What in the sweet mother of Hell... River.... Are... Are you alright? Her appearance made the Thaumaturge incredibly nervous, and even now she could see his hand creeping towards that familiar knife. Chuck, still keeping the struggling vampire pinned against the wall spoke first.


Small pops and crackles of flame were starting to appear around Jessica's writhing form, and soon, if River didn't speak up, say SOMETHING, she knew in her gut that things were about to get much worse, Chuck's full power starting to show as she realised he was actually holding himself back from torching Jessica completely right there against the wall.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Well, that saves me the trouble of calling, I guess." She muttered sarcastically when she noticed the flashing light on her phone. It was only a moment later when the cars arrived, Jessica flashing forward to wrap River in a hug before the startled woman could react, again.

Then came the floodlights, and with them a pain River wasn't prepared for, feeling like the light was branding her everywhere it touched. She let out a shriek at the suddenness of it, Writhing on the ground in a futile attempt to twist away from the searing lights until they subsided, leaving her gasping for breath.

Byt he time the spots in her eyes faded, Hervo was over her, reaching for his knife, and Chuck had somehow pinned Jessica up against the wall, flames starting to flicker around her form.

"Stop!" She called out, raising her hand out towards Chuck, desperately. Surprisingly, a mass of darkness spread from her palm, hitting the mage solidly in the side and blasting him back several feet down the alleyway, jessica dropping to the ground again.

For the second time since she woke, River uttered a stream of curses, wrapping her arms under her armpits and looking panicked. "Sunovabitch! God dammit, sorry! I'm Alright, I think, just... I have no fucking clue what's going on right now! Everyone just calm down!"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo jumped back several feet as River moved suddenly, his knife drawn in an instant as Chuck was taken almost entirely by surprise, a shout of pain slipping from his lips as River sucker punched him in the ribs with a mass of... Was that Shadow!? Landing on his shoulder and rolling to his feet, his hands flared wide, crackling with power before River's curses stopped them both in their tracks and Jessica threw herself in front of River again, arms out, her gun simply resting on it's shoulder strap harmlessly.

Hearing that she was alright, the fact that she was talking, and sounding like herself, and had stopped her attack as suddenly as she had started made Hervo breath a sigh of relief, mostly because he looked like he had no interest at all in fighting Jessica, or hurting River.

Chuck was still fuming and angry, but reigned himself in, muttering a stream of curses himself before waving the other men back, who had all lined up in the alley way. Getting back into the cars, Silently, Chuck watched them go, before looking at the three of them. "Everyone, Back to the Tower, Now. No Arguing, No Bullshit. Miss River, I'm sorry but you need to go to one of the sublevels for a debrief. I need to know what happened. Hervo, you're coming with. Jess, Detention level 3. Now." He snarled, Jess grimacing but refusing to move away from River.

Not until I know she's okay, I know your range old man, don't test me, I like her a lot more then you. she said, obviously a little intimidated by Chuck, but refusing to let them separate her from River. I'll carry her back myself, I'm sure your protocol would make that safer then keeping her in a car with anyone else, besides, you saw what happened, she can't be exposed to the light. Come on River, lets get you home. She said quietly, offering her hand to River, quite intent on carrying her back to the tower and probably at breakneck speed, if just to get her away from everyone else for a few seconds. Give her a little room to breathe...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Still somewhat stunned by the entire ordeal, River declined comment during the argument, crouched in the corner she hadn't left since climbing out of the sewer. They argued around her while she sat silently, slowly wringing her hands out, trying to sluice the darkness off of them to no avail.

Jessica made her proclamation and River paused a sec before nodding. "Just... Gonna go to my room, first, get some real clothes, alright?" She said softly, taking the vampire's hand and getting to her feet.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess nodded and literally swept River up into her arms before vaulting up to the roof tops, away from the light, away from everyone else, away from the prying eyes, nervous looks and judgments. There was no telling what they were thinking, but the fear in their eyes was impossible to ignore. Up here though, with Jess, it was all a little clearer, a little calmer. And before she knew it, Jess was off like a bullet, tearing across the rooftops like a demon possessed by the spirit of lightning itself, the howling wind only there for 10 seconds before they came to a steadily slowing stop in front of the door, Miles in front of everyone else.

