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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus smiled softly and simply nodded before speaking You've been under basic surveillance for roughly a month, including the incident with what was referred to as... Living Shadow was it? In short, yes, I've been watching you, and your place for this position has been under consideration for longer. Take your pay, take your phone, and get back to me. If you say no, then you say no. Nothing I can do to change your decision.

Standing, he made it quite clear that this conversation was over, and that she to do as she was told and leave with the phone and cash, but he also wasn't rude either, it was more a simply insistance that his time was short, and that a long cross examining wasn't possible or welcome.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River opened her mouth to reply, then stopped, realizing when she was dismissed. Leaning forward to take the phone and letter, she nodded. "I'll be in touch, then." She said simply, checking the time on the phone as she left, taking the elevator down this time.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The time turned out to be 20 minutes after 11 AM, meaning she'd spent a little more time here then she'd wanted, but opening the envelope with her payment, she noticed that this simple run alone had been worth 5500$, her cut of the money, 1500, already marked and set aside for her, the other 4k to go to her boss in the slums. He hadn't been kidding, this one run had cost Corvinus over 10 times the standard rate.

Inside the envelope was one other thing, a thumb drive with a note. "Miss River, this USB Drive contains all the information, and footage gathered of you over the last 37 days. It is the only copy of the information not directly in my possession, I have one other that, upon your admission or refusal, will be destroyed as if it never existed. You may do with this copy as you wish. - W.K.Corvinus"

She was free to find out exactly what he had dug up on her it seemed if she wanted, or she could just torch the thing and be done with it to if she really wanted. On the bright side, the 1500$ from this job would see her bills payed for the better part of 2 months without much trouble, including a little extra.

The guards politely nodded and let her out without a word, and River soon found herself back on the busy street as if nothing had happened, the door locking behind her with that same loud sound and the doorman waving as she left. All that was left was to deliver the cash back to the old man, take her pay, and call it a day, unless she wanted to take more work, though it would probably be from the generals board, chump change and mail runs.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River spent the time down examining the package, reading the note and having it all squared away an din her pack again by the time she made it out the door. She offered a wave and a 'Cheers!' back to the doorman as she passed by, taking her time headed back, jogging on the more open streets and simply walking with the press of the crowd when that wasn't viable.

Reaching the office again, River pulls out the package for mantel, assuming he wasn't busy with a customer, setting both packages on his table and sliding the one not marked for her forwards. "Looks like the customer was pleased indeed, that's some tip for both of us, eh?" She said with a chuckle. "Mind if I hijack your internet for a couple hours? Buddy offered me a job that's sounding too good to be true, I want to try and find the catch before i find it latched onto my ass and chewing."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Mantel took the pay and waved his hand dismissively, now good and drunk and not caring in the slightest what River did, the perks of being someone's best employee was pretty much free reign in a business like this one. Though when he heard that there had been a job offer, he raised his eyebrows and snorted. "Do what ye want Girl"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Always do. Don't worry, I'll still have time to stop by and help ya out, from the sounds of it, and when it all goes sour, I'll be right back here. You'll barely even notice." She replied with a chuckle, finding her pack and pulling her laptop out. Power cord went into the wall, ethernet from Mantel's desktop to the side of her own, and the USB got stuck in the side while she waited it to boot.

She browsed the information on the drive, splitting her screen between that and the internet. She searched for Corvinus, his name, business, any appearances in the news, trying to figure out what his deal was.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The USB Drive was mostly compartmentalized, due to the sheer amount of information collected, including whereabouts where River KNEW she had been off the grid, but Corvinus had still managed to somehow get his hands on it, her past jobs, pay rates, legal issues, bank accounts. If it was to be known publically or otherwise about her, it was in there, and the surveillance though a little invasive, seemed to be strictly professional, and rather light all things considered.