Walking inside, Jess immediately took a jacket from a closet just inside, and wrapped it around River, if only to make her a little more comfortable, before walking her back to the elevator, and towards her room. I... I'm so so Sorry River... I didn't.. I thought... I never meant for anything to go wrong, when you didn't answer, I thought you were just off enjoying the city, we didn't activate your phone until about 20 minutes ago when Chuck couldn't find you... I... Gods. Jess said as they rode upwards, obvious guilt and pain for what had happened in her abscence in her voice as she looked River over one last time.

heading towards her room, Jess stopped at the door... I can leave you alone if you'd prefer... but I'd rather stay close... Just in case, ya know? she said quietly, looking at the ground.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River Wrapped an arm around Jess as they practically flew over the skyline, the wind whipping her hair about like she was in a wind tunnel, the effect calming to some degree.

She took the jacket when it was offered, not bothering to put it on properly, just draping it over herself as they made for the elevator, leaning on the vampire as they went. Once they were inside and Jessica started aologizing, River shook her head. "You couldn't have known, it's alright. If I had been thinking, I wouldn't have wandered so bloody slowly down those alleys, I'd have just come with you to drop Chip off and went home after. In the future, I always answer my phone, if I'm able." She said slowly, before giving the vampire a nudge in the ribs. "Though... You didn't think to check the last place you saw me?" She teased, little mirth in her voice.

"Come in, please." River said simply when Jess stopped at the door, moving to turn on the lights, then thinking better of it, somehow able to see well enough in the dark to make her way to her bedroom. "I'll just be a minute, I know where everything is."

It still took five minutes, the woman moving slowly and awkwardly in her stunned state, but then she was dressed, and stepping out to find Jess still in the living room. "Alright, set as I'm gonna be." She said simply, heading for the door.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess shut up as River teased her, nodding about Slip and the knowledge that River wouldn't ignore her phone, making a mental note of that particular point for sure. Walking inside, not having any trouble with the dark either, though her eyes followed River's hand as it moved to the lightswitch before stopping and moving away. Despite everything, she was still watching River's every move, trying to figure everything out. As River moved to the bedroom to get dressed, Jess flopped onto the couch and sighed, touching the earpiece that was even now chattering into her ear angrily, before she just unplugged it from the radio on her belt.

When River came out, fully clothed now, which was for the best because the shadow only Barely counted as concealing really, River found that now as she relaxed a little more completely, and was more comfortably clothed, that the darkness shivered, before fading into a smoke around her, before vanishing completely from sight. She could almost pass for normal now, even nude, her skin maybe a shade darker at most.

This felt right, granted being completely covered in shadow and ink felt even better, it seemed that the more hidden everything was, the better off she'd be and the feeling solidified in her mind quickly. Her nature in this change was one of subtlety more then direct assault. She could feel a calling in the deeper shadows of the room, and a distinct distaste of the lights in the hallway.

As she motioned for them to continue, Jess rose and followed her out, the light making such feelings fade a little. Yes, this was definitely the Wraith, it was a part of her, or she had absorbed a part of it, both were true, that also set in her mind as fact, they were bonded but her mind was the dominant of the pair. It almost felt good... But as she wandered under a light, scowling and looking at it, the light flickered and died, and that felt even better...

Jess for her part refused to react to it, because she had dealt with her own share of askance glances and ignorant shit when she was younger River was sure, and they made their way to the elevator, lights dying almost instantly if River wished it. Inside the elevator, Jess punched in the number for sublevel 26, and once again the elevator was off like a shot, straight down and into the black, under ground. This felt distinctly wrong, this was deep in the earth, this was a place of darkness, her place! It should be Dark! It should be the domain of shadow away from the sun!

River had to settle her thoughts for a moment, the sudden anger fading as quickly as it had come. The floor opened up as the elevator doors slid open, revealing a hallway lined with doors, guards and Hervo waiting next to one, gesturing for the pair of them to enter, since it was obvious at this point that Jess wouldn't be removed from River's side for now without a serious fight. Corvinus is on his way, he'll be here in two hours by Concord jet and then by helicopter, he'll be more concerned with caring for you and your new... state, then Chuck will. Chuck for all his benefits can be incredibly single minded, and slow to cool. Jessica whispered as they neared the door, trying to prepare River for anything that would happen.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River barely noticed the trip itself, her mind occupied with the new sensations and processes she seemed to be going through, for the most part doing her best to quash the new feelings, the like for the dark, the glee at quelling the lights. She could tell that all came from her apparent new half, and she was determined to make it's stay miserable until they could seperate it from her. Teh anger at the light underground was the worst, the most compelling, but she stoically refused that one as well, gritting her teeth and rubbing her arm along the tattoo, an old habit that helped to calm her sometimes.