The information on Corvinus was a little more confusing, and the internet didn't have much to say, only that the family had been long standing founders of the city. Even the man's full name wasn't available, the males in the family always being referred to strictly by their last name, like some kind of title. This current incarnation however, was not only wealthy, but busy, and had his hands in almost every major business in the city import and export wise. Nothing came in or went out without his knowing about it, and that was the only thing everyone seemed to agree on.

Everything else about the man had been gutted, removed, or outright didn't exist, though when River ran a more precise search, she was pleased to see that he had no criminal or arrest record to speak of, not even rumors or suspicions. It seemed to be as he said, Old Money. Though if it was true that he ran a great deal of the goings on around the city, then he was also probably quite intelligent. It made her wonder what exactly she'd be doing on the job for him, what he needed moving carefully and secretly as low key as possible.

In River's line of work, there was only one thing that required that kind of motion these days, Information. Dimes to dollars? That was what her job would be, to move sensitive information for him through the city. And it was the only thing that warranted the kind of payment he was offering, as well as a protected, and watched, place to live.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The man was thorough, she gave him that. There were pieces of information in these files she didn't remember herself. Everything seemed on the level though, on both sides of her little investigation. Sighing, she closed up shop and returned the cords to how they were, dropping the loaner backpack and taking her own, pulling a few bills from the cash stack she earned to pocket before putting the rest in the pack as well.

"I'm out for a few days Manny, get all this sorted out. We'll see what there's time for after that, gimme a call." She told her boss, heading back home, with a stop off at a sports shop to buy a decent sized duffell bag.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"O'course River lass, take care of yerself, and I'll give you a proper ring as always." Manny said, smiling as she left. Outside, it was hard not to think that the city she lived in for so long looked different, like a thin coat of paint on top of something older and darker then she remembered. Regardless, she could smell change on the air as she looked around at the people milling about their lives and how she had never fit into the grind, instead riding the rails around them like a ghost.

Still, she had a duffel bag to pick up, and if her slum had anything, it was somewhere to buy a baseball bat or something else, the old Fleetfeet Sports store. Apparently, in a shitty part of town, good running shoes and large bags were big sellers and Old Mr. Cho was always there to collect.

Opening the door to the tinkle of a small bell, the ratty little store was a single story affair and Mr Cho, the old chinese firecracker was the man who ran it, wandering out with a smile. "Well hello River~ And what are we needing today? Another set of gloves? Pads? Gods know you burn through those faster then anyone else I know of..."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Not today, sorry. Pads and shoes are still fine, though could maybe use new gloves. Here for a duffel bag.“ She replied with a chuckle. “Moving, need something to cram my clothes into. If all goes well, that is.“ She explained, giving him a smile.

Gloves were a simple affair, Cho always kept a few pairs in her size in stock, so it was simply a matter of grabbing a new pair and keeping the tag, sliding them on immediately and giving the old pair and the tag to the man. A minute or two longer to grab a hockey bag, and she was over to the counter, paying for the pair with a hundred dollar bill. Smirking a bit at the look that earned her, she gave Cho a shrug. “i know, right? Go ahead and check it, should be fine. It‘s how i got paid today.“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Cho just snorted softly as he took the bill, struck it with a marker, and then gave River her change "I won't complain, best customer in years" He said smiling, everything easily in order. "Just remember to always come back here for your gear, otherwise I wont have any reason to stock it" He said chuckling before heading into the back to do something.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Sounds like I'll be slowing down some, and training doesn't wear the gear as much, so keep maybe half, I guess? Got no reason to go anywhere else, and I may be running the occasional gig for Manny still, so yeah, You'll keep seeing me." She told him with a grin, folding the duffel and tying it with one of it's own straps, carrying it out the door and heading to her place.

She made it back home without incident, heading in through the repaired door and locking it behind her. The door was back on it's hinges and secure, and the car door was gone, the hole it made hastily repaired, as was the shattered glass leading to the balcony. Her mind made a remark wishing the government was as on top of a couple other things, giving her a chuckle as she set about packing her clothes, and the few other things she kept handy that weren't packed after the last incident.

All that done, she checked the time while she fixed herself some dinner, consisting of a sandwich, some steamed vegetables, and a more proper salad. More than she usually had, but it was going bad in a few days anyways, and it was a little less she had to move, if such was really going to happen. Plates were washed and put away, but it was still too early to sleep, so she started a slow workout routine, stretching the muscles she had used during the day and listening to some music, before finally crashing for the night.

She was up again at her usual time, being a little before the sun came up, and went about her usual morning routine as well. She had made her decision sometime during the night, though she suspected it was what she was going to do all along. She just felt like making Corvinus wait, let him cool those million-dollar heels of his a bit. a little before the 23 hour mark of her day to decide, she finally flipped open the cell and gave him a call. "Hey, it's River. I'm in." She said simply, standing on her balcony and looking out.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

There was a peace and quiet to be found in a normal routine, even if the mind ran rampant with decisions and strange happenenings and River took peace in that, in her own home for a night, having a simple meal and saying a kind of farewell to her place. It was an odd thing to do, as was making Corvinus wait, but she'd done stranger and that made everything worth it, Normal was Boring.

In the morning, the shadows before dawn seemingly a little longer then normal, River lazed around before the last hour of her decision came around, finally flipping open the phone to dial Corvinus, who answered promptly. This is excellent news Miss River, Of course please stop by today for a short tour and orientation, there are two compounds, including the Tower that you need to see before we can properly get started. I hope to see you soon, the guards have all been instructed to give you full access so there shouldn't be any hassle like yesterday.

And like that, the decision was made, and as her new employer hung up, the world felt a little less shitty for some reason, like a puzzle piece had snapped properly into place.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Sure thing." She said simply, pocketing the phone after the man hung up. A couple pieces of furniture in the place were hers, but most of it came with the place, and nobody would complain if a table and a few ratty dressers were added to the 'included' pitch for the next tenant.

Shouldering the two bags that effectively contained her entire life, she pondered how sad the thought sounded as she made her way downstairs and flagged a cab. As much as she wasn't enamoured of material wealth, the thought of kitting out a sizeable apartment with whatever she wanted did sound enticing. She had enough on her to buy a decent bed and enough groceries to last until she got the first paycheck, that would be enough for now.

The cab ride took a while, but she didn't mind, paying the driver before stepping out. She recognized the same guard at the door as yesterday, giving him a nod and smile as she walked up. "Didn't think you'd be seeing me again so soon, eh?" She asked with a chuckle, hefting her duffel a bit.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Looking around her place one last time, River bade farewell to her home, and hailed a cab once outside, her duffels full of the few posessions she deemed worthy of taking with her as was the human way, to hold onto things as they moved forward.

The cab ride back to The Tower, as it turned out was the buildings actual name around the city was rather nice, without having the mad dash across the city and the friendly driver, it wasn't long at all before she stood once more before the doorman. Looking at her and smiling, he nodded at her statement. Miss River, I did not expect you before Mr. Corvinus called down, it's a pleasure to know about your movement into his employ. I was chosen much that same way you were and already the staff here has started the rumor mill. You're quite the topic of gossip. You'll find that everyone who lives here, works under Mr. Corvinus in some way, the residency something of a benefit. My name is Chuck and I remember the comings and goings of everyone that enters through my door. Except maybe yesterday, had a tad too much to drink the night before you understand.

Stepping aside with a slight flourish, the door gave the same Clack and slid open, allowing River entrance. There was a new guard at the desk today, but that wasn't what caught her attention. Standing there next to him, in a very nice skirt and blouse in a soft red, and horn rimmed glasses was a woman with long auburn hair. Seeing River, she smiled softly and ushered her over. Miss River I presume, It's a pleasure, I'm Miss Bronn, Mr. Corvinus personal assistant, he told me to greet you personally, and tell you he wished to speak with you upstairs so some things could be ironed out.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"He gave you a test too, huh? You'll have to tell me about it next time you sit down for a drink, I think. Thanks Chuck." River replied to the doorman, chuckling as he let her in.