They arrived, and Jessica made her comment, River listening closely and nodding along. "Is Chuck alright? I had no idea that would happen, I swear." She asked Hervo, pausing to speak with him before entering.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo nodded He's fine, And I believe you, but we still have to go through this, he's just worried as hell, and his pride is hurt something fierce, no one has managed to actually strike him in almost a decade, and the last person to do it was me. So he's a little sore, still, he'll behave himself as well now, don't worry. Just answer the questions as best you can. Jess, you sure you want to go in there? He's still mad as hell at you...

Jess nodded before flipping open her phone and showing Hervo the text that was sitting there. Under no circumstance except at River's direct request is Jessice Harper to be separated from River's side. No exceptions. -Corvinus. Auth Code: 714.90

Hervo simply nodded. Figured as much, that should shut Chuck up about it as well, still, even Corvinus is gonna want answers, go on in you two.

Inside, Jess putting her phone away, was a steel table, Chuck sitting on one side, a chair sitting empty on the other, and a tape recorder sitting in the middle as well as a doctor to one side. The doctor, an older gentleman with graying hair and a silver goatee smiled as they entered, simply waiting for River to sit down so this could all get started. "Take a seat River, I'll try and make this quick if I can..." Chuck said quietly, taking a very deep breath first.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River nodded at Hervo upon his explanation, putting a hand on his shoulder softly. "Thanks." She told him, walking on through.

She took a look around the small room, thankfully already dimmed some to make it easier for her, nodding at Chuck before taking a seat. "Feel it's fair to warn ya, I don't have a good goddamn clue what's going on man, not sure what I can tell ya that you don't already know." She said with a humourless smirk, leaning back in the chair and rubbing her temples.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo nodded and smiled, though he still kept a wary eye on her, still nervous, and no wonder all things considered, it was hard to blame him. He would relax with time. Looking around the room, and making her statement, Chuck nodded, though his gaze kept straying to Jess standing behind her. Finally, his temper seemed to snap again. "There a reason you're still here Parasite? You already failed once! What? Here to fuck it all up again? Watching one human girl too fucking hard for you? Trust me, if it was up to me I'd turn that quote unquote pet of yours into a fucking smear. Leave God Damnit! NOW!" He shouted, his face contorting with momentary rage before he bit his tongue and made a noticeable effort to control himself as the corner of the table shredded into steel splinters that shot into the floor.

Jess for her part, didn't react, simply showing him the message on the phone, which got a snort, before a tiny gesture split the phone into every single tiny part that went into it's making and spread them out in the air before they all burst into flames, leaving behind nothing but ash on the floor. Only then did he turn to River again. "Well, that settles that. now for you. I'm going to simply and safely assume that you did your best to watch out for yourself and I have no business chiding you like a child. What Exactly happened, If it was the Wraith, I'm just gonna be happy you're still breathing because this is a damned First River. To my knowledge, and the Council's This has NEVER happened before in recorded history. That man there, Doctor Carlysle is going to take a blood sample so please just offer your arm, We need to see if this is permanent. As soon as he has it, he's going to take it to the scope and run it, should tell us pretty quickly."

Chuck's voice quickly grew more and more level until he had assumed a simple, and short business like tone, not his usual cheery self, and odds being that if Jess opened her mouth, that he would close it rather quickly. It had already demonstrated that his powers could get away from him if he angered quickly and he was biting down to stop that from happening. But River could still sense it, that anger behind his eyes at all of this, like hot coals burning behind his eyes.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River watched Chuck's display with an increasingly deep frown, glaring silently at him as he ranted, then incinerated Jessica's phone.

The angry expression stayed whent he mage turned to her, listening silently through what he had to say. "Ooooh, great, so you guys don't have a clue either." She said with a groan, plopping her near arm down on the table palm up for the doctor to take his sample.

"Well, it happened pretty fast, the bit I can remember. Thing showed up as I was on my way home, so I threw my flashlight at it and ran. Cell got jammed or something just before it arrived, so I couldn't even call for help. Thing kept blocking off routes, eventually the only exit i had was down teh manhole where Jess had been. She was already gone, and that's where it caught up with me. Next thing I know, it's hours later and I woke up like this." She said, waving her free arm around for emphasis.