River noticed the flash of auburn hair as soon as she stepped inside, not making it much further before the woman addressed her. "River Faulk, nice to meet you." She said in return, nodding towards the elevator. "You coming up with, or did he send you down to wait for me, then do something else?" She asked, heading to the elevator once she had her answer.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Laughing brightly and clapping her hands together, Bronn, smiledAlthough escorting you up would indeed be polite, You wouldn't be here if you weren't very good at what you do, and you'll find that I never have the luxury of such light work. No, I'll be joining you after, for now I have to see about the security layout of the building and handle some finance business while Mr. Corvinus speaks with you.

As River headed towards the elevator to see Mr. Corvinus, it was a little strange how different this place seemed now. Already it was more alive then she had remembered upon her first impression of the place, as if the Tower itself was waiting for her acceptance before opening to her fully. Now she could see, as she walked, the others milling about their business in every manner of dress imaginable, all talking or working fervently as she moved through them, where as yesterday, this lobby had been practically empty.

As the elevator took her up, River found Corvinus waiting for her in front of his door with a light smile, a solid black suit once again exquisately tailored to his frame with a white rose resting in his vest pocket. Seeing her, he simply smile and opened his door for her, gesturing her inside and towards the same couch she had sat upon last time.

Miss River, Thank you for coming up so promptly, can I offer you a proper drink this time while we discuss business?
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Wow, little bit of everything. See you in a bit, then." River replied, letting Bronn go about her business.

River smirked as she found Corvinus waiting for her outside his own door, heading through with nod and taking a seat. "So long as you don't plan on needing me until tomorrow or the day after, I could pull a disappearing act with some booze. Hmm... Got any Kraken, by chance? Have to say, I'm kind of glad you don't appear to enforce a dress code, the owrry had crossed my mind after seeing you and this place yesterday."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus chuckled and nodded, going to fetch some spiced rum and pouring River a healthy glass before pouring himself one with a thought and a shrug, thinking for a moment, he wandered over to his fridge and grabbed an orange before cutting it into slices and arranging them on a plate, although one slice did wind up on the outside of his glass, looking truly rediculous, but probably complementing the rum rather nicely. Placing the fruit on the table between them, Corvinus took his seat.

Ahh yes, there is no 'Strict' dress code, just the use of some common sense based on the job you're doing. No, what there is though, is a gear code, a standard kit of sorts that everyone should be carrying and using should it become necessary, and one of those things is a car. I know you don't have one, so I called down to the garage for the men there to give you a company mercedes should it become necessary to drive. Not saying it will, but you never know, and I'd rather you had the keys. Everything else will be provided should the need arise. But now I have to ask, will you be living here in The Tower? He was cool and composed as always, and after speaking took a sip of his drink before eating the now rum filled slice of orange, looking very satisfied with the taste.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River raised an eyebrow at the orange slices, watching him settle one on the edge of his own glass, and deciding it was worth a shot. Her own slice was squeezed directly into the rum, however, the leftovers put back along the edge of the plate as she sipped at it, deciding it worked quite well indeed.

"Not just a car, but a Mercedes?" She asked, a little incredulous. "You have to know that on top of no car, I have no driver's license, right? Got a walker's license to get into clubs and stuff, that's really it." She told him with a shrug. "Way traffic congests in this city, I'd rather just walk. unless you're planning on sending me between cities, but surely you've got a batter way to run packages as far as that." She explained, taking another drink before nodding at the pair of bags she brought up with her. "I wasn't aware the job and the residence could be chosen seperately, but it changes little. Yes, I'll be living here. Technically, I'm moved in already, even."
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